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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 145 KB, 578x404, wl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3037587 No.3037587 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't believe in God, any god, anything spiritual--as I would expect from this board--then do the following:

Draw the white shape you see on the right in this image (looks a bit like a W) on your body somewhere. Anywhere works.

Go to a mirror and look deeply into your own eyes. Think that they are truly the eyes of another. Then, say out loud "I give the will of [your full name] completely to that of..." and then touch the mark.

If you don't believe in anything supernatural, then go complete this. You have absolutely nothing to lose, except a little bit of pen ink. Something very good might happen if you do it too. Have you ever completed a ritual? It's time to scientifically prove one false or true! Do it for science. It won't hurt. A bit.

If you don't want to do it, then it isn't because you think "it'll do nothing", but because you are afraid it will. In other words, your atheist existence is a paradox because you do not believe in gods, but you are certainly terrified of this...because you have a feeling it might be real.

There is nothing to be afraid of. I won't hurt you. He won't either. I just want to borrow something from you, because atheists are like fully charged batteries that never use themselves, so why not let someone else use your battery?

>> No.3037598

This is your chance to prove your atheist beliefs. If you do not do this, you are not an atheist but a person who is afraid of a ritual. A believer.

>> No.3037605

Lol, did it now what?

>> No.3037612

Did i lose my soul or something now?
Didn't need that shit anyway.

>> No.3037615

ITT: athiests ignorant of human psychology

>> No.3037632

What if I don't want to do it because I'd rather do subby things with a sexy lady or professional dominatrix, rather than having lame cybersex over 4chan.
Seriously, at least /d/are threads force you to take things up your ass or eat your own cum, this is just lame. At least the times I've recited the Nicene creed I was in a large group so there was that Nuremburg rally effect going for it. At least Bloody Mary gets done while you're drunk and everyone's wearing scary masks. This is just dumb.

>> No.3037633

bloody mary bloody maru bloody mary
durr God exists!!!

>> No.3037638


I use myself all the time.

It gets lonely.

Also communists are trying to impurify my bodily fluids by 'using' them.

>> No.3037645

If you say Bloody Maru three times in front of a mirror he appears and tries to bat at your toothbrush with his paw

>> No.3037650

i gave my "will" to lil wayne, don't feel any different, there are probably conceivably infinite variations on this, do I have to do them all in order to prove there is nothing supernatural as well?

I think it would just be easier to assume there is nothing supernatural. I'm not really an atheist, I realize I don't know a lot of things such as why I am a sapient being an not a philosophical zombie, but I'm not going to believe everything I'm told.

>> No.3037682

ITT everyone rationalizes the reasons they won't do it when in truth they are scared shitless of this actually doing something.

>> No.3037704

Being an atheist isn't not having irrational fears or instincts, it's realizing that they are bullshit.

>> No.3037735

>You have absolutely nothing to lose, except a little bit of pen ink.

It's not worth the pen and ink, to be honest.

>> No.3037740


Op change it to something where I don't have to get up from the computer and something that doesn't involve noise.

Then i'll do it.

I'm too lazy to go all the way to the bathroom and do this shit.

>> No.3037744


>scared shitless of this actually doing something.

Is that why I haven't showered, shaved, had breakfast, done the laundry, cleaned the floors and settled down to some Xbox?

I always thought it was because I was lazy.

>> No.3037745


>> No.3037753

>There is nothing to be afraid of. I won't hurt you. He won't either. I just want to borrow something from you

i see what you did there. Go to /x/ pl0x

>> No.3037792
File: 142 KB, 456x554, dfgsdf231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did it OP.
Nothing happened. btw I agree with you that half the people in this thread are actually afraid to do it.

>> No.3037822

done what op said
"i give the will of *pause to remember my full name* *my full name* completely to that of *touch the symbol on my left arm*... HURP DURP"

i didnt even know i had such beautiful eyes, i thjink i fell in luv <3

so anyways, what is my name OP?

>> No.3037842
File: 25 KB, 413x479, Forthelulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, OP.
You want your stupid bullshit disproven?
Give me five minutes to get a marker and a camera.

>> No.3037861


>> No.3037914

Looks like you'll have to take it on faith, because I don't have any batteries for my old-ass camera.

Anyway, I did the thing just as you said.
Nothing happened.
Barring some allergic reaction to the marker ink, I'm fairly sure nothing will.
The John Paul Stapp Scientific Method wins again.

I want my 5 minutes back.

>> No.3037924
File: 285 KB, 1280x960, yotsubato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a mirror and look deeply into your own eyes. Think that they are truly the eyes of another. Then, say out loud "I give the will of [your full name] completely to that of..." and then touch the mark.

mfw I fear the humiliation.

>> No.3037949
File: 20 KB, 140x140, 1302556269324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my God i'm a believer now
i never knew.. i had no idea...

>> No.3037951

Don't bother, nothing happened.

Honestly, I got swept up in fantasy for a moment and wanted to believe it might be the starting point of a grand adventure.
Then nothing happened and I realized I was being retarded, because if it was that easy, everyone would do it.

>> No.3037953

Did it. Now what.

>> No.3037956


>> No.3037958

>Do some stupid shit. If you don't, then this is clearly, obviously, irrefutably a sign of closet theism. Like, elementary, Watson.
Blah. I can't even be arsed to take a piss at the moment, let alone jump through hoops to falsify some inane claim about my personal beliefs.

If your spooky monster god or whatever actually exists, then let him eat my soul without me having to get out of this chair.

>> No.3037959

Atheists, as a general rule, do not believe in magic of ANY kind.

>> No.3037977
File: 801 KB, 2550x3300, occulticvolkswagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I don't want a Volkswagon logo on my body?

>> No.3038004

For the record, OP, I'm having a great deal of trouble washing this marker off of my skin.
I also still haven't gotten my 5 minutes back.

>> No.3038006


You are a self-branded fucktard, effortlessly and completely trolled by OP. you don't deserve your five minutes.

>> No.3038016

That's incorrect and uncalled for.

>> No.3038035


Which part do you take issue with? The part where you stained your own skin? Or the part where OP trolled you?

>> No.3040310 [DELETED] 


>> No.3040340

It works! I drew a 'W' and now God's telling me to go work for whataburger...

>> No.3040399
File: 1.48 MB, 1007x1281, 1299811472056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3040414

Nothing happened. Were you supposed to steal my soul or something? Didn't feel or hear anything.