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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2985937 No.2985937 [Reply] [Original]

what would make you rather have happen:

A. Emma Watson kidnaps you, rapes you, and in an act of contrition is willing to marry you and support you for the rest of your life.

B. Your IQ goes up 2-3 standard deviations (can't be calculated). You gain extreme focus abilities similar to a genius on ritalin and a near photographic memory.

>> No.2985945

This question is assuming that I find Emma attractive. I don't.


>> No.2985941

>implying you can rape the willing

>> No.2985947

B, then build mind contol device to get A.

>> No.2985948


why is this even a question?

>> No.2985950

(Full disclosure: I'm in a steady committed relationship with a tall slim bisexual gamer chick with great looks, a playful sense of humor, and DD breasts. Feels good, man.)

>> No.2985952

/sci/, I love you

>> No.2985955

>Implying that if B happened I wouldn't be smart enough to bed Emma Watson and make millions anyway.

>> No.2985957


is already ahead of the curve

>> No.2985959

B) of course, that isn't a question.

>> No.2985960

MArriage without love?

definitely B

>> No.2985961

B, I can get hot chicks on my own.

>> No.2985963



Normally I'd pick A, but B sounds pretty hot...dunno

>> No.2985967

who's Emma Watson?

>> No.2985972

seriously? B. I get what i please if my iq goes up 2-3 standard deviations.

>> No.2985979

A. easy.

Virginity lost; check
Financially free for the rest of life? check
Marry a Wizard; check

>> No.2985977

If I choose A, can my intelligence go down 3 standard deviates?

>> No.2985974

obviously B

>> No.2985985


raise an interesting point but you fail to realize,

B also gives you financial freedom
which will lead to increased wealth
which can lead to sex

>> No.2985986

ritalin blows. take adderall.
and i would choose B, then with my extreme focus i would devise a plan to kidnap Emma Watson and wait for stockholm syndrome to take hold of her personality, which might already be somewhat unstable. then i will be extremely intelligent AND have an emma watson laying around for ME to rape.

>> No.2985991


Also /sci/, sorry to say you don't need any more of a reason to be an insufferable fuck. Stop getting all circle jerky over B and feed your ego with a meaningful activity.

>> No.2985993


>> No.2985994


shit the things I could do with B. It wouldn't be man on mars in fifty years, it'd man on mars in 10. And be the fucking kind of saturn with that abirity.

>> No.2985999


I'd pick A. I'm happy with my intelligence.

intelligence doesn't lead to happiness, but emma watson does.

>> No.2986000
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>C. obtain Ph.D. in mathematics
>any pussy I want
>Emma Watson starting
>any job I want
>300k starting


>> No.2986004

Only the faggots at B would want to be a savant that can do math really well. Get fucked.

>> No.2986016

If you're only super-intelligent, there's not that big of a chance of your genes surviving
However, if you reproduce with Emma Watson, your genes are guaranteed survival to some degree (assuming, of course, that you're already far above-average in intelligence, which most of you here are)

>> No.2986018

will she do everything i ask without question? if so A

if it's just marriage and normality then i'll go with B and find/make myself someone better.

>> No.2986020

1 pick B
2 kidnap and rape Emma Watson
3 ????
4 profit

>> No.2986021

A, I'm already smart enough.

>> No.2986030

>implying IQ actually tests intelligence, not personality



>> No.2986040


But A if instead of emma watson it was sum1 else

>> No.2986036

Who cares about whether their genes survive? It's not like you get to go with them on their adventures.

But if you become a genius, there's a chance that you can develop technology that will give you true immortality.

>> No.2986038

what if i'm completely apathetic and still have a reasonably high iq?

>> No.2986039


win youngest nobel prize in chem or physics (the only ones that matter)
fuck hot nerds for rest of life
Emeritus at 40.

>> No.2986037
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>> No.2986042


I don't need an IQ boost to accomplish my academic goals. I'll have a rewarding career, financial stability, AND Emma Watson.

>> No.2986049


this ^

only idiots pick B.

>> No.2986067


You'd have to be one lonely loser to pick A. Just think of what you could do with a genius intellect and a photographic memory.

>> No.2986070


Emma is only temporary

>> No.2986072

My iq is already at genius level (145)

>> No.2986081


emma is hotter and richer than my GF lol

i'm already smart,

A is just win-win

>> No.2986082

Yes, so is everyone elses on here.

>> No.2986092

did i mention i have an 8 inch penis?

>> No.2986094

B. without a fucking doubt. You could then use your mental prowess to achieve A and greater.

>> No.2986097


99% probable confirmed internet genius

>> No.2986105

get annoyed at idiots even more often?

>> No.2986109

it's not that great, sure you can learn anything you want but life is so fucking depressing when everyone around you is a moron

>> No.2986133


>> No.2986139


I don't think you understand how to attract women. why is sci so fucking dumb

>> No.2986172

How to attract women:

Throw money at it.

>> No.2986175

I bet I could bag a few slutz with custom drugs produced through my massive intellect.

>> No.2986265

virgin detected.
If you throw money at women they'll stay until you go dry then they'll leave you asap, and you might not even get any tail ("it's a bad day for me" , "not today i don't feel so good" , "what do you think i'm a slut?").

Real men get women without doing anything, they just need to look tough and manly. Invest in good clothes and a clean look, build up muscle mass, and listen to women when you talk to them but don't be lead by the leash by them just leave if you want to and she will feel lonely and will follow you instead of the other way around.

>> No.2986286


Oh my god. You picked choice B, didn't you?

>> No.2986304
File: 58 KB, 490x342, jay-cutler-arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed with the muscle gain... Disagree on the money tho; I've seen HUNDREDS of couples.. friends/acquaintances of mine, merely together because the man has some money. If you get dry then you didn't have too much money to begin with.
>"they just need to look tough and manly"
That's misleading, you don't have to act all alpha male on them; just be sleek.. have style.. be smart.
>she will feel lonely and will follow you instead of the other way around.
Some women don't follow, even if they want you with all their hearts... perhaps you're too intimidating, hell, I don't know. Bottom line, if you don't give at least a little, they won't chase you.

>> No.2986305

yeah but Emma Watson is a classy lady, not a slut.

>> No.2986312

>Choose B
>Hatch a plan to make A happen
>It's all a dream

>> No.2986323

Well, if she won't suck my dick for drugs, I'm sure your mother will.

>> No.2986331

Depends: Free bjs everyday?

>> No.2986357

yes, wife job.

>> No.2986388

b of course, you are on /sci/

>> No.2986399
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Eww girls. Genius please.

>> No.2986408

dude you don't know how fast a bitch can drain your money, they can spend 600$ on tiny clothes and shoes in one day, and you're expected to go out at least once a week so thats like 100$ gone, and then just wait till they want to" redecorate" bitches will spend so much money on useless crappy furniture and other crap

>> No.2986472

Easily D, Emma isn't my style and i'm more intelligent than I want to be. So D Final answer.
D.Elephants are larger than the moon.

>> No.2986483

B, because I'm not stupid

>> No.2986488

Two to fucking three standard deviations?

>> No.2986494

ahahahhaaahaha all you genuises picking A, i can calculate 2-3
guess what
IT'S -1
enjoy ur retardation and hard concentration, ur not too brite already

>> No.2986503

Shit /sci....

I'm fucking torn.... B would be the greatest thing I would ever ask for....

A.... Getting to fuck Emma fucking Watson every day for the rest of my life? Well.. Actually....

Nah. B. Emma would get old and she's most likely a stuckup bitch anyway (So my friend who goes to Brown says at least.).... Regardless. A blowjob from her would be pretty fucking sweet.

Also. Not science.


>> No.2986509
File: 127 KB, 490x342, Johnharvestmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Farmers,

My name is Takakura's apprentice, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are aging, non-playable, no-lifes who spend every second of their day walking around Forget-Me-Not Valley. You are everything noob in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever raised a successful crop? I mean, I guess it's fun throwing trash in The Spring, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than missing a heart event.

Don't be a Turtle Swamp. Just hit me with your best hurricane. I'm pretty much perfect. I've caught Big Yameme and Big Sharshark. What fish do you catch, other than "Tin Can"? I also win all the animal contests, and have a banging hot fiancee (She just got pregnant; Shit was SO cash). You are all 1st chapter faggots who should just turn off their consoles. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.2986528

Even if I wasn't gay, or you replaced Emma Watson with, my personal Harem of rich attractive men, I would choose B.
I could do so much good for humanity with B.
My goal in life is to be part of a scientific advancement that improves the quality of life for all people in the world. With B, I could lead several of those projects.

>> No.2986546

>scientific advancement

choose one

>> No.2986617

This is literally a hard problem