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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 540x720, hipto waist ratio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3013809 No.3013809 [Reply] [Original]

How does aluminum?

I take aluminum out of hot oven. I touch it. It doesn't hurt.

I take metal pan out of hot oven. I touch it. it hurts.

>> No.3013818

try magnesium

>> No.3013821

Try sodium.

>> No.3013823

Lower temperature because thinner and thermal energy radiations perhaps.

>> No.3013829

try potassium

>> No.3013836

try calcium

>> No.3013839

How does oven?

I take oven out of the hurt. It's metal.

I take oven out of the aluminum. It's metal.

>> No.3013842



>> No.3013844

Probably something to do with its density.

>> No.3013846

try ur mom

>> No.3013852

OP is literally the girl in that pic. I can tell, because that's how they talk

>> No.3013875

>>3013852 whales

>> No.3014032


>implying shes fat

oh anon virgins, have never seen a real woman with hips

>> No.3014048

look bra i know youd take whatever looks at you but some of us have issues when a girl is clearly too fat

>> No.3014077


if you think shes fat then you must be a twig irl
140lbs, 6'2 I imagine.

which is understandable, guys get intimidated by fit girls-

>> No.3014079

Did /sci/ get exponentially dumber since last night?

Seriously, all the posts I've seen today are absolute nonsense.

>> No.3014085

that's not true I met a girl once and she didn't talk anything like that true story

>> No.3014081


Aluminium has a pretty low heat density, that's why it conducts heat so well, however, it also does not hold much heat

The "metal pan" you speak of might be made of steel, which has a much higher heat density and therefore holds much more heat energy allowing it to burn you.

Also, if you mean aluminum foil perhaps and a metal pan of normal thickness, the foil is very thin and thus can not hold much heat, whereas the pan is many times thicker allowing it to hold and transfer more heat to your skin hurting you.

>> No.3014087
File: 40 KB, 533x451, hipto waist ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this chick is anything but delicious

>> No.3014093


ya it was aluminum foil
it had a fish in it

so why wouldn't the foil+fish combo be just as hot as metal

your theory has holes in it

>> No.3014100


she's literally not fat, not even chubby...she just has some muscle and very good genetics

>> No.3014107

im 5'8 and 160 i am not a twig
and my gf is curvy and large-breasted and fucking awesome
but that chick in the OP's pic is just too fat, she has wide hips and then huge fat thighs that just bulge out there, meanwhile her tits are small

>> No.3014111

ok first was fat but taht is just awesome

>> No.3014113

>i can tell, because that's how they talk

they're using an oven
nuff said

>> No.3014142


I don't understand what you mean, the pan is made out of thicker (possibly not aluminum) metal, the foil is made out of thinner metal. The pan can hold more energy than the foil. The burn experienced when grabbing a hot thing is the hot thing giving you its stored heat energy. If the hot thing can only hold a small amount of energy (like the foil) it won't be able to burn you as easily as a thicker pan that can hold more energy.

>> No.3014205


it's the same chick Einstein

>> No.3014278

but true

>> No.3014290

bull shit first ones tits are way smaller

>> No.3014509


Le fullretard.jpg

>> No.3014530

stop your pretend bullshit and gtfo faggot if you want a rate fuck fest go to /b/ or /soc/

>> No.3014556


he's 5'8
his gf is probably a hambeast....

girls hate short guys

>> No.3014566

You still here OP?

You got these pics form /fit/ yesterday right? Do you know what happened to the anon who posted them? I went to bed shortly after.

Did he get with that chick or what?

>> No.3014570

except not because i dont fuck around with fat chicks like the one in op faggot

>> No.3014579


I dunno bro, didn't read the whole thread

do you have any pics of this chick? I want moar

>> No.3014599

dude he posted like 100 pics of her and some were just amazing, but then he followed /fit/'s advice and she was coming over to 'watch a movie' then he stopped posting em.

>> No.3014602

no no no no no

It's the same temperature. It just hold much less thermal energy because it's thin, so when you touch it it transfers a very small amount of heat that your fingers can absorb without increasing temperature (i.e. getting hot).

Look up heat capacity.

It's the same reason that sparks from sparklers don't hurt when they land on you... they're several hundred degrees yet you don't even feel it.

>> No.3014605
File: 49 KB, 480x640, itsjustbigbones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying guys aren't evolutionarily predisposed to liking chubbies

>> No.3014615

If that's true then why do "chubbies" make me feel like gouging out my eyes?

>> No.3014621

well clearly you are an inferior human being who should promptly be eliminated from the gene pool
oh wait, no worries because you'll never be able to pass on your genes anyway.

>> No.3014625


social pressure, media, culture, advertising

there are fat girls who have disgusting proportions and ugly faces...then there are chubby girls with great faces and very sexual proportions...it depends on their genetics; you probably have a knee-jerk reaction conditioned in you by your environment

>> No.3014626

You're just mad that nobody likes you, fatty

>> No.3014630
File: 626 KB, 462x610, triple A beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3014633

Did homo sapiens back then ever get a chance to get this fat?

>> No.3014662


we can assume so since modern man has a predisposition for chubbies

>> No.3014675


Quit your armchair anthropology.

>> No.3014683

>modern man has a predisposition for chubbies
[citation needed]

>> No.3014688


Also needs one for "modern man has a predisposition for something, therefore evolutionary psychology!"

>> No.3014692
File: 200 KB, 800x666, evolutionary_biology_bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, exactly.

>> No.3014694
File: 92 KB, 500x690, 1285038586983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're gay bro, sorry.

>> No.3014735
File: 140 KB, 300x300, Justin_Bieber_bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a girl more your type:

>> No.3014761
File: 239 KB, 797x1200, 1287292749899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah.

>> No.3014784


Dat Eastern Yurop feature!!


>> No.3014817

Man, what I'd give to motorboat that chick's ass.