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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2985337 No.2985337 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ how do you deal with dumbasses who blast loud, bass shaking, annoying fucking mainstream hiphop music while your studying?

telling them to turn it down isn't an option in this situation.

>> No.2985342

Cut the power.

>> No.2985349

What, as in you share a dorm with them? Barge into their room (assuming unlocked; if locked, knock on the door repeatedly to get them to come, and force your way in) and throw their speakers onto the floor.

>> No.2985351

grow a pair

>> No.2985355

stop studying
start hearing to loud, bass shaking, annoying fucking mainstream hiphop music while you are studying

>> No.2985372

this might be where you wanna be, you alpha male you.

But seriously, these are big motherfuckers

>> No.2985374

Drop the bass.

>> No.2985375

blast back with the exact same frequencies at the same volume level. should interfere withe the sound waves, thus making it quieter.

>> No.2985385

tell them to turn it down, it's always an option for reasonable adults.

inb4 dumbass suggestions that'll get you arrested. oh wait, no i'm not.

>> No.2985388

Reverse the polarities on your main deflector dish first.

>> No.2985389

Get decent headphones (ones that can go loud) and listen to music you can study to.

>> No.2985395

Is this a University dorm? We need to know the exact situation. Are they students?

Either way if they don't turn it down to allow you to study after you ask then contact the campus staff or the police (legal decibel limit)

>> No.2985403

well based on what you said, your only reasonable option appears to be to leave and go study in the library or something.

>> No.2985406
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Return their music to them.

>> No.2985424

you can't call the cops after you ask, then they would know who did it.

if you are going to call the cops just do it first so they can't know who called them

>> No.2985434

But then you are being a dick. Obviously I am assuming they aren't too aggressive but just arrogant and wouldn't go out of their way to do anything. However, I don't know all the information.Obviously OP must tailor my advice to his exact situation, but contacting a higher authority is the best approach if being reasonable is absolutely not an option.

>> No.2985441

I had a problem with this my freshman year. Basically Id just go into my neighbors room (we shared a bathroom) and just yell at them. And tell them to cut it out.

I didnt want to be angry, but it was inevitable. I had complained to them in the past that I dont appreciate dubstep at 3 am.

Eventually I just started complaining to the management. If I was you OP Id complain to the police. Noise complaints, and unresponsive jerks are both part of their job.

>> No.2985450

Sawed off shotgun. Double-0 buckshot. Hole in front door. After changing their pants, the music will stop ...

>> No.2985453


These. I worked with the police force for work experience for two weeks. Noise complaints and unresponsive jerks aren't just part of their job, it is their job.

>> No.2985456


>also MFW OP shoots them but now the apartment is locked and he can't get in to turn the music off

>> No.2985460

You live in the dorms?


>> No.2985462


>> No.2985471


>> No.2985479

Freshman year, I once painted the tip of my airsoft rifle black instead of orange. I went downstairs to the dorm below me that was blasting the music and banged on the door, fake gun in hand. I told the dude (black) I'd shoot him if he didn't cut it out. He got all "ape" on me and started talking shit and threatening.
About 2 minutes of this later, I produced a blunt from my pocket (prepared beforehand) and asked if we could talk about it. We did, I learned he was an econ major from my home town. We smoked, relaxed, joked a bit, and he agreed to keep it lower.

I didn't feel any bass ever again nor did I hear anything at ungodly hours.
Everything went better than expected.

>> No.2985489

that's a pretty dipshit move going in there with a fake gun. you know he could have shot/stabbed you out of self defense?

>> No.2985490

>acts like an ape
>describes a black person as an ape


>> No.2985491
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OP here

These are all excellent a suggestions (excepted for the retarded ones) but I'm looking for something along the lines of either turning off the music without them knowing it was me or some possible way to conceal the noise from coming into my room.

yes, I'm in a dorm
yes they're in the other room
yes they're unreasonable faggots

>> No.2985496
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>> No.2985500

bomb them
just throw the bomb in and run and hide
itll blow up so theres no evidence and if you get out fast enough theyll never know it was you

>> No.2985517

heres the solution:
1) Get 2-3 car batteries.
2) Link them in series.
3) Say that you will join the party, they let you in.
4) Hook batteries directly to speakers.
6) Profit.

>> No.2985518

Well, if they're unreasonable, then there's only one option.


>> No.2985526


I say, confront them in the form of passive aggresive sitcky notes, that only contain sarcastic comments about how much you love the music.

If that doesnt work, kill their entire families.

>> No.2985528

1. Get a hair dryer
2. Get a few bags of flour
3. Start emptying the flour in front of their door and blowing it under and into their room
4. If problem persists, repeat

>> No.2985553

I have a pair of HD205s, can't hear shit.

>> No.2985559

write love letters on the back of Justin Bieber pictures

>> No.2985561
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Plug this in. It'll blow a fuse.

>> No.2985566


I always wanted to make one of those! But Ive never hated anyone enough to do so!

>> No.2985575


>> No.2985579
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1276369919-neutralmilkhotel-in-the-aeroplane-over-the-sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this as loud as fucking possible.

>> No.2985592


This. But don't leave it in...and don't touch the exposed wires....maybe even put it on the end of a non-conducting wand.

>> No.2985598


WHy dont you want to leave it in? Why dont you just plug it in and run?

>> No.2985612
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OP here, doing this....Its not like it'll effect me, Im on a labtop.

But I know wiring regulations often define a maximum fuse current rating for particular circuits. Overcurrent protection devices are essential in electrical systems to limit threats to human life and property damage. I'll try it anyway

I'll post pics If a can lol

>> No.2985628


probably not too safe dude. I wouldn't.

>> No.2985657


Yeah dont do it.

Not only is it completely mean and unethical, but you wont even have internet access to tell us how it went!

>> No.2985658
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>mfw non-unions installed the system to save money

>> No.2985679
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well fuck /sci/ theirs no other way to go about this in a civilized manner, I have an essay to write and a few tests to study for...

They're obviously uncaring and arrogant, so I think they deserve it.

Plus, I know how to replace a blown fuse

>> No.2985690

well duh, obviously you do. who doesn't? anyway it's either that or the portable emp generator.

>> No.2985692
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There is nothing uncivilized about calling the authorities.

I dont think it is morally appropriate to be judge judy and executioner about their fuse.

>> No.2985709

OP you're such a pussy, just go talk to them. Seriously how would you feel if someone cut your power without even talking to you about it first? You would think "what an asshole". You would be right. Don't be an asshole just because you're scared. Go talk to them. At least try to act like an adult before you get all passive aggressive.

>> No.2985734

Buy a set of your own speakers and play dubstep when you think they're asleep.

Alternatively, buy some of these ear bud headphones (iPod thingers). I can't hear shit when I'm playing music.

>> No.2985743
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tried that.
called me a faggot and quickly closed the door....unreasonable, like a stated before.

So what do i tell them to prevent them from beating my ass because they knew it was me?

call the police again?

>> No.2985745

>Alternatively, buy some of these ear bud headphones (iPod thingers). I can't hear shit when I'm playing music.
You aren't going to be hearing anything quickly if you have earbuds loud enough to drown out all other noise.

>> No.2985756


Just because they are unreasonable in your opinion doesnt justify anything.

The police arent likely to just go "Your neighor Carl complained" they understand the risk that puts you in. Not to suggest they cant put 2 and 2 together, but I think that is just a consequence you will have to live with.

Just kick their ass that much harder if they ever mess with you.

>> No.2985766

>So what do i tell them to prevent them from beating my ass because they knew it was me?
How does this not apply to blowing the fuse?

>> No.2985767

>prevent them from beating my ass
I'm guessing you've never been in a fight, because you think an ass beating is the worst and scariest thing EVER, and you seem to have a distorted concept of what will provoke an ass beating.

Just do what you think is right, and if they come after you, defend yourself as well as you can. That's what a real man would do.

>> No.2985788

Resolution: OP blows the fuse, noisy neighbors call the cops.

>> No.2985792
File: 106 KB, 489x400, youreretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>menacingly walk up to neighbor's door with what looks to be a firearm
>call him an "ape"

>> No.2985806

how would they know it was him who blew the fuse?

>> No.2985829


Because he complained about it earlier. Its obvious someone did it, and someone did it with malevolent intentions.

>> No.2985845

>not studying at the campus library

>> No.2985862

small scale EMP bombs are apparently not hard to make. how close is their dorm?

>> No.2986456

>Its obvious someone did it
I dunno about you guys, but when fuses blow in my apartment complex, my first thought isn't "THOSE FUCKERS DID IT ON PURPOSE!" it's "Do you ~HAVE~ to have ~ALL~ your electronics going at once?"

A fuse blowing is not something that is regularly attributed to Malice, ESPECIALLY if they've got speakers and everything else going.

>> No.2986492

actually i would suggest either;
Montegues and capulets by prokofiev,
>my apologies for the shitty video.... this was the first non-solo piano recording i could find

peer gynt suite by greig

accompanied by a well written letter telling him why he is a jackass

>> No.2986670

Get their names and report them to
1. The dorm security
2. School authorities at the college you are paying money to
3. The police

You can also use psychology. Print up an official looking sign that says something like: By Orders of (authority) the occupants of this room must vacate this building by (date), and tape it on their door.

Or put a Health Dept sign saying Quarantine for Avian Flu or some shit.