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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3012073 No.3012073 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ways to improve your academic marks

I want to do better than I am right now, I currently make flashcards, and I read all the time, I want top of my class...Any tips?

Pic Semi-related, it has to do with my field.

>> No.3012086
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How do you study for origami?

>> No.3012098

amphetamine. Lots of amphetamine.

Adderall, vyvanse, desoxyn, whatever you can get your hands on. It's essentially steroids for your studying!

>> No.3012113

If you actually follow this method, OP, you will be god-mode. Don't be a faggot, good grades come from putting in the work for them.


>> No.3012126
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>implying it's not a mathematical field of research



>> No.3012133
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>> No.3012137
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Whom ever posted the flat folding...

Mind = Blown

>> No.3012163

dude thank you

>> No.3012169

> whom ever

>> No.3012171
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flashcards? are you a toddler?

look at the specification for your unit. go through your notes and textbook and make sure you know everything you are meant to know on that specification. they cant ask you anything else

as long as you arn't dumb and know how to aply that knowledge to different situations you will get the top grade

I really dont see why everyone finds it so difficult

>> No.3012175
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I think there is pretty much no mathematical aspect of life which hasn't been studied for ages by someone.
I always like to say that there are tons of papers on this little fucker:

and concerning paper-folding etc.:
there's this graph theory/combinatorics/computer science/group theory professor who works for wolfram who also has a pretty much private website with lots of crazy shit:


you're welcome

>> No.3012178
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>mfw all of you are taking study tips from kids at Carribean medical schools

>> No.3012184

I do this. learned the entire Bio Anthro text in a few hours. Wrote a 10 page research paper on the origin of language in an afternoon. Stims help when you need help fast. Aside from that what issues are you having? is it memory, to you need to work on problem solving skills? Does your writing suck? (in the case of research papers)

>> No.3012187

How do you call this little box with diagonals? That one must have a damned name, I'm sure of that.

It took me 10 years or so to realize its importance because loldiscretemath and graph theory.

>> No.3012198

Yeah but how should you work? It's kind of a poor argument to expect people to figure out the best way to study by themselves when the entirety of education is based on the fact that people can't figure out most shit for themselves and need to be taught.

>> No.3012209


i used to be a /b/tard before adderall. now i lurk /sci/ every day for hours while studying math and chem. its fucking amazing what this drug has done for me.

also, you don't need a lot. just enough to focus. i'm prescribed 20mg tablets, but sometimes i'll only take 10mg or 5mg, and it lasts for 5-6 hours.

and its not really "amphetamine", its salts of amphetamine. I don't know what that means (haven't hit that level in chem) but its legal speed in a sense.

>> No.3012213


Does that really work?

>> No.3012235

also, take a lot of math classes. math teaches you problem solving and logic (besides theorems and shit) which means if you remember some shit, you can logically come to the answer about other shit.

for example: i know the number of protons in an atom determines what element it is, and this is the atomic number. if i have a test question "An element has 23 protons. What element is it?" I can look at my periodic table and find the element with the atomic number 23 = vanadium

>> No.3012240


yes it does

>> No.3012254

Average day on adoral
>>Wake up
>>take pill
>>sit at computer
>>Learn everything, study for all my classes, cross post learnings on /sci/ and /b/ to reinforce memory and understanding of the knowledge
>>continue studying and learning
>>piss once or twice
>>go to bed
Average day not on adoral
>>wake up
>>dick around on the computer, hit up /b/ and fetlife. post in nonsense threads make some discussion.
>>watch Natgeo, maybe play some vidya
>>try and study
>>end up on /b/
>>go out maybe with friends maybe just to get groceries

>> No.3012280

yeah if you can't focus and this is a typical day for you not on adderall, you need adderall.

if you're making flashcards and shit (lol) you don't need adderall

>> No.3012287

How did everyone get there hands on adderal here? Any ways in UK without having to sue a doctor?

>> No.3012291


>> No.3012324

before I got a script for it I just got it from my regular University drug dealer. I live here in the states and its pretty easy to get it from your doctor. Just tell them you can't focus and you think you would benefit from ADHD meds. they might give you some bullshit test that you answer as if you were one who can't focus. and you'll get it. Its done wonders for me. My GPA is higher than it ever was, I'm looking at getting my PhD from university of Oregon and I should have no problem getting in, Due to my high grades I'm happier which means my wife is happier. everybody wins. without it, its like my mind is in a fog. I have no motivation, I have trouble paying attention, my thoughts become jumbled and what sounds like sound logic in my head actually isn't

>> No.3012327

it'll make you feel introverted and distant from everyone else. I'm this guy:>>3012280

and my adderall makes me edgy. really, if you can focus without it, then you don't need it. thats all its going to do, and keep you awake for 6 hours and kill your appetite (eg, no sleep)

look into a keto diet before you do adderall. supposedly ketones help with brain function better than glucose.

but seriously, adderall won't make you any smarter than you already are. i'm a fucking super-genius, but i can't pay attention which is why i'm on adderall. if i had it in high school, i'd have a 5.0 and all my teachers would have committed suicide because i'd make them look like retards.

but to get it...don't use a doctor. see a psychiatrist. they're easier to con.

>> No.3012333

well if you can't pay attention then you would need it, since that what the drug is for.

but seriously, if you can sit down and read something for longer than 10 minutes, you don't need adderall.

>> No.3012339

1.find someone with a prescription
2. give them five dollars
3. ????
4. profit.

>> No.3012370

I use the pomodoro technique because it's very easy to me just to focus on something just for a little time (25 mins) then just go to the bath and Fap, and then come back to studying. Could I benefit of Aderall?

When I take energy drinks it's very easy to me to focus :D

>> No.3012374

I'm so jelly right now. Shame you can't get Aderrall at all where I live. Guess I'll stay uneducated.

>> No.3012394

That's not anything remotely resembling fact. It's a lie. Provide children with freedom, support and educational resources and they will educate themselves.

>> No.3012396

I seriously need it. there are many who don't but I do. I tried going off of it from my senior year in highschool to my sophomore year in college (I'm a senior with 2 semesters to go for my double major minor) and at first I was fine. due to my above average intelligence I could make good grades without focusing. I didn't study ever, I never read the book. I simply could deduce the material myself or I already knew it. once I hit upper level courses though my grades started to tank because I couldn't physically make myself study. I tried and tried but I would always zone out in one way or the other. My GPA got down to 2.5 after failing a course for the first time in my life (O.chem) and making shit grades on everything else (except history and anthro). it was then I decided it was time for me to get back on the meds. Right there preparing for my finals I started taking it and it saved my grades. I aced my finals giving me average grades (80-95ish stuff with a few 60-80 stuff) that semester and after that I made nothing but 90+ becasue I actually could focus and motivate myself into learning what I couldn't figure out on my own

>> No.3012398

dual n back > flash cards

>> No.3013870
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I usually just make a page with all the important parts, then I go into specifics via summarization of passages. It's very important to put things in your own words. Reading the material will only make you remember things. Writing them ensures you know and learn them (if that makes sense)....however, this might not prove useful, seeing as I am only doing highschool level studying.

>> No.3013877

Flash cards are a last resort.

deriving things > understanding how someone else derived them > memorizing them

Granted, there are many situations where memorization is all you can do without a graduate-level understanding of such-and-such, but usually, one of the first two is possible.

>> No.3013886
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Damn...you apply this so Physics and you are in god mode. Like he said, it's not just about memorization; it's about building upon those concepts.