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2978593 No.2978593 [Reply] [Original]

What separates us from the animals?

>> No.2978599



>> No.2978601


>> No.2978606


Apes and birds use weaspons

>> No.2978608


>> No.2978612

>mfw humans are animals: smuggeorgetakei.jpg
confirmed for troll thread

>> No.2978614


Ants have cages

>> No.2978616

yeah ok but we usually win.

>> No.2978619



>> No.2978633

razor wire, usually.

>> No.2978637
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that's what separates us.

>> No.2978644


Spiders have razor wire

>> No.2978657

teaching and learning.


>> No.2978662


Apes do that

>> No.2978663


/thread [this time im serious]

>> No.2978668

Not en masse.

>> No.2978670

Animals teach their offspring how to hunt and care for young

>> No.2978672


define techlology.

>> No.2978675


>> No.2978680
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Our tremendous intelligence.

>> No.2978686
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Oh hey guys, just building a dam over here that I use to create my underwater yard.

>> No.2978690



Read that.

>> No.2978698


But a written language makes us exceptional among animals.

>> No.2978699


>> No.2978708

Exactly we're not different. We're remarkable.

>> No.2978714

Indeed so. To keep us out of their Country Clubs.

>> No.2978715

It's not a trait as much as a degree in which several traits are presented. Two examples:
The degree of self-consciousness.
The degree in which we adapt our environment to us, rather than adapting to it.

>> No.2978721


apes are self aware at the same age as humans.

>> No.2978722

It's not over until the fireants say it's over.

>> No.2978730


>>What separates us from the animals?

the back seat...

>> No.2978733


>>What separates us from the animals?


>> No.2978740


>>What separates us from the animals?

thinly veiled contempt?

>> No.2978742

Our behavior.
If we define instinct as biologically determined behavior and learning as behavior determined by experience, then we are the only animals in which our learning capacity is such that the instinct is superseded. The relation between one and the other is effectively inverted.

>> No.2978749

we merit a high degree of moral consideration and have advanced consciousness.

>> No.2978752


>>What separates us from the animals?

the smell of our farts?

>> No.2978753


> advanced consciousness


>> No.2978755

Not a matter of age.
Humans are capable of conceptualizing to a much higher degree, and that all ultimately comes from the most basic form of consciousness: the I and the other.
We're capable of objectifying (If we understand object as opposed to subject) everything, even what we can't see, even what has no physical presence whatsoever (like the concept of concept).

>> No.2978767


>Humans are capable of conceptualizing to a much higher degree

Citation needed. consciousness is a mental process of independent systems communicating.

>> No.2978793

Again. Degree. The mere fact that humans are capable of creating abstract concepts like mathematics, philosophy, or conceptual relationships like written language, learned language (as opposed to instinctual) and the fact that we're having this mere conversation makes pretty apparent that we have a higher capacity to create abstract relations and concepts.

>> No.2978822
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Last time I checked, humans were still listed in the ANIMAL KINGDOM.

Humans are animals, simply more intelligent and self aware.

>> No.2978825


>> No.2978830


The animals use the 'wind mill' type of technology. I don't mean actual wind mills. the animals draw upon nature (environment) to build their society. By contrast, humans have established the 'power plant' idea - not simply living off the environment but mastering it and storing energy rather than just using it

>> No.2978866

>leafcutter ants deliberately farm, tend, and harvest fungus to feed their colony

>> No.2978892


Lots of animals fight over territory and breeding rights.
We simply inherited war

>> No.2978899
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Apart from humans, is there any other animal that risks altering the conditions that permitted the emergence of their existence in the first place? (and I don't mean humans altering the environment and making creatures extinct)

>> No.2978916

The problem with people that are giving concepts and examples that continue to be roundly rejected as unique is that they're working with OPs fallacious assumption that we are, indeed, separate from animals.

>> No.2978923

Yeah, but they can do anything beyond that because the farming is basically programmed into them and not a product of intelligence.

>> No.2978941

black people

>> No.2978942

depends on the definition
Maybe nothing, maybe everything.

>> No.2978963

I'm the anon that mentioned the stuff about technology and teaching and learning. But I also wrote >>2978708
It's not that these things are exclusive characteristics to humans, it's the way we utilise them that makes us stand out, I suppose. We stand out not because we're distinct from the rest of the universe but because we're like a peculiar stage in its progression (or just 'occurrence') - in much the same way the convergence of helium and hydrogen to create stars is remarkable.

In fact, I think one of the sources I linked says that, if you were to push for a 'difference' between us and the animals it's that we are able to simplify things into these distinctions

>> No.2978966

Some animals are intelligent, some can communicate, some use tools, we're the only animal that does all 3 and we're the best at all 3.

>> No.2978974
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our level of consciousness.

>> No.2978976

Putting aside the semantic question of animal and humans, here is a list of what led a huge gap between the homo sapiens and the other animals:
-Mastery of fire
-Mastery of rock

>> No.2978978

here's the quote for that last part:

"Modern scientific observers, replace a complexity of shifting, often fuzzy, and continuous behaviours, relationships and meanings with a complicated array of simple, symbolic, clear cut items."

That's why those academics state that we animals live in a complex society, while we live in a complicated society.

>> No.2978979

There is nothing humans do that seems to be uniquely human, invented by us from whole cloth. We see the same kind of behaviors, developed to a greater or lesser degree, in many animals. But we do take a set of cognitive tools seen elsewhere in the animal kingdom, and really go wild with them.

Some animals communicate, we spend our whole lives exchanging useful or useless information, filtering it for content, passing it on, mulling it over, we can even use language to hack other humans, simply convincing them to go against their best interests for the sake of our best interests, or OUR best interests in the abstract sense.

Some animals use tools, while we use tools to make tools, we use these tools to make better tools, we observe the qualities of tools and just imagine how they could be better, and then implement these changes with yet another set of tools.

Some animals live communally, we can live in abstract communities made up of more people than we will ever meet and know, based on abstract concepts, maintain a close relationship with hundreds of individuals, and through overlapping networks of these form whole societies.

Some animals can plan for future events, we can plan years, decades, even centuries ahead, and we can remember pasts in order to analyse these events to find useful information about how and why they happened as they did.

>> No.2979013

So, while we dont have any unique trait, we have unique trait of begin best at everything.

.. deep man.

>> No.2979026

We seperate ourselves from animals by doing stuph simply to prove we can do it.
Mankind sucks.

>> No.2979038

>What separates us from the animals?

It doesn't work in America, but it does where I live (France).

The answer is obviously the Mediterranean Sea.

>> No.2979044

This is seemingly right, although I differ on one aspect. To say that some behaviour, like talking, is the extent of animals communicating is an assumption, or so I say. Language is a type of communication, but it is not the extent of every type of communication.

But I agree that the cognitive assets is somewhat unique to humans.

>> No.2979062

ITT we underrate Delphinidae

>> No.2979092

>why bother with brain
more good stuff

>> No.2979097

Yeah Dolphins are smart. The more pertinent question is why can't you just say 'Dolphin' you pretentious prick.

>> No.2979104

wow everyone, look at the edgy hipster , we've sure been shocked out of our shells, we need more movies like american beauty, fight club and avatar to educate the public about how humans are shit because everyone is a corporate drone and these ideas are not mainstream at all

>> No.2979105

For a serious answer.
It's of course language.

>> No.2979125

Understanding of evolution.

>> No.2979127

to include the orcas, obviously you ffuckhead

>> No.2979132

The ability to contemplate God and our relationship to Him.

>> No.2979135

cetaceans secretly have a super-technological civilization. Don't believe me? How many ships do we still lose under 'mysterious' circumstances.

>> No.2979139

Why do you insist on being a heathen? Just accept Dawkins as your savior.

>> No.2979156

Perhaps the emphasis on culture? Other animals have language, technology, etc.

>> No.2979173

Animals (other than humans) don't have language. Language uses symbols, requires the comprehension of past and futur, requires a structure of the said symbols only to name a few.

>> No.2979179

Nothing empirical. Philosophically though:
-abstract reasoning ability
The combination of these things is why humans have come to control the planet to the degree they do. And the reason they're the only species to leave the atmosphere and survive.

>> No.2979194

Yes they have it
Culture is the thing we have that is special.
Also we are little better at language and stuff like that.
Only because we have achieved the critical mass of abilities to achieve culture we are so great.

>> No.2979208

delphinidae, chimps, european magpies, and elephants i would say haev the ability to analyze past and future

whales and magpies live in sophisticated societies, including trading for services and forming alliances

>> No.2979213

>Culture is the thing we have that is special.

Other animals have culture. Just not as much.

>> No.2979231
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mfw sea animals will form the next Athens when humanity annihilates itself

>> No.2979232
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As far as I know, there are no other living beings that pretend "special" metal/paper is worth something, and then structure their whole lives around the special metal/paper.

>> No.2979233

No, animals don't have language, and language is part of what we call culture. Culture is everything that is learned, transmitted, produced and created. Some apes break nuts with rocks, and they show their children how to do it and the children observes them. So, therefore, culture is to vast to say that it is specific to homo sapiens.

But I agree on the fact that culture is an important part of the human race and that the sum of what complexified it (i.e. agriculture, language, writing, mastery of fire, mastery of rock and bipedia) is an important factor in the distinction between homo sapiens and other animals

>> No.2979240

The capacity for critical thinking

>> No.2979244

the abstract thing yo

>> No.2979247

Well no other animals have fabric woven from fibers natural or synthetic to cover their bodies.

Doesn't make it the one thing that separates us.

>> No.2979254

One of the main problem encountered when trying to give a distinction between homo sapiens (humans) and the other animals is these three things:
1- give a definition of what is the human (for me, it's the homo sapiens sapiens)
2- give a definition of what we mean by difference (for me, it's what brought an important distinction between humans and other animals)
3- find the differences

>> No.2979265

They all live in complex societies, we live in a complicated society. Scroll up for more

>> No.2979267
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>> No.2979271
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What I meant to say is that you never see a monkey or dolphin using a rare or special type of inanimate item as a medium of trade as far as I am aware. This differentiates humans and all other life. WE EVOLVED MONEY.

>> No.2979274

Thats symbolism. it's the difference between complex and complicated societies. See: >>2978978

>> No.2979276

You stick to much on one aspect of human societies. No other animals have electric wiring cables to communicate long distance, nor do other animals sign leases with landlords.

>> No.2979289
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Humans are the only species to intentionally have sex with other animals and inanimate objects.

>> No.2979293

>implying my turtle won't hump a shoe

>> No.2979296

lmfao this guy doesn't know about the sexual extravagance of bonobos and dolphins

>> No.2979298

Tell that to orcas and crows.
They have their own language that differ from one group to another and is transmitted.
If you want to argue about the level of complexity well let's just say that if you punch a crow and he survive, every crow of your region will know your face in 2 year top.

>> No.2979299

>implying a dog has never tried to hump your leg

>> No.2979313

God is a geneticist. he made the embryological recipe for self organising, self replicating life.

>> No.2979319

No other animals post pictures of felines on imageboards.

>> No.2979333

the only animal posting cats on 4chan is fucking cats!!! no human would degrade their species like this!

>> No.2979339

and how, pray tell, does such a venture contribute to our reproductive fitness?

>> No.2979348

When the feline overlords return, those who post lolcats will survive the longest

>> No.2979366

Knowing we will die.

>> No.2979368

I didn't say that animals don't communicate to a high level, read carefully. I say that they don't have language. Language by definition requires symbolism (so abstract thought), speech and some linguistic structure.

For you crows, it's awesome, I didn't know that. Though it doesn't change anything. Some primates wage "war" against other tribes, does that mean they have language? Nope, but they sure have a high level of communication.

Captcha: everyone; onextes

>> No.2979398

Our ability to construct abstract categories is what marks us out from the animal world. we're still animals, but a distinct threshold in the continuation of life!

>> No.2979420

We've had the luck to get every good improvement in one package, that is all, nothing special.

>> No.2979428

>every good improvement in one package
>nothing special

pick one.
your train of thought does not add up.

>> No.2979429

Nothing of importance.

>> No.2979441

the difference is subjectivity.

You are human. You are not anything else. Thats what make what you are (human) different from everything else!

>> No.2979446

Motherfucking dolphin rape caves.

>> No.2979455

Gorillas have sign language in the wild and they have complex human taught sign language in captivity.

Look up Koko as an example of one in captivity, who was given a pet cat to care for, and when the pet cat left and got hit by a car, Koko wanted to know where the cat was and cried for days on learning that her pet cat had died (via sign language).

>> No.2979463

Humpback whales make loud sounds separated into parts that are quite readily identifiable as words.

Octopuses flash patterns on their skin in the presence of other octopuses in a consistent and documentable manner.

Neither is understood to the extent that they could be definitively determined to be or not to be a language.

>> No.2979467

Also, the difference is complexity.

The universe goes (in spit of entropy) from simplicity to complexity. Simplicity being the orgin of the universe, complexity being everything that exists today. So that's all animals. We are all the same. Except we have the ability to return to simplicity.

See: >>2978978

>> No.2979472

We can sage threads!

>> No.2979478

simple, symbolic and clear cut items - thats what you are!

shifting, often fuzzy, and continuous behaviours, relationships and meanings are what the animals are!

anti bump
