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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 450x338, suicide-bear-didnt-even-leave-a-not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2989054 No.2989054 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/

What is the most easiest and painless way to commit suicide? Let's assume that one doesn't have a firearm.

>> No.2989062

sleeping meds + train tracks

>> No.2989059

Drug overdose.

>> No.2989063

train? suicide by cop?

>> No.2989075

don’t go for ease, go for glory!
Get some quick setting glue and a long length of piano wire, and get on the roof of a moderately tall building over looking a fairly well occupied open space. Make a noose out of the piano wire and solidly secure the loose end to some thing on the roof (you will want several yards of wire past the edge of the roof) then place the noose around your neck, then slather the glue on your hands and press them firmly against the sides of your head. When the glue sets firmly get on the edge of the roof, you may want to cry out to get people to see you first but that’s up to you, then jump.
If you did things right, it will look like you ripped your own head off on the way down.

>> No.2989087

This or sit in a freezer until you freeze, you will actually fall asleep and die that way.

>> No.2989093

pottasium cyanide

get it from a goldsmith/jewelry tell em you need it to clean your ring or some shit like that

>> No.2989095
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>> No.2989099

I think I have heard this before...

>> No.2989102
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Paracetemol (acetaminophen) overdose.

>> No.2989107

Variations of this come up a bunch when people ask for suicide advice around here.

>> No.2989108
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What is wrong with you?

>> No.2989112

Glucose overdose via intravenously injection.

>> No.2989114
File: 655 KB, 1111x1887, 1291472646271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2989118

Yeah sure very painless..

>> No.2989130

hey, If he really wants to an hero, he should be ready to do it in the lulziest was possible.

>> No.2989128

this copypasta is as old as /b/

>> No.2989135


Some say that "white death" is the most painless one. When your body teperature drops significantly, you'll start haveing hallucinations.
Remeber the "The Little Match Girl" by Andersen? Thats pretty much it.

>> No.2989147

Does /sci/ know of suicide that makes your skin colour change? I'm not talking about burning yourself (black).

>> No.2989150

how can they know?

>> No.2989151

I've been on fire before. Burning kills the nerves fairly quickly. The asphyxiation causes you worse trauma.

>> No.2989158

CO poisoning turns your skin pink.

Just eating enough coloured food does the trick too.

>> No.2989174

i believe inhaling helium from a mask is perfectly painless, you just fall asleep then die.

>> No.2989182

dude, if the fire caught your nerves you must have had pretty freaking severe burns

>> No.2989184

Shoot you beat me to it.

>> No.2989187

Nitrogen gas.

Some facts (may be a little off): One liter of Nitrogen gas will displace 256 liters of Oxygen.
Breathing in nitrogen= not breathing in oxygen.
Not breathing in oxygen= asphyxiation
HOWEVER, you're still breathing in Carbon dioxide. Co2 is what makes you feel the need to breath. When the ratio of Co2: O2 gets too high then your body makes you inspire.
It's impossible to notice that you're breathing in nitrogen, thats why labs have oxygen depletion alarms, this alarm goes off when the environment around has too little O2 (Usually due to gases like Nitrogen)

Nitrogen inhilation is now being considered as a new way to kill criminals as it's the most humane. (no pain)

>> No.2989188

Ummm, where can you easily get a mask?

>> No.2989190

don't commit suicide in a way that inconvenience other people, OP. If you want a painless suicide, I suggest OD'ing on sleeping pills or CO poisoning using charcoal.

>> No.2989197

places where they sell scuba diving equipment

>> No.2989201

suicide bombing in crowded area

>> No.2989212

but my atmosphere

>> No.2989213


>> No.2989210


>Implying never entered a sex shop.

>> No.2989216


I saw this on a documentary about the death penalty
I think they used a noble gas like noen or some shit tho

>> No.2989217


Ever wondered why Nitrogen makes up 78 FUCKING PERCENT?
Fucking newfags

>> No.2989224



Makes sence that CO2 is like 0.4% or sumith.

>> No.2989260

So how many percent of nitrogen is lethal?

>> No.2989262
File: 36 KB, 600x450, Dm246-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly a heroin overdose. First you experience absolute bliss, then die. Well... unless if you are caught, in which case the way they revive you is a form of torture, so you have to be sure you will die.

Also hanging, if you manage to break your neck.

Or maybe even exposure. Drink a lot of alcohol, then go to sleep outside in the cold (preferably in snow). You will feel warm, due to the alcohol, but you will be freezing to death.

I would also recommend gassing/suicide bag, but I have heard that this is just as painful (for some people) as any other method.

Why do you ask?

>> No.2989306

Easy step guide:

>Equip yourself with sword and a lot of money
>Pussy out but then realize that you're a faggot and have nothing to live for
>Optain functional car and drive to the nearest zoo
>Go beserk with sword on the crowds and eventually capture a young girl
>Buttrape her
>Hold her hostage
>Claim that you have planted several bombs throughout the zoo and that you will detonate them
>Police will try to negotiate with you
>Kill girl and yell Allahu ackbar
> Smile as they fill your body with bullets

>> No.2989318

>Why do you ask?
Well, first of all, I'm fully pro-choice. And secondly, I've been wondering that if my country will someday transform into some kind of hellish torturing nazi state (like best korea), I better have some kind of "escape plan" if I can't flee the country in any other way. I think I can't be purely free if I won't be able to make this choice.

Google and many other websites are trying to hide suicide methods and pro-suicide websites and it disturbs me deeply.

>> No.2989329

>1.) Acquire nuklear warhead
>2.) Detonate
>3.) !!!!!!
>4.) Quick and painless death

>> No.2989334
File: 241 KB, 410x2014, how to an hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

local anaesthetic to wrist, slit wrist while skydiving, rapid falling stops you feeling as woozy from lowered blood pressure, die before hit ground.

>> No.2989336

Easiest way to kill yourself is waiting. Entropy will eventually catch up with you.

>> No.2989339

Wow. It's like you have been through FBI training.

>> No.2989348


care to poast screen shot of google warning?
Don't want to search it there myself (scroogle ftw)

>> No.2989386

no, not like that. they are just favoring anti-suicide websites over pro-suicide sites that it's harder to find latter ones

>> No.2989398
File: 34 KB, 400x400, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi /sci/
>What is the most easiest and painless way to commit suicide?
>no one answers live your life exacly as you want too.

>> No.2989408
File: 13 KB, 300x340, Jihad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i would seriously consider dying as a martyr for allah.

Fighting and opposing Mystery babylon/Empire of One eyed Dajjal/America is obligatory as a good human being who wants to enter paradise.

~Allah is great

>> No.2989460
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x1024, remiq.net_5808.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your country turns into a 1984 nazi-korea dictatorship country don't kill yourself like a coward, join the fight for freedom.

>> No.2989467
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Of course they would, because it would be 'unethical' to support someone who wants to kill themselves. The issue of euthanasia is very controversial in itself; we have this belief that you're allowed to live your life exactly as you want it, except if you want to terminate it, no matter if your desire to die if motivated by a genuine will to end your suffering.

>> No.2989480

No, we don't answer with that, because we know how to apply the rules of English grammar...

>> No.2989483


>> No.2989486

find the tallest building you can find. jump.

>> No.2989510

Design batman wings.

Glide down to your death

>> No.2989590
File: 107 KB, 397x300, skydive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take courses and become a proffesional parachuter
>Skydive together with an inexperienced newcomer secured to you
>As you gradually move closer and closer to the ground, the person will ask when you will release the parachute
>Say: lol never
>dive straight into the ground

>> No.2989591

it isn't supporting, they would just show the search results but the websites are made by other people

>> No.2989980

>Hi /sci/
>What is the most easiest and painless way to commit suicide?
>no one answers: live your life exacly as you want too.
happy trippfag?

>> No.2990211

Good god, your spelling is atrocious. No, I'm not happy.