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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 49 KB, 250x250, gold_case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3039030 No.3039030 [Reply] [Original]

What if you could smoke..electronically?

Green Smoke electric cigarettes provide the look and feel of a typical cigarette, but run on rechargeable batteries, with no need to light up. Green Smokers inhale nicotine and full bodied flavoring through a vapor that is similar to smoke but leaves no ash.

~No ash or cigarette butts
~Fresh atomizer in every cartridge
~Easy to use and maintain
~Smoke in many no smoking zones
~No bad odor on clothes or breath
~Large variety of flavors and strengths
~30 Day Money Back Guarantee
~1 Year Warranty on all e-cigarettes
~Best customer service
~Free Shipping (In the US)

In addition to these fantastic reasons to try greensmoke is the fact that you will save money! A packet of cigarettes is over $10. Why pay that when 1 greensmoke cartridge (equal to a packet of cigarettes) is about $3?

If you don't like it...send it back!

Head to www.greensmoke.com/LBP to purchase your first greensmoke cigarette!

>> No.3039033

Do you ship to Greece?

>> No.3039049

The whole point of smoking is looking cool. You won't be looking cool smoking a plastic toy. Better to quit smoking altogether.

>> No.3039050

> What if you could smoke..electronically?

>> No.3039056

A friend of mine had one of these explode on him.

We had to dig the shrapnel out of his leg with a kitchen knife.

>> No.3039060


Should join up with Apple.

So after they fuck you in the ass you can just smoke your iCock.

>> No.3039063
File: 19 KB, 389x437, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3039077


Tits in labcoat get.

>> No.3039083

Why has no one realized this is literally a advertisement straight from these faggots?

God damn, don't age this thread, we don't want more of this here.

>> No.3039084

Well the only problem I see is that you don't say how long the cartridge lasts. A buddy of mine had one and paid more in cartridges and cigarettes. He went through a cartridge faster than a pack of cigs.

>> No.3039093
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God damn, don't age this thread, we don't want more of this here.
>don't age
..do you mean 'DO SAGE'?

>> No.3039100

In my /sci/ to boot. Reported.

>> No.3039103

but not saged?

>> No.3039125
File: 20 KB, 241x230, cigarette and drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretending to not know what "age" is
That's a good one, troll. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were an idiot who's been here for less than a month.

But in case you're NOT trolling, age is short for "ageru", which means "to lift" in japanese, while sage (short for "sageru") means "to lower." "Age" is the proper name for bumping. Try typing "age" in the email field and see what happens. Same thing as sage (erases itself, takes you outta the thread), only it bumps the thread.