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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2999320 No.2999320 [Reply] [Original]

What movie, TV show or book has pissed of your inner scientist /sci/? starting off with the easy one.

>> No.2999394
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>> No.2999529

I must be a masochist, because I love that movie, mainly because of the bad acting.

>> No.2999546
File: 675 KB, 576x900, The-Thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm used to the "Science is evil" theme that's so common in science fiction, but here, the anti-science/pro-ignorance bias was just ridiculous. It's a shame, because aside from the infuriating subtext, the movie really is quite good.

>> No.2999613
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Troll science, troll science everywhere.

>> No.2999618

Jesus... as soon as you have two or three vague notions of real science, this show becomes so retarded.

>> No.2999629

Recently, it has become bad. At one time, they actually stuck to a vague realm of possibility. Once you add shapeshifters and universe crossing "watchers", then it gets a bit out there.
Still fun to watch though. Just gotta know that it's sci-fi.

>> No.2999656
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Most recently.

>you can active the dormant 90% of your brain!

>> No.2999678 [DELETED] 

>doesn't realize amphetamines have been availble for over a decade now

>> No.2999680
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>> No.2999681
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When Tony Stark's AI announced "congratulations, you've just made a new element" me and the 4 friends I watched it with (all science majors) started laughing in unison.

>> No.2999683

4chan schtizo?

>> No.2999719

I don't remember the title, it was a spy film about the gov knowing everything about us and shits.
They can see our every move via satellites.
When they show this, you see images of a satellite turning in space to point the guy on earth.
The sound was "ti-ti-ta ti-ta ti-ta-ti ta-ti-ti-ti..."
Morse code, used by NSA spy satellites that can see you from outer space, and they have some kind of 56k modem with a speaker that you can hear without air. FUCK YEAH.

>> No.2999729

enemy of the state with will smith.

There is a stupid scene in it with some tape in a bag and a 3D inmprint of that tape as proof he has it :p

>> No.2999739

OMG I saw that ahahahah

Science - Matrix - human body outputs more energy than it uses

Here's a philosophy one... stargate - like going through a gate like that shouldn't cause you to worry about dying every time... She said that you can't predict the future because of QM and non-determinism..

>> No.2999747
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>> No.2999771
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A fingerprint off a fired bullet...

>> No.2999781

It's a retelling of Faust you uncultured fuck.

>> No.2999784

This movie is amazing.

>> No.2999787

Yeah, I remember that "90% of your brain" thing from Faust.

>> No.2999798
File: 47 KB, 495x695, WhatTheBleepDoWeKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.2999803

Yes, thank you, it was this film.
The "Lets enhance this shitty picture from a security camera so we can change the point of view because a guy is in front of a bag, and then we can see through the bag, then I use this bat blood and a wand with a unicorn hair (the same unicorn ad Darth Vader's wand) to track the guy and tada.wav, we are in his computer and we can see his porn folder" part was funny too.
But magical photo-shopping sounds more futuristic than morse code. I mean, it has been written in 1836, it hasn't really been used since 1945 (and they had enigma machine and computers and A bomb and this magical thing we call telephone, so even then morse was already obsolete. Even the old long waves radio could transmit from London to Paris.), and it is officially not in use in the army since 1999 (wikipedia)... So, in a futuristic alien-like technology...

>> No.2999813

>aspie detected

That movie is a social satire.

>> No.2999838

Hold it, now: the Thing isn't anti-science, it is anti-scientism, a very different thing. All off the other scientists are portrayed in a very positive light and science saves the day. The scientist that was portrayed so negatively wasapt to utter such lines as "no pleasure, no pain, no emotion, no heart - our superior in every way" and "you are more advanced than us, wiser!" or "we owe it to our minds to stand here and let it kill us to avoid destroying a source of wisdom" [paraphasing, I watched with my kids last week]. The foolish scientist, Carrington, is alone in assuming that greater tehnology = greater intelligence or even greater wisdom. Carrington assumes throughout that his assumptions about the Thing are correct despite all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.2999847

I was watching MST3K and the movie of the episode was The Mole People. It was pretty much one long ass ignorant movie written by morons who have no idea how Geology works, even had the main character say "The great biblical flood which is a proven fact".

I raeg sooo hard every time I hear that line lulz.

>> No.2999854
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raged hard...

>> No.2999871

Source code had very dodgy science but it made up for it by being a very good movie.

>> No.3000083

That's not quite the message I got from it. I mean, yes, one of the movie's most obvious points of critique certainly was scientific fanaticism, but in the portrayal of the "Mad Scientist", the movie completely blurred the line between reasonable scientific hesitance and an interest in gathering evidence before jumping to extreme conclusions on one hand, and irresponsible, fanatical dogmatism on the other. The movie also took rather clear sides with the impulsive "Shoot first, ask questions later" crowd, while portraying the only person who actually wanted to research and investigate (admittedly in a self-righteous and borderline unethical manner) as a morally corrupt and intellectually misguided zealot.

>> No.3000101

Why would you dislike Starship Troopers.

...tbh I even liked the third one. Oh god, the ending. I have never seen a bigger 'fuck you all' ending than in Starshiptroopers 3.

>> No.3000103

funny how the only countries with the resources to spend on making films are completely subsidized by science turn around in a unparalleled act of ingratitude to bite the hand that feeds through said films.

>> No.3000107
File: 40 KB, 377x555, Evolution_movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much wrong, but it makes up for it by being hilarious.

>You are so beautiful, to me.

>> No.3000122

I must politely disagree; Carrington was the only scientist portrayed as extreme; the others offered well-reasoned objections to much of what Carrington said as well as opposing the military leader, Hendry, in *his* extreme views. To me one of the most interesting aspects of the film are that both the military leader and the scientific leader are the only ones *un*willing to compromise or second-guess themselves and that they *both* fail to deal with the Thing; only when the military men other than their leader work together with the scientists (other than THEIR leader) is a practical, effective solution implemented while Carrington is locked away and Hendry is reduced to bemused observer.

>> No.3000127

>>completely subsidized by science
First, please explain how you mean this and
Second, India

>> No.3000134


You honestly think any advanced country is built on the back of anything but science?

OK then, have fun in that delusional la-la land.

>> No.3000151

Again, India's film industry has been very large and very successful for quite some time, so being a highly-developed nation is obviously not a requirement of a solid film industry

Also, you seem to have a rather - confused notion of what 'subsidized' means. Brunei, for example, spent many years as an epicenter of growth yet was built on resource wealth (similar to some Middle Eastern nations); these nations send their youth abroad to study engineering, not theoretical physics.

>> No.3000155

Eureka series.

>> No.3000164


you know india is a space-faring nation, right? they didn't just wander in from the stone age.

>> No.3000175

You know Bollywood started in the 19-teens, right? That India was producing hundreds of films a year pre-WWII when it was one of the least developed nations on Earth?

Or did all of history begin when you entered Kindergarten?

>> No.3000183
File: 341 KB, 989x1500, monster_on_the_campus_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of "Monster on the Campus". The protagonist is a professor of evolutionary biology, who seems to have only a very vague and mostly philosophical idea of his supposed area of expertise. Of course this doesn't prevent him from constantly talking about, and even teaching the subject. It's more funny than offensive, though.

>Carrington was the only scientist portrayed as extreme; the others offered well-reasoned objections to much of what Carrington said as well as opposing the military leader
It's not even that I disagree with your description of the events in the movie. I just think that the whole thing was a lot more (and also more blatantly) one-sided than what you seem to have gotten from it. As I said, I'm not arguing that *all* the scientists in the movie were portrayed as evil, but that the token Mad Scientist was used as somewhat of a strawman to make "Science" and "Scientific Fanaticism" appear closer together than they really are. Personally, I wouldn't say that even half the things proposed by Carrington were as fundamentally flawed/irrational/irresponsible as the other characters made them out to be.

>only when the military men other than their leader work together with the scientists (other than THEIR leader) is a practical, effective solution implemented
Oh, sure, there was some levelheaded cooperation in the end, but the ultimate goal was militaristic. Again, I'd argue that the message here was in favor of the "Shoot first" approach, and science was a mere means to that end.

>> No.3000192

Don't mind me, just linking to 3M.

>> No.3000195


oh wow you're a fucking dick. i wasn't even the person you were arguing with before, i just challenged your idiotic viewpoint that india is undeveloped you monumental fucking retard.

>> No.3000203
File: 620 KB, 1280x1024, portal2_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing

>> No.3000206

Oh, don't mistake me - I am aware that The Thing is arguably the origin of the 'science is dangerous' ideas of the late 1950's scifi films, but the film itself isn't as one-sided as many think IMO.

Also, it is obviously an anti-Communist film (an implacable, emotionless enemy that raises it children in fields drenched in blood!) made smack in the middle of the Korean War - OF COURSE it is a shoot first film!

>> No.3000210


But it's a damned good game, so I forgive it.

>> No.3000212

No, I got your attempt at making a point, but since the original argument was

>>the only countries with the resources to spend on making films are completely subsidized by science

and that is obviously fucking false, your attempt to make a point failed. Sorry you took it personally.

>> No.3000219


your probably not even talking to the right person.

mind BLOWN

>> No.3000227


yeah, mind blown

>> No.3000230
File: 86 KB, 652x889, Dana_Scully_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching X-Files now, ten years of education later, is heartbreaking for me. Scully was a fucking idiot ;_;

>> No.3000236
File: 361 KB, 1600x1200, harry-potter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3000238
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OK, back to the topic at hand.

This movie made me hurt

>> No.3000250

Spiderman 2
Drowning a hydrogen fusion reaction with water. As in, adding more hydrogen. Every time I see it on lists of best comic adaptations, I just remember that.

>> No.3000260


Well, to be fair, the original comic origin story involved Peter getting bitten by a radioactive spider, and undergoing a shit ton of metamorphoses.

Not exactly science at it's finest.

>> No.3000272
File: 211 KB, 640x480, NCIS-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this show but it has the most godawful "hacking" sequences I've ever seen, somehow managing to be even worse than CSI


>> No.3000274

whats up with CSI miami having holohgraphic displays?

>> No.3000276

there's suspension of disbelief and then there's the raping of science

a subtle different, I will admit

>> No.3000286


I'm willing to accept shitty science, so long as it doesn't go all "science is EVIL" on me, like a lot of films do.

>> No.3000314

> Did you know some bacteria can even survive in lava?
> Buy Dettol antibacterial kitchen spray. It's the only antibacterial spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria!

> Try Olay Regenerist, with it's patented aminopeptide complex!

>> No.3000344

Ah man, that shit annoys me

>> No.3000347


beauty products are notorious for that kind of bullshit

>> No.3000361

As was brought up in a thread yesterday, Clockstoppers.

Especially when they got to the scene where they were helping the other friend dance in front of a crowd.
By moving his limbs to make him dance
While they were in superspeed timestop mode

>> No.3000363


>> No.3000365

>Get pissed off at story which isn't supposed to be scientifically accurate
Also, not science, but that CSI episode:
"I'll make a GUI in visual basic to track his IP"

>> No.3000371

>Yakult biffidus digestivum regularis

>> No.3000375

Sunshine. Great atmosphere, but shitty premise. Fucking sun, how does it work

In 2057, with the Earth in peril from the dying Sun, the crew is sent to reignite the Sun with a massive stellar bomb, a nuclear device with the equivalent mass of Manhattan Island.

>> No.3000385


That part of the movie made me angry. The rest of it, though, was pretty awesome; a guy on a high-power nootropic doesn't develop any superpowers or anything; he just develops essentially near-perfect recall and his motivation spikes.

>> No.3000390


I have a special hate for the "we only use 10% of our brain" shit.

>> No.3000412

Physics of the Impossible, and 2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.3000418

They are movies not documentarys, i know they aren't real which is the reason i can enjoy them.

If you don't like a movie because it isn't based on scientific fact thats your problem not the films.

>> No.3000423

And this is why most scifi movies are a fuckin joke because the writers refuse to get technical.

>> No.3000424


Implying no one enjoys movies while simultaneously acknowledging it has flaws.

>> No.3000430

>If you don't like a movie because it isn't based on scientific fact thats your problem not the films.
No, it's the film's problem for not implementing its sci-fi elements in a way that doesn't rape the audience's ability to suspend their disbelief.

It's not that fiction in general irritates the people in this thread. That's just your silly straw man distortion.

>> No.3000439


>> No.3000445


Sci-fi movies are a joke because a lot of people think that the whole science part of it is inaccessible to the mainstream audience, and that a movie associated with any actual intellectual worth or that even acknowledges science exists and is a good thing will be associated with dysfunctional, anti-social nerds and that no-one will dare see it. Companies have rebranded themselves on this perception.

>> No.3000451


>> No.3000452

I can't argue this.

>> No.3000458


His secret drug is called Crystal Meth

>> No.3000463

>>3000230 I'm a medical doctor with a background in hard science

>> No.3000473

Don't mind me, just making a torrent list

The Thing
What the bleep do we know

>> No.3000476

>What the bleep do we know

Take that off the list, please

>> No.3000477
File: 55 KB, 550x779, Source-Code-Movie-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3000481

You high?
>What the bleep do we know

>> No.3000489

"science and spirituality come together in this mind-blowing trip down the rabbit hole"


>> No.3000538

if you watch the film you would find out that line was just used to convince the MC to take the shit, the man also said it was FDA approved and some other shit.. it was just marketing (in the film and IRL in the trailer).. the canon of the film doesn't use that as a fact.. the mechanism of action of the drug is never explained.. it's made by a big phara company and the MC hires a lab to make it for him too.. the closest science it gets to is some lab tech saying 'hurr durr I know what compounds are in it but idk how to combine them right hurr' and the man say 'hurr durr have more money'' then it's said later he had it made.

the movie sucks btw..

>> No.3000578
File: 68 KB, 326x250, numb3rs-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. I never thought X-Files science ever went over-the-top with their science bullshit. But maybe I just overlooked it subconsciously because X-Files is still one of the best things that happened to mainstream television in the last 20 years..

Kinda like "Bones", I get seizures when they do their mumbo-jumbo, but I watch if for the two main characters.

Pic kinda related. I cannot stand this thing. I admit, my knowledge in mathematics cannot rival the fictitious main character's, but fucking hell ... it's all portrayed in a such goddamn stupid manner.

But one has to make compromises, you need to tell a story in 45 minutes and the science has to "fit into" segments of 20s-2min, of course it's going to be dumbed down as shit.

>> No.3000590


I have a very hard time calling the magical thinking of the X-files as science in any regard.

>> No.3000594

What's terrible about it? I need to know

Also, how is House M.D. in terms of medical accuracy?

>> No.3000615


Such as? I watched the entire series last year and actually can't think of anything bullshit-worthy. Also, I don't count aliens, the black oil and shapeshifters towards "bullshit", I mean it's all fantasy here..

>> No.3000652


Well, it's possible all that diagram stuff was just for finding a stable configuration of a heavier element that would not form otherwise.

>> No.3000670

Why he wouldn't align that laser properly before burning through half his work area is pretty silly though.

I guess that's why you don't do science drunk.

>> No.3000681

Iron Man 2 had a lot more stupid shit anyway

>> No.3000868


I fully intend to rage.


>An inconvenient truth


>> No.3000871


The stuff in House is medically sound for the most part.

The behaviour of the doctors however, is not.

>> No.3000894

As in, sitting in a room socializing and throwing out random tests and ideas based on hunches?

>> No.3000906

Battlestar Galactica

Aside from the non-stop Judeo-Christian horsecrap being forced down my neck each time that stupid bitch got air time, the most infuriating thing was when they're almost out of water and, in a fantastic display of writers not giving a fucking shit about science, declaring that finding the second most common molecule in the universe will be nigh impossible.

>> No.3000935

I dunno, that NZT had some pretty fucked up bioavailability. From a pharmacologists point of view it was one of the most painful films to watch imaginable. If required dose can be achieved by orally taking few ml of blood post IV injection then I have no idea what they're doing with the dose-response curves. Maybe it's all just magic.

Also the whole idea that his intelligence went up drastically, yet he kept the same values that an idiot would have. There was no addressing the fact that someone so vastly intelligent that they can do/create anything would not likely be interested in 'fuck bitches, get money'. That's all that came across, an intelligent man with a plebs aspirations.

>> No.3000974

>Also, I don't count aliens, the black oil and shapeshifters towards "bullshit", I mean it's all fantasy here..
Me neither. My problem is more with some of the stuff Scully says, i.e. the "reasonable explanations" she provides. It's difficult to recall specific examples offhand, but two things that pop up several times throughout the show are her gross mischaracterization of the placebo effect as some sort of mind-over-matter superpower, and various nonsense explanations regarding the Bermuda triangle.

The Bermuda triangle thing actually illustrates a common theme of Scully trying to come up with "rational" explanations for phenomena that haven't even been demonstrated to exist in the first place. She does this in regards to Area 51 as well. I mean, I know that in the context of the show, we actually are supposed to assume those things to be real, but my point remains that Scully is a horrendously bad "skeptic", because she always tries to explain *how* things have happened instead of asking *whether* they have happened at all.

>> No.3001002
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This and The Happening were pretty terrible in regards to how utterly unscientific their respective main characters (all science teachers) reasoned and behaved. Just thinking of the way Cage taught his class the basic concepts of determinism still makes me cringe.

>> No.3001013
File: 81 KB, 529x755, knowing_ver5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong poster.

>> No.3001015


there are people who argue against determinism?

>> No.3001018

This just in, movie producers consider the public to be scientifically-illiterate morons

more at 11.

>> No.3001024


the vast public ARE scientifically illeterate

>> No.3001075

Cage equated the causal relations of determinism with "purpose", going on to say that he personally doesn't believe in it, because in his opinion, "shit just happens". It was total gibberish.

>> No.3001138


>> No.3001163

nanobots crystallized in gelatin... dissolves in water.. umm... umm.... my mind is full of fuck