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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3001955 No.3001955 [Reply] [Original]


Brand new Question Evolution campaign. What are your thoughts about these new skeptics?

>> No.3002003
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"evoluttionary pseudo-science"
A christian skeptic is an oxymoron

>> No.3002008
File: 30 KB, 647x394, 2011-05-05_225858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This phenomenal effort will involve the use of thought-provoking t-shirts and other attention-grabbing paraphernalia...
Good luck with that.

>> No.3002048

Another pathetic attempt to garner more respect for a movement that doesn't have much to start with. A few of their questions are interesting, but far from discredit evolution. Most of the questions "evolutionists" can't answer don't related to evolution at all, but are Abio-genesis. The other questions have been sufficiently answered a hundred times over the years, but they just keep asking them. It's an utterly pointless endeavor to actually debate these people. The only respectable thing to do at this juncture is to teach our students good science.

>> No.3002055


behold everyone, creationism in it's death throes, the cornered beast is at it's most lethal when backed into a corner.

>> No.3002065

I wish i could see when Ken Miller DESTROYED michael behe in the courtroom...i wish

>> No.3002071


it was funnier when the judge took over questioning because they got caught committing perjury.

federal judge PO'ed at you for lying in courtroom = brix were shat

>> No.3002080

In my country people like to say that Americans are stupid.

These guys are working very hard to encourage this prejudice.

>> No.3002090
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In case anyone cares, here's the campaign's leaflet that you're supposed to print out and stump evolutionists with:


Guess that's it; evolution is finished. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.3002091
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Yes, because the hairless bipedal apes in another country are significantly different from the hairless bipedal apes in America, to the extent that there are no morons.

>> No.3002104
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Alright /sci/

1. Answer them
2. Make pastebin
3. Make it top comment on video (post to /b/)
4. ????
5. profit

>> No.3002109


>> No.3002112


"changed worms into humans"

It'd help if they didn't spend their whole time bitch slapping a straw-man around.

>> No.3002118

It's called culture, brother. In the same way that Asians are workaholics and niggers are rapists.

>> No.3002146

So... does anyone have a better theory than evolution that's not GAWD DEED IT?

>> No.3002149

good idea. besides the whole /b/ thing

>> No.3002162

I'll answer these for kicks in case anyone gets handed that garbage:

10. Worms did not evolve into humans, and furthermore evolution only occurs when change is necessary for a species to prosper. Sharks have remained unchanged because their design is so good it needs little-to-no adaptation so far.
11. Species cooperating for everyone's benefit is logical and can be found in primates or even ants. Our morality is a gray-matter extrapolation of that.
12. Human interaction is complex. People want as many babies as possible but are also meant to raise their kids to be successful, these are two things hardwired into our brains. If you want any more explanation ask a psychologist.
13. Medicine.
14. Just like you can't prove stars exist by trying to make one yourself, evolution is still science because it's an observed phenomena with repeatable results. Just ask Gregor Mendel.
15. If you can't understand the irony of quoting a philosopher of science on anything, you probably didn't get the irony of your question.

>> No.3002169


Good job throwing a wet blanket onto that pile of shit.

>> No.3002179

Considering the only reason anyone wants to question evolution is it implies god either doesn't exist or we weren't made in his image... why would there be?

>> No.3002176

We are the result of experiments done by an advanced extraterrestrial society and early appearances of "god" were simply the experimenters checking on on their experiment.

>> No.3002190

I always like the "why are there still monkeys" and similar inane variations of the question.

If your cousin moves abroad you don't suddenly become a Chinaman.

>> No.3002191


Evolution makes no statements of god, it's the biblical fanaticism that insists that either the bible is right and evolution is wrong, or evolution "disproves" god. There are plenty of moderate christians that accept evolution, of course, they have to perform mental gymnastics to have it mesh with the bible in any coherent way, but that is their issue to deal with.

>> No.3002195


It's also ridiculous, because it implies that monkeys/apes are not successful on their own. As if that archetype has no chance at all. Quite the opposite, they do just fine, unlike all the other hominids which are all long extinct now.

>> No.3002200
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There are a few, but oddly enough, they're mostly on the insane end of the spectrum.

>> No.3002201


>14.You cannot do experiments



>> No.3002202

So true. The things religious people do to justify what is obviously a bronze-age myth is baffling. But then again, so are people who think tax cuts for the rich still work.

>> No.3002215

it's not that hard to stick evolution into the bible.

Bible says God created heaven and earth in 7 days.

It ALSO says that every day from God's perspective is likened to a thousand years to man.

So, it is entirely possible that god created the earth in 7 god days, but that same amount of time to human perspective equates to several millions of years.

>> No.3002212

>In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.

I know of one example, and I didn't even need to google it.


>> No.3002221

>Evolution makes no statements of god
>no statements of

Theres a difference.

>> No.3002224

I cannot understand how any intellectually honest person with a normal intelligence can say that "evolution is a religion".

>> No.3002228

Now that's just grabbing at straws. The earth is 4.5 billion years old and the universe is ten more billion years.

>> No.3002232


You can pretend that something implies as much as you like, it's nothing but conjecture, and utterly unfounded. Science by nature has no say on the supernatural, it is a discipline only concerned with empirical evidence, and any creative agency X is firmly outside empirical testing.

>> No.3002244


Yeah, that is quit false. The bible never speaks of the days meaning more than a day, that is post-hoc christian apologetics at it's most pathetic. Besides, why bother calling it a "day" then, just call it what it is.

>> No.3002249
File: 15 KB, 835x160, whatnowcreationists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate...

>> No.3002255

If only stupidity were physically painful...

Seriously, all of these people deserve to die. Republicans, too.

>> No.3002263


Creationism has hand hundreds of years to get it's shit together. All of their "arguments" were intellectually dismantled before Rome fell.

>> No.3002266

Here's what I think.

Evolutionists should stop being such fucking stuck up assholes and answer the questions people have.

Questioning is a good way to learn things, if all evolutionists are going to do is make fun of people questioning their sacred dogma then nobody is going to buy into it.

>> No.3002275


This is called making shit up. Or Religion, if you prefer.

>> No.3002274

“With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day” (2 Peter 3:8)

God's perspective on time is totally alien to humans.

7 days to him is infinitely long to a human.

>> No.3002277

What's an "evolutionist"? If I "believe" Maxwell's equation about electromagnetism, am I a maxwellist or an electromagneticist?

>> No.3002279

Nice doubles, troll.

>> No.3002281


inb4 people shit on you and your comment

You do realize that all the questions asked have been answered? We evolutionists have nothing better to do now, so we just sit around and laugh at creationists.

>> No.3002282


There is no sacred dogma, I have no allegiance to evolution, I'm willing to eject it if a better explanation comes along. "Evolutionists" is also confusing, are there also "Einsteinists?", and "Gravityists"? You do not buy scientific theories, you accept them, due to the evidence.

>> No.3002292


called it perfectly lol

It's funny how religious people seek to try and drag science down to it's level, perhaps they already know they can't win a rational discussion with faith against empirical evidence?

>> No.3002305

>Evolutionists should stop being such fucking stuck up assholes and answer the questions people have.
Like what? The questions in that flyer are either very easy to answer, or not answerable at all by any evolutionary model, because they're not actually *related* to evolution (origin of life/abiogenesis stuff). So, what are those questions the evolutionists neglect to answer?

>> No.3002308

I feel the need to say a few things. Athiestfags need to stop trying to convince christfags that there is no higher power. Let them believe what they want. They value morals so let them be. Christfags need to understand that the athiests of /sci/ don't believe in god because of objective reasonings. At least they aren't the kind of people that have life issues and blame the absence of god for all their problems. Athiests of /sci/ are anything but ignorant.

>> No.3002325


How is being religious have any link to morals. Let alone being a religious person donating that you carevurrymuuuch about morals.

>> No.3002327

Whoever said anything about trying to convince them. We're just laughing at them for believing in something obviously stupid and against logic.

>> No.3002352


Even more confusing, not a single post in here has been trying to claim that a god does or does not exist, it's nothing but replies defending evolution. I believe someone subscribes to the straw-man that evolution and atheism are synonymous.

>> No.3002361

Let me put it this way.
Lets say you're on a bus sub and you notice that an old lady has fallen asleep. She has already missed one stop. Would you wake her up even though she is sound asleep with a peaceful smile on her face?
Ignorance is bliss, im a little jealous of blind faith

>> No.3002370

The idea of a God isn't contradictory to evolution. Maybe interpretations of the Book of Genesis are.

>> No.3002376


I find nothing of value in pleasant fantasies that I have no evidence for. The facts are not always fun or pretty, but at least my shit comports with reality, and I value that over any comforting delusion.

>> No.3002385
File: 353 KB, 1280x1920, f science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_long-term_evolution_experiment
> doinitrite?

No. Mutation is NOT evolution.
I'll say it again.
Mutation is NOT evolution.

Just because a genetic code drifts does NOT prove speciesation. You can grow 50,000 generations of E. coli, but take away the selection pressure (in this case increased citrate), and you will see revertant mutants back to the wild type within 2 to 3 generations.

U mad?

>> No.3002393

Makes sense, there is certainly no such thing as selective pressure in nature.

>> No.3002406

Welcome to /sci/. Enjoy your most likely very short stay.

>> No.3002410

>question 15

You silly goose, Intelligent Design ISN'T taught in science classes,

>> No.3002411


No such thing as environmental attrition ;D

>> No.3002424

The amount of irony in the video is truly staggering. Question evolution, but blindly accept the Bible!

>> No.3002427


I don't get why there are apostrophes around science?

>> No.3002435

If god is so perfect, why did he make black people?
Riddle me that

>> No.3002444


Not a joke, but an incredible simulation!

>> No.3002445

nobody said mutation was evolution. its a part of evolution. speciation has been observed, homo, and 50k generations of a modern form of e.coli mean jack shit in the big picture.

its great to question evolution, because a lot of scientists are assholes. discrediting it completely is a sign you aren't using your head. its the best theory we have going on right now, and it fits well with the best theories on the origin of life. if you are a skeptic, but believe in a god, kill yourself and find out because you are contradicting your own existence. maybe evolution made you that way.

>> No.3002463

>Claims ignorant shit without knowing what he's saying
*citation needed

>> No.3002468
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>yfw comments

>> No.3002494
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>> No.3002503
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>> No.3002504


>> No.3002509
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>> No.3002602

I love it when they bring up the choice you have between Jesus and eternal damnation. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't call this a "choice". You'd call it extortion.

>> No.3002613


It's about as much free will as the typical "selling you insurance" racket the mafia indulges in.