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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3036565 No.3036565 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to college next year to major in Poetry.

On a scale of one to ten, how fucked am I?

>> No.3036573

1 being not fucked at all and 10 being completely fucked beyond all hope, you sir are about to become a 45.

>> No.3036570
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>> No.3036578

it depends, do you lie poetry?

>> No.3036588

No I don't lie poetry

>> No.3036597

Do you truth prose?

>> No.3036604


>> No.3036605

Just pick a different major dumbass

>> No.3036606

>work your ass off
>4.0 gpa
>go for an english PhD
>spend 12 years analyzing one line of a poem
>lose all friends

>> No.3036613

English Ph.Ds, I respect. Same with Pure maths. Not any bullshit like biology though

>> No.3036625


>> No.3036627
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>> No.3036630

English and Maths I regard as 'pure'. Not tainted by any of that horrible application stuff. Biology is the worst of the applied sciences.

>> No.3036636

don't you have school in the morning?

>> No.3036638

I do, yes. Math major here. What do you study?

...Keep mooching off that welfare, hero.

>> No.3036641

>applied science

>> No.3036653

Yes, Biology is an applied science.

>> No.3036659

can I get a big "NO SHIT"?

>> No.3036663


chemistry is applied physics. physics is applied math. deal with it.

>> No.3036672
File: 23 KB, 310x282, Kim+Carnes+Kim+Promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate applied sciences
>use computer
>use internet
>use electricity
>more than likely live in a building

I don't think you hate it as much as you think you do...

>> No.3036679

You listen to music, yet you might hate art. You use a fridge yet you may hate your local electricity company.

>> No.3036706

>enough drive to go for a PhD

>> No.3036718

I'm going to major in Majority

>> No.3036721

English major here you'd be surprised. Problem is /sci/ assumes incorrectly that the only majors worth studying are their own and also incorrectly assumes that the earning power of bachelor's degree is the only method of comparing majors. I should know, my father has a PHD in music and earns over $150,000 a year. I'm going for my masters in Literature now.

I'll give you an example of what to expect. There were 10 people in my graduating class who majored in Music. Compare that to the 600 engineers also graduated at the same time. Those 10 people have an equally likely chance of finding work in their major as the 600 engineers. There are less need for musicians, there are less musicians, the music program is very difficult to get in to, the engineering major requires you to fill out a form. If you're not cut out to be a poet you're already boned before you begin.

If you are an incoming freshman and say you want to major in X you'd better have a plan for your future. There are too many people who major in X because they don't know what the fuck they're doing in life. It wouldn't matter if they majored in physics or homemaking (yes, there is such a major) they're fucked either way.

Don't listen to the elitist fags on /sci/. If you're certain about your future study what will get you there. If you're just fucking around I suggest you see a counselor first.

>> No.3036730

>bs in mathematics
>bs in physics
>masters in physics
>working on bs in EE

fuck yea pure AND applied

>> No.3036731

derp ...meant BA in math (since pure math is considered a liberal art where I'm from)

>> No.3036737
File: 113 KB, 475x316, maximum_trolling_I_CHALLENGE_YOU-s720x480-142118-475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the music program is very difficult to get in to, the engineering major requires you to fill out a form.

>> No.3036755


Only because I raged slightly before I realized the obvious trollin'.

>> No.3036950

>worthless anectdotal evidence about his father's income
>assumption that the proportionate number of jobs available to music majors is equal to that of engineers without anything to support this

Yup, I can believe you're an english major.