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File: 30 KB, 520x450, jet_lev_jet_pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2990570 No.2990570 [Reply] [Original]

Finally engineers have created something useful and good.


How much are you willing to pay for one?
$100k is usual price

>> No.2990574

>Useful in the slightest
>Requires massive water supply
I could never see owning this at all.

>> No.2990578

>useful and good
>Engineers finally...
>your computer


>> No.2990580

>>Requires massive water supply

>implying the ocean isn't it's water supply

>> No.2990579

Suborbital space flights start at 200k. I'd save for that.

>> No.2990582



I really want one, brb, need to get Phd and 100k starting

>> No.2990585

Useful? Maybe not.

Would I want one? Yes.

Would I buy one if I had 100k? no.

Would I buy one if I had a few tens of millions of dollars? Maybe.

It does look fun, though.

>> No.2990603
File: 159 KB, 435x419, leslie neilson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya those are cool, but when you run out of water then what?

>> No.2990631

Not watched the vid, but what powers the pump that creates the water jet?

>> No.2990634
File: 18 KB, 247x348, piglet-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh du-du-du-dear.

>> No.2990642


uhhh it's all water powered, it uses water as fuel and energy; clean burning water

>> No.2990643

Probably a gas powered motor.

>> No.2990644

I could see this potentially being useful for piracy or even pirate-hunting....

Imagine a group of like 20 of these charging a transport ship...

>> No.2990648


>> No.2990651

>useful for piracy
>can't travel fast, up in the air making you a clear target

Uh, no. This isn't a remotely useful device. Fun? So long as you're near a body of water, sure. But useful, it almost certainly isn't.

>> No.2990652
File: 45 KB, 234x234, i-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not gonna hold your damn hand and walk you through the simplest answers if it will only take 90 seconds of you life to learn.

>> No.2990661

Moon rocks. Why do you think it's expensive like all luxury watercraft?

>> No.2990667

>clean burning water

Sweet! I'd like to order some of that for my chemistry lab.

>> No.2990668


It actually does seem to go pretty fast... Certainly fast enough to catch a tanker or cargo ship.
And you could basically fly horizontal and low to the water until you reach the ship at which point you pop up with your RPG and own the fuck out of it.

>> No.2990670

super mario sunshine

>> No.2990675

I'd imagine then that it isn't any more useful or have better range than any other jetpack.

Fun toy right enough. Though I have seen the same sort of thing on some tv show, possibly bbc. Was of the 'cobbled together in a shed' variety much cheaper though and probably just as effective.

>> No.2990679
File: 4 KB, 126x126, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem is, that hose isn't sucking up water. It's connected to a fuckmassive jet-ski thing that has the actual pump. Basically, it's tethered to a boat. They never show this in the video, obviously.

>> No.2990683

It's not really "fuck huge."

It's the size of a jetski.. which makes sense, because this fills the same niche as a jetski.

>> No.2990686


>> No.2990687


God damnit.

You're right.

>> No.2990689


Ehh.. Actually. That doesn't even matter. In fact it likely gives it larger range.

This thing would kick ass for piracy.

>> No.2990700
File: 148 KB, 550x550, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever. Either way, the weight of the water in that hose and the shitbox you have to drag around means that this won't handle anything like a legitimate jetpack. It'll just by a giant pendulum with some water nozzles. More of a silly novelty, really.

>> No.2990701
File: 32 KB, 552x413, avplatfm_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Us experimented with this kind of thing. Were not a terribly good idea as all they do is make you a much larger, more visible target.


>> No.2990705
File: 42 KB, 400x364, 400px-Prop_vehicle_airboat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're fucking retarded. Pic related. It's this but less shitty.

>> No.2990707

too bad engineers are GAY! hahahahahaha

>> No.2990709
File: 145 KB, 300x503, denise-milani[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>don't fall

>> No.2990714

He'll be fine as long as noone starts shooting at him

>> No.2990723
File: 27 KB, 644x516, shitbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate it when you see something cool and realize it's just an illusion marketing something that's really shit.

>> No.2990738

shouldn't that not work because the net mass flow rate of the water is zero?

>> No.2990755
File: 41 KB, 476x412, asfatasfatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2990802

99,500 USD


>> No.2990824


Wow that's not horribly dangerous to the operator or anything.

>> No.2990832


100k per unit

Doesn't require water, but you only get 30 minutes of flight on a full tank of gas

Still an ultralight personal aircraft

>> No.2990837

Pffft. Back in the old days we didn't need no rounded corners or safety bars.
It was survival of the fittest, baby. If you were stupid enough to get your leg cut off by a helicopter blade you deserved it.
Damn OHS is ruining the world

>> No.2990841


Yes, but "full tank of gas" is about 5 gallons, so it's cheap to refuel (LOL NOT ANYMORE)

However it's still not legal to pilot in urban areas so only country folk will get fun out of it.

>> No.2990866

>seagull smacks into your face
>lose balance
>while flying over preschool

>> No.2990900

stop at 0:19 and you get a good picture of what the pumping unit looks, looks pretty good and small actually

>> No.2990923

yeah, it seems to just trail around behind him without much difficulty

>> No.2990949


This isn't a jetpack, this is a personal helicopter!


>> No.2990958


The only reason it doesn't flip the fuck over is because there's over nine thousand of water in the host weighing it down.

>> No.2991029

I want to know how much life the pump has when in contact with the water. Going higher means having to put more power because the cable goes with you, that shit must get heavy when you're 20 feet up.

>> No.2991052


If it sends you flying comfortably and safely, do you care?

>> No.2991081

Would you call a banana-flavoured Sundae a Banana Split?

>> No.2991111

That thing looks a bit heavy, what happen it runs out of petrol? You just run out of water and drown in the ocean?

>> No.2991177

$100k for some hose and a water pump?


>> No.2991258


>> No.2991288

it's not attached to a boat, it's attached to a pretty small floating pump thingy that follows you around

>> No.2991950
File: 16 KB, 236x419, rocketbelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here


pic related

>> No.2992034

why does my life suck so much

>> No.2992051

Its like mario sunshine!

>> No.2992081

2001:Mario sunshine is so fake, oh well who cares its only a videogame
2011:All hail the prophet Miyamoto

>> No.2993879


>> No.2994011

Sweet Jesus I want one so fucking badly. Glad I live in Scotland where there's never a short supply of water.

Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.2994047

gayest shit-song ever

>> No.2994101


what did you expect from engineers?

>> No.2994130


The tether isn't a big deal honestly, given it's water-only use (durr).

I could see this being useful maybe for say, sea rescues?


Keep the pump substation on a large boat (tug boat) or similar, could use a pump with a far higher capacity and thus far more hose - allowing rescue personnel to "fly" in while the pump boat stays back from a sinking ships' whirl pool or what have you.

They swoop in, grab people, fly 'em back, etc, etc.

No fagging about with helicopters.

>> No.2994175

lol rich fags in their yachts are like..."i want one of those"

>> No.2994177

@ 2:09, clear view of the little tank that follows you

>> No.2994197


dsnt look like its much of a burden

>> No.2994214



>> No.2994224



>> No.2994262

that shouldn't be priced more the 10-20k it's probly only 5k worth of materials.

>> No.2994892

so this is what engineers use for their "golden shower"...

>> No.2995073

research and development costs

>> No.2995200

Fuck a jetpack, you can fly one of these for under $8k (an you're not restricted to water)


>> No.2995227

by the way, if you watch more of that guy's videos you'll notice that he's really biased towards some products, it's because he sells those products. The other companies that he shit talks make good stuff too.

>> No.2995288

holy shit