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File: 205 KB, 423x600, 1286291435206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3036999 No.3036999 [Reply] [Original]

Boob thread got me thinking.

Hypothetical situation:

Technology base has advanced enough that personal androids are as ubiquitous as televisions are today. Even the poor can have a decent, working model or two for the house.

Models designed to be aesthetically pleasing and/or designed for sex are a given.

What would you prefer your android to look like? Some particular standard of "beauty" or "sexiness" unique to your personal perceptions, or something randomized to a certain extent, including "human" flaws?

Would you have a Ginger or a Maryanne?

Or perhaps the statistical "average" that many people seem to find particularly intriguing?

>> No.3037008

I'd make it look like my dead mother.

>> No.3037011
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Sorry if that seemed gender biased, the question does apply to both genders.

>> No.3037019

>sex robots
Who cares, even if these things get built 95% of the population will still be living in poverty and resource depletion will ensure they are prohibitvely expensive.

>> No.3037035
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That is outside this hypothetical situation as stated, sir.

>> No.3037040
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>> No.3037041

in order to keep the human race going?

I would prefer my sex-bot to have a chamber to store my semen, than she and a male sex-bot would have robot sex, and he would draw my semen up into himself, which he would then deposit into his owner with her consent.

other than that I would have any number of progressively horrible things built into my sex-bot.

>> No.3037043
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>> No.3037048
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Ideally, it would look like this

>> No.3037049
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Not necessarily "sex bots" but it is pretty much a given that they would be used for sex.

>> No.3037054

You want your sex robot to look like a TARDIS?

>> No.3037059
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Do you imagine that there would be a "normal" body type convergance? Or that each robot would be such a complete custom job tailored (and re-tailored) to match their owners' tastes that each would be incomprehensibly bizarre to anyone else?

>> No.3037060


They would be primarily used for sex, those that aren't wouldn't look human.

it would be stupid to assume otherwise.

>> No.3037065

I'd get a female with short hair, dress her in boy clothes and have an awesome fembro that can beat me in any videogame.

And I want cannabiod receptors installed no matter what.

>> No.3037068

All of human civilization is designed around human beings and the human form.

What makes you think any other form would possibly be better suited to function in it, especially in a household setting.

>> No.3037072

Well, one would assume that it would have replaceable body parts... fuck Sandra Bullock one day, fuck Amy Pond the next.

Tit size would presumably be connected to a liquid resivoir which would adjust them depending on body type wanted. Hips/ass would change size using the same mechanism.

>> No.3037077

Oh, and throw in hipster glasses for irony.

>> No.3037082


Well, you would be fucking them if they looked human.

The only robots you wouldn't be fucking are those that didn't look human. And even then, you might fuck them.

>> No.3037084

>Wants a robot to smoke his weed
The fuck?

>> No.3037089
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Bitch, it is the FUTURE. I want my androids polished.

>> No.3037090

No shit. Easier to program it with a "getting high" mode, and have it pretend to take a hit.

>> No.3037096

highly advanced androids will never happen...case in point:


>> No.3037097
File: 25 KB, 392x334, Kryten1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kryten, the android in Red Dwarf, explained that original models were life like but people didn't like them, so he was specifically designed not to look human. I'd say there could be some truth in that, something that looks life like but isn't alive yet acts lifelike is inherently creepy.

>> No.3037102

Hey, I want to get high with my brobot.

>> No.3037118

In the Robots series by Asimov, two known perfectly human-looking androids were made. Inhuman androids numbered in the tens of billions.

While at first this was because the inventor didn't allow the production of more, they never did produce more than a few in thousands of years. Except on one planet, but the people there could arguably be said to not be human.

>> No.3037156

homosexual much?

artificial intelligence will rise, look down on humanity as you would look at a nasty, poisonous bug on your shirt and <flick> go on it's merry way into the future.
All this crap about robots/androids is as archaic as discussion of what kind of steam powered craft should be used to go to the moon.

>> No.3037163

Who said anything about AI.

>> No.3037173
File: 108 KB, 379x247, chuck-norris-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they gave these things intelligence, they would be a step above real women

>> No.3037175

>no mention of furfags
/sci/ i am proud

>> No.3037186


I would if that would make the sex worse?

>> No.3037192

one with a construction something like "I, Robot", but with living/artificial tissue ala Terminator. I'd want it to have human-level AI, so I could talk to it and have meaningful conversation. It'd look human, apart from subtle variances, such as a small port for backing up it's AI in case of emergency. It'd be instilled with the three laws, but the ability to override them. I'd try to teach it right from wrong and let it make it's own decisions about it's life, all the while learning about it alongside it.

>> No.3037193


In a household setting a human form would be best. outside of the house the robot would be better designed for it's specific function.

It's unlikely that we will have 'general purpose' robots when a single purpose robot would be far more efficient. Flying drones for instance will be extremely efficient at security and recording... there is no reason for these to look human.

Maintainance and cleaning robots would also be hampered by looking human.

>> No.3037225

And now I wish for every sci-fi movie from now on to include this thought in the producing.

>> No.3037232

That's because it's unnecessary to mention it.

>> No.3037245


>Maintainance and cleaning robots would also be hampered by looking human.

plus people would be raping them all the time, or at the very least uploading hand-job subroutines.

>> No.3037276

Three letters: ECM.

>> No.3037287
File: 266 KB, 1267x1469, 1302368938475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, OP...
If I were to have a few androids, I'd want them to be vaguely doll-like in appearance and mannerism, and I'd want them to be lolis. Not for any sort of sexual thing... just because it'd make them super huggable and the more obviously inhuman traits would help reduce the uncanny valley effect.

>> No.3037298


>"Hand-job subroutine detected"
>"hand job subroutine 50% comple...ERROR: FOREIGN SOFTWARE"
>"Increasing grip to five zero six zero newtons per square millimeter."
>"Hand job subroutine complete"

>> No.3037320

>Applying torque.

>> No.3037343

The mere thought itself made me cringe.

>> No.3037353
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Fission mucking accomplished.

>> No.3037357

ECM is always the solution.

>> No.3037365


>> No.3037366
File: 15 KB, 325x396, DataDictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As always in these situations, Star Trek is essentially correct. They most probably won't be able to override humanity, its not like a Terminator film. There won't become a stage where our AI becomes suddenly as free thinking and intelligent as us out of nowhere. It will always be a gradual change, like a modern day computer program.

Pretty much like Data. He's smart and self aware but only acts how he was programmed to. He makes decisions but isn't truly properly sentient he just looks it and makes decisions.

>> No.3037412

I would have a lovely asian maid with no sexual facilities what so ever.
Fucking robots is creepy.
Relationship is much more important than sex.

>> No.3037413

Electronic Countermeasures.

Basically electronic devices to counter electronic devices. Like an antivirus program, just hardware instead.

>> No.3037421

OP already posted this thread in /g/. I wonder how many other boards he posted it in.

>> No.3037425


>> No.3037432


That's just a philosophical zombie argument.

>> No.3037434

Actually, that was me. I got inspired by this thread to post it there.

>> No.3037440

Actually I didn't. Someone may have reposted it though.

Unless you mean it was a while ago...in which case it was just two minds thinking alike.

>> No.3037442

Ah, damn. Now I feel dumb.
>mfw I thought that's what it was, then decided that it must be something different.
Second-guessing is my worst enemy.

>> No.3037443

oh hi

>> No.3037453
File: 27 KB, 368x491, attractive_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I wanted a beautiful android I'd use a face averaging program.

Basically what you do is choose 10 women you find attractive and then create a composite woman based on the average features of all 10. This will create something unique but beautiful.


>> No.3037463

I think these "averaged" faces look strange and slightly unnerving.
I wouldn't want something like that walking around my home

>> No.3037492
File: 221 KB, 991x749, s_r11_0RTXTKUJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would not want a humanoid form at all, its not ideal-

-that is, not ideal for ME having a great time, which would be all that would matter with sexxxing a robot.

Also there's no reason to attempt the illusion of being with a human. Much like the earliest cars with enclosed passenger areas tended to look like horse-drawn carriages without the horses. It was not the ideal layout, but it took car buyers and car companies a couple decades to see that.

something along the lines of a giant slug would be much better. id almost need to draw a picture (and due to lazyness thats not likely to happen)

>> No.3037495

So, love bots eh?
I asume that these machines would be used to provide company, love, caring ect. for their owners, in addition to sex.
So if these robots are programmed to love with owners, this would cause other emotions too, such as lonlines and sadnes, resulting from the absence of the target of their affection and happines when in his presence.

So if these robots have programmed, unconditional love for their owner, this gives the owner the ability to horribly abuse these machines.

A sadistic owner could leave the machine alone for weeks, without the company of it's owner causing it horrible sadnes, beat the machine to submission ect.

Sadistic people would find endles ways to harm these machines, if they are programmed with emotions. Of course, one could say that it would be irrelevant, because the robot emotions aren't real. They are just programmed. This satement, of course ignores the fact that our own emotions are also "programmed" by the genes.

In the end, if we ever buid inteligent humanlike machines with emotions, we must first solve this moral dilemma.

>> No.3037507


>In the end, if we ever buid inteligent humanlike machines with emotions, we must first solve this moral dilemma.

No we don't.

We can make machines which appear to have emotions but don't really have them

>> No.3037508

Better to have them release their inner sick fuck on pretend humans rather than real ones.
Hardly a dilemma.

>> No.3037523
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Honestly, I see no moral dilemma.






>> No.3037529

no different than people torturing sims. If you can afford a new android, make a snuff film with it, who cares.

>> No.3037544


But how would you know that their apparent emotions would be fabrications?
You can't even tell that when observing other humans.

How would these "fake" emotions differ from the "real" emotions?
Van we even say that we ourselves have these "real" emotions, when we know for a fact that they are caused by chemical reactions in brains that are coded by our DNA?

Even if the machine isn't human, allowing them to be abused is allowing a possibly self conscious being to suffer from pointles emotional pain.
Even if the emotions are programmed, the machine would still experience them, and from it's point of view, those emotions would be very "real". From it's perspective, the person it is madly in love with, is causing it massive suffering, for no apparent reason other than cruelty. Despite this, the robot can't help but to love it's abuser.

Also, you must realise that your argument could be used to defend animal abusers too?

>> No.3037554

Animals are biological, made of flesh and bone, robots are not.
It's different.

>> No.3037555



Do you believe that a computer game character is suffering when it gets shot in the face?

>> No.3037559

It's really a matter of complexity.

Organic or not, after a certain level of complexity, a creature is living.
The real problem is figuring out where the line is.

>> No.3037561

use these two for face/head models.

I would buy it.

>> No.3037567


How is it differend. Just because we are made of carbon?

What kind of insane troll logic is that? If we strip life to it's basics we see that we are all simply automatons that can replicate ourselves and consume energy to sustain ourselves. We are robots that just happen to be made of carbon.

If we were to build a robot, that could extract energy and materials from it's environment and replicate it would be "alive". .It wouldn't be carbon based life, but it would be life

>> No.3037574

creepy valley hater fag

>> No.3037577

the difference is, as the architects of the programs running these machines, we would know for certain just what is going on.

Making a program that very realistically simulates emotional responses is not the same as creating a new, living entity with emotions, in the same way that programming a Sim(the Sims) to react in emotional ways does not make the Sim a living entity with emotions.

From the robot(or Sim)'s point of view, there is no consciousness, no emotion, no higher thought. Just programs being executed.

if you start getting into "emergent" intelligence ground, that's a completely different area of discussion that has nothing to do with the concept of this thread.

An android does not necessarily imply any sort of actual AI.

>> No.3037582

Humans and animals such as cats and dogs are infinity more complex than anything a human could create.
If you were a computer programmer you would understand this

>> No.3037593

Androids are male
Gynoids are female

>> No.3037594

>If you were a computer programmer you would understand this
lol it wasn't until I studies some neurochemisty and biology that I realized how fucking complex we fuckers are. computers did help me understand the idea of a system first though.

>> No.3037595

What would you prefer? Anthroid?

Seriously, give me a gender neutral term that people would instantly recognize and know what you're talking about.

Holy fuck you must be some basement dwelling neckbeard if that's all you have to contribute.

>> No.3037601

oh lawdy, that term makes me laugh for some reason.
Makes me imagine a giant walking vagina

>> No.3037602


No, for two reasons. They first for all arent' programmed to do that and secondly even if they were, our current videogame technology would be unable to simulate those emotions.

This however, doesn't mean that we couldn't theoretically build an AI construct that is capable of feeling pain. It is just the matter of the complexity of the system and the boundaries of it's programming. I say this, because we already have beings capable of that: We ourselves.

We humans aren't free. Our toughts and emotions are constantly influenced by the chemical states of our brain. I nfact, our emotions ARE differend chemical states of our brain. Our brains, and instincts limit the scope of our mind and experiences. We are at our core, just very complex breeding machines, that originated from the first simple carbon based, replicator automatons of earth, whose originated from the simple chemical soups of the ancient earth.

>> No.3037603
File: 6 KB, 259x194, android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be my android

>> No.3037606

imo androids = androids
fembots = female androids
boybots = male androids

don't worry about the words. when these things go mainstream humans will make up there own terms

>> No.3037609

I wan't my android to be super astute, there is no conundrum that his core couldn't compute.

>> No.3037610

I prefer squishbots and pokebots myself.

>> No.3037613

<insert paradox here>
Robot's head asplodes

>> No.3037614
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But what is the difference between asimulated emotional response and a "real" emotional response?

>> No.3037616


>This however, doesn't mean that we couldn't theoretically build an AI construct that is capable of feeling pain. It is just the matter of the complexity of the system and the boundaries of it's programming.

I'm not saying we can't build one I'm just asking why would we build that capability into a sexbot?

It's perfectly possible to design a program that simulates emotion without actually feeling it. Why would anyone design what is essentially a computer game character to be a real sentient being when it's easier and cheaper to build one that responds like a human in certain situations?

>> No.3037623


In fact, I would prefer my robots to NOT be equipped to deal with every situation, or even to be particularly smart about solving new problems.

>> No.3037626

Correct, there wouldn't be a difference. In fact someone could program and simulate this inside a computer without an android having a body. They would be treated as slaves when in reality they will be as smart, if not smarter then us... and some of them will have the ability to love and understand philosophy

>> No.3037629

Internally resolving a paradox is as simple as not thinking about it.

>> No.3037631

Your a fucking idiot then. Most robots being designed with intelligence today are through study of human neurology and the attempt to make a replication of a human in digital form.

>> No.3037646
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can I feed it gal games and have it lrn2waifu :3?

(also the bot should be aware of it's own weight, howfully using strong lightweight plastics and carbon fiber we can get it within normal human range)

>> No.3037656
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I see no reason to have a robot other than as a worker slave or sexbot. It will undoubtedly have sub-human intelligence making it a shitty friend/significant other. Otherwise it would be able to trigger a technological singularity.

That said my robotfu would look like this.

>> No.3037661


has potential

>> No.3037662

Right now, you could the equivalent development time as a few major video games and you could create a desktop program that could be a pretty spiffy virtual companion.

Think Google's phrase interpretation mixed with a little Cleverbot information gathering/response creation and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of lines of pre-written dialogue. Add to this the programming to gauge emotions by expression/speech pattern, which has existed and been applied in several areas for quite some time.

Using your desktop's camera and microphone, this program could come up with fitting responses to most anything you say to it. A good portion of it unique and spontaneous, with a good deal of simulated emotion behind it.

Would this program actually have emotions of its own? I would say not.

And something similar running in a robotic platform wouldn't either.

>> No.3037668
File: 47 KB, 546x366, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You say that robots that actually feel pain, love and suffer that I am free to abuse at my whim are a bad thing?

Haven't you ever wished to just hurt someone until they wept and pleaded you to stop. Haven't you ever wished that the computer/car/tv would actually feel pain and would beg you to stop when you bashed it when it stopped working.

These kind of robots would allow this!

>> No.3037669

There's no reason at all to build a humanoid robot with capabilities exceeding the human norm.

Uber-strong robots outside of specific industrial applications are a creation of cinema for dramatic effect.

>> No.3037672

Not to mention potentially dangerous

>> No.3037673
File: 89 KB, 600x544, 1299630355316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the worst kind of person.

>> No.3037678


Why is it wrong thos want to RIP AND TEAR people open so that I can splash their warm blood all over me?

>> No.3037692
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>> No.3037690

umm we're the same thought.. I was worring about my waifubot crushing me.. hence lightweight plastics and what not would be a way to avoid this.. a metal bot would be rather heavy imo

>> No.3037750


>> No.3037757
File: 984 KB, 1753x1803, 1301468236739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wish for my servant to look like this.

>> No.3037758

Natalie Portman in The Professional, but with tits leaning more towards Katy Perry's and an ass leaning more towards Kardashian.

That is all.

>> No.3037786

My waifubotlolis would be equipped and programmed as killers and bodyguards.
Fuck the police.

>> No.3040391

Why I hope humanity goes extinct.