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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 252x385, Total Badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2987237 No.2987237 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, there's a lot of hate for philosophy on this board.
And I know why. But lets not dwell on that. Let's focus on philosophers who weren't useless.

My favorite is Epicurus. Atomist, Athiest (or at least deist who thought gods didn't give a shit), contributor to scientific thought (Principle of Multiple Explanations) didn't believe in an afterlife, sat around in a garden all day.

John Stuart Mill, Popper, Hume, Leibniz, etc. Who's your favorite philosopher, /sci/?

>> No.2987263


Socrates. He was bad ass.

>> No.2987265

Mill or Kant for moral philosophy. even though Kant's theory of a priori derivation of morality is highly flawed it still has an underlying reason to it that makes perfect sense. The main problem with his theory is no trade offs in duties and false positives, negatives of the categorical imperative yet if applied correctly it seems to yield the correct results. meaning that the ad hoc modification that need to be made to make it work underline some deeper underlying principle.

but yeah Mill also quite flawed i mean distinguishing between higher and lower pleasure is a good idea in theory but he can't really prove the justified distinction.

but yeah those 2 are probably the ones that came closest to any sort of moral truth.

>> No.2987276


yeah this but also spinoza.

>> No.2987279

Ayn Rand

>> No.2987280



>> No.2987283

I'm really not a fan of either Kants or Mill's moral systems. I like mill because he was doing falsification stuff. I think Hume hit way closer with his whole 'reason is slave to the passions' thing.

Was it Aristotle who thought that people did what they thought was right, 100% of the time? Like, thinking "Oh man, I should get out of bed." and then hitting snooze - you actually thought sleeping in was the right thing to do, otherwise you would have gotten up. I think that was Aristotle.

>> No.2987285

I know I'm going to get shit on for naming these people because they sort of adhere to the contingency and ambiguity of the universe as opposed to the objectivism of science, but I really enjoy Nietzsche, Heidegger and Derrida.

>> No.2987288

I always thought he was just trolling everybody, after reading his whole "everybody is god" thing.

>> No.2987289
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Hypatia, Pítagoras and Thales of Miletus

>> No.2987297

Kant's idealism is deeply flawed on the fringes, but is a good every day guide.

Imagine that you have to kill one person to save all of humanity. By Kant's "No person ought be used as a means to an end" and "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." this act of sacrificing one is deeply immoral.

Check out Rawles and Singer for a neat system of utilitarianism.

>> No.2987318


She was a whore. Which gives her a legitimate advantage over all philosophers.

>> No.2987335

She was a virgin.

>> No.2987338

being a teacher =/= whore, dipshit

>> No.2987341
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Christianfag detected

>> No.2987343

That's what they ALL say, even the good ones.

>> No.2987347


Not a christfag, I just have more common sense than you do.

>> No.2987353
File: 13 KB, 441x408, 1301865533230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how do you know she wasn't one?
Did you saw the past or something like that?
>mfw your logic is full of shit

>> No.2987354
File: 17 KB, 319x350, derek_zoolander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Harris. Moral realism FTW.

>> No.2987359

All philosophers are whores. They're worse than literary critics.

>> No.2987370

>/sci/, there's a lot of hate for philosophy on this board.

>My favorite is Epicurus

>Doesn't know that Epicurus hated philosophy too.


>> No.2987385

>Sam Harris
>Moral Realism
His moral system is full of holes leaking shit and pus. He goes out of his way over and over again to object to moral relativism, when he doesn't need to. His moral landscape thing is basic utilitarianism. The manner in which he argues moral values are equitable to true-false statements is laughable.
He is enthusiastically misguided.

>> No.2987394

>implying that's not why he's my favorite, and that my final ethics paper doesn't begin with:
>"If I have learned anything from philosophy, it is that I am not a patient or tolerant man. If the goal of philosophy is knowledge, then is failing to fulfill the promise of its name."

>> No.2987401

why to only pointed out Hypatia? he mentioned 3 more philosopher who were also whores.

>> No.2987411

She was awesome because she was a whore first, and a philosopher second.

In other words, she was good at whoring AND philosophy.

>> No.2987424

Spinoza, Wittgenstein, Frege, Russel, Diogenes, Berkeley, Sartre, Foucault, Derrida, Marx, Carnap, Feyerabend, Lakatoss, Searle, Agamben, Habermas, and Kripke.

Fuck all the greeks but diogenes...well not really but at least he got constructivism (I postulate)

>> No.2987428

And he's sooo cute <3 <3 <3

>> No.2987434


Forgot Deleuze...rhizome theory is good stuff and he expanded greatly on foucauldian biopolitics and governmentality

>> No.2987436
File: 7 KB, 240x303, Sam_harris-01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. You're right.
Even if what he says is stupid, he looks amazing saying it.

>> No.2987446


the statement 'happiness is good' is true.

>> No.2987456

It's more like everything is god rather than everyone. And by god he means something pretty far removed from the common notion of god. Not something you have to buy into, but not trolling.

>> No.2987457


it has no meaning take a class on analytical philosophy and see why. he is not a serious philospher. moral philosophy is a bag of horse shit and should be relegated to psychology or neuroscience.

>> No.2987459

If your moral system is so objective, why doesn't it apply to rocks?

>> No.2987462
File: 16 KB, 275x326, Pierre_Duhem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true Heroin Addict. Sam Harris is a hack, and is milking gullible Secular Humanists for cash.

>> No.2987480

It objectively doesn't apply to rocks, obviously.
All of this is covered in Sam Harris' School for People Who Can't Secular Humanist Good, and Want to Learn How to Do Other Stuff Good, Too.

>> No.2987501

Oh man! I'm signing up for the SHSPWCSHGWLHDOSGT right now. I hope they teach me the Magnum.

>> No.2987507

Epicurus is your favorite because you saw a trendy picture on /b/ and after a light wikipedia skimming, you posted this. Good job.

>> No.2987508

evolution doesnt either. is it wrong then?

>> No.2987515


>> No.2987516


>> No.2987526

Whatever makes you feel better about your philosophical hipster cred, bro.
My intro to philosophy course was the only one that covered the greeks at all, and it did so poorly. After that, I took logic and intro to modern phil. (no greeks). Now I'm taking ethics (and agreeing with >>2987457) and epistemology (fuck yeah, Clifford). I somehow started from Aristotle and Hume, and got to Epicurus.

>> No.2987535

Socrates. I like my philosophers to be fictional.

>> No.2987537

Zen appears to be the closest thing to reality (especially if you tripped on LSD you'll know).

Listen to Alan Watts.

>> No.2987540

Mr. Hume

>> No.2987546

According to your description, Epicurus sounds like he was a total bro to hang out with.

Personally, I like Socrates. He was kind of a troll.

Sadly, I don't know as much about philosophers as I'd like. Any way to remedy that?

>> No.2987549

>He was kind of a troll.

He never existed. He was an Anonymous tripfag nametag for Plato.

>> No.2987555

Aw, man! Really?

Still, then he was a troll, in a fictional way. And somewhat awesome.

Can you tell me more about that?

>> No.2987575

Diogenes the Cynic/Dog (of Sinope).
masturbated in public
wasn't afraid of Alexander the Great
thought burial rituals were pointless (asked to be fed to wild animals after death)
thought nationalism was retarded (first person known to claim to be a citizen of the world)
dissed Plato

>> No.2987576

Timaeus By Plato

>> No.2987577
File: 47 KB, 450x600, philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Let's focus on philosophers who weren't useless.

S4sh4 Gr3y. (suck my balls, wordfilters)

Giving one dude a single boner is of more significance to mankind than the entire output of all of history's philosophers.

>> No.2987595

dr. kent hovind

>> No.2987596

and lived in a barrel

... like a boss

>> No.2987599

That is possible. He might have existed, he might not have. Don't claim to know for certain when the evidence is so scarce.

>> No.2987603

She's wordfiltered? Why is she wordfiltered?

>> No.2987620

I like the silly philosophers that should be hated by all kinds of people who typically frequent the /sci/ threads.

You know, like Pythagoras, Leibniz, Descartes, Eratosthanes.

All of them, fags.

>> No.2987621

Read Timaeus. It's less than 100 pages, and Plato, then his students, are the only sources of everything Socrates said.

It's actually kinda obvious when you take the trolling into account.

>> No.2987624
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 656476767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit did this just happen to me.
it's 11:17am here, just finished a 5000 word essay on Grice's linguistic meaning.
I click on the pic of sasha grey with the book on the 4chan front page (recent image thing)... who doesn't know she's an existentialist right? .. right?
anyway, brings me to this shit.

there's hate for philosophy on /sci/??... i've never even been on /sci/, i'm only here coz sasha was here...
wtf is this shit.

im fried. fuck /sci/... philosophy owns your narrow minded ass.

>> No.2987626
File: 193 KB, 716x1006, PICT15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand.

>> No.2987631

Favourite philosopher? It's childish.
Any philosopher worth his salt had some good idea to toss in the debate. Hell, you can find good philosophy even in the Bible, even if you don't believe in the religion.

>> No.2987634

Not really. I think they mostly hate bullshit philosophers like >>2987285.

Scientists in general are too quick too disregard philosophers though.

>> No.2987635
File: 51 KB, 712x596, inb4_SCIENCE_IS_PHILOSOPHY!!!11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy owns your narrow minded ass.
Spoken like a true /x/fag.

>> No.2987638
File: 106 KB, 958x568, philosophy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason you can't use any word with the letters j-e-w in them. It's part of moot's fucktarded plan to "clean up" 4chan so it doesn't make a negative impact on his ability to market the fuck out of canv.ass.

>> No.2987639

/sci/ - science & math

>> No.2987640

i hate people that start a sentence with hell as an exclamation. it's such a cliche

>> No.2987642

Maybe because we get sensory input??

captcha: philosophe

>> No.2987645

>philosophy owns your narrow minded ass.

Philosophy majors: People too dumb for real science but who still want to reap the social rewards of appearing to have superior intelligence.

>> No.2987647

And you are so edgy.

>> No.2987648

Philosophy is what most men do when they don't get pussy (and some don't even wish to get one...).

>> No.2987653

Jew. Sasha Grey.

>> No.2987657

I said they're worse whores than literary critics.

>> No.2987658
File: 76 KB, 500x473, hurr i'm a durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2987660

not liking clichés is edgy?

what does that even mean?

>> No.2987662
File: 126 KB, 450x373, 1300369092749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post demotivational on philosophy
>pic has nothing to do with philosophy
>be clueless

>> No.2987671

wow can I really not post the word "jew"

>> No.2987673

I think the lesson to be learned here is that to the most people, "philosophy" and "nonsensical shit some moron posted on yahoo answers while stoned" are indistinguishable.

>> No.2987676

what about the words "sasha grey" ?

>> No.2987678

What the fuck's wrong with you? Neither JEW nor SASHA GREY are being filtered on this board. Go back to /b/, you fucking moron.

>> No.2987683

Did moot finally get sick of manually unbanning hundreds of people who got caught in his retarded wordfilter and take it out?

Changing my IP is too much work (i.e. I don't want to wait 30 seconds for my router to reboot) so I'm not going to test it myself...

>> No.2987684

The question deals with existential philosophy, Mr. No True Scotsman.

>> No.2987689

Kant, a virgin, CHECK

Plato, a fag, CHECK

Nietzsche, a virgin, CHECK

Bentham, virgin aspie, CHECK

Socrates, married fag, CHECK

Kierkegaard, pussy-deprived, CHECK

Rousseau, repressed pervert with lots of guilt, CHECK

Foucault, fagfag, CHECK

Wittgenstein, fag, CHECK

Diogenes, was into boys, CHECK

>> No.2987694

how can Nietzsche have had syphilis and be a virgin u mron

>> No.2987697

Another lesson would be that both "philosophy" and "nonsensical shit some moron posted on yahoo answers while stoned" are of equal intellectual value, since neither can be tested for veracity.

>> No.2987703

>>2987624 here

Just thought i'd explode with my first post.. was a bit of a wtf moment for me coming across this. i said it was 11:17am... the point of telling anon that was that I haven't been to bed all night. I've been sitting here, writing. hurrrr
Anyway... the reason why im posting again, after beating down >>2987635 is:
I had no idea "scientists" had such a problem with philosophers. I'm not too fussed so i'm not gonna talk about how wrong you are bla bla bla
but srs guys...c'mon... there "HACKtually" beef there?
is it a genuine belief that "we do filosofy coz we 2 dum 2 du all dat siens"? oh bitch pleeease.

>> No.2987705


>> No.2987709

I am literally not even going to mention the Problem of Induction to you. You simply don't deserve to know about it.....


>> No.2987716
File: 173 KB, 600x913, the_system_of_objectscopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had no idea "scientists" had such a problem with philosophers.
It's not just """""scientists""""", I think. Reasonable people in general tend to have issues with non-falsifiable propositions, especially when the typical philosopher ego kicks in, and the non-falsifiable proposition is being presented as fact.

>> No.2987721

>You simply don't deserve to know about it.
Unbelievable. And you guys genuinely don't see why some people don't hold philosophers in high regard?

>> No.2987724


>> No.2987727

>The problem of induction is the philosophical question of whether inductive reasoning leads to knowledge.

>hmmm, it seems that if I do X, then Y always happens afterward
>I should test this
>yep, it works!

>hmmm, it seems that if I do X, then Y always happens
>I should spend 30 years locked in an office thinking about whether I am able to conclude something from this fact and writing hundreds of pages of unintelligible drivel regarding the matter that noone will ever read.

>> No.2987728

That was a speculation. There were no tools to diagnose syphilis properly in the 19th century. They tried to explain the dementia symptoms with a possible syphilis infection, but there are also other diagnoses.

>> No.2987730

>pick a group, any group
>apply misconceived blanket rules

>> No.2987731

epicurism and stoicism, especially cicero and his political philosophy

>> No.2987732
File: 181 KB, 941x679, windows_pc_vs_apple_mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosopher : Scientist :: Mac : PC

>> No.2987733

">The problem of induction is the philosophical question of whether inductive reasoning leads to knowledge. "
First line of wikipedia entry:
"The problem of induction is the philosophical question of whether inductive reasoning leads to knowledge."

Can i get a lol please?

>> No.2987735



>> No.2987739
File: 35 KB, 245x320, fqregwh65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2987751

Who taught socrates?

>> No.2987760

use wikipedia... everyone else is.

>> No.2987762


Cool. it was Sophroniscus his dad but I don't know if he was a philosopher....

>> No.2987763


not that big of a problem

>> No.2987768

Hey hey hey hey hey. there's nothing wrong with wikipedia. Well apart from some faults, but everything has faults.

No one needs an encyclopedia brittanica anymore, which is just as well because that was friggen huge and expensive. and outdated

>> No.2987778

ahhhh i'm just playing. I just wanted to make that kiddie blush at his monitor. Running off to wikipedia and rushing back to chuck crap in my direction as if he understands what's going on from the very opening sentence of a wikipedia article.

>> No.2987782

He did understand opening sentence which means he grasped enough to engage in debate. What he said wasn't wrong.

>> No.2987790

Lol what's not to understand?

how2 philosophy:
1) find a 4 year old.
2) wait until he asks you a stupid question.
3) convince other idiots to join you in devoting their entire lives to addressing this 4 year old's questions through a long series of books and journal articles that make no actual progress toward anything like an answer.
4) ???

>> No.2987799


Paul Feyerabend

>> No.2987802
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1302061940194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he _may_ have grasped the opening sentence, but it is crystal clear he did _not_ grasp enough to take part in the debate.
There are three reasons for this:

1) There was no debate in the first place. It was impossible to join the debate, as it didn't exist. In fact your words are beginning to make me believe you don't have what it takes either... which tbh, isn't much.

2) "What he said" that 'wasn't wrong' is in fact not "what he said", it was what "wikipedia said".

3) What he actually said... was wrong.

Myfriend. You need to stop posting.

>> No.2987821
File: 50 KB, 420x420, r10466_fuck this thread outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, enjoy your inflated self image and meaningless life, douchebag.

>> No.2987827


>> No.2987837
File: 2 KB, 213x165, huehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a /sci/entard mentioned John Stuart Mill.

>> No.2987839
File: 27 KB, 775x387, inafter_SCIENCE_IS_A_PHILOSOPHY!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moer liek phailolsophy amiriet?

>> No.2987840


>> No.2987844

Wikipedia to me is a catalogue of google findings, the articles are horrible written but that said there isn't anything inherently wrong with it, I always go straight to the links at the bottom.

>> No.2987847
File: 23 KB, 716x524, scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science is phlosphi

>> No.2987855

>google findings
how do you know this? This is probably wrong. Most people add to wikipedia based on their own knowledge and what they've learnt in school/college/books etc

>the articles are horrible written
Not true. Some of them are badly written. The pages that aren't frequently visited that may contain esoteric language. But this is fully acknowledged by the site and articulated to its users.

>> No.2987863
File: 157 KB, 1007x748, 548578957858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh you just trollin', shu'up. nahh shu'uuuup.

>> No.2987865


>> No.2987871

You are a faggot. You have no way to prove he was wrong on the 3rd count.

>> No.2987876
File: 309 KB, 529x550, htyhtyejhye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i do

>> No.2987882

I get the impression they don't know what an encyclopedia is, people go to an encyclopedia because they don't know anything about that particular subject yet articles are all disorganized obfuscated clusterfucks that can only be understood by someone who already understands everything in the article.

>> No.2987885

Science is philosophy that works.

>> No.2987888

yeah that the biggest problem. Most articles are encyclopedia articles (with much more detail I might add) but every so often you get an article on some a bit more obscure that's only been written by one person and it's probably a copypaste job from one of their old high school essays, or it's all written from the one source (a highly specialized report).

>> No.2987890
File: 38 KB, 500x389, 1300555458783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of them, yeah

>> No.2987892

The only one.

>> No.2987903

please see
which one?

>> No.2987911

Engineering ->
Chemistry ->
Physics ->
Mathematics ->
Logic ->
Philosophy ->
Art ->

>> No.2987950

In a way I guess. Doesn't necessarily mean philosophy doesn't work. Look at Leibniz, without whom Einstein never would have pwnd relativity the way he did.

>> No.2988859


or calculus...or monads...I can't imagine a world without the existence of the monads.

>> No.2988864

Mine is David Hume

but for ethics I go for Kant
let haters be hating

>> No.2988885


Whatever nice little system you have constructed and choose to live by is your choice. Just don't ever make the mistake and think it is either universal or a priori.

>> No.2988893

Isaac Newton.