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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 34 KB, 596x394, impossibru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3028260 No.3028260 [Reply] [Original]

mfw i turned in my differential equations for engineers exam today.

the feeling of being done with pure math classes for the rest of your life is great.

>> No.3028285
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>> No.3028302
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>Do all pure math classes
>Move onto pure design classes

Trust me, this shit is no more fun than the math bullshit.

>> No.3028319

I thought my pure math was over as well, until a class I needed was full and now im taking partial diffeq for credits.

>> No.3028411

only if you're a pussy and can't math

>> No.3028751
File: 29 KB, 695x316, not_sure_if_person_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you think ODE and PDE are "pure math" classes.

this is why people think engineering students are RE-TAR-DED

>> No.3028768
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haha i'd like to see the smartest "engineer" at your university attempt an abstract algebra or topology course. sorry to break it to you, but diff eq and partial diff eq are not hard, and are definitely not pure math.

lol fuckin engineers.. the poor man's physicist and the retard's mathematician.

>> No.3028778
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aw poor baby cant solve an elementary equation involving derivatives :(

>> No.3028781

engineering students are the mexicans of the sciences.

>> No.3028787
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>>"i think OP might have an incredibly small penis and brain!"

>> No.3028800

what exactly are the practical applications of abstract algebra and topology?

>> No.3028806
File: 30 KB, 485x364, i_aint_even_mad_493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is why people hate engineering students...

you choose the major just so you can call yourself an "engineer" before you even graduate, not to mention before even getting a job. engineering is not a fucking science and is really not that difficult. most people that end up majoring in it tend to drop out because they are exceedingly retarded and can't handle a little work. you pussies would drown in a real science or math class where you aren't given your precious "equation sheet" or even numbers.

might as well make it wuick and start taking those history credits. You're gonna need them when you drop out of your major for not being able to pass the weed-out classes.

>> No.3028813


Must be civil eng, that or you aren't in major classes yet. All the others use dif eq all the time, and it is not that difficult.

To the rest of yous, the only reason you think your shit is harder is because less and less people know and do it. This is why the average person sees math in general as difficult. Also, the higher in math you go the more impractical it becomes.

>> No.3028818

I'd love to be able to major in pure mathematics or physics.

Unfortunately for you, engineers have their futures in mind and wish to take some of the good and bad to form a stable career.

>> No.3028814


Jesus fuck man....

What are you? A high school sophomore?

Why the fuck are you even in academia...? Let alone on a Science and Math board.

>> No.3028828

oh you think you've got me cornered with a typical engineer question?


>>analyzing your shitty little ODE's and their dynamics.

seriously, guys. srsly.

>> No.3028829


>you pussies would drown in a real science or math class where you aren't given your precious "equation sheet" or even numbers.

Yeah, because in real life those things aren't readily available. And, engineering without numbers is like math without variables... it's nonsensical.

>> No.3028830

whats the practical application of an engineering degree?

>> No.3028833

aaaand mathematicians and physicists don't have stable careers?

>> No.3028839


No. Have fun teaching community college students calculus II.

>> No.3028843

math without variables: e^(pi*i)+1=0

yeah, total nonsense.

>> No.3028861


yeah I would, but I really don't have the time nor the need. what with my research grant and all...

>> No.3028862


>implying variables aren't that important to mathematics

>> No.3028856


e is fucking defined by variables you twit.

>> No.3028863

no, i'm pretty sure one definition is 1+1+1/2+1/6+1/24+...

>> No.3028875

EE student here and I would never put myself above a physicist or mathematician. Ignore faggots like OP, they're the kids who go into engineering just so they can build cool gadgets and do not care about technological advance. Most of them are dumbasses who drop out anyways.

>> No.3028881

how do you draw that conclusion? oh right... logic and deductive reasoning aren't part of your curriculum.

>> No.3028887



thank you.

>>a true engineer.

>> No.3028897
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>in EE
>have the same attitude
>mfw the next semester starts

>> No.3028913


yeah, let me know how that turns out for you.

>>Johnson, come here and look at this, I need you to explain to our clients why your design for this spring is better than what our competitors offer.

>>sure boss, just let me pull up wikipedia real quick

>> No.3028912

>implying your research isn't a waste of money to begin with


Calculate the 100,000,000E34 term of that sequence.

>> No.3028920
File: 206 KB, 700x525, hattersgonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, you guys need to relax. first of all i'm not even OP, hence why i saged this thread.

i was actually genuinely curious because it's not something you hear about every day, not even on /sci/. sorry to be interested. fyi i'm not even an engineer and no i'm not in high school.

>> No.3028923

yeah, because fuck science.

lol you are really digging yourself a hole here. this bloke probably does more maths before 11am than you do in your entire career.

>> No.3028938

An EE is just someone who pays 20k a year to do basically the same shit as an union electrician.

seriously, i learned all the shit needed for undergrad engineering in high school when i took a small electronics class. you know what the fuck i did in it? i soldered some shit, and learned about transistors/ohm's law/etc

fucking nitwit. pre-calc was harder.

>> No.3028946

u jelly? That's right, $1000/week to sit on my ass and perform mental masturbation.

I'm not gonna even dignify that second part with a response, on behalf of all the mathfags on /sci/

>> No.3028947


This shit is annoying. Engineering stopped being random inventions that work by chance over 50 years ago. A spring is not complicated nor is it complicated to understand how certain designs are stronger than others.

>> No.3028958

pre-calc and didn't give it much thought, but isnt the recursive (or to the nth) basically

n-1 + n-1?

if it isn't tell me, i wanna do this so i can prove a freshman who just got done with pre-calc can do engineering

>> No.3028963

> differential equations for engineers

> pure math

Trolling ensues...

>> No.3028969

Union electricians barely understand AC circuits, you didn't learn all the things necessary for capacitor design in high school.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.3028965

Props to those mathematicians and physicists who actually want to contribute to bodies of theory currently in circulation.

Unfortunately, that's none of you. Most of you mathematicians want to study an obscure theoretical area that very few people research to begin with. You become a peer review circle jerk and accomplish nothing in the end.

Physicists hold a little more ground...but physics is based in mathematics. Physics is the middleman between theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics like engineering. In the end, though, you're still just a circle jerk of peer reviews.

I'm not saying I do not respect mathematicians and physicists because the ones I have met have actually wanted to contribute something to the current field to better humanity. But I can confidentially say that none of you fall in that category.

>> No.3028974


>>>Johnson, come here and look at this, I need you to explain to our clients why your design for this spring is better than what our competitors offer.

>>because it functions better boss

I'm not an "anti-calculite" or anything but the reality is there are practical limits to amount of field specific utility one can obtain from studying an auxiliary subject on a more complex level.

>> No.3028978

yeah. just finished my masters in mechE. i work for a government contractor. My degree is basically a business degree with a physics minor. not even gonna lie. sorry, kiddies, but you aint gonna be woking in a "cool lab" building robots that run off of dog flatulence. You'll be a white collar bitch taking orders from a white collar bitch who gets paid more, who etc. etc. , taking clients out for lunch and occasionally fixing the office network when it goes down.
and I would kill to be in this dudes shoes.

>> No.3028985
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>> No.3028986


this is genius. this is what i want to hear.

i'm chem/math, and don't necessarily want to do as I put "obscure theoretical bullshit no one researches anyways"

how do i refrain from doing this? instruct me, master.

>> No.3028999

>>Most of you mathematicians want to study an obscure theoretical area that very few people research to begin with. You become a peer review circle jerk and accomplish nothing in the end.

ehem... *hyperbolic geometry*

that's all I'll say....

>> No.3029015
File: 11 KB, 210x251, 1304832319843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people on /sci/ argue that their major is "best" because they know they aren't going to make a difference anyways
>mfw half of you probably hate what you do

>> No.3029017


Like anything it all depends on what you do with your degree, not what your degree is. You may not be using much of your classes but that doesn't mean another engineer isn't either.

>> No.3029018


>what's that, Banach? This dude told you to quit studying infinite dimensional space because it has no application and is too obscure, circle jerk etc...?
>>Sorry, quantum mechanics. You'll have to just fuck off. Without Banach's theory, there isn't any way to represent your state vectors and operators.

>> No.3029019


Probably not. I tutor calc I-III, DEQ, and linear before 11 AM. lol


So you blatantly admit that you're a waste of government money. Why would I be jealous about that? I have no interest in money and could care less how much I make in the end. At least with engineering I'll be able to solve real world problems.

And you assume I don't understand higher level mathematics and also assume that I have no desire to pursue math past engineering requirements.

On the contrary: I do. I'd love to be a mathematician. But I also do not have resources to support schooling past 4 years. It's sad but that's how it works when neither of your parents have a degree from college.

You're not going to dignify my second question with a response? In other words you agree that calculating that term without the use of variables is insanely fucking idiotic to do. The only logical thing to do is accept that you were wrong in making the asinine statement that mathematics did not require variables to begin with.

>state Euler's identity
>state that mathematics do not need variables based on this
>fail to realize that e is defined by variables
>fail to realize pi shares similar characteristics
>fail to realize the implications of Euler's identity and how it defines basic trig. functions

Give me one plausible scenario that would allow me to switch to pure mathematics based on what I've told you.

Go on: I'll wait.

>> No.3029020
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I feel the need to point out that I am a physics major.

>> No.3029034

Does anybody here love math?

>> No.3029037
File: 102 KB, 311x311, 1303546023586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol you're so fuckin ignorant!

>> No.3029044


I think you're confusing 'useful bodies of theory' with 'obscure bodies of theory'.

>> No.3029051


not the guy you're bitching about, but

2.7...^(rdcl-1 * 3.14) + 1 = 0?

how do i do? get rid of radical, 1/2.7^(3.14)+1=0?

>> No.3029055

or raise 3.14^2? i probably forgot that, idk help me to do, i like math :)

>> No.3029059


What a rebuttal. Let's hope you don't represent mathematicians and physicists.

>> No.3029073

So you blatantly admit that you're a waste of government money.

>>nope. read it again.

I have no interest in money and could care less how much I make in the end. At least with engineering I'll be able to solve real world problems.

>>lol no you won't

And you assume I don't understand higher level mathematics

>> based on your comments, yea.

and also assume that I have no desire to pursue math past engineering requirements.

>>did I?

On the contrary: I do. I'd love to be a mathematician. But I also do not have resources to support schooling past 4 years.

>>it's called being competent and getting a scholarship and working. "real life is hard! waaah!" :'{

It's sad but that's how it works when neither of your parents have a degree from college.

>> XD cry me a river

You're not going to dignify my second question with a response? In other words you agree that calculating that term without the use of variables is insanely fucking idiotic to do.

>>nope, you could even calculate e or pi to arbitrary accuracy using a physical process that exploits probability.

The only logical thing to do is accept that you were wrong in making the asinine statement that mathematics did not require variables to begin with.

>>8===D~~~~ ()-:

>> No.3029074

Willy Wonka: fantastic and smug
Ainsley Harriot: fantastic and smug
Combination of the two: FUCKING TERRIFYING.

>> No.3029087

Wow, I'd love to advance the state of mathematics or physics but if the price of that is having to deal with aspies who rage at and look down on anyone who doesn't do zomg-super-ultra-math on a daily basis then I'd rather do something else....

>> No.3029093 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\frac{1}{(100,000,000\times10^34)!}[/spoiler]

u mad?

>> No.3029110

lol but i think she meant the partial sums.

>> No.3029111

<span class="math">\frac{1}{(100,000,000\times10^{34})!}[/spoiler]

u mad?

>> No.3029116

>>3029073 internet dick is bigger than >>3029019

>> No.3029120


>nope. read it again.

Read it. You seem like a waste of money to me.

>lol no you won't

For someone who claims to be a mathematician, you sure don't know much about optimization and applications of mathematics in computer engineering/science that allow mathematicians to correctly model certain expressions.

>based on your comments, yea.

That's ok. Some knowledge put forth > no knowledge put forth at all

>did I?

Sure did. Lapse of memory? Reread the first sentence.

>it's called being competent and getting a scholarship and working. "real life is hard! waaah!"

Considering I've made As up to this point in mathematics courses and have expressed interest in learning more, I'm confident I could obtain scholarships or grants for pursuing mathematics further.

You fail to factor in family expectations and many other social constraints. It isn't as cut and dry as you seem to think.


Ah it makes sense now. Debating with a high schooler is a waste of time.

>nope, you could even calculate e or pi to arbitrary accuracy using a physical process that exploits probability.

Then why don't you?

>8===D~~~~ ()-:

Those are variables.

>> No.3029126

not OP but why is it a factorial?

>> No.3029129


The factorial function is defined by variables. =)

>> No.3029138


And as denoted here:


I did want the partial sum by hand.

>> No.3029139

lol I think I hurt her feelings!

>> No.3029144
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>> No.3029147

Stay classy /sci/

>> No.3029163

but why does 1*1 = 1/2?

if its 1! then 1!, why is it (1/2)! ?

i guess what im saying is what do they have in common?

>> No.3029197
File: 159 KB, 600x450, HatersGonnaHateCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I'll just do it in latex since by hand would involve taking a picture or whatever... much too long, don't you think?
<div class="math">\sum_{i=0}^{100000000\times10^{34}}{\frac{1}{i!}}</div>

if you wanted a numerical answer, I'd say it's approx. 2.71828. Not much reason to go beyond 6 significant digits, ya know?

>> No.3029209

...what math class is this?

i wanna learn how to pull whole numbers out of fractions where the denominator is > numerator, wtf