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3008503 No.3008503 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be stupid enough to believe in the afterlife.

>> No.3008512

>brought up catholic

already done that bro. shits overrated

>> No.3008511

I was once.

>> No.3008517

I don't believe in an afterlife. But its extremely arrogant and pointless for you to say that.

>> No.3008526

I once was.

I thought about it while mowing the lawn the other day. When I was 13 I just gave some thought as to how much religious dogma there is dictating who will go to "heaven" or "hell".

I realized very few people fully follow that dogma, and the vast majority of people die in a state of mortal sin (using Catholicism as an example). Therefore the VAST majority of souls are in hell.

Meaning the devil won and God lost. God, being omnipotent and omnibenevolent, would not allow this to happen. But this contradicts Catholic dogma. Ergo, I lost my faith.

I've been an agnostic atheist ever since.

>> No.3008529
File: 79 KB, 463x462, my-body-is-ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can become enlightened enough to accept the reality of rebirth

>> No.3008534

Also once was. Sucks the church had a pretty good lock on my brain for the first ~15 years.

I always felt guilty for thinking rationally, shit sucked. It is horribly terrific thought control.

>> No.3008537

possibly reincarnation but I doubt it

>> No.3008541

reincarnation is real.
when i die, these atoms may well eventually form another living organism once more

>> No.3008547

and your evidence that your stream of consciousness will pick up again once that happens..?

>> No.3008548

Ironic considering your body won't be ready since you're talking about an immortal soul, troll.

>> No.3008558
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Yes, but think of people like the blobs in a lava lamp. They come from the collective as individuals for a while, then they return to the collective for their matter to be reused later. But they will never be that entire bubble again.

You won't be resurrected as a conscious being with a "past life" your matter will simple go back into circulation.

>> No.3008561

I didn't say it would. I just like calling that process of atom formation 'reincarnation'.

>> No.3008565

Your matter is CONSTANTLY going back in to circulation. I'm only fairly close to being what I was when I started typing this.

>> No.3008567

>immortal soul

I didn't say shit about the immortal soul.

And you do have to prepare your body. Your body is all you have.

>> No.3008570

Sure. Every 7 years you are a *completely* different person. But you get my drift regarding reincarnation.

>> No.3008571

matter flows from place to place
momentarily coming together to be you
some people find that thought disturbing
i find the reality thrilling

>> No.3008576

We are the process(es) of atom formation, not the atoms themselves

the beauty of the living thing is not the atoms that go into it but the way those atoms are put together.

>> No.3008578
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My parents were atheists who told me that I do or don't believe as far as religion goes should be my choice alone, and that they'd support my beliefs no matter what.

>> No.3008586

you stop being you after death, when the process that continually makes you stops

are there any other times where this process could be interrupted or halted altogether. ?

>> No.3008605

There is an exact duplicate of yourself, thinking the exact same thoughts. Which one is you?

You are "you" only because you believe yourself to be.

Self is a construct of the mind, a sort of golem to which it feeds stimuli in order to garner a useful response.

>> No.3008607

a) WRONG BITCH, not all replacement periods are shorter than 7 years, when you die you will still have some of your original cells with you.

b) even if you were, you are not a pile of cells, you are the configuration of those cells. similarly, the only difference between two structurally identical lego houses are the legos, for all intents and purposes, they are the same house.

>> No.3008616

>die you will still have some of your original cells with you.

Which ones? I'm curious.

>> No.3008617

i believe in the afterlife

i am smart

doesn't have to be mutually exclusive

>> No.3008625

i believe in Santa Claus.

i am smart

doesn't have to be mutually exclusive

>> No.3008627
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>implying lego houses are conscious creatures

>> No.3008631

It does. You only think you're smart, because you're too dumb to realize you're not.

>> No.3008640

See >>3008617

Not so smart now, dumbshit