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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2981147 No.2981147 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I'm going to Purdue in the fall taking part in their engineering program, has anyone else here been through it? I'm hoping to go into electrical engineering after the first year or possibly double major with computer and electrical engineering.

Also how much calculus is needed for electrical engineering?

>> No.2981160

inb4 gay jokes

>> No.2981158

bump for knowledge

>> No.2981168

You need to take fourteen semesters of calculus for EE.

>> No.2981176

may as well ask how much 'cock'ulus is needed

because you're an engineering major

which is gay

>> No.2981184

so engineers are hated on this board?

>> No.2981200


No. It's a meme. I'd guess at least 50% of /sci/ is engineering majors, if not more.

>> No.2981202


No. They may be the majority on the board.

They're just.....gay is all.

>> No.2981204

Engineers are hated everywhere. Fucking scum of the earth.

>> No.2981209

/sci/ is the place where jellyfags can take their rage out on the engineering master race

>> No.2981218


Why the fuck do I need that much calculus?

>> No.2981230


You don't. Fourteen semesters is 7 years of college, bro. From what I understand, engineers in general need four semesters.

>> No.2981243


I realized that, which also confused me. The most calculus I think EE have to do is with magnetism and E/B fields and etc. Atleast that's what I've learned from my AP Physics class.

>> No.2981245
File: 54 KB, 600x600, engineering3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i late for the gaybashing?

>> No.2981253

In my area, Engineers are required to take at least six terms (Fall/Winter/Spring) of calculus. So, they're taking on average one calculus class at all times during their first two years. Calculus shows up in physics, statistics, and discipline-specific courses throughout your undergraduate education.

>> No.2981255

If you go to Purdue, you're lost.

>> No.2981263

At the college I went to the engineers were the biggest bunch of alcoholics you ever saw.

>> No.2981259

I'm just finishing my freshman year at purdue for engineering. The first Year Engineering class sucks. Its a lot of busy work but if you aren't dumb and you work hard you'll make it. People say its hard as fuck, but if you don't suck at school you'll be ok.

>> No.2981262

No, they need a lot more than that. Of course it also depends on what you want to do.

>> No.2981266

I interviewed at Purdue for grad school. They have an on campus butcher stop which is pretty fuckin' sweet. Although West Lafeyette has pretty much nothing to do around there.

>> No.2981268

Why haters hating?

I hear it's weeding 101. I think I'll pull it off though.

>> No.2981274


My family is a long line of alcoholics soo....

>> No.2981282
File: 88 KB, 540x697, 20101031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol is brain food

>> No.2981289

It really is. We had 7+ hours of busy work per week first semester and second second semester was all MATLAB coding. Just find some friends who you can do homework with and study with and you'll be ok.

>> No.2981291

I'm an ME there and we had 3 semesters of calculus and then 2 semesters of linear algebra and diff eq.

If you want to double major, hope you're ready for it. Even though you can probably count quite a few classes for both, its still probably gonna take you close to 6 years if you're not taking summer classes.

Ps. Do a co-op. Makes finding a job 10x easier.

Boiler up!

>> No.2981297


>> No.2981325

I plan on doing a co-op, if I can get one that is...

I can't have other people way smarter than me in a room because I tend to slack off then. It has something to do with being the younger brother or some stupid shit I can't subconsciously get over.

I'm doing a random roommate there, hopefully I get a good roomie.

>> No.2981358


I go to a school that's 80% engineering students. It's a weird mix between introverted nerdiness and extroverted debauchery. Our St. Patrick's Day celebration in particular draws participants from many miles away and is known as one of the wildest annual parties in the region. At the same time all this shit is going on, you have people hosting LAN parties that they attend in between keggers.

>> No.2981370


Stevensfag detected?

>> No.2981373

I don't attend Purdue, but I do know that it's not really a good school.

Cornell student here. Get good.

>> No.2981375


'Twas a pun. Perdu means lost in French.

OP, since you're a science fag, can you tell me some good jokes about how all arts majors are lazy and will have shitty jobs?

>> No.2981378


Nope. Missouri S&T.

>> No.2981383

West Lafayette+Lafayette is not fantastic, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be... it's just your average little Indiana city on a river amidst corn/soybean fields. There are plenty of good food places, some decent bars near campus and two pretty good microbreweries in Lafayette. It's no Madison but it could be a lot worse.

Purdue's got a good engineering school though, so you'll probably be pleased.

>> No.2981384


No, but I can tell you the one about the science major who isn't lazy but will still get a shitty job.

>> No.2981463

Purdue has one of the best engineering programs in the world, ignore the stuck up private school faggots. If I were an engineer I would have applied there, the smartest guy I know did engineering at Purdue.

Expect classes that start out easy and get harder, and you'll be kind of on your own since you're in a big school. The EE degree (like most places) is kind of a bitch, so watch out what you're putting on your plate before you go after a second major, you may want to look at getting more involved in EE rather than taking on a second major, you'll have lots of opportunities there.

As for calculus, you're going to need all of that that they offer, a diff eq class, and probably linear algebra for EE. Have fun with it.

As has been mentioned, it is a town in the Indiana cornfields, but be glad you're not going to Rose-Hulman. It's 30-45 minutes to Indianapolis and an hour give or take to Chicago.