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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 369x428, ufo0414a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2984486 No.2984486 [Reply] [Original]

So for some reason unknown to me I just spent the better part of an hour watching a UFO-documentary and now my head is full of fuck.

What's your take on the whole deal, /sci? I want some rational thoughts to compensate for all the brainless spoonfeeding of trite shit I just subjected myself to.

>> No.2984495

My problem with UFO sightings is that they seem to follow in the same set of aesthetics and suspiciously with time and new styles.

>> No.2984499

>trite shit

>> No.2984506
File: 455 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this image shooped?

>> No.2984509

How bout the fact that nothing they do is significant?

>> No.2984511

Tyson slapping your shit straight.


>> No.2984512


>> No.2984521

No, it is 100% CGI, no reality there at all.

>> No.2984529

Well, propose they WERE aliens, then we really wouldn't have a understanding of what would be significant for them. They might just be surveying us for a multitude of possible reasons. Or they might be doing something completely different, we wouldn't be able to know.

But I'm not a believer. And that's the problem, isn't it? The UFO-craze has pretty much turned into a religion where your personal belief is primary to provable, or disprovable, facts.

>> No.2984532
File: 104 KB, 1169x767, scannedimage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know it is CG?

How do you know it is shooped?

>> No.2984542

Read The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan.

UFO sighting are nothing but a manifestation of various human-conjured ideas.

>> No.2984544

That's not how this works, buddy. YOU prove to US that it's real, or you have nothing.

>> No.2984545

Tyson is such a fucking bro.

In more than one way.

>> No.2984546
File: 535 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984552

A bunch of blurry photos, crop circles and accounts from paranoid schizophrenics of alien abductions doesn't prove anything.

There is life on many planets in the universe, intelligent life may have evolved on one of these worlds, some of which may be interstellar, but conspiracy theorists are either retarded or confidence tricksters.

>> No.2984561
File: 452 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm showing you photos of a UFO, and asking you to disprove them.

I have my evidence: These Photos. Now tell me why these photos are invalid as evidence by proving that they are shooped or CGI.

>> No.2984576
File: 271 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984586

Like I said, you prove to us that it's NOT CGI.

Or are you unfamiliar with how science works?

>> No.2984592

1906: first radio transmission
1931: radio transmissions reach nearest ETs
1950s-1960s: alien reconnaissance of Earth
1970s-1990s: planning phase
2012: first alien strike force arrives on Earth, billions die

>> No.2984607

Photos are not evidence. They're about as bad as far as evidence go as witnesses.

What HAS been proven is that photos can be manipulated to the point where experts cannot tell if they have been or not. So they're inherently a bad form of evidence.

>> No.2984645

those transmissions must have really pissed them the fuck off.

>> No.2984657

>be a far advanced species
>find other sentient lifeforms by fucking radio waves
>decide to erase it just for shits'n'giggles
>they assemble a small fleet and start to travel towards earth
>suddenly, Beatles on Ed Sullivan
>they dump their weapons into the next sun and buy space flowers and pralines

>> No.2984676

fucking hilarious.

>> No.2984709
File: 380 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evidence is not evidence unless I say it is evidence

You liken yourselves scientists? You sound more like religious fundamentalists to me.

I have provided you evidence in the form of photos. Instead of refuting them like a scientist should, pointing out the flaws and saying "no, this isn't real because..." you just flat out deny the provided evidence.

For the record, I don't even believe in alien UFO's to begin with, I'm just using this to point out double standards when someone challenges your beliefs.

The photos may or may not be real, I don't actually know. But your knee jerk response says more than need be said about how well you stick to your scientific ethics. I imagine, instead of trying to learn from this, you're just going to ignore me and repeat, like a broken record that the photos cannot be evidence because you don't believe they can be evidence.

>> No.2984719
File: 441 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984721

The real question:

Why would anyone waste time on non-entities?

>> No.2984726
File: 160 KB, 1169x765, scannedimage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984733
File: 97 KB, 1169x767, scannedimage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984741
File: 213 KB, 1167x765, scannedimage4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984754
File: 151 KB, 1171x762, scannedimage5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984758

I don't know much about UFO sightings, but I think if there would be actual evidence, there's no way scientists would ignore it.

>> No.2984761


You set out to find a response and now you're twisting your perception of what you got to support it. We have a name for that. Confirmation bias.

Photos are not good evidence. This isn't just some personal opinion, but something that is widely accepted. The same way eye-witness reports are widely accepted to be a bad form of evidence.

You can't use photos to prove anything else. Why would you be able to use photos to prove anything regarding UFOs?

>> No.2984765

Those 2 trees are the same tree, one is rotated 90 degrees. Shit was awesome when it was posted on /x/.

>> No.2984772

cool RC toy, where do i buy one?

>> No.2984778
File: 60 KB, 346x382, zircon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2984808

>Photos are not good evidence. This isn't just some personal opinion, but something that is widely accepted.

You are a bald faced liar, pushing your opinion as if it were a fact.

Photos are acceptable evidence for a lot of things. Only when it comes to something you don't believe in, do you go "no photos aren't evidence".

If I showed you a photo of a couple in prague, are you going to go on a tirade about how that photo isn't actually evidence of that couple being in prague?

Stop and listen to yourself.

What is so hard about admitting that you don't have the expertise to legitimately say whether or not the posted photos are real, and that for the moment you remain unconvinced but are unable to disprove them?

THAT is what a real scientist would be saying.

Instead, you adopt the exact same kinds of arguments that a fundamentalist does.

>> No.2984807

Stop posting all these crappy images. They're just from a video some nerds made of an RC model. Nothing more. Shits fucking old, I remember seeing it on /x/ years ago.

>> No.2984816

Cool, can you post links?

Did he make any more RC vehicles?

>> No.2984818

>Edgar Mitchell interview

>Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon

Now what /sci/ ?

>> No.2984833

That does not make your pics aliums.

But you can get angry for our amusement, or you can post them on /x/ for a nostalgia thread.

>> No.2984843

I'm not the op you faggot. I saw this thread and posted these links for you guys to evaluate them.

In another chan, people said that astronauts are merely highly skilled technicians so their word on what goes on in space is to be taken lightly. Any thoughts on that?

>> No.2984850

Name of doc?

>> No.2984871

>you don't have the expertise to legitimately say whether or not the posted photos are real, and that for the moment you remain unconvinced but are unable to disprove them

That is essentially what I am saying but you seem too engrossed in your tirade to listen.

I can't prove that these are not photos of UFO's. But the photos themselves do not prove that they are legit photos of actual physical objects either. Photos can only scientifically be used for evidence if you can produce the same photo again and share the process of your doing so.

A photo is not evidence of anything in and of itself. It isn't. If you show me a photo of a couple in Prague I'll accept it as true as it doesn't try to prove some controversial but I'll still always understand that it might as well be photoshopped. The fact that I can't prove either way is why it simply cannot be used as evidence for any extraordinary claims.

>> No.2984883

I'm sure they send up astrophysicists as well. Astronaut is such a general term and in itself doesn't really imply much in the way of specific knowledge. I'd ask what that astronaut does when not in space and judge from there.

>> No.2984914

I thought /sci/ would be more well versed in these matters but it seems like you prefer religion vs atheism circlejerks.

Every astronaut has a doctorate of science on a topic closely related to space exploration such as aerospace engineering etc. They rarely send astrophysicists because they need at least 6 months of training to be able to withstand the journey and astrophysicists aren't famed for their sturdy physique.

>> No.2984938

Yes but an aerospace engineer isn't really qualified to answer questions regarding black holes etc. There's really quite the large difference between the knowledge of an aerospace engineer and an astrophysicist. What I was trying to say is that the term astronaut doesn't clarify between which of these fields a particular person is educated in and as such you are better off asking just what kind of expertise that person has in particular than expecting astronauts to have a set area of knowledge or expertise.

>> No.2984986
File: 122 KB, 617x487, platypus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first platypus was said to be a hoax
even with the dead body in the care of the museum
the problem here is not the evidence
it is in the evaluators of said evidence
this struggle will not end until the fail minded academics own up to the responsibility to take a proactive part in the destruction of their own ignorance

>> No.2984993

>black holes etc
do you think they're inspecting black holes, quasars etc near the earth?

As far as I know data analysis on these formations happens on earth and the only input is telescope data which doesn't need an astrophysicist in the ISS. I know the difference between those two, nigga please.

What I was trying to say is that astronauts are the most qualified to talk about UFOs as their expertise on the subject is more extensive than an astrophysicist's. I hope I made myself clear.

>> No.2985008

>closest exoplanet is 10.5 lightyears away
>no life discovered there, let alone intelligent life
>what are the fucking chances that there are intelligent lifeforms within 100 lightyears? Within 1000?
>we don't know for sure, but all evidence points to the chances being extremely low

No, we have not been visited by aliens, because unless they posses faster-than-light technology, there is absolutely no reason for them to expend all that time and energy to reach us. There is no reason they would attack us when we are not a threat from such a distance and with our piss-poor technology (thanks to U.S. government spending on a stupid war).

That's not to say they don't exist. They probably do. They almost definitely do. But they have not visited us, and probably never will with the intention of going back.

>> No.2985040

You know OP, if you really thought you had the intelligence to 'understand' these UFOs, wouldn't you realize that since they've never done anything of import, there'd be more worthwhile things to study?

>> No.2985503

>>I have provided you evidence in the form of photos.

>>Photos are acceptable evidence for a lot of things.

Photos are a collection of colored pixels and prove nothing. I've seen Osama blowing Bush, yet it probably wasn't real. If the 'photo' is accompanied by numerous eyewitnesses and other physical evidence, THEN MAYBE.

>> No.2985509

-if- aliens are already here and using methods similiar to what is shown in the movie MIB, what makes you think you would remember them?
fact is something has to happen to help you see through the veil
when they take your own memories and reconfigure them to leave you with a memory of an only slightly disturbing event in place of the one they have acutally subjected you to there is not much you can do without their help to get back to the deleted/overwriten memory
and when you finally do manage to do this it will be a traumatic event
you will be in a state of shock after the first tear in the fabric of their deception leaves you recalling memory after memory from further and further back into your childhood where they had done variations of this
the tear will run through every memory you have in one way or another
the shock is so great that if gravity were to reverse its function so that things fall up it would be less traumatic
for about two weeks this state of shock will be your every waking moment
then, if you are up to it, and living in a situation where they can access you, they will come to you again
at least thats how it was for me
some of you will think im just trolling
some will think i must be mentaly ill

>> No.2985514

>2985509 cont

i am neither
and on more than a few occasions they have puncutated their interacting with me in dreams with physical displays of their vehicles
seen not only by myself
i have personally seen the effects of time dilation on such flight
did a quick 6 second loop over north fort worth then a figure 9 loop over carswell airforce base and what was then called general dynamics (now called lockheed) then off to the west
was not seen by myself alone but the other person who saw burried it within his mind within a few months and became unable to talk about it
so it was displayed to me not to just show me the vehicle but also to show me how other people really just can't handle it
how about you?
where do you go to hide?

>> No.2985529

>UFO thread
>ctrl-f Tyson
>2 results
>argument from ignorance video already posted
>times like these I don't fucking hate you

>> No.2985760


>> No.2985773

Uhhh, if you're trying to prove that the images >>2984506 this guy were posting are CG, you're doing a terrible job of it.

The detail isn't even remotely close to similar from your video to the photo, it looks like someone just took the photo, made a terrible 3D model that barely matches the design and put up a video of it.

>> No.2985795
File: 63 KB, 344x517, 1278800265769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the primary difference between the posters in /x/ and /sci/ is level of personal success in the public school system.

>> No.2985798
File: 41 KB, 389x390, 1275882015671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just went full retard. gratz.

>> No.2985832
File: 36 KB, 622x296, ufoclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15th century painting. there was no flying objects except birds back then.

>> No.2985840
File: 17 KB, 210x275, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus was an alien!

>> No.2985846

>make weak logical induction about UFOs
>/sci/ gets mad

witch hunt general

>> No.2985848

clouds didn't fly? Did they not evolve enough at that time?

>> No.2985850
File: 99 KB, 400x360, crucifixion_400x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ufos, ufos everywhere! 14th century.

>> No.2985854

We're generally more successful in college, too.

>> No.2985856

They were just billions and billions of water drops at that point. They had yet evolved the ability to grow wings and flutter into the atmosphere.

>> No.2985865

In this photo, the object appears too clearly in the photograph which suggests that it was superimposed. There is atmospheric dust, and that object isn't blurred or otherwise obscured by it at all.

>> No.2985895
File: 99 KB, 1069x768, Ancientastronauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clouds can't emit light even today. your argument is invalid.

>ancient cave paintings of aliens

>> No.2985930
File: 354 KB, 707x543, sumer_27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sumerian relievo. xerxes coming from heavens in his ufo.

>> No.2985975
File: 103 KB, 485x275, esmed57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even hindus got something to tell about ufos. dem niggers worship to cows. srsly.

>> No.2985984
File: 92 KB, 434x230, 75.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are coming to get us! XVII. century.

>> No.2986055
