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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3017260 No.3017260 [Reply] [Original]

Whats it like being an aspie ? I really like your kind guys, I mean screw people, numbers are funner. But really do you oft face ridicule ? Do you know what sarcasm is ? Is it true that you all die virgins ? So many questions !

>> No.3017266

Well, I'm not a virgin. I don't face much ridicule because I don't expose myself to many people. And even if I did, I really wouldn't care.

Sarcasm is fun. I use it all the time.

>> No.3017285

In the past 5 months i took chess as a new hobby, now i am better than most people who have been there for 2 years. I don't think it is because of my Aspergers Syndrome that i am able to learn so quickly, i blame it on spending 8 hours a day calculating tactics and solving chess problems. I can just visualize the movements of pieces in my head 10-15 moves ahead in some occasions.

>> No.3017296
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Most people who are good at math and lack social skills aren't aspies. They just need to get out of the fucking house more.

>> No.3017307

All the people I know who are great at math are pretty social, not alpha but social as fuck.

>> No.3017318


Aspie here. Actual doctor diagnosed not internet self diagnosed.

I don't face any ridicule because most people don't know I'm a Aspie. It's not that hard to keep a secret if you don't socialise much... most people think I'm just a bit boring.

I'm not a virgin either. As I don't socialise much I spend lots of time at the gym. I also dress pretty well. I'm not great at choosing fashions so I just found a good look (plain black dress shirt with good jeans) and stuck with it. I also learned some game via PUA sites/books. I'm still not great with women but I'm good enough to get laid a few times a month.

I don't really get sarcasm well (or some other emotions) but I have a few people I trust and I use them the same way a blind person uses a guide dog. I check with them to figure out what people actually mean and make sure I'm not acting like a dick or weird.

Being a Aspie doesn't automatically make you smart it just makes you bad at dealing with people and makes you obsessive about your interests. That can come across as smart to some people.

>> No.3017321

I know what sarcasm is, and I plan on becoming immortal so the whole dying a virgin thing is moot. I don't deal with people so they don't have a chance to ridicule me. It's pretty sweet - I don't have to be social plus I get the skills to be well paid for being anti-social.

>> No.3017324
File: 22 KB, 280x280, lostthegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also learned some game via PUA sites/books.
>learned some game
Fuck you, I just lost.

>> No.3017327


Fellow Aspie here. I used to be obsessed with chess as well.

When I finally got bored people still assumed I loved chess and for some reason bought me chess sets when ever they wanted to get me a gift.

Now people assume I collect the fucking things and buy me even more of them.

I have over 30 different sets and I don't even play chess anymore.

>> No.3017328

Real aspie
Sheltered internet nerd

>> No.3017335


I'm always amazed at how many Aspies are into transhumanism and the technological singularity.

When do your think the singularity will occur? (if it does at all)

I kinda agree with Vernor Vinge more than Kurzweil and think it'll occur around 2030.

>> No.3017345


Oh one thing I forgot to mention is I also have weird facial twitches. It is fairly common among Aspies and other Autism spectrum peeps to have twitches or tics they can't control.

I tend to hide the fact that I have them and if they get uncontrollable just make an excuse to leave the room (pretend I need a piss or something).

The fact of the matter is that Aspergers is only cool among basement dwellers in the real world people are prejudiced so the best strategy is to deny you have it at all times.

>> No.3017360

My uncle has Aspbergers. He slept with his doctor when he was in his 20's. She was probably around 30.

The government didn't know much about the diagnose back then so they gave him Amphetamine, he got hooked and since then he's been obsessed with having revenge on the people that prescribed him the drugs.

>> No.3017370


He prolly got aids from that female monkey

>> No.3017396

Aspie here. I get sarcasm, jokes, facials expressions, etc. I just get fucking mad when they make a joke about me, and I don't laugh about any jokes at all.

I CAN socialize, but I just don't want to. I'm the kind of aspie that follows a self-imposed celibacy.

>> No.3017403


also I study history/archaeology and I'm obsessed with it.

>> No.3017427

Haven't put a date on it, hopefully while I'm still <80 years old.

*Sheltered internet aspie nerd, lucky enough to have/have had sufficient supports in place that the benfits of my asperger's related gifts outweigh the challenges that can't be avoided.

>> No.3017429

Officially diagnosed when I was a kid, although I've gotten MUCH better since entering college. Really the only thing I really still need to work on is figuring out how to transition from having someone as a good acquaintance to having them as a friend.

>Do you know what sarcasm is?
Yeah, I can usually detect it. People who know me tell me I actually have a very good handle on sarcastic humor. The only time I have difficulty with sarcasm is if it's really subtle or entangled with an ambiguous social situation where, on the surface, it could be taken as a complement but if taken sarcastically would be an insult.

>Is it true that you all die virgins?
I'm a virgin but that's only because I'm an exclusive paraphile and thus don't really give a fuck about (legal) sex. If I did actually care about having sex I would have most likely made at least some hint of effort to get a girlfriend by now.

It's also worth noting that I more or less completely lack empathy. I don't really experience social emotions so relationships aren't a huge deal to me. As an example, my younger sister got hit by an SUV last summer. I didn't feel anything. I knew on a conscious level I was supposed to be feeling some sort of mix of sadness and compassion, so I faked those things to make people around me happy, but I seriously felt completely indifferent to the whole thing.

>> No.3017461

I can often detect sarcasm, but typically I find it very hard to notice when people are joking or being metaphorical without exaggerated cues to go on. I usually end up taking people literally, and I think that probably comes off as being stupid.

>> No.3017469

>It's also worth noting that I more or less completely lack empathy. I don't really experience social emotions so relationships aren't a huge deal to me. As an example, my younger sister got hit by an SUV last summer. I didn't feel anything. I knew on a conscious level I was supposed to be feeling some sort of mix of sadness and compassion, so I faked those things to make people around me happy, but I seriously felt completely indifferent to the whole thing.


Almost same thing happened when I was younger, about 6 or 7 or so.. I was at my grandparents and like 4 people were near me when they told me my mother fell or something up in the mountains(I don't really recall the details, I just remember accident, pain and mountain), everyone was looking at me but I didn't feel anything, I was just silent, didn't even move a facial muscle and everyone kept staring at me in silence..

>> No.3017487
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 69377_video-253224-sarah-jessica-parker-on-square-pegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3017497

Aspie here, it annoys me when 80% of people on the internet have self diagnosed themselves with this syndrome. I was diagnosed at a young age but refused to believe I had it (pretty much the opposite of what i see, people seem to love having it), I can see some signs of the syndrome at times (i often bite my lip, moving fingers a lot, shit like that) but I don't like people knowing that I've been diagnosed with it my whole life. I do tend to realise things that I have said or have misunderstood from people and then 5 minute slater think about it and just facepalm but toher then that I can't tell. Just imagine being an aspie is like being yourself, but more focused on a certain topic, and then later on switching to another topic that then gains your focus

>> No.3017502

I was diagnosed years ago but apart from acting obessive with certain interests and being bad at socializing I don't really see how I'm an aspie at all.
I normally have no trouble with things like emotions and sarcasm though I do suppress emotion a lot.

>> No.3017515

get out.

>> No.3017522

When hearin sarcasm I usually see it 60% of the time as somebody being rude to me, I don't get annoyed with them about it or any form of retaliating. For isntance if somebody said in a sarcastic mannar "Oh nice one, good job there..." (In a sarcastic tone) I see it more as a verbal attack then a sarcastic joke/ empathy sort of thing. A lot of aspies are differant though and the feelings, troubles and addictions are alot differant

>> No.3017546

In all fairness, there appear to be many doctors who misdiagnose based upon ignorance of high functioning autism characteristics. Self diagnosis can be better than blindly trusting a doc.

>> No.3017566

I agree, there are mistakes. I personally would not be bothered if my diagnosis turned out to be correct or incorrect. It no longer matters to me.

I would agree in terms of: If the person has researched the syndrome, has clear links to aspie and can see a link between themselves and a majority of the consistencies within aspie, then yes a self diagnosis could be more accurate then a doc. but you have to admit there is a huge amount of people who want aspie and diagnose themselves simply because of their own personal reasons or they have jumped the gun and gone over the top with relating to the syndrome

>> No.3017579


Personally, my first self diagnose was ADHD, it had some inconsistencies, so I researched further, found some Oppositional defiant disorder, which also had some inconsistencies, finally a psychiatrist, and a psychologist(seperate ones, went to shrink first for advice on concentration problems, she sent me to psychiatrist for meds) diagnosed me with aspergers. So yeah, self diagnose, and official, both are necessary.

>> No.3017619

Right. Asperger's person here....I was diagnosed at 18 by a psychologist. Apparently that's uncommon, according to the support people I used to have.

Do I often face ridicule? I used to, when I was younger and had no idea how all the crazy rituals people practiced worked. But eventually I figured enough of it out so that it's no longer a problem. Mostly in school. You'd be surprised the things you can learn if you just pay attention.

Yes, I know what sarcasm is. Once again, when I was younger I had a hard time with it, but I guess I'm just observant, it's pretty easy to suss out once you know it.

I'll tell an interesting story about that. When I was 10 or so, I had inquired as to where my mother was. My family members had told me that she had "crashed". I distinctively remember getting extremely upset about this, thinking they meant a literal car crash. Hah!

There's strong evidence that Asperger's Syndrome is genetic. I'll let you figure out the rest. Hint: Your genes are passed along via...? (See? Aspies can make jokes.)

Any more errata you'd like to know about, anyone? Btw I'm only decent at math.

>> No.3017627


>> No.3017654

Life is not actually an 80's movie. An interest in math does not preclude an interest in anything else.

>> No.3017655 [DELETED] 

Sure is autismal in here.

>> No.3017672

Not all aspies are good at math, though most are.

Most of the people who are _actually_ good at math are just normal people, not fucked up in any way (aspergers, social avoidance, paranoid, etc.)

>> No.3017716

I think the main problem is probably that people are jumping on a diagnostic that they believe most closely matches their condition and tricking themselves into thinking that they therefore have that exact condition. Probably related somewhat to the Saphir-Worf theory: when I was a very young child, I told my mother I was an alien. Looking back now, I of course no longer think I am an alien, but I can see that at the time that was the only word I had available to me to try to describe the way I felt about my disconnection from other people. This is obviously not uncommon, as among aspies (internet self-diagnosed perhaps more than others) the idea of feeling as if one is from another planet is not uncommon. There is even an aspie forum called "wrong planet".

In a similar way, I have come to believe that the aspie diagnosis is taken by many people as the closest terminology they have to describe their experiences. The unfortunate thing about this is that it may hinder them from developing their self-understanding further if they convince themselves that they have it all figured out now that they have a "scientific" dignostic term to describe it with.

>> No.3017943

>think /sci/ is full of normal people
>aspies, aspies everywher
...the fuck

>> No.3018734

>diagnose themselves simply because of their own personal reasons or they have jumped the gun and gone over the top with relating to the syndrome
aka using it as a social tool to get sympathy and free love or w/e.. something only a normal person would come up with.

ya I hate those people

>> No.3018850

How can you tell? I get told I exhibit Asperger symptoms all the time but I'm in my early 20s and was never diagnosed as a child.

I definitely am an odd ball as far as socialization goes (zero friends, zero need). I'm only good at math because I can sit down and focus non-stop for 4~5 hours on homework or studying.

I suck at socializing but so do other people who don't have Asperger's. I'm seeing a psychologist who says I don't have Asperger's but I'm also sure that the 'me' I present to him is vastly different than the 'me' I knew as a child.