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File: 41 KB, 518x344, dolphspk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3039444 No.3039444 [Reply] [Original]


tl;dr scientists think they will be able to do two-way communication with dolphins within the year.

>> No.3039475

>translating ...

>> No.3039483

>in 20 years scientists and dolphin americans protest for dolphin marriage

>slippery slope``

>> No.3039488

They cut NASA's budget for this bullshit?

>> No.3039494

Oh fuck, this is from that thread about dolphin vaginas, isn't it?

>> No.3039502

when will moot open /dp/ so we can post about dolphin porn

>> No.3039504


Sounds good to me, bro.

>> No.3039528

This is insane. I feel better about this project than any other science project this year. The though of being able to communicate fully with another species is mindblowing. I wonder how intelligent they are..

>> No.3039534

You must be an engineer.

>Dolphins have prehensile penises and like a good rape fest

>> No.3039539

Sounds even better.

Startide Rising.

>> No.3039548

more intelligent than we are i can assure you

>> No.3039561

That much is uncertain as of this point, although as they're among the more intelligent mammalian species, I'd imagine that they'd be pretty close to us. If not for their specialized bodies, they may've been able to follow a similar evolutionary path to us.

>> No.3039571

Speak for yourself, dumbass.

Who funds this shit?

>> No.3039594
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>> No.3039639
File: 27 KB, 450x393, Evil_dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw scientists have had perfect two-way communication with dolphins for years, but bury it because of the evil, fucked up shit that dolphins think and say ALL THE TIME

>> No.3039656

they would probably say:
>so long andddddddd.. thank you for the fish

>> No.3039657

So long and thanks for all the fish

>> No.3039660


>> No.3039674

Nah, it's because they constantly preach objectivism and an undying devotion to ayn rand (which was read to them to see if they could spot the bullshit)

>> No.3039705

So they're burying the evidence that dolphins are just like us?

>> No.3039899

I would have sex with a dolphin given the opportunity.

just throwing it out there

>> No.3039935
File: 32 KB, 400x394, Dolphin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"eek eeek eek eek ekee eeek eek ekke eeek ekk ekkeeek-"
>translation module activated
>translation to full power
> "-ll kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill"

>> No.3039982

>translation to full power


What would translation at half power do? Get half the words wrong?

>maybe kill, possibly murder, could be kill, maybe murder, sort of like hurt to death, ???

>> No.3040001

>eek eek kill eekill eek eek kill eek?
or more like
>como esta, me llamo bob, how you doing?

>> No.3040006

2012 - we first communicate with dolphins
2015 - we exterminate dolphins since they cannot shut up about ho much bigger their penis is. Whales are next.

>> No.3040015


That pretty much sums it up.

>> No.3040033


but it's true. its inevitable that we have the largest

>> No.3040045

no, it'd be like google translate 2 times through german->english->gemanr rather than 1 times

>> No.3040110

>1 times
>2 times
please leave /sci/ and never come back

>> No.3040169
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>>translation module activated
>> "-ll kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill"

>> No.3040208
File: 144 KB, 964x673, babby dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look so peaceful and majestic
who would suspect they spend 22 hours a day thinking of ways to kill

>> No.3040253
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>> No.3040267

I have a dolphin waifu who I visit everyday at the beach during sunset. She loves to swim with me and gets very excited when I bring her fish. Every few days we have sex, too.

>> No.3040309

Dolphin are actually planning to take our place as the dominant animal of planet Earth. As soon as we decrypt their communication system, the dolphin-human war will begin.

>> No.3040328


>> No.3040444

Quite frankly... we'd probably be better off with dolphins in charge.

>> No.3040495

I can't wait to see the inevitable conservative butthurt

>b-b-b-but dolphins can't think, they're animals! LIBERAL CONSPIRACY!!

Man, they'll throw a huge shitfit when it is proposed that we treat dolphins the same as humans.

But just think about it 5000 years from now, if it turns out Dolphins actually ARE sapient. We're off our rock, two sapient species from one planet, best bros 4ever. You know they'd stick with us against the evil aliens out there.

>> No.3040515

>Man, they'll throw a huge shitfit when it is proposed that we treat dolphins the same as humans.
I might too.

But then again...
>We're off our rock, two sapient species from one planet, best bros 4ever

That'd be pretty damn cool.

>> No.3040517
File: 9 KB, 205x286, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Who gives a shit? They have nothing of importance to say. They're fucking dolphins. What do you expect them to talk about? Whats the fucking point. They're fucking animals. Goddamn. Aliens don't talk to us either let's take a fucking example in that and don't waste money talking to lesser forms. The only thing that we will get out of this is more liberal PETA faggots

>> No.3040557
File: 410 KB, 1276x900, jim_burns_startide_rising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting stronger and stronger David Brin-vibes here.
>humans and dolphins against hostile aliens
>human and dolphin sex
>human-dolphin equality

Gotta read the books again.

>> No.3040600

They'll explain why they rape other female dolphins in large orgies.

This would help mormons and republicans accept who they are.

>> No.3040608

Just because dolphins may be sapient doesn't mean that they will have anything to offer other than their meat.

>> No.3040668
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>> No.3040686
File: 6 KB, 281x215, 1301890318624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit CCM. That's a shark, not a dolphin. There's nothing to be gained from genetically altering those dunder-headed fish.

>> No.3040699
File: 108 KB, 640x800, 1d7877272dcce6d351b6e92682d34315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know now that I think about it, you're right.

And since I don't have any dolphin furry this random sample off e621.net will have to do.

>> No.3040716

>build giant tanker ships in space
>portable environment for Dolphinauts, once communication is opened they can be taught easily how to manipulate their ship
>in 5000 years Dolphins will swim the seas of alien worlds

>> No.3040723

Though the furry (placoid scaly?) picture is highly disturbing, sharks are NOT stupid animals. Granted, they're nowhere close to as intelligent as a dolphin, but they're nonetheless pretty damn smart.

So we start talking to, then uplift dolphins... then what? What do we do with them? Do we tax them? Do we give them citizenship? Do we teach them about forms of government and economic philosophies? Do we enslave them?

What the hell use is it? I admit that it's cool and would be fascinating to speak with another intelligent being that isn't human but the utility just isn't there.

>> No.3040735
File: 57 KB, 255x400, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What the hell use is it? I admit that it's cool and would be fascinating to speak with another intelligent being that isn't human but the utility just isn't there.

Oh what use is a newborn child?

>> No.3040756

.... Seriously, Coffee Mug, you used to post cool stuff and now you're posting uncensored porn? The hell, man?

>> No.3040757

>"testing, testing, is this thing on?"
>"i hear you. sup, human?"
>"not much...not much...what's going on with you, Dolphin?
>"same 'ol same 'ol....catching fish, blowing bubble-rings, recreational intercourse...can't complain.
> "cool, cool. .......So....."
>"did you guys want something, or..?"
>"oh, not really...we just wanted to see if we could talk to you or not."
"Huh. while you're at it, you wanna lay off with the tuna nets? Kthx."

>> No.3040768


The last one was just something I randomly pulled off jeez.

>> No.3040771

So will they be able to find out if dolphins are self-aware with this thing?

>> No.3040786

hahah when i learned about how intelligent dolphins are, I myself wanted to create a way to communicate with them. looks like someone else had the same idea.

>> No.3040793

>mfw people start trying to convert them
>mfw when al qaeda turns them into extremists and they start replacing humans as suicide bombers

>> No.3040794

Very little. It's an economic burden and a legal nightmare. Don't believe me? Look at the sheer amount of legal wrangling done over fetus' rights and child custody/protection.

Now let's imagine an entire species we know is sentient but can't use tools. They can talk, play, interact, etc. which is nice but ultimately useless for anything but tourist dollars. They can't help us fish on the (depressingly massive) scale that would be economically viable so what the hell do they do? I admit that a few could be employed by the world's navies but there's only so much use for that. I wouldn't imagine too many dolphins would be keen on choosing to hang around super powerful sonar signals, finding spent ordnance, etc. I could see some dolphins joining the North Korean navy if only for an opportunity to kill the living shit out of some Japanese.

How do you interact with a dolphin on a friendly basis? Do you sit at by the dock drinking a beer, pouring a 40 into the things's mouth? You talk about work, politics, economics, science whatnot... the dolphin informs you that he saw some awesome fish and engaged in no fewer than 20 recreational sex acts that day. What's to gain from this interaction aside from depressing humans?

>> No.3040801


>> No.3040805

all they're going to talk about is eating fish

>> No.3040806
File: 61 KB, 625x552, 130214564040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when al qaeda turns them into extremists and they start replacing humans as suicide bombers
>mfw WWII

>> No.3040808
File: 55 KB, 406x327, 1266941415970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well we can always give them bionic arms though.

>> No.3040813

>You talk about work, politics, economics, science whatnot... the dolphin informs you that he saw some awesome fish and engaged in no fewer than 20 recreational sex acts that day
I'd be best friends with a dolphin and hi-five his flipper when he told me that.

>> No.3040819

"Today the USS Charleston has been sunk by dolphin members of Al Qaeda..."

>> No.3040826

If we can find a way to communicate with dolphins...

And I mean, as in, really communicate, not just Koko the Gorilla style simplistic stuff...

It means intelligence evolved not once but twice on our planet, and in the same time frame, which is encouraging for the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It also means that humans are not quite so special. Most of all, it means that, for the first time, humans aren't really so alone in the universe; we share our world with another species. We can talk with them, give them culture and understanding.

There could come a world where humans and dolphins live side by side.

That'd be pretty fuck-awesome in my book.

>> No.3040839
File: 69 KB, 375x500, shark mech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slippery slope
>pic related

>> No.3040841

We could enlist them into the coast guard...
Or maybe we will find out that they are very philosophical and we can learn profound truths from them...
Or maybe they will consent to prostitution...

>> No.3040843

so where should we start, giving all the dolphins lungs or giving all the humans gils

>> No.3040845

AWESOME! An entire species that lives perfectly adequate lives by their standards that need to be fitted with expensive prosthesis just to work. That's another problem, work and human-style living in general. These guys find all the fish they want and we hardly have anything to give them that they don't really already have. They'll work to buy what? Booze, drugs? The coral reef will be the new ghetto.

If you could communicate with an ancient human hunter-gatherer, his world is so simple he most likely would want nothing to do with any technology outside of weapons with which to kill prey more easily. Ask a hunter gatherer if he/she'd prefer to spend the days in an office or building something... he'd outright tell you to fuck off. Sure, they might enjoy science, engineering, economics, business, or whatever but that requires education....
HOW THE HELL DO WE TEACH DOLPHINS? What dolphin would willingly endure sitting (floating?) in a classroom for hours on end while his/her compatriots are catching fish and fucking?

>> No.3040847

and considering a lot of the human brain is used just in keeping balance, dolphins might even be more "intelligent" than humans in some regard.

They don't have opposable thumbs though, so getting them to do our math homework might be hard

>> No.3040848

it would also mean that the christian god is not real. aaaaahhh yeeeaaahhh.

>> No.3040852
File: 345 KB, 771x1117, 1287707630681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn dolphins. they better not start voting

>> No.3040857

Just think of how hard that would hit religion

>> No.3040860
File: 33 KB, 764x570, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>giving all the dolphins lungs or giving all the humans gils
>giving all the dolphins lungs

>> No.3040865

The dolphins have their own god and they're going to try to convert us

>> No.3040871
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>> No.3040879
File: 188 KB, 636x900, senor_authority_by_espeng-d32iv4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu about religion, this is a dolphin thread.

Here's a dolphin pop-.. oh wait.

>> No.3040885

hey dolphin, jesus only died for our sins not yours

>> No.3040891

All hail the Sea-Pope.

>> No.3040895

Dolphins don't really need to be good at anything. We can't integrate them readily into our society; we live in two different arenas of existence. We might try and educate some if we start building deep-water cities, teach them and what-not, but they can't provide anything of much use to us and vice versa (except, perhaps, for that we can provide them with both food and medicine).

>> No.3040905
File: 7 KB, 206x237, clooneyFaceOhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there.

>> No.3040929
File: 260 KB, 590x373, impossibru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying communication with other terestrial intelligences won't give us valuable context for understanding ourselves and other potential life in the cosmos

>> No.3040959

So what happens when a corporation tries to enlist them as workers and then gets told to fuck off?

Or when one gets raised from scratch so it is basicly more of a human in a dolphin body because it understands our abstract concepts etc.

>> No.3040968


Well, there certainly is that. Communicating with an alien mind would be very handy practice on such a close basis. However, I meant in terms of integrating them as a society. We can't interact with them on a meaningful basis in situ.

>> No.3040970

fuck off.

The fact that humans aren't the only intelligent species capable of communicating using high order syntax is a very, very important discovery.

>> No.3040978
File: 98 KB, 239x254, Rape-Mario to death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dolphins communicate, we educate them, make interface for using internet, they learn about japanese.
2035, first law suit interspecie, dolphins against japan, with dolphins lawyers. On both side.

>> No.3040993
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true that. I'd be happier just knowing that the current society of dolphins could be communicated with, as oppose to attempts to integrate them into ours. there's plenty to learn from them, but building underwater assembly lines for them to work at for us is proooobably not gonna turn out well for anyone involved

>> No.3041013
File: 2 KB, 196x160, 1285987963382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they start having anal sex with furries who want 2ft dolphine penis.

Srsly... guise stop

>> No.3041026
File: 55 KB, 490x300, fuckaroo dorfin and whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they shouldn't have Hiroshima/Nagasaki'd.

>> No.3041042

Oh here we go, Orientalism.

Let's herp a derp over some ancient village's practice and ignore other whale ramming from shipping which causes 90% of all man caused whale/dolphin deaths

>> No.3041050

>Wild Dolphin Project
Supported by:
Anonymous Foundation

>> No.3041051


All I can imagine is a group of dolphins in suits getting beaten up to squeaking and clicks, which translate out to "SPECIES TRAITOR!"

>> No.3041052

I wonder if you could teach a dolphin to excel in abstract fields. Could a dolphin learn simple math? I remember reading that Daniel Everett tried teaching math to the Piraha people and failed. Even if the dolphins are intelligent, they still can't think outside the bounds of their language.

Let's say they're smart and can learn math/science/philosophy/whatever. How would they write? I suppose if you were translating their language in real time anyways, you could have a TV display visual feedback.

>> No.3041062

Exactly. They are their own species. Just because we can speak to them doesn't mean they owe us anything.

The most we should gain from them is a deeper understanding of our world.

If they turn out to be more intelligent then we thought, then it would have the potential to be a vary maturing experience for our species ideas of ethics as well. What will we do with the dolphins we have in captivity? will we step up our enforcement of of laws that protect dolphins from things like fishing? How will we deal with countries like Japan who still hunt and kill dolphins?

>> No.3041083

>I take the Alaskan Grizzly Bear to court for killing my grand father!

>> No.3041093

I think people are getting a bit too much out of this news.

It'll be interesting from a linguistics perspective, but they're not intelligent enough to cause us ethical challenges.

>> No.3041108

I agree. People are taking the dolphin's mindless babble too seriously.

>> No.3041121

That remains to be seen.

>> No.3041138

Not really, we've already done extensive testing of dolphin intelligence and while they're sharp for the animal kingdom, they're dumbasses next to us.

>> No.3041143


I get the feeling that even the most sophisticated conversations with dolphins wouldn't change anyone's views on religion. Religion has emerged in just about every human civilization, it's too much of a natural human instinct to change under any circumstances. Sure there might be a few more atheists but the majority of the public will still remain religious.>>3040857

>> No.3041154

Sounds like those studies would be an interesting read. Links?

>> No.3041169

Look them up yourself, I'm not your personal encyclopedia.

>> No.3041173
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>> No.3041174


>Daniel Everett tried teaching math to the Piraha people and failed.

He tried teaching maths to adult Pirahã, and they got frustrated and gave up.
Pirahã children raised by non-Pirahã learn maths just fine.

>> No.3041178

>Train US Navy dolphins to mark Iraqi sea mines
>Training works, proof of intelligence.
>Lose some dolphins when they touch them too hard.
>Dolphins only due task for fish reward much like dog tricks/food based behavior.

>> No.3041182

No, I'd rather you back your claim up with evidence, as is the science way.

>> No.3041194

Except this is a casual discussion, and my statement is not only common sense but common knowledge and you could verify it for yourself with a 5 minute Google search.

>I am not your personal encyclopedia

>> No.3041204

If it's that easy, I don't understand why you have such a problem with doing it.

>> No.3041214

Goddammit youre the one who thinks dolphins (and other mammals) are Pokemon like human sociability.

>> No.3041215
File: 42 KB, 400x400, TrollFaceDancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're assuming you're communicating with a human being right now. That's an interesting assumption. Can you support that philosophically for me? Quote an authority on the topic to support your position.

>> No.3041222

What? Where the hell did that come from?

>> No.3041236

We already know dolphins are self-aware.

>> No.3041462
File: 4 KB, 90x128, 1296193762245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the main problem behind such a device eliciting a response from the dolphins? I mean, we'd be quick to blabber through it since we'll've made it, but you're not exactly guaranteed responses on behalf of the dolphins.

>> No.3041530 [DELETED] 

Fuck dolphins.

they kill for fun

how about we talk to elephants or gorillas? those guys are nice.

>> No.3041545

I'm surprised people are so selfish as to worry about what we are to gain from this.

What's to gain? Interactions between a whole species, we will learn how they see, what they see, how they think, and so much more. It'll open our eyes to what another species thinks of us. Their thoughts could be different and revealing, opening up many new theories in science and in general.

Even more so if they're capable of learning things like math.

>> No.3041558

>Dolphins catch a seal cub
>Beat it around for 1/2 hr not eating it
>Caught on camera/youtube and hippies gasp

Hippies, at the end of the day atleast humans have SOME culture and ethics.

You'll be getting translations like


>> No.3041573
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 1299092048877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw scrolling my mouse wheel sounds like dolphin speak

mfw it translates into "miracles everywhere in this bitch"

>> No.3042283

Look at the human culture only 40 years ago, with Youth Bulge Theory and whatnot, ourselves are completely alien to us in ideology and beliefs. What about TEH DOALPHANES

>> No.3042317

This is fucking amazing. Thanks OP for the link. This is the stuff of fairytales; talking to animals. Anybody that says this is bad can suck a fucking dick.

>> No.3042320

Wait. You're asking HIM to back up YOUR claims?

You are without a doubt, the most stupid man to have ever been born.

>> No.3042369


>> No.3042379


Just imagine the conversational material of a horny dolphin.


>> No.3043549
File: 81 KB, 591x600, star-trek_nemesis_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds so cool.

By the way am I the only person that thought of this from reading this paragraph?

>The researchers don't know what these units might be. But the algorithms they are using are designed to sift through any unfamiliar data set and pick out interesting features (see "Pattern detector"). The software does this by assuming an average state for the data and labelling features that deviate from it. It then groups similar types of deviations - distinct sets of clicks or whistles, say - and continues to do so until it has extracted all potentially interesting patterns.

>> No.3043663


Yeah, it's actually somewhat like that with the difference that it would be still us who had to guess which pattern means what.

captcha: research elchnonf