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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 740x382, 65_years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2986912 No.2986912 [Reply] [Original]

"The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision."

Sorry still not convinced why flying aimlessly around in space is a good idea.

>> No.2986930

It's not, by his own admission. He said it was irrational.

>> No.2986931
File: 4 KB, 300x57, inforlik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without energy we cannot do computation.

Captcha is appropriate.

>> No.2987018

>implying this shitty webcomic is not advocating that we should waste resources on senseless space exploration.

>> No.2987028

>implying you aren't just buttmad that he became a milionaire and a nasa scientist because of his webcomic.

>> No.2987041


Oh boy, here we go:


>> No.2987045
File: 31 KB, 366x524, musk__elon_next_to_space_x_rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well now that the rotting dead weight is finally getting routed around, things are looking up again.

>> No.2987130

So basically he is just trying to secure his employment?

>> No.2987151

yup, amusingly doing make work for the bureaucratic behemoth that is the prime reason that graph plays out that way.

>> No.2987161

"Sorry still not convinced why flying aimlessly around in space is a good idea."

It is not a good idea for the individual, hence your individual decusion, but on the scale of society, exploration is a nessesity, and the technology behind it... well, look closely at the computer your using now.

Captcha: triumph

>> No.2987179

Sapient nano machines capable of colonizing inhospitable worlds spreading out through the universe, expanding their civilization, acquiring more resources.