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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2993506 No.2993506 [Reply] [Original]

honestly, what does /sci/ think of marijuana?

>> No.2993509


>> No.2993518

Lipid neurotransmitters naturally produced in our brain are called endocannibinoids.

Exocannibinoids, from pot, just happen to be chemically similar enough to replicate an already natural product of our bodies.

Smoking increases neurogenisis in the hippocampus (an effect of antidepressants), and rats bread without the CB1 receptor (the one in just the brain and CNS) cannot unlearn stimulus-response patterns when fear is involved.

tl;dr- I'm pretty sure pot is a natural and effective treatment for both PTSD and depression. Hard to say though, because the government won't let us test it and see

>> No.2993524

Hurr because Carl Sagan smoked it occasionally I can justify my regular usage of marijuana while posting my fucktarded highdeas on /sci/

>> No.2993527

Everybody knows the drug of choice for scientists is amphetamine.

>> No.2993528

I personally believe that everyone who smokes it goes to hell but you can do whatever you want

>> No.2993533
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I'm actually an atheist, but I believe in hell because I need a magical place that stoners go when they die to suffer for all eternity.

>> No.2993535

I am a postdoc in pure math.
I smoke weed every day, after I come home from my office. It relaxes me, and I've been high several times when I've proved something awesome.
Weed is my very favourite drug.

>> No.2993536

do you know what we can do to upregulate our endogenous endocannabinoids:?

>> No.2993541

Me again, I have a dexidrine prescription lol.

Anyway, check out weed and long term memory!

Long term memories (greatly simplified) are generated by a change at the point were two neurons connect.

These changes only occur when both neurons fire almost simultaneously.

Pot has been shown to reduce activity in neurons which stop other neurons from firing. This reduction can lead to the formation of new long term memories.

and God gave us all herbs and plants if he's real anyway... Says so in that book he's always trying to sell

>> No.2993543

It's a fairly safe psychoactive drug, the users of which are unfairly persecuted. I don't use it myself, but firmly believe it should be legalised in western societies. I still think trafficing it for profit should be illegal and punished with fines (that is, the penalties should be far smaller than now), and that it should be under heavy regulation by the government, taxed the same way as alcohol. Growing it in your home or similar should be allowed, as long as it's non-disruptive to neighbours and that you are not selling it for profit.

TL;DR It should be treated much in the same way as alcohol, though with heavier regulation by the government.

>> No.2993544

I don't have the slightest clue, but i know they're only released when neurons fire together about 10 times in a row.

So maybe think really hard about something... like tits.

yeah, i'd go with tits

>> No.2993545

That's good for you but atheists also go to hell

>> No.2993548

To be fair it wouldn't matter if you didn't have a lighter in hell!

>> No.2993547


Source? I am interested, as this description fits my subjective experience.

>> No.2993549

Hi, what if trees were conscious but they see only each other as people but think people are like trees and rocks or light that we go so fast that they can't recognize us similarly than we see lights or some other shit that's too fast for us.

>> No.2993554

...stop thinking about stupid shit and pass the joint dude.

>> No.2993557

An article from scientific american called "the Brain's own marijuana".
Authors roger nicoll and bradley alger. I think from 2004

>> No.2993564
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I only believe in hell for stoners, sorry. I'm not interested in the rest of that religious nonsense.

>> No.2993565

A clock is the source of time. Sure, one could say that movement of planets and stars can be used for measuring this, but how can we be sure? What i'm saying is, time is a man-made phenomenon, and if you simply break your watch, time stops. This, however, does not mean the world stops moving. It would be like removing the speedometer from a car and then assuming the engine stopped working.

Thanks for listening.

>> No.2993566
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>> No.2993568
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Thanks for delivery! In return, an immersion of the torus.

>> No.2993572

This is the Best Joint EVER when I think about INIfinity the Universe Makes sense just stoned and it seriously makes me LOL. just got done with my maths and i'm blowing off some steam trolling FAGGOTjust stoned and it seriously makes me LOL. just got done with my maths and i'm blowing off some steam trolling FAGGOTjust stoned and it seriously makes me LOL. just got done with my maths and i'm blowing off some steam trolling FAGGOTjust stoned and it seriously makes me LOL. just got done with my maths and i'm blowing off some steam trolling FAGGOTjust stoned and it seriously makes me LOL. just got done with my maths and i'm blowing off some steam trolling FAGGOTjust stoned and it seriously makes me LOL. just got done with my maths and i'm blowing off some steam trolling FAGGOT

>> No.2993578

working on my phd now, but me too. do you ever think of solutions high that you feel you never would have come up with sober? cause i do frequently.

>> No.2993580

might not do much damage to your brain, but smoking it is terrible for yer lungs,,,,, smoking anything is terrible for your lungs

>> No.2993583

Time is a mathematical concept with observable physical implications, regardless of clocks.

>> No.2993585

whooaa FUck man that deeeep gotta get moar weed to soak that in

>> No.2993587


For sure. I find it's also really good to revise old material while stoned; you remember how things worked in that subject and see more connections to other subjects/fields as well.

>> No.2993588

They talk in tongues

>> No.2993592

"What is time" = "what is left" = "what is forward" - the question makes no sense, because time is used to explain relationships between things.
Which is why people who say "time is what clocks measure" are idiots.

>> No.2993600

Any respectable scientist who smokes weed is a complete hypocrite.

It also causes brain damage.

>> No.2993611

Probably a troll, but lets do a little comparin'.

Alcohol: Definitive proof of brain damage.
Weed: definitive proof of the production of neurons.

Alcohol: Might help heart, maybe?
Weed: Glaucoma, depression, PTSD, anti tumor properties, probably more.

Proof: American cancer association webpage which discusses the proven antitumoral properties of weed.


>> No.2993627

It's fine as a recreational drug and for some medical benefits. I wouldn't make it into a lifestyle. Long term potheads really are less than smart.

>> No.2993631

Correlation, not cause and effect.

>> No.2993645

>Weed: definitive proof of the production of neurons.

because you are a neuroscientist who has observed this


>> No.2993646

Because I am not, but I am still capable of citing an article from scientific American.
written by neuroscientists.
Who've observed this.
(And I already have, in this thread:>>2993557)

>> No.2993665

Weed has also been proved to cause psychosis

>> No.2993670

I would imagine that the people in which weed causes psychosis were predisposed.

Make no mistake, while I will avidly defend marijuana, I'm not saying it's right for everyone.

Anyone who says something is good for everyone is kind of, well, completly retarded

>> No.2993686

>Implying exercise and breathing aren't good for everyone

>> No.2993692


lots of exercising can be bad for people with different heart conditions

breathing is a stupid point to make because it's 99% of the time an automatic function that life requires

>> No.2993703

thank you!

>> No.2993721

I heard satan made hell into a new heaven just to taunt god

>> No.2993726
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Where is all this 'proof' that every one seems to have...

>> No.2993734

Like most things, small amounts are ok and 99% of people who use drugs abuse them.
If you have a history of addiction, or mental problems within your family it is for the best you dont inject marijuana

>> No.2993737

Also someone from /v/ said it. 4chan is a hive for CP, gore and fetishes that would make Shintaro Kago uneasy. But if you mention that you like pot you will be drawn and quartered, and trolled hard

>> No.2993864
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my face

>> No.2993869
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>99% of people who use drugs abuse them

>mfw making up statistics on /sci/

>> No.2993880

Im more concerned that abuse wasnt definded

>> No.2993917

pot, useful for treating numerous medical conditions, almost everything from cancer to a simple headache that has an inflammatory component to the pathology.

>> No.2994000
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if bears like drugs i like them too.