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2985218 No.2985218 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2985222

theist, babies can remember God

>> No.2985228

None of the above.
If he never hears anything about god, he will never even think of such an absurd idea

>> No.2985231

...Then where did the idea of God come from in the first place?

>> No.2985232


Not babies, if that's what you're implying.

>> No.2985246


>> No.2985247

Then where?

>> No.2985249

Babies perceive themselves as god and think that their will is what feeds and clothes them. It's why they throw tantrums when they get older and realize they can't have their way all the time.

>> No.2985251

God was invented to consol a dying person. The idea has since become analogous to a virus, children being particularly susceptible.

>> No.2985255

It was a social construction that took thousands of years to explain things primitive humans couldn't understand. There's no way it would come up during one person's lifetime, specially if the person is born in the modern world where most natural events are explainable

>> No.2985259

None of the above. Children are born with original sin. To rid this of them and make them theist, they must be Baptized through the one and only Jesus Christ.

>> No.2985264

>it took thousands of years
God confirmed for more complex than nuclear physics

>> No.2985277

acceptable troll

>> No.2985281

They're born Atheistic, primarily; they have no religious beliefs.

Also, stop including Agnosticism as if it's in the same realm as A/Theism. It's more annoying than people thinking Atheism means belief there is no god.

>> No.2985289

That doesn't seem right, what if a baby dies at birth. Do they go to "hell"?

>> No.2985299
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>> No.2985302

Your world only consists of dichotomies doesnt it?

>> No.2985331

children are more interested in death than a deity lol. by the age of 3 years, most children begin to question what's going to happen when they die.

>> No.2985347

Historically that is what atheism means. It is a recent trend to try to include lack of belief in the atheism camp as well. Please don't try to argue some nonsense about the etymology of the word atheism because that doesn't always reflect the actual meaning of a word in practice. Take for example all the French loanwords we use in an odd way compared to its original meaning like demand or entree.

>> No.2985353

They are born agnostic.
If you want an explanation, ask, unless you're just trolling and you already know the answer, then har har har.

>> No.2985354

>doesn't understand the origins of polytheism or the transition to monolatrism and ultimately monotheism

>> No.2985368

Keep this religious bullshit off my /sci/.

>> No.2985376

Nobody wants the opinion of a deist.

>> No.2985379

historically, atheism doesn't imply any sort a disbelief or lack of belief in God

In Paradise Lost, the rebel angels are in one instance called "atheist."

>> No.2985387


>> No.2985391

While I know the definition of Atheism mealy means that someone doesn't believe in a supernatural entity (god), that doesn't preclude the belief in other, non-self-aware forces, like fate/karma etc...

But I'm not s sure as to the definition of agnosticism, ironic considering I am one, but wouldn't it actually be more accurate to say that that they are born agnostic?

This is true, when I was really little I remembered seeing/hearing/reading(doubtful though) something about the eventual death of the solar system, I was maybe 4 1/2 at the time. Till then I hadn't thought about death, and the idea that I would have been gone and turned to dust didn't even occur to me, what scared me was that absolutely everything would be gone...

Now I'm about to turn 18, yeah I know, underagefag, whatever. And death still doesn't scare me that much, what scares me is that when I do go that I won't be remembered, or leave anything positive behind to be remembered by.

Guess I'm weird like that, I earned the nickname 'psycho' for a reason...

>> No.2985396

Well that's just like.. your opinion, man.

>> No.2985416

don't any of the rest of you remember the first time someone told you about god?

i was nearly two, and i had a vague notion of what my dad was talking about. i remember being less than two years old, the world seemed less concrete and more dream-like... it didn't seem strange for me to think of things existing that weren't physically there.

>> No.2985421 [DELETED] 

Are children born realist, non-realist, or agnostic?

>> No.2985430

basically it had the same meaning as "godless"

Pagans were also sometimes referred to as "atheist," even though they believed in gods

>> No.2985425

Are children born with or without?

>> No.2985435

Agnostic believe that if they were atheists, they'd piss off deists.

>> No.2985438

I had heaven explained to me at an early age, but I don't think anyone stopped to explain god to me until I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. And that was a pretty crappy explanation even then...

>> No.2985440

nope, never actually remember anything about god ever, and I'm still not atheist.

>> No.2985499

completely depends on the individual, and the environment. both of which contain many more variables inside of them. a kid who grows up going to church (or what have you) and has a good relation w/ his/her parents will likely follow that religion. it gives them comfort.
if, however, the child rejects their parents and is forced into it, they would be much more likely to reject it later in life.
then comes along the possibility of being raised in an extremist environment, which can go either way, but is generally not pretty. you either end up with blind sheep to be shepherded by some overarching power, or you get refugees who are cast out by their society for having different opinions. neither are particularly pretty options.
i personally was raised in a rather unbiased environment (neither parent was religious) but was given exposure to many different religions/belief systems. i never found one in particular that satisfied my beliefs, so i decided on none of them. thats not to say that i dont have my own set of spiritual beliefs though. spirituality and religion are similar but they are not the same.
as for the question to whether or not we are born a particular one id have to answer agnostic as infants are ignorant of absolutely everything. theres not enough connected synapses to sustain a conscious thought about where we came from or any of those "big" questions.

>> No.2985539

They're born standing alongside God, unknowing, they do not comprehend/understand the concept of God or No God. When they finally grasp God, only then can they make the decision to be a Theist or an Atheist. A Theist would believe in going back to this original state (which they had now called God). An Atheist would believe in continuing away from this original state. It's really fucking simple.

>> No.2985549

i see what you mean because often religion threads turn into total shitstorms, but this one is quite alright. at least by me. and its an interesting question that i had never thought of before. there is science in belief systems (though maybe not the way you think of science usually), and there is also science in the way we think and develop, thus i disagree with your sage and counter.

>> No.2985562

God, I wish you were one of my parents, on a regular basis I would tell my mom that I am still interested in religion, but not in catholicisim, and the more she would try to force me to go the more I would try remindin her that it would force me away. Her response was 'its my job, under my roof you'll go...'

>> No.2985565

Babies are just about the only humans that could reasonably claim to be absolutely nothing. Once they are told about a god they may become atheists or theists.

And if they are left to their own devices, they will start to assign agency to impersonal objects and events, assign importance or intelligence to coincidence, and generally develop such superstitions. It is easy to see how these tendencies, when combined with our natural inclination towards bowing to peer pressure, and taking the word of authority figures without question, that such mythologies as animism, spiritualism, and, ultimately, polytheisms and monotheisms, would develop, mixed in with all the useful cultural information that is passed down through the generations.

So they are born nothings, TECHNICALLY atheists, though I would not presume to call them that for obvious reasons. They are built to find patterns and meanings in the world, and if left unchecked it finds them even where none exist. Science does it's best to filter this kind of bias, and through empiricism and reason, find the truth of the matter. Religions do their best to encourage and guide this bias, towards finding patterns that back up whatever theology they preach.

>> No.2985586

i always cringe when i hear or see that happening. religions all talk of sin, or some form of bad, but i cant think of anything worse than forcing an opinion on another person. its unhealthy and it breeds close-mindedness. also im 19 and take a lot of drugs. you dont want me as your parent. believe me.

>> No.2985604

how about cutting off someone's penis
is that worse than forcing your opinion on them

>> No.2985605

No one gives a fuck until they're told to.

>> No.2985613

You haven't seen my home, almost anything is better than that, and believe me, being forced to go to church is the nicest thing my parents do for me...

>> No.2985614
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indeed, indeed.

>> No.2985619

not if theyre a mtf transgender. of course proper sanitation must be followed. i suppose a medical background would help as well.

>> No.2985617

You are hilarious.

>> No.2985626

They're born mammatheist.

>> No.2985627

Guy who posted >>2985562, I was circumcised, honestly it isn't that bad, what is being removed isn't all that important and if done young enough they can't remember it at all. An added benefit is that it also helps with hygiene...

But my attempts at comparing and contrasting their decision to have me circumcised with their decision to not allow me to get a tattoo didn't go over well, made a good argument though...

>> No.2985632


Even cutting off the tip.

Regarding forcing opinions: Secular rules, yo. I have no problem with proselytising, even within a family. I have a big problem with religious laws being forced onto people.

>> No.2985636

>>2985626 cont.
And only later do they feel the need to replace mommy and daddy with some sort of god figure.

>> No.2985663
File: 272 KB, 771x1080, GOD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If god created man with foreskin, why do people claim that he will us not to have it?

There is no god. It's forced bullshit by parents who don't want their kids to masturbate.

>> No.2985672


Yet many religions do not have this. It's only the monotheisms that really encourage this, make it universal. Many Polytheisms (from Hindu to Greek to Norse), Confucianism (whatever that is), Shintoism (though the Emperor was god, in a way, just like Juchism really), Buddhism, as well as almost all of the tribal religions, most emphatically DO NOT have a universal yet personal parental figure. They may have a cast of spirits, though they don't run the world, they exist in it just like us, and they may have a great spirit, though it runs the world it doesn't answer prayers. And some of them have the super-parent invested in a human figure, either historical like in Buddhism, or modern, like in Shintoism or Juchism.

>> No.2985682


Group discussion.

>> No.2985685

>things that aid in the prevention of masturbation
Oh god.

>> No.2985689

>english its not what your baby knows

>> No.2985693

never stoped me

>> No.2985701


I think I didn't explain it too badly here;

>And if they are left to their own devices, they will start to assign agency to impersonal objects and events, assign importance or intelligence to coincidence, and generally develop such superstitions. It is easy to see how these tendencies, when combined with our natural inclination towards bowing to peer pressure, and taking the word of authority figures without question, that such mythologies as animism, spiritualism, and, ultimately, polytheisms and monotheisms, would develop, mixed in with all the useful cultural information that is passed down through the generations.

>> No.2985718


such a bad attempt.

We don't even have recall memory until between 1 and 2 y/o.

Children aren't born anything. They're open to influence mainly from parents while in early childhood.

I used to believe in god until when i was 8 or something discovery channel told me that past the sky, there's the space, evolution, big bang theory, etc.

>> No.2985721

>babys are so cute like that

>> No.2985774

Babies are a blank slate.

They aren't anything.
If you MUST put a label on them, agonistic is the closest thing.