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2988219 No.2988219 [Reply] [Original]

I took a working memory test every day for the past 100 days. On half the days, I had drunk 0.5 UK units of alcohol before starting. On the other days, I took a placebo. All monitored and prepared by a friend. So it was a single-blind test.

I completed a memory test prepared by said friend - very similar to brain workshop if you've ever played that.

The first 40 days had rapid progress in the test and were eliminated from the final results. For the remaining 60 days, my average score(variance) without alcohol was 7.4(0.4) and was 8.0(1.2) with.

Alcohol improved my working memory.

>> No.2988225

Haha, good job man. Should've tested for everything between sober and blind drunk though.

>> No.2988223

Do the parentheses give errors? If so then you've drawn the wrong conclusion.

>> No.2988227

You obviously need to relax.

>> No.2988230

The brackets give the variance. If you want to use the standard deviation for errors (which is pretty common), take the square root of the number in the brackets.

That would be good, but I would need a lot more than 100 days.

>> No.2988238

How did you take an alcohol placebo?

>> No.2988243
File: 18 KB, 303x359, glados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The brackets give the variance. If you want to use the standard deviation for errors (which is pretty common), take the square root of the number in the brackets.

Then your results are not statistically significant. Continue testing.

>> No.2988246
File: 12 KB, 213x237, piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that hard to find a similarly tasting drink.

>> No.2988251


That's a known side-effect of alcohol.

IF you drink only a little bit, your reactions will get faster, you can run longer etc. etc..

>> No.2988256

>dat macro

Glad I'm not the only one who hates Heineken. Seriously, fuck you Holland.

>> No.2988259

It was a weird vinegary mixture.

You're right that it's too early to draw absolute conclusions. If this were a scientific paper, I'd have to say: "Preliminary results suggest that 0.5 UK units of alcohol increases ability on working memory tasks, but further research is required."

Well, I don't know of any working memory tests, however it does complement this:

>> No.2988269

You think Dutch beer is shit? Try some Belgian shit. Those nigras can't make any decent tasting beer.

>> No.2988276

I was just saying last night that belgium is an frenchified netherland. french beer = shudder

>> No.2988301


Dutchman here. Heineken tastes like sewer water. It's a cheap commercial beer. If you want some good tasting beer, get a local one. Fuck, even Bavaria is better.

>> No.2988306


If you can't cut your beer with a knife, it's piss.

>> No.2988321


You know shit about beer.

If this were a scientific paper, I'd have to say: "Preliminary results suggest that 0.5 UK units of alcohol increases ability on working memory tasks, but further research is required."

No you can't if this were a scientific paper your results would not be significantly differend and thus no conclusions can be drawn.

>> No.2988328

and suddenly I remember all the belgium trapists. delicious.

>> No.2988330

Hoegaarden and Kriek are pretty good. Don't be so harsh.

Can't say I remember any Dutch beers. All I remember from last time I was in the Netherlands was how expensive beer was. And how stoned I was.

>> No.2988441

korenwolf is great, and rabenhaupt too

I like grolsch,

>> No.2988455
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1262562237926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless it's totally different from the beer sold in the UK by the same name, you can take that shit and fuck off back to Weedland.

>> No.2988461

you probably get the lager, the weizen is better.

>> No.2988468

I didn't even know there was a Grolsch white beer. Sounds okay, I'll try to sample some next time I'm in Euroland.

>> No.2988470
File: 52 KB, 900x719, 1303867598181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Lager drinking faggots.

Seriously, Belgium produces some of the best fucking beer on Earth.

>> No.2988487

I'm just saying when you look at belgium style wheat beers. The dutch do them better than the belgians.

>> No.2988516

Assuming that your result is valid, I think the most plausible explanation for the small difference is cerebral vasodilation. Alcohol causes blood vessels to temporarily relax and dilate, but once the alcohol leaves your system, they respond to this change by contracting past their normal equilibrium, before eventually relaxing again to the resting diameter.

If you took the test somewhat later, you would probably score worse than average on the alcohol days rather than better, reflecting the subsequent period of constriction.

>> No.2988533
File: 15 KB, 300x300, PBateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw who the fuck cares about the difference between Dutch and Belgian.

>> No.2988540

Fucking Americans.

>> No.2988548

Tasteless Amerifag detected?

>> No.2988557
File: 1.65 MB, 3072x2048, HappyHippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would Americans care?

If you're implying that I'm American, you're barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.2988563


oh, Im sorry... I havent been legally swilling pints daily since I was 18.

>> No.2988568


The drinking age is than 18 in most Euro countries broski.

>> No.2988575


Also, I wasn't talking about the Dutch and Belgian beers, but the countries. An interesting interview, of Frank Zappa of all people, where Frank talks about the difference between Americans and Europeans: you're hard pressed to find someone from Europe that calls themselves a European. They're always French, German, British, etc.

TL;DR: Europeans are stupidly divisive about shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.2988583

That's because EUROPE ISN'T A COUNTRY.

You'll be hard pressed to find somebody in the US who calls themselves "North American" and groups themselves with Canada and Mexico.

>> No.2988593


I'm not sure what point you were trying to make there.

>> No.2988592


Asia isn't a country, but there's still a lot of Asian Pride, as well as individual nationalism.

Also, in my mind the EU is almost like a level of government above the countries, like a federation but obviously much looser. Haven't looked into it much, because that's Economics, and Economics is for faggots.

I'm waiting for my boyfriend to bring it up.

>> No.2988597


Also, US citizens DO call themselves Americans, but that all depends on interpretation as to if it applies here.

>> No.2988598

I've never someone who is proud to be a member of the UN or NATO either. What's your point?

>> No.2988609

>US citizens DO call themselves Americans
No shit, because their country is called America. They don't refer to themselves by continent.

>> No.2988620

Just an interesting thing I'd noticed, like, arguing about the difference in beer quality between two countres, when those countries are so close and tiny they'd both fit in South Carolina with room to spare.

>> No.2988630

The EU is an economic alliance, nothing more. It is not an international government.

The Asian pride you see is more of an ethnic "Azn" pride than it is pride to be in the continent of Asia. Do Russians have Asian pride? Do Indians have Asian pride? Do Middle Eastern people have Asian pride? Because they're all in fucking Asia.

>> No.2988633

Amendment: Russia is HALF in Asia. I should have specified Eastern Russians.

>> No.2988641


Most of the population of Russia is on the European side of the country, India is its own subcontinent and the Middle East is largely shielded by that subcontinent.

And how do you delineate AZN pride from pride in being from Asia, exactly?

>> No.2988645


You'd have to speak to some Eastern Russians, I haven't met any or heard of any surveys along those lines.

>> No.2988647

Because ethnicity. Did you even read that post?

>> No.2988675

for the first hundred years of so of the united states, the citizens referred to themselves as citizens of their states. even now displaced citizens proudly claim their roots.