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File: 30 KB, 572x306, 43cf0f1b16dfa9f6d52d1e7bccf500e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3032707 No.3032707 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get this.. It should be working, but that is impossible.. Please explain

>> No.3032734

It takes too much force to force the bottom ball into the water. The force of the rising balls (actually they don't all pull together; you get only the force of one rising ball) is not enough to push the ball down through the flap into the water.

>> No.3032730



>> No.3032743

or you might just start with saying that a membrane with these characteristics is impossible to create

>> No.3032751
File: 27 KB, 943x507, infiniteelectricity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INB4 haters

>> No.3032757

Why do you think the left side would be heavy enough to turn the whole apparatus?

People always come up with these stupid ass perpetual motion machines and NONE of them even look like they would be plausible.

>> No.3032776

the bouyancy on the right side produces far more force, its just that in order for water not to seep out, the seal at the bottom must be very tight, and so all that momentum is lost trying to fit the next ball in.

>> No.3032777

Its called a check valve

>> No.3032785

WHAT? the right side pulls everything up, not the left side everything down... Did you even look at the picture?

>> No.3032805

so what if you make the part with air in an L-shape, so none of the balls have to go downwards into the water

>> No.3032817


I'm honestly really stupid, not even going to front.

why would this one not work? Just the valve? Is there some reason, some scientific impossibility an appropriate valve could be created?

>> No.3032826

>Did you even look at the picture?
>referenced the OP

>> No.3032843

Um, sorry, I meant this one >>3032757

>> No.3032841

I assume you're replying to me.

I'm looking at the picture, there's nothing intuitive about it. The whole thing looks like it would be stationary.

Perpetual motion machines do not work.

>> No.3032845
File: 3 KB, 125x126, zx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that water weight is pushing down on the valve, the valve must be firm enough to stop any waterleak for this to be a usable system. in order for a ball to move into the right side of the chamber, it must push through all of that water weight to make a gap in the seal for it to fit through. this cancels out all the extra momentum that you would have gained by the bouyancy it experiences when it actually gets into the right hand side of the tank.

>> No.3032870


mmm well ok... thanks

>> No.3032902
File: 28 KB, 170x236, 1304807030550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? You spell lighter "liter" and through "threw" but somehow think you've worked out something that PhD Physicists haven't?

>> No.3032955

I just found it on funnyjunk, but couldn't understand it. I know how to spell...

>> No.3032970
File: 43 KB, 1084x609, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just drew this.. tell me why it wouldnt work.

These workers are from china and they are getting payed 10 cents an hour.

1 group pulls on the rope than once they run out of slack then there is a little runner boy who pulls the slack out on the other side.

The rope is attached to the windmills by like a gear or idk they just pull spin the turbine somehow.

Can windmills go forward and backwards ? Will that still generate electricity? I would think it would like reverse the magnetism or whatever... Let me know.

>> No.3032978
File: 53 KB, 615x600, hahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol'd so hard! thankyou!

>> No.3032980

That WOULD work (assuming windmills can go both ways), it'd just be incredibly inefficient and an incredible waste of time.

>> No.3032995

>it'd just be incredibly inefficient and an incredible waste of time.

I can add an infinite number of windmills and an infinite number of men (From china). As long as its profitable in the slightest margin.

>> No.3033027

bump for answer

>> No.3033033

I'm going to guess that burning the workers' bodies for fuel would be much, much more efficient. There's a reason nobody is doing that.

>> No.3033042

yes it would work.
just as wind turbines produce electricity when powered by the wind, they will do the same when powered by small chinese children.

>> No.3033058


I don't get it. Why are there windmills? Why not just have all those Chinese people turning a crank directly? Or put them on exercise bicycles?

I mean, yes, you can generate electricity with human muscles, but there are much, much easier ways to do it.

>> No.3033070

Hey, I mean...

Lets say there is only 1 turbine and 2 people...
I am paying them chinese minimum wage. Or even africa... Whatever it is...

If that process is profitable even in the slightest like 10 cents an hour after paying wages... you could theoretically just make thousands of these. If you could handle that big of a operation and have a lot of money to start off.

>> No.3033080
File: 38 KB, 1084x609, huu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the idea first was to make it use like a pulley to reduce the effort but idk.

Heres another idea... once they pull it all the way up the rock does the other half of the work by itself because gravity...

>> No.3033096


It still doesn't make any sense to be turning windmills.

And the rock isn't "doing half the work" because it takes more energy to lift it up then you get out by letting it down.

>> No.3033104
File: 33 KB, 429x410, 1299265019672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolling at the needless racism.
for hypothetical questions you can just leave it vague as 'people' or say 'robots' or something.

>> No.3033111

when all you have is a desperate massive workforce making them generate electricty is a good solution to unemployment

>> No.3033114


the whole point is because i have multiple turbines

not just 1 person peddling a single turbine on a bike

>> No.3033123

>If that process is profitable even in the slightest like 10 cents an hour after paying wages

I seriously doubt it'd be profitable in the least. It'd produce energy, but not very efficiently, at all.

>> No.3033128

lol at the needless smug cunt attitude
Every thread I've seen you in you never contribute to the conversation. In fact, your mere presence lowers the collective IQ of the entire thread by ~30 points.

>> No.3033133

>when all you have is a desperate massive workforce making them generate electricty is a good solution to unemployment

No, it isn't. Food costs more than electricity.

>> No.3033136

Abandoning human muscle as our main energy source was our first major leap after agriculture: Domesticating beasts of burden. Don't go back to the stone ages.

>> No.3033139

>the whole point is because i have multiple turbines


>> No.3033146

hmm, whats this then? who could have anticipated this?
oh, thats right. carry on.

>> No.3033151

There is multiple wind mills that the workers are turning.

Its not , 1 person per bike.

Its a bunch of people pulling multiple turbines and sharing the effort. They wont get tired as fast and it will produce a lot more energy.
I think..

>> No.3033155

>I think..

It wonnnnnn't. There's a reason we don't use animal powered mills anymore. There's a reason we don't use horse drawn carriages anymore. It's not efficient.

>> No.3033174

>It wonnnnnn't.


How is this not more efficient than bike power?

You could have 10 workers pulling 30 wind mills.. With bikes you only have 1 bike per person.

Im not even concerned about how much their muscles hurt because if they get tired I could instantly swap out that particular worker for a new one.

>> No.3033193

Have to feed em something anyway though, just get some of the fatties in the us to lose weight

>> No.3033194


lol source on conservation of energy

I love /sci/ sometimes.