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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 675x601, stopbeinguncut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2983388 No.2983388 [Reply] [Original]

>modern support for male circumcision is merely a psychological defense mechanism from those who have already been circumcised

>> No.2983398

>foreskin envy

>> No.2983403

>modern support against male circumcision is merely a psychological defense mechanics from those who haven't been circumcised

>> No.2983405

>implying i'm missing out on anything from being natural and uncut

>> No.2983417

>implying i'm missing out on anything from being circumcised

>> No.2983419

I was circumcised when I was 6 and I remember my foreskin being really uncomfortable.

>> No.2983423

You're the one who started this thread. I can't help but feel you are attempting to defend your own position by pointing the finger at the other side saying "look how they defend their side". If they defend as you claim they do, why haven't they started this thread?

>> No.2983427

>mfw there are actually people who are in favor of the mandatory and useless mutilation of newborns

>> No.2983430

>implying you aren't missing out on your foreskin

>> No.2983436

> reaching an orgasm simply by stimulating your foreskin

Something cutfags will never experience.

>> No.2983457

they started it in real life

>> No.2983465


I guess I'll just have to console myself by fucking bitches for hours.

>> No.2983473

Let's start cutting off the pinky of all newborns, and point and laugh at people who are "uncut", and invent medical reasons, and say that it doesn't harm the baby, and everybody does it anyway.

>> No.2983484

Circumcision was started as a percieved order from God, persumably because God is smarter than humanity and already knew that cleanliness was key in a time when people didn't shower every 12 hours.

However, it was stated to be done a certain number of days after natural birth. Science has shown that for a short period of time - as directed - Circumcision does not cause the infant pain.

Total coincidence or divine guidance?

>> No.2983496

There is nothing wrong with circumcision, what is wrong is that it's done on children.
If you wan't to get it done, do it while you're 18, but don't do it on children.
Basically same thing with religions.

>> No.2983498

>cutfags can't masturbate properly
>cutfags are less sensitive to stimulation
why is there a difference between male and female mutilation?

>> No.2983500


A shrieking and neurotic infant is probably a good natural indicator of when you get the timing wrong.

>> No.2983515

If you do that then you won't have to worry about cleaning under the nail. It's more hygenic that way.

>> No.2983516

Who cares if there's a valid medical reason to do it or not. I'd rather not have a world full of ugly penises.

>> No.2983540


You spend your days worrying about what others guys penises look like?

>> No.2983553


>> No.2983561

You're right. The superiority of the uncut should go without saying.

>> No.2983562

>implying you have sex at all
>implying your desensitized dick wouldn't bore a girl after an hour

>> No.2983570


>> No.2983575

>stimulating foreskin
rofl watisdis

>> No.2983579

Well, duh.

But cut out the claim about support for circumcision at all. Any adults who want to engage in any body modification should be allowed. If a man wants to sever part of his penis, he should be allowed. If a woman wants to remove part of her labia, why should I care? Infant genital mutilation is the crime.


Stated Reason: Medical (dubious) or cosmetic (subjective and hardly compelling in the context of mutilation) benefits.

Actual Reason: Wanting the boys dick to look like his fathers. (penis chauvinism, and hardly compelling in context of mutilation)

Ultimate Reason: Sand people trying to eliminate sexual pleasure and masturbation. (which is why it was originally done at 13, but apparently they decided it was easier to do it to a victim who couldn't resist them)

>> No.2983590

>>2983579 here

Oh, and I should add; doctors get paid for it. It's a quick procedure that nets them a few hundred dollars. And all they have to do is cause an infant unbearable pain.

>> No.2983629
File: 459 KB, 384x288, 1303742030513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got circumcised because of an UTI at a young age
>heard recently that despite the advanced stage, may have been unnecessary
>don't care, can't miss something I don't remember having
>mfw all this obsessing over baby penis

>> No.2983653


Why should I care if people are torturing babies, so long as the babies don't remember it?

>> No.2983656
File: 48 KB, 400x526, magneto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the future Charles, not them.

>> No.2983669

>he can't comprehend because he has no concept of foreskin pleasure
it's like a lower-dimensional being trying to understand a higher-dimensional god

(high dimensional uncut god)

>> No.2983715

I guess if your parents were killed when you were a year old, it wouldn't matter either, since you can't remember them now?

>> No.2983739

If circumsized or not -- I couldn't give two shits, as long as the dude's happy and comfortable with it. For the love of penis, though ... wash yourselves. Seriously. At least your crotch. Please.
The smell of penis is only ever pleasant if it doesn't reek of days of not having seen any water, at all. I wash myself every day, and I don't even have a penis.

If you want me to put it in my mouth, wash it. Jesus.
(And I'm not even turned off by bodily odour, just... seriously.)

>> No.2983746


She certainly ain't desensitized if you know what I'm sayin'
Bam bam bam and listen to 'em squeal.

Don't kid yourself. Fucking for hours is AWESOME and you will never experience it.

>> No.2983754

> She certainly ain't desensitized if you know what I'm sayin'

Of course. You can't get desensitized if you don't feel anything in the first place.

> god, what do you mean it's already in? wtf

>> No.2983756

>If you want me to put it in my mouth,

We don't, Ms. Snaggletooth.

>> No.2983762


> Holy shit its an infection!Quick!We have to chop it off!

Doctors where really ignorant back in the day eh

>> No.2983765

No need to drag it onto a personal level, I'm just saying.
It fits the discussion, as one of the pro arguments for circumcision is hygiene. I just think it's important, one way or the other.

>> No.2983787

The guys who don't wash get a bad name and become ostracized. High school would fix it, or the guy would get a reputation.

You indicate the obvious. Anyway, why shouldn't women have their clits chopped off? Fair is fair, and you have just as many problems from being uncut as men do.

>> No.2983803

The fact that someone felt strongly enough about this to make that cartoon makes me hate humanity. If the person who made that ate a bullet the world would be better off.

>> No.2983811

>you have just as many problems from being uncut as men do.
According to your logic, that'd be none at all, right?

If you want things to be fair, though:
You'd need to chop off the "hood" around the clit, not the clit itself. Somehow I think that'd look ridiculous.

>> No.2983815

>implying it fucking matters in the end
>implying you aren't making up shit that supports that cut/uncut is better because you are cut/uncut

>> No.2983816

Indeed. It must have taken him the whole of 15 minutes to make that cartoon. How criminal. Think about all the forms of cancer he could have cured inthat time.

>> No.2983855

/r/ the comic where two very detailed-looking penises throw insults at each other while secretly lusting for each other.

>> No.2983902
File: 28 KB, 418x334, troll563_israel bin laden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No it's not. You're wrong. How dare you slander such an ancient and treasured tradition.

a) it dries out your glans and removes lots of nerve-endings making masturbation less enjoyable (especially without lube)
b) it stops sand getting in your cock

God deemed it to be correct. Enjoy burning in hell atheist scum.

>> No.2983918

God also made marijuana yet it's illegal in most developed countries. It grows naturally so did God make a mistake?

>> No.2983925


no he made it as a test so people can go to hell.

>> No.2983934

>makes something that people would enjoy
>they enjoy it
>condemn them for enjoying it
God is a sick fucking prankster

>> No.2983937

Marijuana is natural, i.e. not made by God.

>> No.2983943

>so did God make a mistake?

Some people believe god doesn't interfere with evolution or anything.

>> No.2983953
File: 15 KB, 474x318, 1287604937877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something isn't made by God
>implying he didn't create everything meaning he isn't God

>> No.2983966

Oh, you must be worshiping one of those false gods.

>> No.2983979

You mean like Allah, Buddha, and Brahman?
From what I've heard they say they are the true religion and your religion is just idolatry.

>> No.2983999

Well, I may or may not be an idolater. But if you want to talk about the mythology of imaginary gods, you should say which one.

>> No.2984010

But I'm not talking about mythology unless of course you mean to say that there is no God which I agree on.

>> No.2984030

So you're talking about Buddha then? He's the only real god on your list. But he didn't create marijuana. Marijuana is natural.

>> No.2984047

Question, is there any proof that it makes masturbating MORE fun or LESS fun?

Then also tell me why it was cut off for without bringing in religion.

Finally tell me why we have foreskin in the first place.

>> No.2984058

>Then also tell me why it was cut off for without bringing in religion.
Religion is the reason people cut off foreskins. The rest is just dumb excuses.

>> No.2984072

1) Masturbating would most likely be more fun (I don't know I am cut.) since you have had foreskin keeping the head of your penis moist/sensitive.

2) Society's standards

3) It probably is there for minor protection/an easy way to get aroused to increase the chances of reproducing

>> No.2984090

All I can say is that if they do it to prevent masturbation or sex from being enjoyable, it sure as fuck didn't do it for me.

>> No.2984143


The sensitivity is lowered. The sex is still enjoyable, but less than in uncut men.

>> No.2984156
File: 116 KB, 1000x749, Feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when no part of my body has been mutilated

>> No.2984161

Uncut here.
Totally fine with it.

Fucked an American girl. Didn't even care I was uncut.
Trust me lads, as soon as you stick it in, they won't give a shit what it looks like.

Also, got intergration sign as captcha once: shit was soo cash.

>> No.2984283


>Also, got intergration sign as captcha once: shit was soo cash.

I hope you typed in "nigger"

>> No.2984299

Do this many people really not understand how pointless this debate is?

It does not fucking matter in the slightest.

>> No.2984309

Unless your kid is one of the kids who gets an infection from a shitty chop-job and loses half his penis.

Thanks, mom. You'll be getting stab wounds for your birthday.


>> No.2984334

One must always type nigger when faced with such decisions.

>> No.2984352
File: 39 KB, 500x257, sam harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw this thread is proof that OP is correct.
>Mfw this thread is proof that OP is correct.


>> No.2984372

have fun with ur dirty ass penis op

>> No.2984375

Gay guy. Uncut penises are fucking nasty. I'm glad I was cut when I was an infant so I don't have to recall any pain (if there was such) and I don't have to go through the 'recovery' period.

Dated a guy who was cut but pissed at his parents so he went through a method of regrowing his foreskin. It was disgusting to talk about...though his penis was quite nice.

>> No.2984859

>a friend of mine is uncircumcised and he wants to be circumscribed

>> No.2984894


Uncut penises are fucking delicious.

>> No.2984908
File: 25 KB, 397x212, 1293912362543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw penis thread on /sci/

>> No.2984910

>he went through a method of regrowing his foreskin

Is that even medically possible?

>> No.2984912

You only get the skin, without the nerves or the feeling.

>> No.2984913


It involves lots of stretching and clamps. It doesn't really restore the foreskin but it grows a layer of skin over your glans.

>> No.2984925


I have no clue how he did it but what the others mentioned seems accurate (stretching/clamps).

>> No.2984935

Cutfag here.
I am not at all happy about having my penis mutilated when I was a baby.

>> No.2984941
File: 37 KB, 501x480, 1273490710617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2984953

Got cut at 16 here.

I am against circumcision now, but it doesn't make as much difference as you think. Most pleasure of sex is psychological (ie, release of chemicals in your brain).

>> No.2984959
File: 97 KB, 569x887, 1303076831181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern support for male circumcision is merely a psychological defense mechanism from those who have already been circumcised

and yet you never see cutfags starting penis threads

>> No.2984981

circumcised men are more successful than uncircumcised barbarian men.

>> No.2984988

>and yet you never see cutfags starting penis threads

and yet you never see non-rapists starting rape threads

and yet you never see [insert_non_criminal_group] starting [insert_subject_criminal_group] threads

Are you arguing that people who are not killing people shouldn't have a say whether people can kill or not?

We are trying to protect the children.
Why don'n we lett them deside?
Just let them have their foreskin and let them cut it off once they are 18. We can use heavy drugs so they don't feel pain or anything.

>> No.2985007

>Why don'n we lett them deside?


>> No.2985022

If cutting a part of your penis of is in any way good thing to do i'm sure that reasonable young men will do it when they turn 18, am i right?

>> No.2985026
File: 121 KB, 240x249, yallniggaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: retarded faggots who spend all day thinking about other guys' dicks

>> No.2985033

Cutfag here and glad to be cut.

I don't want sex to feel too good. As I enjoy sexual teasing and torture, being able to resist the temptation of the vagina is better.

However, I have talked with a cutfag friend and he described sex with a condom to be nearly identical to sex bareback. Whereas I have an intense want to have sex without a condom (as it feels like shit). The advantages and implications of this are debatable.

Because cutfags have less nerves and feel less through their whole life, they are capable of feeling (perhaps) more pleasure through sex/blowjobs because of the difference in their feeling capabilities. While uncutfags feel somewhat similar no matter what is done as they have felt the same their whole life.

Such a relative thing as "pleasure" would have to be measured in degree of difference between a control state and test state. It is my assumption that cutfags may actually feel greater pleasure during unprotected sex and blowjobs than uncutfags, but uncutfags have an overall higher average of pleasure during sexual activity.

>> No.2985042

Actually, I'm really only concerned with my dick.
Can I have my foreskin back? No? Well, then at least I can protest against anyone else being mutilated as a baby.

>> No.2985043
File: 20 KB, 309x300, 1278898102051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you came to a forum populated by a majority of engineers and expected something different

>> No.2985045

*feeling standards
not capabilities, sorry. That would make no sense.

>> No.2985046

>thread about how cutfags feel les sexual stimulation
>nuhuh they feel more because thats what i think

>> No.2985050

>Such a relative thing as "pleasure" would have to be measured in degree of difference between a control state and test state. It is my assumption that cutfags may actually feel greater pleasure during unprotected sex and blowjobs than uncutfags
You're talking out of your ass here.
Being cut removes a great deal of the sexually receptive nervous tissue. Being cut gives you less feeling during sex, no matter what kind of sex you have.

>> No.2985051

does getting cut make any difference on overall size/ length?

>captcha: erectom gratulate

>> No.2985074

>Phimosis fags.

>> No.2985079

Not even going to read the thread.

cutfags who want a foreskin: I was deeply wronged as a child. My life has been haunted by my incomplete penis. It is genital mutilation on the same scale as female genital mutilation!!!!

cutfags who think they are better: I had my penis altered without my consent but it doesn't bother me, my dick is so cool looking an aerodynamic. I get all the women, and I don't know about bathing so obviously circumcision was a wise decision.

stop cutting baby penises

stop acting like your life is ruined

problem solved

>> No.2985080

Fools. You can't describe pleasure from a cutfag to an uncutfag, that's like describing color to a blind man.

The only way to measure pleasure isn't to compare between people, but to compare between situations and states. Logically, cutfags feel more pleasure because of the saliva/moistness when compared to their natural dry state. Whereas, uncutfags experience little chance compared to the drastic change from dry to wet that cutfags experience.

Whether or not this is more "objectively" is irrelevant because there is no commonality between cutfags and uncutfags. On top of that, it only matters what the person in question feels.

>> No.2985136

*little change
not little chance

>> No.2985174

>Fools. You can't describe pleasure from a cutfag to an uncutfag, that's like describing color to a blind man.
We're not trying to do that, we're comparing the OBJECTIVE number of nerve endings between the two, as well as the types of those nerve endings. Were you not paying attention in sophomore science? Nerve endings cause feeling. Less of them = Less feeling. Cutting off the foreskin removes an enormous amount of those nerve endings. The Foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.

>Logically, cutfags feel more pleasure because of the saliva/moistness when compared to their natural dry state.
Not only is that not logical, it completely ignores basic fucking anatomy.


>> No.2985190

circumcision is a way to identify a person as Jewish.
That is the ONLY valid reason for circumcision

>> No.2985212


So you feel more and therefore you orgasm faster? How is that a good thing if you're not gay?

>> No.2985223

>So you feel more and therefore you orgasm faster?


Pacing, man, pacing!

>> No.2985238

What if with the power of science we add more sensitivity nerves or whatever on the penis?

>> No.2985279
File: 2.00 MB, 286x218, 1303274722107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point behind the debate is not necessarily of the foreskin itself, but of whether it's an ethical choice on behalf of the parents to decide to circumcise their son. Should it really be okay to have the power to needlessly mutilate the underdeveloped penis of an individual who cannot voice their consent? I do not think so. Unless phimosis runs in the family, there is no justifiable reason that a parent should decide to have their son circumcised.

>> No.2985291



>> No.2985326

having sex with a foreskin feels better for both partners


>> No.2985426

Is this possible?

>> No.2985439


I don't know about "enhancing" your foreskin, but there are treatments where it can be "regrown" in a sense.

>> No.2985464

So why are Americans,Muslims and Israelians the biggest buyers of viagra?

>> No.2985495

Was brutally mutilated as an infant.

Do not support the same of others.

>> No.2985498

>implies you have a vagina

>> No.2985572


Sounds like premature ejaculation to me, my dere cutfag.