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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 587 KB, 600x880, milfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3010184 No.3010184 [Reply] [Original]

Why do atheists believe in evolution despite the fact that no transitional fossils have ever been found, and the dating techniques used to say the earth is older than 6000 years are all flawed and inaccurate?
Science actually agrees with the biblical account of genesis. Darwinian pseudoscience has just distorted things to look like science is somehow in conflict with the christian creation story.

>> No.3010190

Really? Trolling when there is only like 3 people on, and youre one of them. Whats the point?

>> No.3010210
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how do I science?

>> No.3010212

I'm proud of you /sci/. You ignored a troll thread.

>> No.3010242
File: 798 KB, 800x634, sagesagesage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 op samefags his own thread until someone bites

>> No.3010248

ITT so called science-fags can't defend their religion- I mean "theory"

>> No.3010259

You know that missing link all you darwinists are looking for? Still missing!
God: 1
Evilutionists: 0

>> No.3010274

Evolution can only explain variation between species, but it can't make anything new.
Apes becoming people and dinosaurs becoming birds is biologically impossible

>> No.3010294

OP take an intro to biology course first and see if you still have any doubts. Anyone who doubts evolution most likely has a shallow/incorrect understanding of what evolution is

>> No.3010296

if it bleeds, we can sage it

>> No.3010299

So where are those transitional fossils, mr. educated?

>> No.3010304
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>mfw when all supposed transitional forms have been prooven false
You mad evilution fags?

>> No.3010302

You're trolling, right?

>> No.3010306

We have thousands of transitional fossils. Just go into a museum.
Every time we show a transitional fossil, you guys want another transitional fossil between that one and the one before it. It's impossible to reason with the unreasonable.

>> No.3010307

Does it rain in your world?

>> No.3010309
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If evolution makes things bigger and better and birds supposedly came from dinosaurs, why are birds smaller than dinosaurs?
Owned evolution fags.

>> No.3010312

>If evolution makes things bigger and better
It doesn't.
See: eyeless cave animals.

>> No.3010316

Name one. And one that has an actual fossil, not one of the computer mockups or drawings you evolutionists always use.
Also you typed sage into the name field. You must be pretty upset

>> No.3010325

If this doesn't get banned, then I don't know what will.

>> No.3010327



>> No.3010333

A question to the creationist (troll)

How do you explain vestigial organs?

>> No.3010346

OP is a transitional ape/human species

>> No.3010355

God liked the design.

Its like explaining lightning painted on a car.

>> No.3010370


Who designed god?

>> No.3010484

OP here, this isn't me.
Who said they had no function?
Maybe they have a function and we just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.3010491

Why is America still debating questions that were laid to rest in Europe 200 years ago?

>> No.3010492

a ridiculous claim

explain the laryngeal nerve OP? all mammals share the same, ill-engineered "design"

explain genetic imprinting OP? why would god want the mother to treat the embryo in utero as a parasite?

both of which can easily be explained via the modern evolutionary synthesis

>> No.3010502

No, here's the thing, in the majority of vestigial organs we DO know the function, or their previous functions. Vestigial organs are not some mysterious thing in biology. They are created by evolution and explained for by evolutionary theory.

A vestigial organ is an organ that once served some purpose but now serves a diminished or different purpose.

The appendix, for example, was larger in our ancestors and presumably aided in food digestion. Over the course of human evolution, our diets changed and there was no selection pressure for a normal sized appendix, and negative selection pressures took over: the appendix shrunk to the size it is today.

The tailbone is another vestigial organ. It has an important use, but it is not the original use it had as a tail. The bones in the tailbone were re-purposed sometime in our evolutionary history for muscle attachments.

Just because something is vestigial doesn't mean it doesn't have a purpose.

You'd know all this if you took a high school biology course.

>> No.3010509

here's a list of transitional fossils.
1.Tiktaalik: The "Fishapod
2.Archaeopteryx: The First Bird
3.Amphistium: The Halfway Flatfish
4.Ambulocetus: The Walking Whale
5. Hyracotherium/Eohippus: The Dawn Horse
6.Thrinaxodon: The Emerging Mammal

>> No.3010548

Please people, we were doing so well, remember to sage this bullshit. It's painfully obvious that the OP is just samefagging to try and troll.

>> No.3010569


>> No.3010589

Atheism is not a religion. It is a lack of faith. A lack of faith is not faith. Not collecting stamps is not a hobby. Atheism is not the Big Bang theory and it is not the theory of Evolution. Science is not a religion, it is a method for discovering new knowledge. Atheism is only a religion in the same way that not believing is Santa Clause is also a religion. The burden of proof lies on people claiming that a god exists. There is no purpose for our existence, only causes. Morality is independent of religion. Actions done under the belief that punishment awaits are impure. "Good" and "bad" are only human perceptions.
Religion is the epitome of ignorance, it is a deadly ignorance. It is an abomination and insult to reason. It is a political tool used to control large populations. It is a security blanket for those that fear death. It is a cheap answer to questions that science cannot at this time explain. It is the result of a lack of information. Religion is holding mankind from it's potential. It still exists because of tradition and an emotional reponse to reject harshness of reality.

>> No.3010613

Bzzt. You have failed. Atheism is a religion by definition. It's how you view the spiritual and divine, thus making it a religion. Just like "Apolitical" is a political view.

>> No.3010621

>Just like "Apolitical" is a political view.
Yet it's not a political party, just like atheism is not a religion, but a point of view.

>> No.3010624




>> No.3010634


Wrong again. Atheism is not a religion. Apolitical is not a political view. It is a lack of one. Why is this so hard to comprehend for you?

>> No.3010642


>> No.3010663

Why do people believe in sage when this thread didn't die like intended?

If you want to attack the theory of evolution, ask this: If it's real why has it stopped? Why haven't we seen anything evolving? All we see are species dying out at a rapid pace, but very few possible cases of any sort of evolutionary adaption.

>> No.3010668

But that's stupid, do you want people to ask more stupid questions?

>> No.3010671

>no filter

Oh nigger what are you doing?

>> No.3010669

Sure is samefag in here.

>> No.3010672

If evilution is true than why didn't all monkeys evolve to humans? Checkmate athiests

>> No.3010703

If evolution is true why are bananas easy to hold?

>> No.3010727


> the dating techniques used to say the earth is older than 6000 years are all flawed and inaccurate?

Why? [citation needed]

We believe in evolution because it is happening right now, see for example lactose intolerance.

People were all naturally lactose intolerance, until we started to use animal milk as a food source, so our bodies adapted so we were able to digest milk our whole life.

>> No.3010731

This whole thread is a troll and anyone posting without sage should feel bad.

>> No.3010733
File: 41 KB, 600x400, applause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's real why has it stopped? Why haven't we seen anything evolving?
These creationism troll threads usually don't do anything for me, but I have to admit, this made me lol.

>> No.3010737




>> No.3010738

theoretical experiment.
is god omnipotent? according to belief he is. can he create a rock he cannot lift? yes, he cannot lift it, therefore he is no longer omnipotent. if he is unable, then is no longer omnipotent.
the principle of an all-knowing allpowefull god is flawed, and whos to say christfags are right and every other religion is wrong??
i say we call it christian MYTHOLOGY, as per the greeks and norse gods

>> No.3010741


That is a shit tier thought experiment. Why do you think there is only true and false? There could also be a third state of truth content, or more (and in fact, there is).

Yes he can do it, you just don't understand how it can work with your inferior human mind.

>> No.3010742

wow /sci/, i am disappoint

>> No.3010747

Really? Then I guess your expectations were a bit too high to begin with.

>> No.3010748
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>> No.3010749

the logic is infallible.
until u prove a third possible state in a yes or no experiment, your argument is invalid

there is no third option on a positive/negative test.

>> No.3010752

>People thinking OP was successful.

>> No.3010755

His baseless assumption about what god can and cannot do is just as valid as yours.

Yes, he can create a rock so heavy he couldn't lift it. No, this wouldn't contradict his omnipotence. See a contradiction? Well, there isn't one in the realm of the supernatural. God can make everything make sense, because he's omnipotent.

>> No.3010759
File: 106 KB, 640x480, troll_wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ~50 post so far

/sci/ is the easiest to troll

>> No.3010761

trying to explain science to christians is like tying to explain a fou dementional object to a redneck

>> No.3010765

90% of them are people discussing /sci/'s responsiveness to trolls.

>> No.3010764
File: 13 KB, 261x344, 33333390879787085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3010768

>thinks 50 posts is a lot for a troll thread
>keeps on posting successful troll is successful pictures
Hey OP

>> No.3010779

>See a contradiction?

>> No.3010780
File: 14 KB, 800x716, 1278531816790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is where i practice my TROLLIN

>> No.3010783

Developing a cultural taste for milk is not the same as developing wings or scales or something that can't be readily altered simply by choice.

>> No.3010785

Yeah, that's exactly my point. You can't point out a *logical* contradiction in critique of supernatural shit that's not within logical boundaries to begin with. God is supernatural. There is no fucking "thought experiment" that could invalidate any of his supposed superpowers.

>> No.3010791

>taste for milk
I don't think you know what lactose intolerance means.

>> No.3010797

Children are born with a high intolerance for broccoli and spinach which they lose when adults. And all the years of mom forcing kids to their their green veggies hasn't changed it.

>> No.3010803

The amount of stupid in this thread is migraine-inducing.

>> No.3010816
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>> No.3010819


>> No.3010910


Who said it is a positive/negative test?

Can god create a stone that is too heavy for him to lift? Yes he can.
Can he lift that stone? Yes he can.

It's not even a paradox.

>> No.3010916



I was talking about developing the ability to digest milk.

Go look it up on wikipedia or something.

>> No.3010917


Oh yeah? I loved Broccoli, now what?

>> No.3010931

Frankly this lactose evolution bullshit doesn't make historical sense, since Indians have been domesticatting cows for the purpose of milk for thousands of years (before the recent "evolution" of lactose tolerance). They don't kill and eat them or drink their blood. So why the fuck would they raise cows? For pets? Huge smelly pets? They drank their fucking milk!

>> No.3010941


You still don't get it, huh? Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactose_intolerance

Read and get smart.

Of course those indians also had to adapt to being able to digest milk.

>> No.3010953

Oh I get it. What happens when a lactose intolerant person drinks MILK? They get naseous, they puke. So here we have Indians who have made cows sacred (not killed) for at least 4000 years, and raising cows before this time. Why would they do that? Why would they raise animals that made them sick and puke? Are you going to move the timeline for this "evolution" back to account for this? Then it isn't a recent adaption at all, now is it?

>> No.3010962

>Are you going to move the timeline for this "evolution" back to account for this?
He's just saying that those people had developed a similar lactose tolerance back then.