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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2982167 No.2982167 [Reply] [Original]

>American textbooks
>as informative as the underside of a snapple cap

>> No.2982171
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>> No.2982170

That is pretty interesting.

>> No.2982175


Alright, post a textbook from your country, and then we will compare.

I'm not arguing, I would probably agree seeing as how probably 30 percent of the textbooks in half of our country contain a chapter on how God poofed everything into existence, but I would like to see what you guys are working with.

>> No.2982176


>> No.2982173

I had a biology book that was jam packed with this shit.

Worst of all, the teacher actually made questions out of some of these.

pure rage

>> No.2982189

This is priceless

>> No.2982281

Is this wrong? Seriously.

>> No.2982284

>at any given time

i went swimming 1m from the edge of the pool. now what faggots?

>> No.2982286

Whether or not it's an accurate average (and there's no way in hell it is), it's absolutely meaningless. Worthless information.
And it takes a lot for me to call any information worthless.

>> No.2982293

How's it worthless? It's not supposed to be part of the course material, it's just an interesting fun fact.

>> No.2982296

90% of science IS worthless.

What do we get out of going into space?
What do we get out of knowing that we share common ancestry with apes?
What do we get out of knowing how to split an at... oh right, dead people.

Grow the fuck up. Science is interesting as fuck, but most of it is useless.

>> No.2982303
File: 25 KB, 500x500, tumblr_l9itkmFkk91qc4debo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's not a spider in our pant pockets

>> No.2982308
File: 59 KB, 815x622, derp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't even an "average"

according to the book in the pic, "a person" is NEVER more than 3 feet away from a spider AT ANY GIVEN TIME.

its worse than worthless because not only is it wrong, but it is irrelevent and would only distract from the text that you are supposed to be learning. People need LESS distractions not more.

>> No.2982307

Underground and swimmy spiders

>> No.2982321


too obvious

>> No.2982325

Nice constructive rebuttal. Oh wait.

>> No.2982326

>What do we get out of going into space?
The majority of the modern technological world was developed because we went into fucking space, you ignorant little fuck.
>What do we get out of knowing that we share common ancestry with apes?
The fucking biological knowledge and understanding of evolutionary theory has brought fucking uncountable benefits to humanity, most directly in the fields of medicine and anthropology.
>What do we get out of knowing how to split an at... oh right, dead people.

Holy fuck you are an ignorant little shit.
Just because YOU don't understand the benefits of KNOWING SHIT doesn't mean there aren't any.

>> No.2982330

Not the guy you are responding to, but can you elaborate on the first two.

>The majority of the modern technological world was developed because we went into fucking space
>The fucking biological knowledge and understanding of evolutionary theory has brought fucking uncountable benefits to humanity, most directly in the fields of medicine and anthropology.

>> No.2982332

I like how you say that but don't provide any specific examples. "IT'S GOOD HURR BUT I WON'T TEL YOU WHY"

>> No.2982342

u mad bro

>> No.2982354

Linear Algebra?

It kind of looks like solutions systems of equations...homogeneous and particular.

>> No.2982356
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yes, I mad.
I very fucking mad.
Stupid fucking ignoramuses...
You're going to call this a cop-out because you're such a retarded little fuck, but the things in question are so vast, broad, and obvious that it would be somewhat difficult for me to find specifiable examples. And I'm sure as fuck not going to try. Anyone stupid enough to need to be told that increasing our understanding of our biological origins is beneficial is too stupid to bother with.

Maybe someone with less of a temper will appease your dumb ass.

>> No.2982357

Nasa has made a shit ton of stuff for the modern world. Five minutes of googling would show you that.


The theory of evolution is a fundamental part of all fields of biology. It is true that without it nothing in biology makes sense. To say it is useless is like saying understanding Newtonian physics is useless.

>> No.2982367

>What do we get out of knowing that we share common ancestry with apes?
I'm going to take the liberty of expanding your question to "what do we get out of evolutionary theory", and direct you the first result I got on Google:

I'll leave it up to you to decide if any of that is worthwhile.

>> No.2982373
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1298280266456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2982371

The miracles of google.
Thanks, I was too fucking angry to think.

>> No.2982381

All the knowledge of biology could be obtained without a need to know why it's so similar or how it got to that stage.

I can walk into a room with a bunch of wood and tools and build something practical without necessarily needing the knowledge of how it got there.

>> No.2982387

Cool reductionist approach brosef

>> No.2982392

>90% of science IS worthless.

Haha have fun biking to college...er...work at McDonald's, because your car is useless. Oh wait, so is the bicycle. I hope you learned how to make moccasins from your ancestors so you can walk to your relatives hearths, hunt and gather, and sing kumbaya. Apparently 90% of everything around YOU is useless. Hmph.

>> No.2982393

Yeah, and that's how cavemen built airplanes and skyscrapers.

>> No.2982396

I'm not saying your wrong and I'm right, I'll be willing to read through counter arguments, but I don't see how knowing how the body got to its current state effects the practical side of biology (foremost, medicine).

We can still look at what's going on inside the body and how it works without needing to know how the mechanisms of the body is entwined with evolution. Obviously, when you start looking at genes and inheritance the idea of evolution starts staring you in the face (which makes me wonder how anyone cannot believe in evolution) but you can completely ignore everything beyond the point of "this gene may carry over and effect the child this way" etc.

>> No.2982399

>90% of science IS worthless.
>Grow the fuck up. Science is interesting as fuck, but most of it is useless.


>> No.2982420

You don't seem to understand what science is

>> No.2982435

lmfao not him but you are a moron

>> No.2982441

haha oh wow.

>> No.2982476

Jesus amerifats are you even trying?

>> No.2982573


>100% of religion IS worthless.

>> No.2982598

Sweet hypothesis testing brah.

>> No.2982655


>> No.2982705
File: 204 KB, 772x720, ipoolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took this photo to show the quality jokes CGP put in their revision guides.
dunno if you can see it but there's a picture of two daleks and it says robots in disguise... it's about transformers! oh god so funny

>> No.2982719
File: 311 KB, 584x600, 1300278975533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't look like the transformers in the movies?

>> No.2982723


>> No.2982725


Hey! We're CGP! If we express information informatively, whilst making jokes, maybe kids will want to learn it!

That may work for primary school kids, but isn't that GCSE? Those books always pissed me off so much. You buy them to revise, so just put the info needed. AGGHAHHAFSAhDSAUU

>> No.2982728
File: 82 KB, 800x600, Cat Plays Hide And Seek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? I'm simply stating that you don't necessarily need to know about evolution to employ biology practically.

Nowhere in there did I say anything that might contradict the scientific method, the validity of evolution, the merit of evolution or any other idea you might want to wrongly associate my post with so you can make a quick comment disregarding it rather than addressing it properly.

>> No.2982764

na it's an A2 level revision guide

>> No.2982769

>Every American History text book I've used even the one I had in college
>picture of pocahontas from the disney movie
>Explains the movie isn't a true representation of what happened in the caption, every time.

Even when I was a kid I knew it wasn't accurate, what the fuck America.