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2986575 No.2986575 [Reply] [Original]

Do the /sci/entists have a consensus on 9/11?

I saw this site yesterday that made a pretty interesting case that the buildings seemed to vaporize, rather than collapse. It talked about how there was almost no seismic spike from either collapse, compared to what you'd expect from 500,000 tons hitting the ground. Also, the collapse stopped at ground level, which is kinda weird.

There were lots of other facts used to support. I'll find the site if you want.

>> No.2986596

We do have a consensus...
OP is a fag.

>> No.2986608

Just stop.

>> No.2986610

potential energy was released

>> No.2986612

Tin foil hat zone

>> No.2986615

>tinfoil hatters attempt to make their lives more meaningful through conspiracy theories

>> No.2986626


Found it. Apparently, she some sort of engineer.

Anyway, suppose there's some mysterious chemical they've invented that reacts to heat by just vaporizing everything it touches. If this was the case, then there wouldn't have had to be charges set all through the buildings to bring them down. It could have been sprayed all over everything by pest-control guys who had no idea what was in their tanks.

The planes crash, the fires start and spread, a certain very high temp is reached, and everything starts turning into smoke.

>> No.2986632

I remember seeing a documentary that just destroyed all the conspiracies about 9/11. I wish I could remember the name of it.

>> No.2986636
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Oh, fuck off.


>> No.2986638

i put on my tinfoil robe and tinfoil wizard hat

>> No.2986641
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>One engineer

>> No.2986645

that's not her major theory is it?

that's worse than the "super thermite" in the documentary I just mentioned where the guy basically said "the government has this secret stuff that I don't really even know about but it explains everything"

>> No.2986646


It literally goes on FOREVER

>> No.2986650
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>uses triple exclamation marks on everything

>"The technology that was demonstrated on 911 can split the earth in half or it can be used to allow ALL people to live happily ever after with free energy."

>> No.2986660

Ok, but anytime there's a controlled demolition, there's a register of it on seismographs. The destruction of the Kingdome, apparently, had about the same impact as the immensely larger WTC1.

There are some graphs here.


>> No.2986661

That site hurts my eyes. Why is it always the kooks who cannot into web design?

>> No.2986665
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GTFO and stop watching the media. There's no such thing as a scientific consensus.

>> No.2986666

>Building collapses (~500k tonnes of weight)
>Small seismic spike
>Earthquake, millions upon millions upon millions of tonnes of the FUCKING PLANET shifting
>Large seismic spike

>Ant pisses in the ocean
>Tidal wave


>> No.2986672

Nah, she's more into a star wars energy weapon. I came up with the spray on my own, because I'm a super-genius.

I hate how people get so dismissive about this. You all just say, "We're experts. Trust us. If you don't want to trust us, either do all the study and become an expert, or fuck off and don a tin foil hat." The problem is, if you can't explain something that actually happened to a child in a clear, logical way, then something's wrong.

Why did 3 skyscrapers collapse from fire on that one day, and never before or since?

>> No.2986681

It was an inside job.


>> No.2986683

Here, quad Satan.


>> No.2986684

because planes (plural) fly into former record holding towers all the time

>> No.2986688

steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C

>> No.2986711

I knew before I hit submit that someone would say this. There have been fires in skyscrapers that burned for up to 18 hours. Some other building, somewhere, had to have had some really hot-burning shit in it. Bldg 7 wasn't even that unusually big, and no jet fuel.

>> No.2986713

>The problem is, if you can't explain something that actually happened to a child in a clear, logical way, then something's wrong.

Get back to me when you explain the physics behind your CPU to a five year old.

>Why did 3 skyscrapers collapse from fire on that one day, and never before or since?

They were hit by planes, chunks of planes, and flying chunks of building, and had fucking jet fuel burning in them whose heat alone wold have ruined the strength of the supporting girders.

>> No.2986737

Debris smashed into one of the corners, ripped a ten story tall hole in the side of the building, and the fires burned for nine fucking hours.

>> No.2986739

Considering the dancing Israelis, I'd have to say that if Israeli Mosssad didn't directly cause it, they at the very least let it happen.

Never trust an Israeli. They are not our friends, and they have repeatedly sold American military secrets to our enemies when they weren't directly attacking us.

>> No.2986744

The CPU is like the brain of the computer. It takes all these little pieces of information, and tells them where to go around the computer to make all the different parts work together!

Not hard.

>> No.2986748


>Mommy, why did the airplane daddy was on crash? They inspected it and everything, but they still don't know what happened!

>Must be the US government blowing itself up. Now put your tinfoil hat back on Billy, you know they're always listening.

I hate it when people twist events to fit "Facts," rather then using facts to generate evidence.

"This pipe is clogged, and there is limestone deposited everywhere in it. I think the pipe's coating wore away, allowing limestone to collect and clog it," is a clear and reasonable observation.

"The pipe clogged, and there's limestone. The US government must have put it there to clog the pipes!" is fucking retarded.

>> No.2986750

And the wreckage of the OKC Federal Building had to be demolished by CCD.

>> No.2986768

but that isn't how it works...
that is simple babbyspeak

>> No.2986769

I'm not assigning blame. I'm speculating on some other method, but any sufficiently advanced group could have done the pesticide thing.
I am saying that a great many people just don't believe the official explanation. I'd bet that more people will swallow what is popularly said about quantum mechanics than buy the 9/11 official story.

>> No.2986771


Fuck, I messed that up.

Using evidence to generate facts instead facts to support evidence*

>> No.2986779

That is so god damned wrong I want to garrote you with a SATA cable.

>> No.2986786

Ok. Let me try to explain the fall of Bldg 7 in my babbyspeak.

The building got hit by the other building, as it turned to dust while it fell, and that caused it to catch fire and then it burned for a few hours and then it fell. Nothing like that has ever happened before, even when more than half of the building had just been blown to shit by a huge bomb, but it happened this time.

I can't do it. You try.

>> No.2986787

>pest-control guys who had no idea what was in their tanks
>areyouasupervillain .jpg

>> No.2986793

>you will never get through to tinfoilers ;_;

>> No.2986794

>I am saying that a great many people just don't believe the official explanation.


>> No.2986797

Naked lunch was creepy.

>> No.2986800
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More than 85% of Americans believe there is an invisible man in the sky who watches them while they take a shit. Never, ever underestimate the stupidity of humanity at large.

>> No.2986807

It's a favorite of mine, both the novel and the film.

Maybe that's why I thought of it. Something like that, with proper planning, could have been done years in advance. Getting the planes into the towers would have been the hard part. That's where you need a supervillian.

>> No.2986811


>> No.2986821

If you've watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire, you know that polling the audience is the best option. People believe or disbelieve things for good reasons.

In the case of religion, they believe because they are indoctrinated from birth. It's not relevant to this discussion.

I was born in 1973, and every single kid I knew growing up was indoctrinated to trust and love their country. But a lot of us found ourselves in a weird position when the official explanation came out. It just doesn't add up.

>> No.2986835
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>even when more than half of the building had just been blown to shit by a huge bomb

>15 foot bomb desctruction radius

>half the building

Jesus christ, man.

>> No.2986841

That's unfair. I am agnostic about this. I've read the official version as presented in mainstream media, and I've read a few websites. The websites seem a bit unhinged, and the mainstream seems condescending and muddled, at best.
All of you in this thread are doing the same thing Popular Mechanics and Natnl Geographic did. You say, "This is what happened. We know because we're smart. If it hadn't happened that way, it wouldn't have happened that way. If you don't believe me, you're nuts."
That's just a kind of intellectual bullying.

>> No.2986847
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Well, maybe 30-40%. It's quite a bit more than having a corner shaved off.

>> No.2986855

Well, if you don't believe the truth, yeah, you might be a little bit nuts.

>> No.2986858
File: 41 KB, 582x293, damage1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buildings never fall down when you set them on fire

>> No.2986859

Purdue simulates it with computers, would you like to see a video?

>it doesn't collapse during the video, but the researchers go on to say (in their research paper) that it collapsed due to structural damage (from the crash), and then further structural weakening due to jet fuel.

>> No.2986863

What is that a picture of?

>> No.2986871

Ok. What about 7? I'd still consider the fact that they couldn't show the buildings falling to be a pretty bad fail. I'm sure they worked really hard to get that to happen.

>> No.2986876

That's not how science works, though. You don't establish the truth, expect everyone to take it on faith, and then excommunicate the heretics.

>> No.2986878

Israeli Mossad. They at the very least let it happen, and they probably encouraged it.

>> No.2986885

However, that is EXACTLY how propaganda works.

>> No.2986895

You're right, that isn't how science works. You have to back the truth with evidence. THEN you can start the Inquisition.

>> No.2986897
File: 29 KB, 248x186, Woodstock apartment fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, a bomb that caused initial structural damage in a 30 foot diameter sphere resulted in almost half the building collapsing.

>> No.2986909

WTC 1 was hit by a plane, caught on fire, collapsed
WTC 2 was hit by a plane, caught on fire, collapsed.
WTC 7 was not hit by a plane, shit fell on it (though it was a significant distance from both WTC 1 and 2, in fact another skyscraper was inbetween it and the big WTC buildings), it caught on fire, and collapsed.

The day before 9/11 the Pentagon announced it was "missing" 2.3 trillion dollars.


(an old news report on this subject from CBS)

How much does it cost to false flag terrorists with knifes taking down the twin towers? Would 2.3 trillion dollars cover it?

>> No.2986913
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Even if you were absolutely right about everything, the question is, to what end? Why kill three thousand taxpayers? Why start two wars that drain the economy and cost the government trillions, and every major company in the US millions in lost revenue due to economic depression? There is absolutely no financial or political motive for anyone that doesn't have an interest in Islamic theocracy to do that, even if they could.

>> No.2986915

Right. But the only impact to 7 was from the falling dust of the other tower. It lost a good bit of a corner. It stood for several hours without that corner, then turned to dust and the whole thing was gone.
If it collapsed because of the damage, why did it fall straight down? If it collapsed because of the fire, why is it the only skyscraper ever to have collapsed from fire?

>> No.2986927

Well, that's a good argument. I wouldn't be in a position to speculate on that. Certainly, a few companies did make out very well. We did inch closer to being a police state in a perpetual war. But who knows why anyone would do something so evil? Even the Muslim extremists have suffered terribly from the fallout. I mean, what did they think would happen? We'd just all convert to Islam and adopt Sharia law?

No motive on anyone's part seems to make much sense to me.

>> No.2986933
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>then turned to dust and the whole thing was gone.

Are you retarded?

>> No.2986937

Yeah, well, I'm not making any positive claims. I'm certainly not purporting to be an expert. I'm just saying that the official explanation is full of holes, and hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, can see that pretty plainly.
You guys are the ones making claims, and we're saying you haven't proven them to us.

>> No.2986945

Haliburton, Cheneys company, became quite wealthy from the wars as I recall.

>> No.2986947

> Implying the US government hasn't intentionally poisoned to death over 10,000 taxpayers in order to push it's agenda in the past.

Oh wait except it blatantly has:
"Furthermore, stronger liquor surged in popularity because its potency made it more profitable to smuggle. To prevent bootleggers from using industrial ethyl alcohol to produce illegal beverages, the government ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols. In response, bootleggers hired chemists who successfully renatured the alcohol to make it drinkable. As a response, the Treasury Department required manufacturers to add more deadly poisons, including the particularly deadly methyl alcohol. New York City medical examiners prominently opposed these policies because of the danger to human life. As many as 10,000 people died from drinking denatured alcohol before Prohibition ended.[42]"

From the wiki on Alcohol Prohibition in the United States. They were willing to murder 10,000 US citizens to scare the rest of the USA out of drinking alcohol, but you claim that "omg they would never kill a US citizen, they pay taxes!"????

Shit's been done in the past, in the twin towers only 1/3 of the amount of people were killed as the US government murdered by intentionally poisoning alcohol during the prohibition.

Various eyewitnesses to 9/11 who spoke publically about explosions wound up dead shortly after 9/11.

The guy who predicted 9/11 on his public radio show was killed by police shortly after 9/11
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuvZq8I1m_M&feature=related )

Terrorists with boxcutters.

>> No.2986951

Yeah, there was wreckage, but nothing like the tons and tons of shit there should have been from a CCD. A lot of it when into the air.

I'm not entirely comfortable with this post, though, as I'm only repeating claims that I've read elsewhere.

Fine, if you say all the pieces of bldg 7 that weren't concrete dust ended up on the ground, ok. I'll buy that. Why not.

>> No.2986952

context nigga, you have to watch that video in context
not on youtube where it has been edited

9/11 was done by islamic fundaMENTALists.
>just like every other act of terrorism, fundumbmentalists are to blame.
i don't understand why people think otherwise...
what causes them to have such a hard time comprehending the facts?

>> No.2986961

>predict 9/11
>get killed
>make movie exposing 9/11
>stay alive



>> No.2986963

Israeli Mossad, you mean.

>> No.2986966
File: 230 KB, 1140x782, '59 Plumbing Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a very short summary, there are two basic motivations for Bin Laden. The first is that we dicked him over, repeatedly. When Iraq invaded Kuwait and began threatening Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden offered them the help of his forces to expel the relatively secular Hussein from Islamic holy land. Instead, the Saudis went to the United States, and in doing so established a precedent for the continued presence of what to Bin Laden represents the embodiment of Shaytan, the US, in middle eastern affairs.

Secondly, Bin Laden wants to cut the middle east off before the global economy can absorb it and kill any hope of a large, powerful Islamic theocracy. The internet and global commerce is death on theocracy, especially one as disconnected from reality as his version. In fact, he succeeded mightily in the attacks, and set the whole of the middle east back decades of effort to globalize with the resulting political fallout and military conflict.

9/11 was a fucking masterstroke for exactly what al Qaeda wants to see happen in the world.

>> No.2986971

>I'm just saying that the official explanation is full of holes, and hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, can see that pretty plainly.

Yet you just said you don't claim to be an expert. You're trying to poke holes in things you know nothing about, basically. Hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, believe the moon landing was faked, despite there being an overabundance of evidence contradicting that belief.

>You guys are the ones making claims, and we're saying you haven't proven them to us.

There is no way for us to force the evidence into your brain and make you believe. There is no way for us to snap our fingers and give you the necessary knowledge to comprehend every principle and understand every fact involved in this situation. You have to see the evidence that is offered, and examine it. If you don't know enough to make a decision about it, then you should either start learning, or stop making claims about it.

>> No.2986975

Way to ignore the point of the post.

>> No.2986978

Funny how some of the people who flew the planes later turned up to be alive. Also: their passports survived, but nothing else? We should cover everything in whatever they make passports out of.

>> No.2986982

i mean the people that claimed responsibility for it.
>al queda

what possible motivations could the Israeli Mossad have?

>> No.2986985

> obviously knows nothing about the life of bin Laden.

The man was a well educated, tech savvy businessman who had worked with the US in the past, and who's family had ties with the Bush family (Bush Sr, coincidentally was head of the CIA for a period of time before he became President).

Keep convincing yourself that this guy was "out of touch of reality," because after all, that's what the news tells you!

It's much easier to say "he was crazy lol! don't look into his life just assume he was batshit out of touch with reality and then believe my contrived reasonings for his actions, he attacked the US because he was mad at Saudi Arabia, his home country, where all the hijackers came from!"

>> No.2986987

You make a shitty point. Reexamining history & events is never a bad idea.

Discouraging it IS evil, however.

>> No.2986983
File: 69 KB, 590x454, 6017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orchestrate largest conspiracy in history of the world

>fail at rigging an election to make the nigger lose

>> No.2986988

Ok. And the other side has the missing trillions and the fact that Hussein was about to get full control of his oil back and sell it in Euro, which would have crippled our economy, possibly beyond repair.

>> No.2986989

Umm, %2.3 trillion? That's like 2/3 of the federal budget. The DOD only gets about $700 million annually. I think you missed a decimal place there.

>> No.2986990

amish did wtc

>> No.2986993


>> No.2986995

Nobody would have believed that McCain & Palin won, because Palin sucks that bad.

>> No.2986996

>Reexamining history & events is never a bad idea.

Where did I say it was?

>> No.2986998


>> No.2986999

I'm not making claims. I'm just telling you that I don't see the logic in your claim. I don't know any of the math behind general relativity. I don't even know the important differences between general and specific theories of relativity. But I will buy that the universe is like a big cloth with weights on it.

>> No.2987001

Watch the video.

>> No.2987003

>>700 million
try 730 billion. and that doesn't include veterans benefits, CIA budget, and a bunch of other horseshit that should be thrown in there. All total, more than a trillion each year.

>> No.2987004

> Doesn't realize that both parties are basically the same and just polarize against each other to maintain the status quo.

The black president for change has expanded our use of drones, asserted the right to assassinate US citizens, continued support of the patriot act, encouraged the expansion of the TSA to be doing "vipr" checkpoints randomly on highways trains and buses.

He's essentially fostered not only an extension of Bush police state / foreign policy, but fostered it and expanded the fuck out of it.

But her der he's a democract!

>> No.2987006

no, not op , but google it, rumsfeld announced it, it was accumulated accounting "errors" over several years, also the military doesn't just spend their whole budget, a significant portion is investments, many of which have made them money.

>> No.2987007

>why is it the only skyscraper to have collapsed from fire
cause it's the only one that's been lit on fire by fuckin' burning jet fuel, plus, y'know, a goddamn 747 hitting it.

>> No.2987009

Over nearly a decade? Also, the money given to Haliburton for water with human feces in it for our troops didn't come from the DOD budget.

>> No.2987012

Why would they want McCain to win? Both parties seem to do roughly the same shit. McCain choosing Palin was a pretty clear indication to me that he had no intention of winning.

>> No.2987017

They didn't, at first. Who knows?

>> No.2987019

I'm not making any claims either. The evidence is readily available. Yet you cling to the arguments of Judy Wood, for reasons I can't understand.

>> No.2987020

No, we're talking about 7.

>> No.2987024

You claim, apparently, that the official version of events is what happened. I say that doesn't make sense. Judy Wood might also make no sense. I just found her site yesterday, and have been thinking it over.

>> No.2987030

By discouraging the inquisitive mind, no matter how wrong they get their questions, you basically label them a heretic, a propaganda ploy. Instead, point out where their arguments have strengths and weaknesses.

The idea that planes DIDN'T hit the WTC is ridiculous. The idea that Mossad helped the terrorists, or that our government was manipulated by Cheney is not.

>> No.2987032

my bad, that's what I meant. At any rate, it's $689 billion this year anyway.

>> No.2987033

amish did wtc

The little known Nationalist Organization of Canaanite and Amish Revolutionaries or NOCAR for short organized a well-orchestarted attack on 9/11. The operation was such as success that no one has suspected the group of orchestrating the next world war. With the Christians and Muslims bombing each other back into the stone age the Amish win. The spartan Amish life will seem attractive and children will quit leaving the community for the big city with electricity (aka satan juice) no longer a factor. The plan was set in Amish orphans who lost their parents to carriages run over by cars who had finally had enough.

>> No.2987037

> If I make a hyperbole people will believe me even though I don't know what I'm talking about!

Why do you falsely assume that burning jet fuel is the hottest type of fire that has occurred in a skyscraper?

You can get hotter temperatures from common office furniture/items than you can get from jet fuel.

Also dumbass, there was no "burning jet fuel" in world trade center 7, which was never hit by a plane.

>> No.2987040

Money. There is a lot of profit in war, and Saddam wasn't liked by anyone in the region. 2 birds with a few jets.

>> No.2987043

NORAD stand down because of military exercises which involved planes crashing into buildings as terrorist attacks (that was the military exercise that was happening as this was actually really occurring, and the excuse for why no interceptions occurred).

>> No.2987047
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>failed high school physics

>arguing about how a multi hundred thousand ton office building collapses

>> No.2987048

JIDF in the hause. How's that multiculturalism working out for ya? Oh, that's right, Jewish people are the only ones allowed to have an insular racist culture because of religion.

>> No.2987051

well let me see if i can sum up this thread....



not to mention, how do you think the public would have reacted to the us gov't shooting down civilian planes.

>> No.2987054

I claim nothing of the sort. I told you the evidence is available. I did not tell you what I believe and why I believe it. Frankly, I could care less who was responsible for 9/11, if the planes were empty drones or UFOs shrouded by holographic projections, or if Dick Cheney personally summoned minions of Satan to light the goddamn jet fuel as it poured into the towers. I interpret the evidence I am given, the same as you. I think you have come to the wrong conclusion, for a number of reasons. I want you to read more.

>> No.2987058

Ok. /adv/ I'll check this in a few hours when I wake up.

>> No.2987066

the military is not allowed to do business you fucks

>> No.2987069


What is your problem, JIDF? This thread is already shit, you can't make it any worse.

>> No.2987072

Cool. We can just agree to say, "Nobody knows for sure, it seems," for right now, then. I'll read more, I promise. At least you seem to imply that you're willing to consider the possibility that the official version is flawed, which is about where I am, too.

You probably have much better reasons for saying so, but I need to study up more.

>> No.2987074

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from being inquisitive. I want people to seek the evidence and evaluate it, always attempting to learn more so that they can evaluate it better. Clinging to the brightly-colored web page of a nut is the opposite of that.

>> No.2987076

Tell that to the companies they buy their weapons from, idiot.

>> No.2987081

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they submit their own budget requests to Congress every year.

Especially in a time of war, Congress tends to rubber-stamp it.

>> No.2987083

That's wrong you truther tinfoil-hat retard.

^See what I did there?

>> No.2987084

and one more thing that I want to add to that post: the US government spends most of its money on medicare and medicaid at 23% of the federal budget, next is social security at 20% ($701 billion), DOD at 20% (the aforementioned $689 billion), discretionary spending at 19% ($660 billion), everything else (including CIA which has a ~$40 billion budget) takes up 12% at $416 billion. The other 6% is for interest payments on our ginormous debt.

>> No.2987087

He wasn't clinging to it. He said he'd just found it yesterday.

Clinging to the 9/11 Report is also stupid. It may not be AS stupid, but it is stupid.

>> No.2987091

Your numbers are WAAAAY off for fiscal years 2000-2008.

>> No.2987094

That's a pie that doesn't include some very large pieces that go towards various intelligence agencies.

>> No.2987113

Of course the official version is flawed. The government lies at all times and for reasons that are not always readily apparent. The important thing is that you never stop searching for the actual truth, whatever that may be. It's easy to fall into the trap of conspiracy theories and start believing things that are actually, legitimately wrong. It's even easier if you don't have the scientific knowledge to back yourself up.

I wouldn't be qualified to evaluate some guy's claims that the gravitational constant of the universe fluctuates. I can only trust what the "experts" have to say about it, or not, until I am learned enough to examine the evidence myself. Unfortunately, none of us will ever know everything, so there will always be an element of faith in certain things.

>> No.2987120
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear truthers,

quit acting open minded, when in reality you are just trying to indoctrinate people in order to self validate your own ego/theory as to who did 9/11

ps; send some evidence to back your claims up, we did our part, now lets see some effort on your part.

the scientific community.

pps; therapy and schizophrenia medication help too

>> No.2987122

I was speaking generally, not just about OP. Time cube, anyone?

Anyway, clinging to single sources is generally not a good idea. I try not to do it.

>> No.2987135

Dear propaganda spewer.

Your faith is not supported by reality, or human nature.

Start a "GOD EXISTS, PROVE ME WRONG." thread.

>> No.2987139

uh, bro, architects and engineers for 9/11 truth. thousands of 'em. the actual relevant scientific community has declared 9/11 a controlled demolition.

>> No.2987142

You're right, it's for this fiscal year. At any rate, it's not off by THAT much. A few billion more here or there and you have the 2008 fiscal budget.

Hmm, let's see here 23%+20%+20%+19%+12%+6%= 100 goddamned percent. This is 1st grade math, no wonder you failed HS physics. Are you trying to tell me that roughly 40% of the federal budget is "secret" and not in the budget bill each year and this money is used for the sole purpose of blowing up buildings in the US to convince people that muslims did this?

Whatever you're on, I want some 'cause it's obviously good shit.

>> No.2987144

how many people on there are actual architects and engineers?

>> No.2987148

try to remember, op, that the average mindless drone churned out by the public school system(and more-so the mediocre status-quo of the schools of higher learning) is so throughly indoctrinated in the dogma of the mass pchyological management program that is the mainstream media that they litteraly can not escape from its grasps without physical assistance in the matter
the media induced cultural matrix is very comparable to the matrix in the movie of the same name
they lack the ability to do research and the once availabe sources have been reduced through sanitation efforts to materials that are just as potentialy incredulous as the deceived claim them to be
i gathered my insights during the months and years imediatly following
i assure you you have not seen all that was once available on the matter
the absurdity of the contrast between the commisioned report and the once available data is so great its almost beyond belife even to those who are able to comprehend that they are being deceived
the condition is hopeless for those who are not
it is pointless to attempt to expose them to the data and hazardous to attempt to find or distribute same

>> No.2987154

The scientific community's opinion doesn't matter when CNN and the State say different, you're naive to think otherwise.

In the USA, global warming doesn't real because our government says so.

You seriously believe that it wouldn't apply to other things? The government says it was box cutters and a coincidence that NORAD was doing practice exercises of planes crashing into skyscrapers, and that's why it didn't respond because it just thought the attacks were fake exercises coincidentally.

And WTC 7 came down because of "burning jet fuel" and "damage from other towers" even though it was a horizontal distance of over 200 meters from either of the two major towers, and other skyscrapers were between it and the two major towers (it wasn't right next to them) and was never hit by a plane. Don't forget all the investigative data for financial inquiries that was stored in WTC 7 or the famous "pull it" line from the owner.

His "pull it" line has been explained away but he still fucking said it.

Bush Senior, while director of the CIA said that his job was to say something constantly enough that it became the truth.

>> No.2987156

You're not looking at the official federal budgets, then. The numbers published for each year(2000-2008) on http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ are way different than your percentages.

>> No.2987157


>> No.2987162

Why would all of it need to be for blowing up the twin towers?

How much did Osama spend on it? You're claiming that the black budget is less than what Obama is alleged to have spent on this operation?

That our intelligence agencies couldn't pull this off (or foreign ones), but a business man with some friends with box cutters could?

You aren't thinking logically at all, you hold one side to the fire without recognizing that Osama obviously could not have spent that amount of money on this task. You act like it would require an intelligence agency a shitload more resources than it would require a businessman who was being followed by intelligence agencies and in relations with them all through the 90s.

Why would it require Mossad 20% of the US federal budget, but not osama?

>> No.2987164

>ask for evidence
>get labeled "propaganda spewer"
stay classy truthers....

>> No.2987166

No, sir. Public education is the reason why YOU think the way YOU do. They took out science and mathematics (logic and reason based studies) to emphasise self esteem and emotion.

Hence why you can't use simple deductive reasoning to determine that the "truthers" have no actual evidence to support nary a single one of their claims. It's all speculation and "secret" budgets and "super secret squirrel hyperexplosives" that can take down an entire building with 1cc.

That is easier to believe for you than 19 pissed off muslims hijacked 4 planes and rammed them into 3 buildings.

>> No.2987167


Might as well be the Weekly World News, or the Enquirer. PM rarely checks their information.

Hoverboards and cable descramblers, anyone?

>> No.2987170

> Ignores thousands of engineers and architects with the relevant knowledge who disagree with popular mechanics, a magazine with "popular" in its name.
> Posts "popular mechanics" as a primary source, which doesn't even cite its sources (its hyperlinks are all to itself, lol).

Yeah bro, a magazine which is designed to market to the largest audience possible says that the government was telling the truth, nothing to see, and here's some reaffirmation that everything is okay!

Sad that your burden of proof is "a popular magazine says so!"

>> No.2987172

What have the intelligence agencies ever pulled off successfully?

>> No.2987174

You simply insulted people, and presented no argument besides what amounts to "You're a sinning heritic."

Yes, you ARE a propaganda spewer, because you didn't bother with a reasoned argument, or even attempt a rational explanation in your shitstorm.

>> No.2987175


>never been to architects and engineers for 9/11 truth website.

real scientific community declared 9/11 a controlled demolition.

>> No.2987176
File: 54 KB, 600x454, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what use is it being on the smartest board in 4chan if everyone gets trolled the same as if it were /b/?

>mfw 100 replies later this thread is still at the top of the page

>> No.2987178

Link it.

>> No.2987180

"Her der I read about the bay of pigs therefore our 40 billion dollar a year agency hasn't even done anything cus it doesn't advertise its COVERT activities to the public her der!"

>> No.2987183

>emphasize self esteem and emotion.

...which you would have if they taught you knowledge and abilities you could be confident of.

>> No.2987190

the burden of proof is on you now.
use facts, not sources
use science, not here-say

come at me bros


>> No.2987191


>> No.2987194

>>2987174, here

You didn't make an argument in the post I referenced, You merely insulted people.

There is nothing to debate, except your humanity, which I have considerable doubts of.

>> No.2987199

here's one that's not on architects and engineers for 9/11 truth website(though they make the most thorough structural and physical arguments):

twin tower gold vaults (in the basement) were completely emptied just days before 9/11. this is the first time a major gold vault had been emptied in the western world since WWII.

>> No.2987200
File: 62 KB, 901x645, Fy2008spendingbycategory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the budget for FY2008

>> No.2987205
File: 75 KB, 870x628, Fy2010_spending_by_category.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the budget for 2010

>> No.2987207


You're missing 7 years of comparison spending.

>> No.2987210

when i was a child i received 'special conditioning' from the cia while living on foriegn soil
im not part of your public world
through diligence i sought and found sources that you are unaware of
try to achieve the same
do your own research
when you are looking at the videos of the interviews of the persons who remained inside the buildings during the special prepartion event that occured in the weeks preceding the event
you will know you are on the right path
when you are seeing who managed the crews they describe and who headed security for the entire operation you will begin to see the light
i additionaly was tipped off to the abnormal nature of this event through aquaintinces who associate with persons known to some of the wealthiest families in the nation
odd to see them frantic, at 3 am, calling to warn those close to their heart, to remain at home if possible or to stay away from large places of public gathering as much as two weeks in advance
i was personaly a witness to this and it does in fact give me a bais that has inspired me to dig much deeper than you have; finding the answers you are yet convienced do not exist
find them for yourself

>> No.2987215


Go fuck your mother

>> No.2987218


Considering I outlined 2000-2008, I feel insulted and disappointed that you think you defended your argument

>> No.2987222

So at any rate the numbers differ slightly depending on how you break down the budget, but the result is still the same.

Fun fact: the budget for FY2001 was only $1.9 trillion. I still want to know how the DOD could loose $2.3 trillion as the other guy was claiming.

>> No.2987223

should have read "full blown retard zone"

>> No.2987226

metal expands and becomes ductile when heated, middle school level science

Of course we should always question the government etc... but in a world of politics where people are bombarded with messages every day we don't need clutter like this shitting up the airwaves when we should focus on getting useful information out.

>> No.2987232

I want to know how they could lose 24 pallets of money off of a cargo aircraft.

>> No.2987236

When the planes crashed as was seen there were huge fireballs from the impact explosion. If those fireballs were kerosene igniting then surely that must have acounted for a large quantity of the fuel in the tanks?
If that is the case then how much fuel was left to "melt the steel" ?
How long in open air would the remaining fuel have burnt before there was none left?

If anyone has done the math I would like to know. If the initial blast burnt the remaining jet fuel.Then what would be left is a typical building fire which in know way would cause the collapse of the buildings.

>> No.2987243

i can't find any sources that say how much was in the vault beforehand, and how much was retrieved afterwards

>> No.2987245

ask donald rumsfeld, he announced it the day before 9/11.


>> No.2987247

jet fuel
typical building fire

>> No.2987251

none was retrieved, the vault was completely emptied just days before 9/11, a first for america since the great depression.

>> No.2987261


>> No.2987268

Goddamnit, it's almost 4 in the fucking morning. Do you really think that I'm going to torture myself by sifting through federal budgets till the asscrack of dawn looking for super secret squirrel budgets that don't exist just to have some channer use rule 11 on me?

This is only 4chan, anyway. It's not like anything we say here matters.

>> No.2987275

oh a blog, how reliable. i guess that proves it.

>> No.2987287

oh boy....

>circular logic at its finest

fuck this thread, i'm out

>> No.2987296

try disproving a single assertion from architects and engineers for 9/11 truth, instead of fucking about with youtube truthers and blog-tards.

>> No.2987300

8 pdfs, and they can be read in 5 min. You only needed to look long enough to see your errors, I already know you're wrong, and I even gave you a government documented citation.


>> No.2987304

To be honest, that blog only cites one source, and that was from a newspaper.

I have to agree that a blog is a shitty source, and you had a shitty citation with it.

>> No.2987306

not just any newspaper, but an online newspaper, for which the original online news story is no longer available.

>total bullshit blog-tarding

>> No.2987327

for or against;
it appears none of you have seen what i am refering to here
i cba to seek it out again as it took many hundreds of hours of scouring potential leads to get what i considered to be a sufficient cross section veiw of the agency action
the machine that i did the research on lost all data the first time i turned it on after returning from being out of country for a month
from what i can tell either i was very very lucky to find this in the first place or it has been made much much less available or both

>> No.2987734

If you deny that the other money exists, then you don't have to account for it in the pie. I don't know how big the secret budget is, but do you mean to tell me that you think the U.S. tells its enemies around the world exactly how much it spends spying on them?

>> No.2987740

There's a pretty long list. Why do you suppose all those Soviet Premiers died so quickly, right before we got to Gorbachev?

>> No.2987861


>> No.2987866

Why do you guys keep insisting there was jet fuel in bldg 7? If it fell from the structural damage, why did it fall straight down? If it fell from fire, why is it the only skyscraper ever to have collapsed from a fire?

>> No.2987895
File: 10 KB, 429x410, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9/11 thread
>166 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

It's like you guys WANT to be trolled.

>> No.2987931

It hit a gas pipe, the equivalent of a major artery in a human. If I cut a major artery in your leg you will fall down.

>> No.2987945

Since starting this thread, I've done quite a bit of reading from various sources. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed.
I suppose for any given man-made phenomenon, the real explanation of how it happened is most likely to be stupider than anything I could imagine.
Everyone just failed, miserably. And those people that failed the worst, ended up benefiting the most from what happened.
Other fires in other skyscrapers have burned much longer than WTC7, but the fires of WTC7 burned unchecked, due to there being no water. Everyone knew it was going to fall before it fell, and then everyone had a hard time explaining why it fell. It doesn't really make any sense.

But, since none of it makes any sense either way, I guess I'll go along with the official story. I'm no expert on any of this kind of stuff, and the people who are making the official case for the NIST and FEMA sure seem to know their stuff. If they say there was no reason to investigate the possibility of a controlled demolition or the presence of thermate, I suppose that's good enough for me.
I doubt they're all just making shit up to serve reptilian overlords.
What they say is that everyone was insanely stupid, except the first responders once everything was done...and, yeah, I can agree that people are often insanely stupid.

>> No.2987946

No other skyscraper fire ever hit a gas pipe?

>> No.2987964


Of course, just look at this board. Only troll threads and 1 or 2 interesting threads. There would be almost nothing happening here if it weren't for trolls/idiots.

>> No.2987969


>Bumps troll thread to complain about troll threads

>> No.2988019

who said he was complaining.
sounded more like a plain statement to me.

>> No.2988037


>> No.2988067


Even ignoring the fact that he was pretty fucking clearly complaining, bumping a troll thread when you clearly don;t like seeing them on page 0 is self-defeating at best.

>> No.2988095

ok you just said you'd ignore that he was complaining and then go right back to saying he was complaining, I can see I've disturbed one of great analytic beasts who lurk /sci/.

btw, sage doesn't make you the wizard or the messiah

>> No.2988216

oh gee would you look at that..
all the stuff about WTC7 was moved over to some other parallel article, which stinks to high heaven considering that is one of THE staple arguments in the entire "shooting crazy fish in a barrel" article entitled with "conspiracy theory".

Very first line of said parallel article..

"The World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theory is the hypothesis[...]"

It's like the Versace of the tinfoil fashion world. Here accept this crown called 'conspiracy theory' that we made for you whilst we turn around and call you an idiot for being a theorist.

0 brain washing, of course.

>> No.2988253

oh yeah forgot to put that article up


maybe next time we decide to take down a building we can save money by just wacking away at a gas line.

>> No.2988294

dude it was president bush, the Al Qaeda had pictures of bush sucking Osama's dick and so bush framed him and bombed him and now he's dead.

>> No.2989179

Well, on the surface of it, it sure looks like intimidation.

>> No.2989191

But then, again, it's likely some stupid Republican being stupid and paranoid (as they do), and Democrats being to beleaguered to fight that part. It's either smart people being evil or stupid people being callous.
Tough call, really...

>> No.2989194

architects and engineers for 9/11 truth.

the relevant scientific community has declared 9/11 a controlled demolition.

>> No.2989238

I mean, you look at all these 9/11 Truthers, and they've all been ostracized, lost their jobs, had their careers ruined for saying what they believed or asking too many of the wrong questions. We've seen in this thread, countless times, the derision with which Truthers are routinely treated.
But then, those people have often gone on to make quite a bit of money peddling their videos and books and websites, too. Not all of them, but at least several of them.
Are they just stupid people being stupid?

And what about everyone who does tote the party line? Are they ALL just turning a blind eye to an immense evil, because they don't want to draw the ire of however was evil enough to make all this happen? Or are they just not smart enough to know? Or are they just correct?
Has there ever been any situation in which nearly everyone with any responsibility in any relevant line has just gone along with something they knew to be wrong because they didn't want to be the one to step out of line?
We'd have to go pretty far back in history, since every such situation in modern history would still be under such an influence. Well, the Reconstruction comes to mind...but that was a less civilized time, right?

I mean, a President died because of his stance on Reconstruction, didn't he? Or was it just a coincidence that the interests of the North were served by the insanely stupid actions of some Southerners?
I guess the point is that no one will ever know, for sure. Even a couple hundred years of history aren't likely to give us clear answers.

>> No.2989261
File: 60 KB, 522x622, 1287845146525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Are they just stupid people being stupid?


>> No.2989282


Pretty troubling stuff.

>> No.2989312

Dude look at the fucking videos, you really don't need a scientist, engineer, physicist

>> No.2989324

dude, just look at the sun, you don't need scientists. it clearly moves around the earth.

>> No.2989400

Gerald Ford had a bad habit: he stumbled. He got made fun of for that. Chevy Chase began his career lampooning Ford for it. It had the effect of immunizing Ford against the allegations of being evil that had plagued the previous two administrations. No one so clumsy could be evil!
Carter didn't like coming across as stupid or clumsy, so he got beaten up over inflation and the hostage crisis.
Reagan knew how it important it was to set the right image: daily naps, jelly beans, teddy bears, doting on his wife-- the harmless, half-senile, lovable old grandfather. Even his little joke about nuking Russian was taken in stride...he's just too old and playful! So nothing ever stuck to him. Even Iran Contra will not be a large note in his history.
GHW Bush was to talking what Ford was to walking. Books have been collected of his weird mis-steps. He once said that he and Ronald Reagan had had sex. The economy got him, though, because he just seemed too smart and nerdy. Being socially inept is not enough to protect a person, apparently.
Clinton wanted to have a smart, smooth, compassionate image. Even I feel like he should face some sort of punishment for failing to intervene in Rwanda. He was able to cover over a multitude of sins, though, by being lecherous. None of the evil shit he did or allowed will be remembered as well as him getting a blowjob.
GW Bush, though, was the master of the craft. He never failed to come off like he had the IQ of a still-born puppy. From his mouth were dropped some of the stupidest things that have ever been uttered in human history. It's just not possible that someone THAT dumb could be responsible for a Reichstag/Pearl Harbor event that led to two much needed wars to restore global opium trade, prepare for an oil pipeline that would compete with Iran's, keep Iraq's oil from being traded in Euro, and give our military a permanent presence in the Middle East.

It's just not possible.

>> No.2989439

correct, it was planned by his father and dick cheney in the reagan and first bush admins.

GW's job was to read books to kindergarteners during 9/11. this makes 100% perfect sense.

>> No.2989466

I don't think it could have been planned that far in advance. The Taliban hadn't succeeded in cutting off the world's supply of opium until early 2001. The Unocal pipeline wasn't in development in the 1980s. We didn't know that Hussein planned to sell his newly freed oil in Euro until late 2000.

If it was a conspiracy, it was thrown together in less than 2 years.

>> No.2989488

the event itself was indeed planned that far in advance. who was going to take the blame was a minor detail that could have ended up being any number of groups, depending on which area seemed most lucrative to invade at the time.

>> No.2989490

Steel weakens immensely after being heated up beyond 800 or so degrees.

Planes have been hijacked before and had a record of being used in hostage exchanges-the passengers were mostly reluctant to go against them due to thinking that everything would blow over and they'd get shipped home or rescued in a raid.

I am now going to post the end-all, be-all anti-truther information. You fucking retards are going to go and read these, and then, you are going to come into this thread, and you are going to apologize to everyone who you've zealously mocked as a "sheeple" in the depths of your appaling ignorance of evidence.

For the love of reason, intelligence, and everything good and decent in human being, READ THESE CAREFULLY.

This article makes thei dea of a conspiracy of the kind that is proposed out to be what it is-an impossible, Byzantine monstrosity that would have shuddered apart with MASSIVE tell-all leaks half-an-hour after the attacks.
Now, go through the following
And pick out the best-backed up information form scientists and people who know what they are talking about, and discard your grand metanarrative of an exciting owrld of elaborate Da Vinci Code horseshit to realize that we are ruled by incompetent rubes who couldn't even keep WATERGATE or a BLOWJOB secret.

>> No.2989509

>politicians appeal to the everyman by affecting goofiness
>ergo, giant conspiracy that would be impossible in practice is happening because George Bush said stupid shit sometimes.

>> No.2989530

I'm going to go read your links. But before I do, I have to point out that Watergate and Cumgate were distractions so that Nixon and Clinton wouldn't be charged with much more serious crimes. Nixon was going to hang for the illegal invasion of Cambodia. Clinton was going to hang for -- oh, take your pick...refusing to intervene in Rwanda, fucking up in Somalia, Vince Foster's possible murder, Hillary's shading dealings...so much shit, I didn't even bother to keep up with it all. Probably a bunch of other evil shit that I've never even heard about. With a cumstain, all of that was erased.

Now, going to read your enlightening articles.

>> No.2989539

Obama's been pretty slick, so far. But if he ever gets into anything really corrupt, you just watch for him to pull out Old Black Joe, the lovable Negro who just don't know no better! He'll make Uncle Remus look like Lando Calrissian.

>> No.2989547


keep ignoring the thousands of architects and engineers that have reached a clear consensus of controlled demolition, and substitute bloggers, mainstream media, and a handful of computer simulations.

>> No.2989550

This is sad guys.

They couldn't keep OSAMA'S DEATH a secret. Obama got fucking SCOOPED by the media. Do you have any idea of how fucking INTENSE the impact would have been if he'd said it while everyone was guessing? But shit leaked like a sieve.
And you expect me to believe that the THOUSANDS of people involved in this did not utter even one fucknig peep? Where are the high level CIA people dumping the info on Wikileaks after a guilty conscience EATS AT THEM FOR A DECADE? WHERE IS IT? Nowhere! It's all a fantasy to make the world seem "cool", like it has a hand of SOME kind behind the wheel. But the hand doesn't exist-we are ruled by commodity prices, interest rates, by the carefully negotiated trade rulings of technocrats. We live in a dull, bureaucratic society, governed by the wealthy in their interests, woh want nothing more than stability and lower taxes.
God Bless America, you crazy fucks. If only it was that interesting.

>> No.2989564

bin laden died in tora bora, "scooped" by the miedia is total admin manipulation. if you believe this bin laden special forces assasination bullshit, i got one thing to say to you....

your an idiot

>> No.2989581

The problem with the idea of merely debunking the conspiracy theories is that it distracts from actually making the case for the official story. The official story does have quite a bit of evidence to back it up, but does it have enough?
The fact that it claims more evidence than other theories doesn't mean that it is correct. It could mean that it has had more people working in support of it.
How is the hypothesis that the "insiders" (the government, mossad, reptilian overlords, whatever) neither perpetrated nor permitted the attacks and collapses even falsifiable? How is the reverse falsifiable? Given that so much of the evidence was immediately exported and destroyed, there's no scientific way of knowing for certain anymore. People can make cases on either side for generations, and probably will, but it can't be proven, now.

>> No.2989584

A building, half the size of the twin towers took 4,000 separate charges to demolish and took 7 months to lay it all down (bearing in mind they had an empty building to their advantage). If we scale this up to the size of the twin towers, then we have 16,000 charges (8,000 in each building). Obviously we can't estimate how long it would have taken them: the demolition experts would only have been able to work at night and would have to have hidden their work from the 100,000 people that visited the WTC every day. But lets just say that it was 2 and a half years (starting sometime around March 1999), how did no one spot any of the 16,000 charges it would have taken in that space of time?

>> No.2989595

bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit.

demolition crews could easily work 24/7, nobody can tell what people dressed like maintenance crews are doing.

>> No.2989600

Cranks, retards, woo-woo penis-suckers, the whole lot of them.

Your God-Emperor, Gage, is a devotee of David Ray Griffin, infamous lunatic God-botherer. The other psuedo-hippie architects and deluded "engineers" are "engineers" like I'm a lady-part pleaser-they are all clearly affected by a disease known as "Frantically shoehorning everything into a deranged non-theory of "IT JUST MAKES NOT SENSE ERGO CONSPIRACY ALIENS REPTILIANS ALEX JONES"

The mainstream scienficic community regards people like you like they regard creationists-you don't deserve even the paltry oxygen that debating you would bring. No, your illogical, preposterous, and totally broken theories are EASILY handled by the non-scientific sources you dismiss. That is how weak your ideas are-even armchair reaserchers with a decent grasp of logical can reduce your objections to a lot of shite with ease.
Tell me how the 9/11 attacks were planned, who did it, and why.

>> No.2989601


and if you substitute the numbers into letters, i.e. 1 = A, 2 = B; you get hahahahahahahahahahahaha....

>> No.2989609

wrong. the "official" story has clearly falsifiable "evidence" such as the passports recovered, and clear indications of gov't cover-up and breaking of federal crime scene laws by having all the steel shipped overseas and melted down.

no one really tries to back the "official" bullshit anymore, because it is so fucking obviously a pack of lies.

>> No.2989612






>> No.2989621

What do you suppose is in that wikileaks insurance file?

I wonder if we'll ever know.

Also, you're comparing apples to oranges. If some lower-level guy can make a few bucks selling the secret that Osama is dead, he probably will. There's really no punishment for that.
If you were there, though, and you want your free medical care, you're going to be careful about not getting on the FBI's list. If you want to keep your high-level job in government or academia, you're going to be careful not to seem like a rogue element.

And there were thousands of interviews conducted on 9/11 with people who were there that report explosions and all kinds of reports that go against the official story. People won't share those same stories now, for the most part, because they know they're not supposed to.

It's like in The Dark Knight, when that guy goes to blackmail the Batman, and Morgan Freeman says, "Let me get this straight: You think that your client, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. And your plan is to blackmail this person? Good luck. " If you really believe that those people did this...you know better than to fuck with them.

>> No.2989624

>claims scientific support, provides zero evidence of that support, inb4 popular mechanics

keep ignoring the actual relevant scientific community, THOUSANDS of architects and engineers have reached the scientific consensus of controlled demolition on the twin towers.

>> No.2989625

Clearly, robots were used, because robots don't care about mass murder.

They just don't care.

>> No.2989628

I don't think you know what falsifiable means. Evidence isn't falsifiable. Evidence may be irrelevant or invalid. Hypotheses are falsifiable.

>> No.2989629

>recycled steel
>last of it removed in MAY 2002


>> No.2989646

i used evidence in quotes for just that reason, lies are not real evidence.

>> No.2989653

yep those are the only two options, either leave it in the middle of NYC or ship it overseas and meltdown before any investigation occurs whatsoever.

>> No.2989654


>> No.2989656


[citation fucking needed]

>> No.2989659

Gosh, you're right, if only I could find a larger, more prestigious organization than them to indicate that the majority of people called engineers aren't rabid idiots....hmmmm


>> No.2989672

>no intestigation
no samples taken
Are you


They have samples. Plenty of them.
Jesus christ.

>> No.2989692

single author opinion piece. not peer reviewed.

>thinks this is science, still ignores THOUSANDS of architects and engineers

>> No.2989701

non existent source, blog-tard bullshit debunking.

>> No.2989703

You just tried to use Batman in a discussion of 9/11.

Jesus Christ.

What the fuck is wrong with you thst you think life works like that? If 500 people just said "We did this", HOW DOES THE STATE STOP THAT WITHOUT TOTALLY BLOWING THEIR COVER?

Health care? You think that people would say nothing as they watched men women and CHILDREN burn and DIE, for HEALTHCARE? How much do you hate people?

>> No.2989737

If you did 8 seconds of follow-up, you'd see this cited EVERYWHERE

15 more and you'd find this-

Lazy pompous cunt, you people are worse than creationists.

>> No.2989758

Fine, here.
Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.2989766

>cites gov't hearings to prove gov't cover-up story is true.

yea you're totally reliable with that bullshit. can't understand why i didn't just accept it the first time the gov't told me.

>> No.2989773

single author computer model, was this even published in a peer reviewed journal?

do you think this is good science? really?

>> No.2989812

AH-HA! You're ASSUMING THE ANTECEDENT THAT THIS INFO IS WRONG! But ask yourself-what if it IS correct, and you're wrong, and then look at it again and don't be such a faggot.

>> No.2989822



Eat my balls.

>> No.2989843

Oh, just to assuage your concerns at the thought of a paper by GASP one author, here is one by a fucking LEGION of them talking about WTC7 and the shit behind its collapse.

>> No.2989844

Take off weight of 767 = 140,000 kg
Crusing speed of 767 = 900km/h (950 is max but lets say they didnt hit max)
140,000 kg x 250 meters/second (900,000 meters divided by an hour in seconds) = 4,375,000,000 joules
or 4,375 megajoules

1 megajoule is = to a 1000kg vehicle at a steady speed of 100mph

BMW M6 curb weight (random example) = 1700kg

ergo a 767 hitting the tower has the same force as 2574 BMW M6s at 100 miles per hour

coupled with that force is the energy of the explosion of the fuel in the 767 fuel tanks.

767 fuel type = Jet-A fuel = energy density of 43 megajoules per kilogram

Jet A fuel density = 0.775kg/litre - 0.84kg/litre, avarage density is therefore 0.8075kg/litre

767 fuel capacity = 90,000 litre (let us assume fuel tanks are half empty at point of impact)

45,000 x 0.8075 = 36,338 kg of fuel

36,338 x 43 = 1,562,513 megajoules of potential energy

jet-a fuel auto-ignition temperature = 210C

We can assume that the engines exploding at impact reached that temperature of 210C, seen by the explosion in the videos, igniting the broken fuel tanks and releasing this energy

total energy of 1 767 airliner hitting a building = 1,565,086 megajoules or 1,565.086 gigajoules

1 tonne of tnt is = to 4 gigajoules

1565/4 = 391

the force of the 767 boeing airliner hitting the tower was equal to a detonation of 391,000 kilograms of TNT

copypasted from another /sci/ discussion, you can do this shit with google and microsoft calculator kid

>> No.2989845

yep a single author using his own computer models is more reliable than THOUSANDS of architects and engineers. gosh, why didn't i just buy the official story when i heard it on fox news.

>> No.2989850

>presents gov't "Science" to validate gov't cover-up.

yea, thats how science is done. numerous comments and criticisms of the NIST report have gone completely unanswered. you can find them at


>> No.2989853




Seriously, you fags just dismiss info out of hand because it's NOT on a "authentic" website, while accepting the promulgations of half-wit hacks on their fringe site as the gold standard of truth. And any REAL science is of course EVIL SYSTEM CORRUPTIOn, despite you lack of real evidence of that.

>> No.2989867

you present one bullshit computer model by a single no-name author and the NIST report,

then you think you have good science? try again.

>> No.2989873


you sir have made the only relevant post on a board about science and MATH

>> No.2989892

WHY SHOULD I DISREGARD THIS INFO? I would only do that if I KNEW the info was BAD. But you guys have not proven anything but your ignorance and herd mentality.
The NIST is chock-full of respectable scholars who put out testable, solid science. The critiques you've brought up have been answered in kind by a whole variety of people.

Again, what is your theory for how 9/11 was planned, why it was planned, and how it has been kept a secret?

>> No.2989899

So, basically, you and a mob of hippie-faggots are the vanguard of the next great Revolution, and the army of people calling bullshit on you and your fake "engineers" are all the devil?

>> No.2989901


i lol'd, thanks for that.

>> No.2989908

The air in the building was so hot and was blasted so fast that it acted like a cutting torch, burning away the metal

btw I am a welder and have been for 20 years so suck my dick it's true

>> No.2989912

the same ways means and motives that drives every american endeavor since the moon landings,

money and violence(or the threat thereof).

>> No.2989983

>the same ways means and motives that drives every american endeavor since the moon landings,

>money and violence(or the threat thereof).

Okay, let me just tell you something about my background and ideology.
hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE The United States. Every consumerist, imperialist, military-industrial complex nanogram of its whole corrupt, brutal structure. Every single aspect of its ailing service-industry focused, financialized economy. I hate the Democratic Party. I hate the Republican Party. I think it's a vile, insane, dying entity.


Despite my hate, despite the fact that if this shuddering failure of a country, this fat, stupid, rich off the blood of innocent people, war-profiteering hellhole of Goldman Sachsist hegemony were really the all-mighty murder-engine of ultra-conspiracy that you think it is, I would ejaculate forever based on my joy in its total moral failure, I DON'T.


You're too afraid to think the world might really be that weird and random. I'm not.

>> No.2990030


hey fuck you man I work at Goldman Sachs

>> No.2990441

I'm agnostic on the subject, but this is a fine post. Thank you. I'll study on this.

>> No.2990447

Intimidation works. It really, really does. I used Batman to make a light-hearted example, but the point stands. Thousands of people were saying things at the time that won't say those things now. I suppose they no longer trust their own ears about explosions.

>> No.2990460

That is the essence of my dilemma, actually. Is the world dominated by idiots and guided mostly by random chance, or is the world dominated by ruthless, intelligent people who coordinate their efforts on a grand scale?

I don't know. You're right in saying I hope it's the latter...that someone or something was tending the light at the end of the tunnel, to quote Hunter Thompson (speaking about LSD culture).

I don't think it could have been a controlled demolition. I also have grave doubts about the idea that WTC 7 freely fell into its own footprint as a result of fire or impact damage from the other tower. The exterminators with weird chemicals idea makes sense to me, but it would, because I came up with it. And I really don't know much.

>> No.2990469

If I did believe that the world was dominated by idiots and guided mostly by random chance, what would I try to get away with? Would I cheat on my taxes? Would I download copyrighted material? Would I drive like a maniac? What would I do if I felt that those making and enforcing the laws were hopelessly incompetent?

I don't know. I've always just believed that they were sharp cookies. I've exceeded the speed limit, but I've been caught a few times. I've downloaded copyrighted material, but I also got a nasty letter from my ISP. It seems like they're pretty good at catching people at doing things people normally do. But I could think of something they aren't expecting, and just throw them all into confusion, couldn't I?
What would I do?


>> No.2990488

Use Oliver Stone's JFK formula: Follow the money. Who benefited? What was the motive?

Did the U.S. have an interest in restoring the international opium trade, protecting the sites of the Unocal pipeline, making sure Iraqi oil was sold for U.S. dollars, and maintaining a permanent presence in the Middle East?

What did Osama bin Laden stand to gain? Revenge? Another merit badge from Allah?

Which seems more realistic?

Why were all those put options placed on airline companies and insurance companies just before the attacks?

Follow the money.

>> No.2990499

This is also why I somewhat doubt the conspiracy theory that Mossad was behind it. If anything, U.S. dependence on Israel was diminished by the fact that they are no longer the only permanent, pro-U.S., military presence in the region.

>> No.2990520

You pick yesterday and today, of all times, while the whole world is celebrating the assassination of this mass murderer to say that Osama bin Laden WASN'T responsible for 9/11??

You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.2990532


You know, a lot of people are afraid to use this word about it, but that is exactly what it was. It was an assassination, and long over-due. It's about time we had a president who had the fucking balls to do what needed to be done in the world. I hope this stands as a warning to anyone who would fuck with the U.S., ever again, that we stop at fucking nothing to get retribution.
We've been the Nice Guy of the world for FAR too long. I used to hate Obama, but he had completely changed my mind. The man's got character, conviction, and huge fucking balls. He's exactly the kind of man we need in this war.

>> No.2990568

So your claim is that the most well funded government in the world could not do it, but some ragheads with box cutters could?

Also how do you know whether or not elections are rigged? Because a democrat came into office? lol? Wow you are an easy sell.

You haven't been paying attention to how the democrats have just been extending the bush era foreign policy and domestic surveillance society.

Don't you get it? No matter WHO did 9/11 it still was indeed a conspiracy. Some group conspired to do it and pulled it off. The idea that the most well funded groups in the world magically could not do it because it's "so hard", but less capable groups could do it, is absurd.

>> No.2990584

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

>> No.2990586

sorry to say, but this is just fucking dumb.

do you really not see how israel benefited from turning all the US's hate onto muslims? how many times did you hear the word sandnigger before 9/11?

>> No.2990591

People had been trained to allow hijacker requests because they were usually used as ransom for something.
No one knew this was gona be used for a bombing, so yeah they could take it with box cutters.

>> No.2990622

Agreed. I had received several lectures in different jobs on how I should just comply with anyone who seemed dangerous.

>> No.2990625

Quite often, really. Towelhead, too.

>> No.2990633

Leave it to /sci/ to be wrong about shit.

/sci/ was saying that the fukishima reactors weren't going to get as bad as Chernobyl.

"conspiracy nut-jobs" said it was going to be the next Chernobyl, possibly even worse sense they were dumping this shit in the ocean.

/sci/ was like hurr durr, i know I'm smart, blah blah blah.

Although the average Joe may exhibit a lot of ignorance, leave it to the intellectuals to be the most arrogant.


Conspiracy theorists: 1
4chan's /sci/ forum posters: 0

>> No.2990666

>Don't you get it? No matter WHO did 9/11 it still was indeed a conspiracy. Some group conspired to do it and pulled it off. The idea that the most well funded groups in the world magically could not do it because it's "so hard", but less capable groups could do it, is absurd

That's a really good point.

>> No.2990672

Wow. I got the devil's trips for that?

Better reconsider.

Also, it's not so much that they couldn't have done it, it's just that they wouldn't have. It might be difficult to believe that al-Quaida could have done it, but it's not hard to believe that they would have.

>> No.2990673

>Fukishima Reactors being even close to as bad as Chernobyl

>> No.2990682


If a less funded and less capable group could pull it off, so could a better funded and more capable group which has a long history of false flags and black operations in foreign countries.

The CIA has the funding to create and indoctrinate terrorists if it wants to, so does Saudi Arabia's intelligence agency, which is convenienltly the country which ALL of the alleged hijackers and Osama himself called their homeland.

Just because the official story is bullshit doesn't mean that the USA did it, it just means that the official story is bullshit, by the way.

The idea that "either the official story is 100% true or the CIA did it" is a false dilemma.

The Ri'āsat Al-Istikhbārāt Al-'Āmah could easily be responsible, and considering the country of origin of the hijackers/planners, very well might be.

Claiming that well funded intelligence groups couldn't carry this out because it's so hard, but a couple of terrorists and a businessman could because it's so easy, is a contradiction.

>> No.2990688


>thori-tard detected

i lol'd, tell us about how nuke power will save us all again, please.

>> No.2990692

/sci/ was screaming that it wasn't ever going to be a lv 6, let alone a lv 7.

Once it became a lv 7 /sci/ started screaming a new song that "lv 7 doesn't mean it's that bad."

It's funny how the story changed as time passed. You don't even acknowledge, for example, that Fukushima is still leaking radiation and could surpass cumulative radiation leaks from Chernobyl if it's not stopped soon.


"1. Current situation

Overall, the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant remains very serious."

Yeah bro let's compare it to Chernobyl before it's been stopped, lmao.

>> No.2990696

You do realize that one of the more common theories among the conspiracy crazies is that the Fukushima disaster was caused by weather and earthquake experiments, right? Another popular one has to do with some sort of strange, astronomical constellation.

4chan's /sci/ forum posters: 0
Conspiracy theorists: mah brain herts

>> No.2990704

> posting things not talked about in this thread because he can't talk about the actual subject.

"herp derp i once heard some random conspiracy theorist saying x that has no application to our discussion, therefore anything I disagree with that i can claim conspiracy on is wrong!"

>> No.2990706

I don't buy any of it. Why? Because I watched the planes ram into the buildings with my own fucking eyes. The buildings collapsed as they were meant to.

>> No.2990713


If you saw the planes crash into the towers then you can conclude that planes crashed into the two main towers.

You can't conclude that since planes crashed into the towers, that automatically everything else said about the event is also true.

That's just retarded. It'd be like if I crashed a car into your house, and you witnessed it, and then I told you "A car crashed into your house, your wife promised me that if I crashed a car into your house (as she intended), you'd give me your corvette." and then you gave me your corvette because the first part of my story you had witnessed as true.

>> No.2990720

I'm a bit dismayed by how quickly it vanished from the news in lieu of royal weddings, birth certificates and Osama.

You can't just knock out a row of reactors with a tsunami and turn them off like that...

>> No.2990721

I just have one question to ask of all the CIA shills up in here:

How do I get a job with you guys? Seriously. I can troll with the best of them. I can take any side of any issue and knock everyone down. I can, at the very least, introduce a specter of doubt that will keep anyone from proceeding with full conviction.

I've got a good background. I've passed a few of the hurdles already. But I don't want to find myself as some field agent in Elbownia. I want to sit at home and troll 4chan for the Common Good.

How do I get that job? I will assume you've got my IP and can get my email address from that. Contact me. I will dominate all discussion for you.

>> No.2990722

> posting things not talked about in this thread
I was directly responding to someone claiming the insights of conspiracy theorists into the Fukushima disaster to be of any real value.

tl;dr: lern2context, butthurt conspiracyfag

>> No.2990728

you wont pass the background check, forget it.

>> No.2990730

ban everyone posting more than once in this thread and /sci/ instantly becomes a better place

>> No.2990736

your an idiot

>> No.2990742
File: 608 KB, 640x480, spongebob6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my dad died in 9/11 and every so often I see a 9/11 truther thread to remind me of my father's death

feels bad, man

>> No.2990750

Just like the HIV eugenics program, evolution and the autism vaccine, 9/11 was instigated by the Rockefellers to bring us one step closer to the NWO.

>> No.2990754

well he shouldn't have worked in the heart of the great satan then

>> No.2990758

>mfw my dad died in 9/11
I assume he was not jewish.

>> No.2990850

Well, I have a wife who is a foreign national, but I do have 9 years of dutiful military service.

>> No.2990863

Why doesn't the official version also make you feel the same way? It's coming to the 10th anniversary, so you'd better be emotionally prepared.

>> No.2990912

I also have some clearance. Look into me. You'll see. I've got a nice history as a dissident when it comes to what I write, but it's only because I'm naturally contrarian in nature. That same instinct could be use nicely to contradict certain other points of view.

Look at the success and longevity of this thread that I've started. I do know how to troll. Consider this my resume. Contact me.

>> No.2990969

Excellent job derailing the thread!

I didn't know if it would work, at first, but it sure seemed to do the trick!

But weren't we talking about how the official version of events about 9/11 makes no sense?

>> No.2991135

See how quickly all opposing points of view fled when I let them think I was only in this to get a job?

Whatever points were made by the opposition, that would normally have been addressed by some supposedly organic, mainstream point of view, were just abandoned.

The shills have been exposed,

>> No.2991148

WTC 7 did not fall because of structural damage sustained in the fall of the North Tower. It did not fall because of fire damage.

I don't know why it fell, but I know that we're all being lied to.