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File: 86 KB, 640x480, usflag_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2984558 No.2984558 [Reply] [Original]


I finally feel proud to be an American again!


>> No.2984574
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>> No.2984587
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>> No.2984595

And this is related to science or mathematics how exactly?

>> No.2984590

We killed God?


Theists : 0

America = infinity

>> No.2984610


Because of Freedom.

Get out.

>> No.2984612

First, sage for not science.
Second, if by 'we' you mean 'Americans', by that same logic I can say that humans killed Osama and that all humans should rejoice. This isn't a personal party for you guys, other people are happy that the cocksucker is gone.
And lastly, I bet you even though this happened, you still won't be bringing your troops home for a while, your economic situation will get worse as more funding is pumped into the military industrial complex, and so forth.

So instead of just celebrating, why not get everyone you know to call their congressman/senator to bring the American military home?

>> No.2984616


Countering sage with bump

>> No.2984620

Only cost 1 trillion dollars

>> No.2984627

I'm Canadian, we're having elections today, and even I feel patriotic for the Americans!


>> No.2984633
File: 69 KB, 962x1417, 1300019149924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 1 trillion

>> No.2984634

aka 10 International Space Stations

>> No.2984636

I'll admit it, I'm proud to be an American (at least for this week). I'd been getting despondent about our country recently because of Amerifat behavior in general (Creationism, fat people, faggot rednecks, Donald Trump), but I may have slowly revived my childhood fascination with America.

>> No.2984638


1 trillion (Bullshit statistic, but for argument's sake)/
300 Million tax-paying 'Mericans=

$333 Dollars per citizen


>> No.2984648

One problem. There isn't 300 million tax paying Americans.

>> No.2984649


I'd personally rather have 10 ISS's

>> No.2984650

oh yeah? Prove it.

>> No.2984652

Well, I'm just rounding down, incase we were in Afghanistan and Iraq for other reasons

>> No.2984653


If you count sale's tax there are, as are Americans (children) for which taxes are payed for in other ways

>> No.2984655

He's been dead

>> No.2984669


OP here, much the same feeling

>> No.2984674
File: 102 KB, 237x227, Mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American logic:
>"We're happy that a man who killed thousands of people has received the justice he deserves."

>Number of people killed by Bush and Obama is orders of magnitude greater.

>They'll have nice retirement homes.


>> No.2984677

Great job america, you've martyred him like the dumb cunts you are. He escaped capture for almost 11 years, spread out your entire military into an endless number of fronts, and has practically bankrupted you. Plus, Osama was hardly a man, but an idea, and his position will quickly be replaced by yet another mastermind if it already has not been. His death has only sparked more activity and violence, but of course you don't understand because of how reactive and short-sighted you are. So you spent an entire economy on a moot point when you could have spent it on building a stronger nation.
America, you are SHIT compared to what you could have been.

>> No.2984688

oh, and...
>implying that Osama had any real power within al_Qaeda upon death.

>implying that this won't lead greater terrorist action by al_Quaeda

>implying we won't retaliate by increased "counter-terrorism" (what's the difference), killing even more people


>> No.2984685

>no autopsy
>no body shown to the public
>sea style burial

Cool story bro, even if this were true it was handled in the worse way possible.

>Implying one old man dead is going to stop all the terrorism and the wars in the middle east
>Implying we still won't be paying billions for needs over there
>Implying this isn't an elaborate scheme to milk for the 2012 reelection of Obama

I can't wait for reelection season to come around and hear how i should reelect him for killing the great terrorist Osama

>> No.2984697

This is just me observing, but I find it quite interesting. Not saying you guys are stupid or anything, mind... but I sometimes get the feeling that the US really implements (if that is the right word) nationalism into their youth... flag saluting, all the flags,,, and that 'america - fuck yeah' attitude seems pretty widespread

>> No.2984701

I strangely agree with this. Trolling or not, the poster has a point. We could have handled this "terror" situation far more elegantly. My plan?

>Offer reward of $1 BILLION, instant US citizenship, and extraction of family members to safety in the US for information leading to his capture, not death. Same deal for al-zawahiri.
>SOMEONE will like green paper with Ben Franklin on it more than they like jihad.
>Capture the two "masterminds" and send them to one of our oh-so-well-known "secret prisons"
>Bring the old CIA MKULTRA guys out of retirement for one last hurrah, sell the movie rights about 10 years down the road to recoup some costs and as propaganda
>We were never able to "brainwash" MKULTRA subjects but we could revert them to an infant state, sorta
>Bin Laden and Zawahiri disappear for about 3-5 years and suddenly there's a 6'6" tall, 50's ish arab man pruning rose bushes on the White House lawn. People notice him and his affinity for pulled pork barbecue and cold Bud Light.

If it had gone down like that, we'd have kept more money in our pockets and positively TERRIFIED our potential enemies while simultaneous denying them a martyr.

>> No.2984720

this guy says how I feel

>> No.2984728

Those Americans are good little soldiers. In the US, there are two types of "raw material" as far as patriotic types go:

Military material: they wave the flag, love 'Merika, and do as they're told. These types also see the US as infallibly awesome and believe fully in American exceptionalism based solely on "God's blessing"

CIA material: We know America isn't powerful by any celestial being's blessing, it is powerful because people labor tirelessly to make it so. We understand the world for what it is and are willing to do the dirty and distasteful shit to accomplish our goals. Our devious little minds need to be kept in check though, lest we get carried away and do monumentally illegal/unconstitutional/foolish/plain crazy things.
Sometimes the CIA types wind up the Military, sometimes the opposite is true. This generally ends poorly.

>> No.2984731

How many tax-paying americans are there? I can't seem to find a statistic.

>> No.2984735

less than 300million

also if you think the debt for this won't keep rising then you're a idiot. I can bet we'll be in Iraq and Afghanistan forever just like Vietnam and south korea

>> No.2984739

Do you include tax-supposedly-not-paying corporations?

>> No.2984745

Inducing regression to child-like state is just standard long-term torture. MKULTRA was about LSD and child prostitution.

>> No.2984750


You went full retard.

Also Europe is in worse economic condition than the US currently.

>> No.2984762
File: 4 KB, 127x100, ameritroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't you guys keep this shit in /b/, no one wants to hear your shitty trolling. we've got plenty of that already thanks.

god bless america and no place else.

>> No.2984763

Yeah I get that but some more precise estimate is what I'm looking for.

Good point. I suppose I'm asking for how many households there are to pay taxes and how much in taxes comes from them, as I'm not really interested in what corporations (are supposed to) pay.

>> No.2984780

>Also Europe is in worse economic condition than the US currently.


>> No.2984789

>I finally feel proud to be an American again!

Am I the only one who feels shamed by the way people are reacting? Everyone is behaving we just killed Hitler and ended WW2. If anything they killed a man falsely accused of war crimes and will likely result in WW3.

>> No.2984794

Either way, if we could have made it happen... it'd be such a fantastic method for dealing with the problem.

"Don't fuck with the US or you'll be whisked away at night only to be seen 5 years later with a taste for beer, pork, and a ticket straight to hell for said tastes!"

If only we could have let him die of natural causes while enjoying the Great Satan's luxuries as a pseudo-zombie instead of as a martyr.

>> No.2984837

There will be so much butthurt and whining when some pakis destroy another of murrica's symbols of freedam. Can't wait.

>> No.2984868
File: 40 KB, 399x266, capt.05df3e5d63ca49878afb79e61e412111-aa02955bcaf64695bb1770d2e731cdde-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you stupid fuckers celebrating like inane cattle when three fourths of you fucks can't pass a standardized exam, let alone hold a job that consists of more than flipping meat on a bun for more than a month?

>> No.2984872

Alarmist Faggot.

>they just killed hitler
Didn't begin WW3

>they just killed bin Laden
OMG WW3!!!!!!!!!1111111111

>> No.2984875

>celebrate death with more death

proud 2 be american

>> No.2984879

Symbols of freedom, eh?

I sure hope the terrorists never attack:
NSA Headquarters (Ft. George Meade, Maryland)
FBI Headquarters (J. Edgar Hoover building, DC)
DEA Headquarters (Arlington, VA)
ATF Headquarters (99 New York Ave, DC)
TSA Headquarters (Arlington, VA)
IRS Headquarters (1111 Constitution Ave, DC)

America sure would be hurt hard by their loss, it'd be unthinkable! We'd likely surrender to the future Islamic Caliphate in advance and convert to Islam en-masse if terrorists ever hit all of those targets without exception. Koch Industries (4111 E. 37th Street, Wichita, Kansas) is also a HUGE symbol of American pride, Christianity, and our love for occupying Muslim holy lands... I think I speak on behalf of all Americans when I say I couldn't bear to think what would happen if it was lost in addition to all of those other places without exception.

>> No.2984880

>they just killed hitler
>Didn't begin WW3

I lol'd a little

>> No.2984882
File: 4 KB, 206x180, thefrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Trolls trolling trolled-trolls, trolling the rest of the trolls.

>> No.2984890

Lol, my mistake

>Hitler has just died
>Didn't begin WW3

>Osama bin Laden Killed
>OMG WW3 !!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

>> No.2985031


I know right? It's sorta like how the British elders impose their inferiority complex onto their youth pertaining to a war that was fought 2 centuries ago.