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File: 30 KB, 512x384, arghh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2999733 No.2999733 [Reply] [Original]

> That feel when you're about to end high school but don't know what to do next.

>> No.2999752
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>> No.2999797

Dat feel anon, dat feel.

Really the only thing you can do is just sit down with yourself and have a nice hard shit.

>> No.2999811

go with guts anon, dont end up like me changing majors 5 times just to end up at chemical engineering and wishing i was in mechanical. sigh

>> No.2999817

Its my 3rd year in university and I still dont know what to do with my life

>> No.2999819

sorry that i dont have a webcam to show it to you :|

>> No.2999822

yvan eht nioj

>> No.2999830


what are you doing right now

>> No.3000468

Just remember, no matter how stupid/loser you are you can always join the military. For the subhumans we have the US Army.

>> No.3000470
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>that feel when you're at the end of your Masters and don't know what to do next



>> No.3000498

oh hey
me too

well I can double major and stay another two semesters...
might as well :/

>> No.3000774

>that feel when you're finishing your fourth year of your undergrad and you still have another year to go

damn you internship, damn you!

>> No.3000780


I couldn't join, blind in one eye.

So now I'm a bum.

>> No.3000789

I have similar problem. Gonna have a sabbatical when I'm done with the gymnasium in a month, but that means I need an actual job and fuck me if I feel like doing that.

>> No.3000802


Is that you

>> No.3000818

thats what i did. didn't want to take more school right out of hs so i joined the usmc and went 1371. i'm out now and 2 years into my degree for petro engineering.

it's a bitch being 4 years behind everybody else, but being in the corps was a unique experience. if i could do it again i'd do it in reverse, college then military. but if i had had a degree i wouldn't have joined.

i don't know op think hard, just don't stay at home and you'll be fine.

>> No.3000824

>that feel when you remember being in highschool and thinking you had real problems
>that feel

>> No.3000858

>That feel when I'm transferring to a 4-year and getting a degree in game design.

>> No.3002928

>that feel when you realize this is all hopeless and become extremely apathetic and eat junk food and play games and watch movies/tv all day
>that feel when you realize that you are living the life right now, no worries, nothing, you are truly happy

>> No.3002939
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>that feel when people born in the 90's think they matter and are obsessed with getting attention so they made shitty threads like this

>> No.3003011

I know that feel bro

Less than a month until I get my diploma.

I have 20k saved up, about to say fuck college and try starting up a business.

>> No.3003015

That feel when you're wasting your intelligence on something completely useless.

>> No.3003025

>that feel when you think you posses intelligence

>> No.3003034


>that feel when you are living off ramen noodles because you are a poor fuck and will forever be alone

>> No.3003037
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>> No.3003041

>That feel when you're a faggot and really think all high schoolers have no worries and are truly happy
>That feel when I bet you weren't "truly happy" in high school

Fuck you, highschool sucked. University is much better and you'll be much happier. Probably.

>> No.3003043


I figure if:

I've got enough to keep my internet, and eat - I don't really need anything else.

>> No.3003067


This and only this.

>> No.3003075


You do realize people that make games don't come from game design schools, don't you?

>> No.3003077


You're going to have to wash eventually if you don't want to get kicked out of even the cheapest grocery store.

>> No.3003084
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>things you did in high school not because you enjoyed them but because you thought they'd look good on an application

>> No.3003100


I'm usually nude, and avoid movement whenever possible so overall I stay clean, as do my clothes.

Those baby wipes are pretty handy too. One box has like 45, and two is enough for a full "shower."

>> No.3003108


you think that's bad? Try pushing 30, living with your parents, having never applied yourself to anything, or given any serious thought to your career path.

>> No.3003111

1. Go to college.
2. Major in Physics.
3. ?????

Just kidding. I will be making horrible money when I get out. Not super interested in the money though.

Wow, favorite captcha: tserst dT/dt

>> No.3003114


I'll just leave this here.

>> No.3003121

you think thats bad? try only being 20 but having dropped out of college and then community college then going off your psych meds and overdosing on painkillers and finally cleaning up and finding a job but getting laid off after christmas and having your girlfriend cheat on you and then being unemployed and having nothing to do but smoke weed and drink and sometimes snort pills or coke and then getting kicked out of the house by your parents who were the only place you had to live and getting sent to a ghetto fundamentalist christian rehab place

>> No.3003127



>> No.3003144


Let me guess...you're from one of the Carolinas?

>> No.3003146


West Virginia

>> No.3003150
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Tell me you're making this up.

>> No.3003153

Majoring in shit tier social science soon.

Tell me what to do next pl0x

>> No.3003155
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>> No.3003159


No, it's true.

Ma 'n pa kicked me out after finding about the drugs, and all those pictures I took of my little sister...

>> No.3003163

100% truth, didn't happen to me though lol but to one of my best friends, I can't help him out because I go to school across the country.

>> No.3003166

> that feel when you know you have a major future in something but can't quite put a finger on it
> that feel when you quit a previous degree finding out what everyone said was your talent never really ended up feeling like a career path.

>> No.3003167
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that feel when you've been out of highschool for five years and still don't know what to do next

>> No.3003168



Double Major and get a hard science, or get switch to a hard science after you get there.

>> No.3003169
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>> No.3003170


Lame. I know of someone going through that down to the t.

>> No.3003172
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>that feel when.......CROOWWWWWWW

>> No.3003183

How does one switch to a hard science if one did really shitty in math and science at school. A soft science degree wouldnt help getting into that. And beyond this i only have a biology high school award. Nothing worthwhile for math.

>> No.3003189


I got a D in pre-calc in high school and then made an A in every subsequent math-related course in college. That's how.

>> No.3003193

Expanded. The basic question is what does one even do with social science? Btw kids, dont go to college just to study. Its much better if you have a long term vocational plan. Doesnt have to be a vocational course though. Just as you know where you want to go. Otherwise you have nothing to aim for and you wont try as hard in college

>> No.3003198

How did you even qualify for a math related course in college without some better math qualifications from high school?

>> No.3003202
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>what a cool guy!

but seriously I'm stalled in life

>> No.3003206
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>That feel when you know exactly what you are doing with your life, have a sweet internship lined up and are ready to kick ass in college.

>> No.3003213

That feel when your family owns a business and you,re guaranteed a position whatever happens

>> No.3003216


i didn't even take math my senior year of high school; graduated with my highest math being a B+ in pre-calc.

went into college as a poli sci major and came out as an EE major and a math minor, 5 years later.

so it's possible.

>> No.3003219
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>my face when you're 2 years into your major, only to switch after you realize you hate it.

>> No.3003221

Depends. Did you do
>really shitty in math and science at school
in high school or at college/university?

But more importantly, was it because you weren't interested? (then why do you want to switch to it?)
Or was it because the teachers in high school were terrible?

If it's the latter and you're interested in it, then just go for it.

>> No.3003227

>that feel when you decide to go into engineering because you can't figure out much else

>> No.3003234


High SAT score on the math and verbal sections + a bunch of non-math related AP courses kinda indicated to them that I might know a little more about math than grades let on.

>> No.3003242

Teaching was held back my wankers in my school and poor discipline. I actually spent a brief couple of weeks before grades were finalised in a higher math class than i should have been in. I was surprised i actually loved it because things got done and stuff was properly explained without interuption. Given my past experience though, i dont think id have lasted long there because i could feel the pace of teaching was probably getting away from me even in those two weeks.

Inreally envy your american colleges. Wish i had the option to do simultaneous hard and social science courses at uni

>> No.3003252

Yeah it's great, I'm an econ and math double major and I'm looking at adding a physics and a russian minor.

>> No.3003260
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>he thinks i'm talking about high school and not what every single intelligent person faces
>he isn't intelligent

>> No.3003268

>that feel when high schools will never be like the high schools in the 80s

>> No.3003281
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Eh. Maybe.
I've been pretty certain of it since... Kindergarten
I've gotten into a school that's awesome for AE and will be interning with a company that designs satellites and normally hires juniors/seniors in college but was so floored by my résumé that they had to have me...
But who knows?
Ah well.

>That feel when your life is going exactly as you have planned since kindergarten.

>> No.3003284

In the same position,
dont know whether to

A.Be a slave in the Airfore for 6 likely miserable years,

B. Go to collage and get fucking scamed,
and get a possible usless degree.

>> No.3003295
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From one engineer to another, good luck

>> No.3003299
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Just make sure you don't major in religion or philosophy.

>> No.3003305
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>> No.3003312

I start AE this summer. Where do you go?

>> No.3003323

I know more or less exactly how I will spend the next to years. Feels pretty alright, actually. I like my subject.

>> No.3003360

I just got my physics degree and I am totally at a loss for what to do so I applied for an after degree in comp-sci. More debt please!

>> No.3003363
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I'll be going to the University of Colorado at Boulder... It's not the afore-mentioned "school that's great for AE" alas... It was too expensive.
So I guess not everything is going according to plan.
How about you?

>> No.3003379

chicks dig philosophy, double major

>> No.3003384


Flipping burgers because you couldn't differentiate between to and two (and possibly too)?

>> No.3003393

>You are right, but you don't need to major in it to make a bunch of hypothetical ideas that will never be tested.

Chicks also love astrology, need I say more?

>> No.3003394
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Joining the U.S. Army: the most well-paid military branch in the world.
Good luck with your math and shit.

>> No.3003400

Embry-riddle. I definitely considered Boulder but they wanted a stellar highschool GPA and extracurricular bullshit while I got in to ERAU with a 3.0 GPA and some tennis.
At first I thought it was shit-tier because of how easy it was to get in, but after doing a lot of research it turns out to be really good.

>> No.3003403


good luck with your wheelchair and shit

>> No.3003405
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>> No.3003423
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>implying combat arms necessary
>implying the Army doesn't have only 30% of its soldiers as combat arms
Linguistics, here I come.

>> No.3003428

>that feel when you know you'll never make a great scientific breakthrough and will be just another faceless academic doing something useless

>> No.3003429

This shit pisses me off.
The government is going apeshit over trying to figure out what to cut and they're ignoring the goddamn sacred cow. The military budget is 1-1.4 trillion this year alone.

>> No.3003449


They don't need that much money when all they're fighting are a bunch of sandniggers with AK-47s and t-shirts

>> No.3003451


yeah it sucks, cut education and all social services before touching the defense

>> No.3003464
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I may sound like combination of troll and Army fanatic, but this is displeasing to me too. The military is important for reasons controversial (lack of reasons being one of them), but I do wish we didn't fund it as much. But I say if there's a system that works for me, then I'll use it. Sorry to make you spend another 250th of a penny on me every year.

>> No.3003465


its just the classic vietnam scenario

1)People mad, they really mad pretty much tired of being occupied
2)US doesnt really have a plan for how to win basically the plan is to just blow up villages and shoot people for eternity which in turn just inflames more people who were priorly engaged in the conflict
3)US continues to bankrupt the fuck out of it self in an extremely unpopular war
4)replace the term communist with terrorist it is basically the same fucking thing if you dont like the war or all of the shit under the patriot act you are a terrorist just like they did with communists
5)fuck wads of US vets with PTSD and the gov't is basically not willing to take care of them

>> No.3003468


*who were not priorly engaged in the conflict

>> No.3003472


250th of a penny? What in fuck is this? Our defense budget is like 30% of our GDP and that is not including the costs incurred from both wars

>> No.3003476

Its 10% of our GDP or so, but you have to realize the military budget is over half the budget of the government.

>> No.3003479


Hah you best be trolling nigger


>> No.3003480


>> No.3003483

>that feel when sexually transitioning as you enter college
>learning to be female as you decide on career
>resisting urge to become hairdresser, interior designer

Feels... okay, man?

>> No.3003487

Knowing that only 3% of our budget goes towards education never fails to make me die inside.

>> No.3003488



>> No.3003489

Still too goddamn much, as anon earlier said we dont need these expensive ass aircraft carriers, stealth bombers and shit on sandniggers with barely anything.

>> No.3003496


What the fuck.

>> No.3003497

I was literally just about to make a topic about this. I feel like no matter what I do I'll end up working in a cubicle and crushed by student debt.

Anyone found a successful career?

>> No.3003511


How about we just stop fucking around in other peoples business and getting involved in wars why the fuck does america have to be world policeman and a shitty one at best

>> No.3003518

There is no guarantees. Funny enough I remember not that long ago when college's made note on their radio advertisement's that no one's guaranteed employment.

>> No.3003528


ERAU is expensive as fuck.
The AE program is pretty good though.

>> No.3003532
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>> No.3003544
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>That feel when you work harder than the cast of Jersey Shore but they get paid millions to do nothing but be childish pieces of shit.

>> No.3003547

Go ROTC with the army so your guaranteed an Officer job (They tend to kick people out of the navy and airforce or demote them to E-5, due to there being so fucking many that go that route).

If you really want a secure job in the army, go into a combat speciality as well. You will almost never get laid off.

>> No.3003566

Funny thing is, I did, but I don't feel like telling you what it is, and drawing fuck-tons of people to my field and consequently lowering the pay-rate from mid tier to low tier.

>> No.3003570
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Only good sort-of reality TV experiment was "The Colony", especially season one with the rocket scientist that looked like a Wizard in plain clothes.

>MFW When reality show's caught on and your family watches them regularly.

>> No.3003595


you are the worst kind of psuedo intellectual

>> No.3003605

>that feel when you fail community college and so you change towns and go to a different community college and start all over again, this time you get straight A's because it's like the 3rd time you've taken those classes and you've become extremely efficient at it

>> No.3003622



are you italian?

>> No.3003641

>That feel when your at a nowhere school thats ranked higher in undergraduate schooling than the flagship university.


>> No.3003644



are you me? I am actually 25, but your post totally describe my life right now

shit sucks, I don't want to wake up tomorrow

>> No.3003677


welfare queen

>> No.3003683
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become chemist or biochemist... earn masters or phd.... work for a large pharmaceutical company or for "cancer research" (big scam btw)

That's what I did, got phd in biochem now I'm making a little over 90k a year directing a small department for a pharmaceutical company... feels good to be less than 30 and have your own house

>> No.3003717

>that feel when you're about to end high school, have a solid group of friends, a relatively hot girl that you'll be able to fuck all summer, and a scholarship to a good university waiting for you in the fall.

>> No.3003721

>that feel when you're 21 and don't know what to do next and are considering actually majoring in accounting even though you'll hate yourself for the rest of your life, but at least you make good money

>> No.3003864

>or for "cancer research" (big scam btw)

Go on.

>> No.3003886

That feel when you're underage and being reported

>> No.3004072


>That feel when you look like a bigot and most high school seniors are 18.

Also, I think I may know what I want to do. I'm thinking of going into clinical psychology, or psychiatry. The pay is good, and I'm interested in the subject. I want to go into forensics as well, maybe work at an institute for the criminally insane.

BUT. I just looked at the idea of law enforcement (I mean detective or something that has to do with psychology in law enforcement), or even FBI, and it seems very interesting.

I don't know what to do. D:

>> No.3004087

>That feel when you're about to lose your scholarship and be the first of your friends to drop out of college.

This is after all of them went to a different college that I didn't get in to.