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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2976141 No.2976141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Agnostics 1, everybody else 0

>> No.2976153

Science is a waste of time because you can never figure out everything

Theists - 1

>> No.2976152

Worthless troll thread.

250 posts and 45 image replies

>> No.2976155

Atheism isn't about proving or disproving it, stupid troll, it's about the lack of evidence.
Atheists 1, ignorant agnostics 0

>> No.2976159

Agnostics think the God concept is legitimate and coherent and warrants the possibility of existence or non-existence. In fact the God concept is utterly incoherent, to say we can't prove its existence one way or the other is to give it more credit than it deserves.

God is gibberish, it neither exists nor does not exist.

Agnostics: 0
Atheists: 0

all of you are fucken retarded and have no idea what sort of language game you are playing.

>> No.2976160

I have evidence that there is no magical gift giving Santa Claus. I have evidence that there are no tooth fairies in the fairy tale sense. And I have evidence of the same kind that there is no god who regularly interferes in human affairs to answer prayers. Thus, the evidence is clearly against an interfering god. Thus anyone who has a positive belief in a god is ignorant or deluded.

>> No.2976161

arguing over religion is a waste of time because it's a fucking science and math boards you motherfuckers

>> No.2976162

Agnostic atheist reporting in

>> No.2976165


science can critize religion and anything

>> No.2976170

Atheism: I believe there's no god
Theism: I believe there is a god

>> No.2976176

agnostic atheism --> I don't know if there is god but I don't believe there is any god

>> No.2976179


>Let's all be certain of something we cannot be certain of.

>> No.2976186

But everyone is by default agnostic about everything, you don't have certainty of anything, you have no knowledge of anything let alone God...

saying you are agnostic towards God is redundant, every theist and atheist is agnostic (only the insane and stupid convince themselves they have Knowledge of God)

so ya....the question still is, are you atheist or theist..cuz everyone is agnostic

>> No.2976191

Please stop repeating this 4 quandrant shit. That's not what the words mean. You are misusing them.

>> No.2976205
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>> No.2976212


And that's why God came to us in the flesh, as the lord and savior Jesus Christ, so that we could understand Him and find Him.

I pray that you find him.

>> No.2976220
File: 16 KB, 380x300, no alan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking religion as anything but overwrought metaphors meant to teach people valuable life lessons
11/10 amazing troll. Would rage again, humanity.

>> No.2976225

By definition, apatheism is the only educated choice.

>> No.2976226

Apatheists:whatever, eveerybody else: who cares

>> No.2976229
File: 277 KB, 1266x1926, JesusPortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did!

<------------------------ Here he is!

>> No.2976235


fuck son, you beat me to it

>> No.2976242


Good. Now confess your sins to him and declare him your lord. You will be granted eternal life and will receive the holy spirit.

>> No.2976240

Most agnostics are hipsters who think it's a valid third option.

>> No.2976255
File: 78 KB, 725x599, 725px-Tuxedo_kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am a cat.

>> No.2976261

God is easily proven through eyewitness accounts. When there is no scientific evidence for or against the existence of deity all you have left is eyewitness accounts which tips the balance in favor of belief in God.

I find atheists to be completely stupid. They claim lack of evidence as a reason to disbelieve in God but there IS evidence, if only a little; they simply choose not to believe it in order to keep their faith in a godless universe intact.

>> No.2976262

I miss when agnosticism just meant you aren't decided, or you don't think much of it, instead of an actual position and philosophy.

>> No.2976265

There are scores of gods and religions, all of which may be correct. So you can't side with one over the other because you don't know.

>> No.2976266

But eye witness testimonies are mostly just anecdotal evidence.

>> No.2976267
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God came to you too. Cat shall not live whiskas alone, but by ever word with cometh from the mouth of God.

>> No.2976275


>> No.2976276

>arguing over religion is a waste of time
Everyone: 1
good solution, stop arguging then

>> No.2976278


But they'll tell you those claims are invalid because James Randi didn't see it.

>> No.2976284


Sorry for the typos. It's hard to type without thumbs. I'm a cat too.

>> No.2976290
File: 23 KB, 450x337, hissingcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a cat too.

>> No.2976296


a- means without
gnostic - knowledge of god

everyone is without knowledge of God

a- means without
theism - means belief in God

atheists are without belief in God

the words speak for themselves, no one has knowledge of God, there are no gnostics (except the insane)....

agnostic is the default...the question is What do you BELIEVE? no one gives a shit what you think you "know" because you know nothing--stop deluding yourself

give reasons as to why you believe or disbelieve in God

all agnostics are atheists, none belief in God, none have knowledge of God.

>> No.2976298


Atheism implies the active rejection of and hostility to religion. Agnosticism does not.

>> No.2976301

Ignosticism - 1

>> No.2976310

>conflates etymology with definition.

>> No.2976316
File: 163 KB, 913x843, 1294520559069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most radical atheists are teenagers and/or american. When you're a teenager you love to think you disproved God in 5 sentences written on your blog, and when you're american, you are surrounded by religious idiots, so you become radical in opposition.

French atheist agnostic here.

Also, sage.

>> No.2976324

So... agnostics *don't* argue about religion?

>> No.2976328

agnostic isn't a real position though

you can not prove or disprove anything, except tautologies...math.

being an agnostic towards God is irrelephant. it means nothing, it isn't a valid way to reject theism or atheism.

If humans were able to prove or disprove things, and acquire certainty, then maybe agnosticism had a case...but they can't--so it doesn't have a case

>> No.2976331

It's like argueing on what's inside a box without opening it.

>> No.2976333

Agnostics think the God concept is legitimate and coherent and warrants the possibility of existence or non-existence. In fact the God concept is utterly incoherent, to say we can't prove its existence one way or the other is to give it more credit than it deserves.

God is gibberish, it neither exists nor does not exist.

Agnostics: 0
Atheists: 0

>> No.2976338
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>I think most radical atheists are teenagers and/or american.
Yeah, I, too, think a lot of stupid shit based on nothing but anecdotes, personal bias and self-righteousness.