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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2979397 No.2979397 [Reply] [Original]

How can you believe in evolution if it's just a theory? (a guess?)

>> No.2979404
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>> No.2979409

You must be desperate if you had to reach that far down into the grab bag of trolls.

>> No.2979412

ITT: butthurt atheist

>> No.2979421

How can you believe your car is going to work tomorrow? Same principle.

>> No.2979425

>ITT: trolls

>> No.2979431
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so that's your convincing evidence for the existence of macro evolution?

>> No.2979432

Theory of evolution= Theory explaining how evolution works
Same thing with gravity
Gravity= Fact
Theory of gravity=Theory explaining how gravity works


>> No.2979442

How can you believe in gravity if it's just a theory?

>> No.2979445

>he didn't misspell guess

>> No.2979452

Because as of yet, it is the most proven and plausible theory which we know of. If another theory was to be formulated which would better explain the history and development of humans and organisms alike, then science would accept it as the more believable theory.

In other words, the theory of evolution has, as of yet, been the best theory which recounts how life has gotten to were we currently are.

>> No.2979457

what the fuck did you just try to write? Every line contradicts the preceding one. Good job retard.

>> No.2979458

the theory of gravity is the most plausible theory that has been developed as of yet. Therefore until a better theory is developed, it will remain as such.

>> No.2979459

So is gravity you fucking retard, I bet you believe in that.

>> No.2979468

Nope. I was just answering the OP's question as to how one can believe in what's essentially a (very well-supported) guestimation.
That's an explanation as to why one should believe in evolution.

>> No.2979469

This. Evolution isn't 100% fact, but it is the most plausible considering everything we know of already.

>> No.2979470

I can't wait for the day when people who believe like OP (not trolls, people that really believe it) are classed as slaves. They'll serve in the homes of the upper class scientific elite and be kept docile with benzodiazepines and a form of lobotomy. They'll bring us our tea when we explore the galaxy, not because the replicator doesn't work but because it's their place in life. We'll study the universe, life, and all their mysteries by day and settle into our comfortable homes at night. They'll serve us by day and settle into their slave quarters at night comforted by the fact that Snooki is still on Chattel 1, Television for slaves.

>> No.2979473

you can directly observe the effects of gravity. No one has ever demonstrated macro evolution to exist.

>> No.2979476

we don't.
don't believe in the theory of gravity either, that's why I can fly

>> No.2979483
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Really guys? Could it have been anymore obvious?

>> No.2979494

It is probably just trolls.
Then again, 45% of the US believes that the earth was created 7000 years ago.

>> No.2979497

the effects of macro evolution are evidence of animal species in the past that are different, but related to the ones we have today. We have observed fossils of species similar to, but not exactly the same as animals we have today. there is also evidence of genetic relations between dna sequences from different species. these effects would comparable to the apple falling or you being anchored to your chair in the analogy to gravity.

>> No.2979518

>Implying snooki wouldn't be by that time, under the control of the upper class, and spewing propaganda to keep the slaves in check.

>> No.2979521

People ignore fossils all fucking day long for whatever reason.

>> No.2979522

The effects ARE NOT comparable because in one case we can directly observe the relationship in controlled experiments while with macro evolution you rely entirely on loosely based correlational evidence to make causal statements. It's bad science.

>> No.2979524

See also the metro mosquito: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Underground_mosquito

>> No.2979550

Looking for the e. coli long term evolution experiment, anon?

>> No.2979562
File: 14 KB, 546x566, Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in science, a theory is not a guess. It's a geuss.

>> No.2979568

not really since it doesn't demonstrate any macroevoltion

>> No.2979574

Chattel 1, only the finest in slave programming. Purchase the Chattel 1 package for your slave quarters today and receive a free trial subscription to Lord & Master! Lord and Master offers only the finest religious programming for slaves; keeping them docile, content, and committed to serving their imaginary God by serving you.

Studies confirm that Chattel 1 is #1 not only by market numbers, but by the measurable decrease in brain activity seen among viewers! When used in combination with low-dose lorazepam and a low-protein diet, Chattel 1 is shown to decrease rebellious thoughts by 54% and rebellious actions by 72% when viewed regularly by slaves.

Add Chattel 1 programming to your slave compliance regime today!

>> No.2979577

You guys are fucking pathetic. You honestly get trolled this fucking easily?

>> No.2979578
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>> No.2979584

Nobody is getting trolled. Its a troll-off. You might be the most trolled person here for believing that.

>> No.2979591
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you sound like a virgin homosex.

>> No.2979607

You sound like a mad future slave. You mad bro?

>> No.2979617

where's the line between micro and macro evolution? intelligent people realize there isn't a line, there is only evolution, arrogant morons invented those terms because they think science has credibility due to using big words instead of the actual scientific method.

>> No.2979624
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confirmed for virgin status.

>> No.2979630

Everyone here is asssore and buttmolested. Pathetic roll bread.

>> No.2979658

Wish your slaves were better at household or vehicle maintenance but they just can't seem to learn how?
Try the Foundations Program!
With the Foundations Program, your slaves can learn everything from cooking to aircraft engine repair. Our unique program frames even the most basic scientific or engineering concepts in a mystical religious light, making it easier for simple-minded slaves to understand. Cultural pressure is also utilized. Your slaves will believe that only fags, infidels, or pussies allow the Master's needs to go unfulfilled. This ensures that the hardest working slaves are the most sexually popular. This extra conditioning is an excellent addition to any professional slave merchant or hobbyist breeder's proliferation program. (For added psychological and cultural conditioning, use Lord&Master Christian edition in-quarters programming)

>> No.2979689
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>> No.2979723

Well, for bacteria there really is no such thing as micro-or macroevolution because the concept of a species of bacteria is nebulous at best (and makes astrology looks respectable at worst)

Anyway, in case you need more tests, take a look here:
especialy point 5.7 in which a lab species that was isolated from the natural population for 20 years was shown to be incompatible with said population.

>> No.2979746

Voice box removal is a risky procedure that could damage or destroy otherwise useful property. Don't take chances, ensure that your veterinarian is Golden Silence (TM) certified!

The procedure is simple, effective, and comes with added cultural/social reinforcement. The slave feed for the day of the procedure is laced with high doses of zolpidem, the chosen slaves are taken away for surgery, and all will awaken to find their rebellious compatriots suddenly robbed of their speech. This only solidifies that the Master is God's chosen to enforce His will, and His will be done! Silencing rebellious slaves is very useful for both individual punishment and enforcing compliance among the general population. Try Golden Silence today!

>> No.2979783

Are you a fan of the Stirling's Draka books, by any chance?

>> No.2979834

Strangely, yes! However, I find the idea of slavery repulsive and know it's not only wrong but economically inefficient. On the other hand, it's fun to dream that creationists, global warming deniers, T-Vidiots, and other forms of mouth-breathers will all one day be slaves.

They weren't the best of books, kind of out there as far as technology and ignoring the realistic consequences that large-scale slave ownership would have on a modern industrialized economy. Sterling did make an admirable attempt to justify his changes in the appendices though. It was a fun exploration of an "anti-America" but far from what I'd call "good fiction".

>> No.2979847

Slavery is a bad idea.
It discourages technological progress.

>> No.2979865

>(a guess?)

"a geuss" you fucking moron. This picture is supposed to be posted together with "How can you believe in evolution if it's just a theory? (a geuss?)"!

>> No.2979868


Then explain the pyramids.

>> No.2979873

they weren't technological process - just pointless placing of one brick on top of another.

>> No.2979881

100% agreed with you. See >>2979834

But yeah, it's a great counter-troll if you're feeling vicious. It preys on the innate fear of all luddies... that they'll be left behind or disadvantaged as a result of their beliefs. Fundamentalists worldwide of every religion are feeling this. Their beliefs become more irrelevant by the day not only because of scientific advances but also due to cultural advances like secular government, church-state separation, etc. Not that it has anything to do with luddism or religion, but many have experienced what it is to know nothing about computers and get subsequently left behind as an understanding of the technology becomes more essential in everyday life.

In reality though, the entirety of the human race will be dragged kicking and screaming into the era of scientific reason... we're currently just hearing a lot of kicking and screaming.

>> No.2979883
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>> No.2979886

>How can you believe in evolution if it's just a theory? (a guess?)
>(a guess?)

sage for doing it wrong

>> No.2979887

Also not done by slaves so there is that.

>> No.2979890

The pyramids are just a hypothesis, and a bad one at that. You can't prove the pyramids.

Mummys 1
Ahthiests 0

>> No.2979895

Fuck I was sure it was written "a geuss" and it brought a smile to my face but then I refreshed /sci/ and saw your post and it made me cringe to see he fucked up that one.
There's no respect for anything.

>> No.2979922

Yup. Some of the pyramids (yes, even the ones at Giza) and other great monuments of Egypt (outside of Ramses II's Karnak) were really just monuments propped up by weak pharaohs to promote the image of a mighty kingdom among the people and bolster their own egos.

They're certainly engineering monuments and prove quite a bit about the ancient Egyptians' grasp of astronomy, though they weren't exactly essential to the process of understanding those concepts. Civilizations can make phenomenal engineers but very poor scientists. You can stretch a concept like the arch or a dome a pretty LONG way before you need more impressive mathematics and physics to construct something else. Similarly, for a modern-day example; the Burj Khalifa and Taipei 101 show we have an advanced understanding of physics, geology, and mathematics but the LHC and Jaguar supercomputer prove that we're good scientists and not just fantastic engineers.

>> No.2980416

also they weren't built by slaves

>> No.2980432

Clearly you have no idea what theory means in the scientific community. Theory isn't just a guess. It's not a hypothesis or something you just think up in the middle of the night. It's the highest level an idea can have after going through years of peer review and being backed by mountains of evidence (and don't give me that "it's not the law of evolution" bullshit because you clearly don't know what a law is then either) There's also a theory of gravity, and germ theory, and cell theory. Are those just theories too? Evolution is a fact. Deal with it.

>> No.2980469
File: 304 KB, 1200x948, laughingsluts2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the geuss guido

>> No.2980542

>she does't know about my copypasta