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2972212 No.2972212 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit /sci/

i took adderall for the first time [only 15mg] and it's amazing how much more you can concentrate.

Why is this stuff not freely available? It makes everyone more productive, from the person suffering from terrible ADHD to Paul Erdos.

>> No.2972227

for those who don't know, paul erdos (if you dont' know who erdos is get the fuck out of /sci/) used amphetamines for almost 2 1/2 decades.

Ron Graham bet him 500$ that he couldn't stop for a month.

Erdos won the bet but said "Mathetmatics has been set back one month" and "Before, when I looked at a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper."

>> No.2972254

add medications are pretty much low doses of speed...government wouldnt be happy if citizens could freely walk into a store and buy speed

>> No.2972268

I have mixed feelings about the whole "brave new world" direction our society is headed.

For one, yeah, stuff will be hella fun and a lot easier with drugs.

On the other, we're losing our common humanity and our ability to deal with problems independently.

I don't know.

>> No.2972283

I suppose the long term side effects could be cause for worry, along with psychological dependence

However the many of the same arguments could be made about caffeine.

>> No.2972293

it could be regulated much the same way that psuedophedrine is regulated.

i suppose this would make a lot of people buy it and resell it though..

>> No.2972295

It's pretty easy to pay a psychiatrist $100 every couple months to get a prescription for your choice of mildly controlled stimulant. "Trouble concentrating" or "sleepiness at random times of day" are great conditions to claim, and you probably wouldn't even by lying!

>> No.2972308

I am really thinking of doing this, however I have a great relationship with my GP and i could be honest and say 'i waste a ton of time online and while my grades are great, i still feel like i am wasting potential' and i have a feeling he'd give me the same dose.

Don't you run into problems if you have multiple doctors writing prescriptions or does it not matter? I don't know how centralized your "charts' are

>> No.2972363

boo hoo, go live in a mudhut with all the other niggers and hippies if you're afraid of change

>> No.2972368

It doesn't matter as long as you can answer accurately any time you're asked what prescriptions you're already taking--all my doctors (well, all two of them) ask frequently though it's a good idea to also look at drug interactions yourself.

Drug interaction is one of the primary topics of all those studies pharm companies do on drugs though, and popular stimulants have a VAST body of data. Your only concern would be cutting edge treatments that haven't been thoroughly explored.

>> No.2972390

Wow, badly edited post is bad.

Still, it gets my point across: it's only a mild concern. If you're super worried about being treated unconscious in the ER, you could carry a little card that says "I'm on meds X, Y, and Z, please don't give me anything that will kill my brain."

>> No.2972420

But do they really check your wallet or whatever before they treat you?

I think that's a really good idea actually

>> No.2972501

Not before lifesaving care, but I'm pretty sure they go in there for insurance information.

>> No.2972546


paul erdos took ritalin? fucken doubt it

>> No.2972552

where can you get this stuff reliably online? i know research companies that sell all sorts of bodybuilding related products...but none sell ritalin

>> No.2972575

Amphetamines are neurotoxic.

>> No.2972581

I'm pretty sure that to buy it legally, you need a prescription. Go lie to a doctor or something.

>> No.2972603

So is coffee, alcohol, anti-depressants, and blood pressure medication. Neurotoxins are everywhere.

>> No.2972607


how do I lie to a doctor? im in my 20s, if I had ADHD wouldn't I have noticed it earlier...seems kind of futile to pretend i have it now

>> No.2972608

Adderall is a mix of 3/4 dextro- and 1/4 levoamphetamine. Erdos was on amphetamine for much of his adult life. Believe it.

>> No.2972624

Say that you fall asleep at random times throughout the day, and suddenly feel incredibly tired for no reason. Adderall is also used to treat narcolepsy.

>> No.2972626

Plenty of psychological conditions don't show up until you're an adult.

I don't know, do some research.

>> No.2972627

go to a psych and get it from them. if they say no, no loss. your primary doctor never knows.

otherwise if you go to your doc just prove that you need it, you dont nessiciarly have to have ADHD just that your lack of concentration is harming you in some way [low grades, can't concentrate at work, etc]

>> No.2972629

It's FDA schedule much more strictly than bodybuilding stuff. If you have trouble concentrating that's interfering with work or school, just tell that to your doctor and he'll prescribe it. At least mine did.

>> No.2972642

Be aware that while Adderall will make you really focus in, but it might make you focus in on a game or a math problem unrelated to your schoolwork, or something like that.

>> No.2972644

yeah it's pretty easy to get ahold of

>> No.2972648

ya but that's why you read this:

and learn how to take it effectively.

>> No.2972669

You don't need them.

>> No.2972691

because it deosn't unless you have a mental condition

>> No.2972701

everything you do in life has consequences. Tampering with your brain with drugs will have consequences.

>> No.2972706

holy shit someone write this down its genius

>> No.2972733

People who use the word need are generally retarded
-Thomas Jefferson

>> No.2972737

Well, you kids make it sound like "huzzah, I just pop these happy pills and I'm gonna be successfull all my life".
That's not how it works. You will have to pay for it sometime.

>> No.2972797

I considered them in the past, but decided against.

Instant increased focus and concentration seem great and all, but is it really that beneficial in the long run?
I can imagine that if you went through university relying on adderall it would become a big part of your life and even afterwards you would turn to it if you ever had to do anything that required a lot of concentration and focus.
This would not doubt cost you a lot financially not to mention the toll on your health.

Wouldn't it be better to just train yourself to focus rather than relying on artificial stimulants?

Are you people really so lazy as to go straight to drugs without even considering hard work, patience and diligence over an extended period of time?

You all reference Erdős, "he took amphetamines for 25 years!" but you are failing to recognise that he was 68 years old when he started so he thought he had nothing to lose.

I find it sad that you guys, mostly in your 20s are turning to study drugs without really considering other options and I sincerely hope that you do not come to regret it in the future.

>> No.2972805

Because it's very addictive and can be made into methamphetamine as it's mainly made up of amphetamines.

>> No.2972818

>Are you people really so lazy as to go straight to drugs without even considering hard work, patience and diligence over an extended period of time?

why do ppl associate laziness with supplements/enhancers? they say the same about bodybuilders who use steroids but in fact those guys work harder than anyone else. They give you greater recovery time which means you can increase your work-frequency, some guys workout 2x a day...you can't do that naturally and make gains

with ritalin you can study longer and focus more, so it allows you to work harder

>> No.2972822

Weaker amphetamines are OK if you have an exam you're unprepared for or a deadline for a weighty paper coming up. I'd use them for such purposes, but never to continually make my way through academia/life afterward.

>> No.2972840

>You will have to pay for it sometime.
assertion, if you use adderall responsibly it will almost certainly have a positive effect on your life.

>> No.2972856

I wouldn't say that you can make much of an analogy between adderall and steroids.
Steroids actually improve your body's ability to build muscle mass as well as allowing you to train harder, there's no evidence that adderall makes you any more intelligent or that you remember more - it's simply focus.

Studying isn't like weightlifting, there's no limit to how much you can study.
If you wanted to you could study from dawn till dusk without any performance enhancers whatsoever (I have done this before), but there IS an actual physical limit to how much you can work out.

You claim that it helps you focus, but so does having a healthy diet and a rigorous exercise routine.
It's not difficult to gain more focus, you just have to practice.
A few years ago I couldn't concentrate very well on studying, but after setting myself various challenges it became second nature.
Put me against anyone on adderall and I bet I can study just as much, if not more with the same amount of comprehension.

>> No.2972859

"There's no such thing as a free lunch, but there is a net-positive lunch."

>> No.2972864

look at this faggot, thinks he's smarter than Paul Erdos

how many mathematics papers have you had published

>> No.2972868

>impyling that Erdős didn't produce thousands of papers before he even tried amphetamines

>> No.2973039

no way of getting adderall in the uk, it sucks.

>> No.2973134

same for here in thailand..
in fact would be executed if caught, so not worth it to try.

>> No.2973147

drugs are bad unless they're the ones that the government says we can use

>> No.2973161


>> No.2973175

I don't know who erdos is. I'm not leaving /sci/

>> No.2973192

LOL at people who use Adderal

Have fun having fucked up dicks and sperm count

>> No.2973300

lol I use caffeine to get the same results for 1% of the cost. jelly bros gonna jelly

>> No.2973404

>implying caffiene has anywhere near the psychoactive effects of amphetamines

>> No.2973446

But adderall will also make you a virgin forever.

>> No.2973456

i'm kind of jelly caffeine works for you. nothing seems to happen when i drink it.

>> No.2973479

I've used it before.
I generally only take it once in a blue moon, when something very important is due and I need to get it done. Or when I need to concentrate extremely on something.
Other than that, don't do it. If you do it everyday, you run the chance of getting addicted, fucking up your organs (including your brain), not getting the same effect out of it as you used to, and possibly getting caught if you are doing it illegally.

>> No.2973483


Can't tell if troll or just a simpleton.

sturile Cochinch

>> No.2973491

you pay more for coffee than i do for adderall. Canada has free health care (don't have to pay a doc to get a prescription) and the pills are covered under my health insurance.

>> No.2973499
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>> No.2973510

Aren't nootropics better? Considering they give you no side-effects..
Have you tried them?

>> No.2973511

You can order legal stimulants online and not have to worry about jumping through all those hoops. Ethcathinone, dimethocaine, etc. Just browse 420chan, bluelight.ru, and other forums of this sort. Flephedrone was fucking god tier but now it's banned in my state. That's the one thing that pisses me off about America (okay not the only thing but one of the biggest) is that laws get passed with zero research behind them i.e. JWH-018. France does it right.

I would like to have a steady prescription covered by my insurance but having diagnoses eliminates eligibility from many government agencies foreign and domestic that are very appealing to me.

>> No.2973537

Why would Adderall make you a virgin? Seems like it would increase your chances of getting laid. What if you're not a virgin and start taking it?

>> No.2973547


Some are but they often take a long time to take effect compared to stimulants. It's like taking fish oil, you won't notice shit for weeks. Stimulants are like a 200% acute boost whereas nootropics are a 140% boost over a long period of time, but the upside is that nootropics are completely safe. Also nootropics don't affect the CNS which is a major part of the appeal of stimulants.

>> No.2973563
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Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

>> No.2973577


Stim abuse causes stim dick. It's very difficult to maintain an erection and even harder to cum but it feels sooooo fucking good. Using Adderal like it should be used shouldn't have a noticeable effect but I wouldn't be surprised if ED runs higher in Adderal users.

>> No.2973578


Dude what. Sure they aren't immediate but they don't take weeks either, what drugs are you referring to?
Also why aren't they free to take, goddammit. They don't even have side-effects!

>> No.2973611


I took piracetam from iherb.com so it was legit, daily for 3 months and had little change (don't mistake this for no change). As for price, well you can thank big pharm and their drones in the Democratic party for that.

*before that turns into a shitstorm, all I'm saying is big pharm is to Dems as big oil is to Reps. Just look at Joe Biden. All of Congress should be publicly flogged and shot.

>> No.2973613

won't you run the big risk of getting busted buying pharmaceuticals online?
from what i heard drugs like piracetram [the biggest one] can take 3-4 weeks

>> No.2973627

adderall is available as a generic now that it's not patented right? should be pretty cheap

>> No.2973635

As far as ADD goes, I can testify that it does exist. I noticed in college i was having a really hard time studying.

I was hesitant to go running to a doctor asking for pills. I didn't want to be dependent on a pill in order to get through school. I tried everything I could find to help me study. I maintained a healthy diet and exercise routine, I studied in the library in one of those booths with nothing but the notes and textbook. I tried with and without music, I browsed help forums and everything looking for an answer that would work for me.

Then I flunked out of my first year of college. I got the dean's vacation so I had to wait at least a year to go back. I ended up going to work for 2 years, and on the job I noticed I was still having trouble with focus. I would jump from one task to another.

Then I decided to go back to college, I figured I had more motivation to pass since I was working at a shitty job that I didn't want for the rest of my life. After a month and half midterms came around, and I failed almost all of them despite having countless hours studying for each of them.

Finally I gave in and went to a doctor. It was painless, I just described my symptoms and had a conversation with the doctor about ADD, I walked out with a prescription for adderall.

I felt the effects within an hour of taking them. My head felt a bit heavier and whatever I was looking at or reading just became more focused. My thoughts slowed down and there was less "noise" in my head. When I sat down to study, I could spend hours reading and I was much, much more productive in general.

I got A's and B's on all my finals, despite failing the midterms.

As for long-term side effects and such. I'm not worried, the quality of my life is much-improved and there is no substantial evidence of it fucking your life over in the long run.

tl;dr: Adderall actually does help people who legitimately need it.

>> No.2973641

>As for price

I was referring to the fact that you need prescriptions, actually.
Also I thought they had immediate effects, like modafinil I think works this way..
What changes did you perceive? Was the dose high or normal?

>> No.2973649

who cares about their dick when they are getting A+?

captcha: leibniz' powert

>> No.2973683


No you can't. They're unregulated substances, not prescriptions. They are grey area drugs though meaning the DEA isn't going to raid your house but if you're caught by police railing a line of white powder i.e. dimethocaine in public, enjoy your free night in jail. You most likely won't be convicted because analog laws are very vague but there is a risk. Rephrase: There is no risk if you don't behave like an idiot and keep that shit to yourself.


Lol no it's Schedule 2 or 3 in the US.


Modafinil is scrip yes but most aren't and take time to take hold. I honestly dont know if it was the pills or just a placebo effect but I did notice my ability to focus was better; my mind didn't wander nearly as much especially when reading.

>> No.2973686

I use ~50mg armodafinil a few times a week; it kicks in 20-30 minutes after ingestion.

"A fist is always big enough."

>> No.2973718


Okay so where do I get these? Google turns up a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.2973736

I honestly feel like I have ADD, but not a strong case of it.

I find it hard to study, I end up day dreaming or zoning out.
I can't consistently study, I study once a week, then procrastinate the rest. I feel really sleepy during class. I lose motivation quickly.

I find it hard to read novels I once really liked....my reading speed also seems to have slowed down.

Is this ADD?

>> No.2973739

Red Bull is teh best for concentration

>> No.2973741



Just READ READ READ EVERYTHING you can about these substances before trying any of them. Erowid, bluelight, etc. and you can find sources on Google once you know specific things to search for.

Also run all sources through safeorscam.org before ordering to check their legitimacy.

>> No.2973758


Perhaps, most docs would give you a prescription with those "symptoms." Stimulants WILL help that but do be cautious getting that diagnosis as some jobs will no longer be available to you i.e. military, law enforcement including the AFT, USFS, and DIA, or anything athletic.

>> No.2973767
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>pic related

>> No.2973768


Ok since you seem knowledgeable, do you know of any good nootropics that are still legal and I can get without precriptions?

>> No.2973804
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>ITT: People who don't take Modafinil, the lesser side effect and clean focus alternative.

>> No.2973810

Be careful and do not overdose on it adderall. I did once. I only had around 100-150mg of the XR. I figured it would be fun since its just amphetamines, and people doing meth and shit on the streets take WAY more.

I was extremely jittery, couldn't eat, and had an extremely hard time sleeping(of course) I was getting audio hallucinations, and a 'feeling of impending doom'. When I actally did manage to get sleep, I couldn't tell if I was awake or dreaming, it was really fucked up.

Two days later I still had trouble eating and sleeping and then I had a seizure in one of my classes. Not good.

Of course this is coming from someone who's never used anything other than weed.

>> No.2973811


They're really not my specialty and I don't want to bullshit you. Ask 420chan's /other/, bookmark your thread and come back the next day. It's a slow board, someone else may have already asked, just dig through their threads.

And don't say you're from here or you'll most likely get banned.

>> No.2973821

Dont really want to post this, but my brain has felt 'disconnected' for the past few years. It feels blank, somewhat like nothing is there and memorization seems somewhat difficult. Also there does not seem to be a free flow of ideas like there used to be.

Anyone know whats up? thanks

>> No.2973835

Yeah, it rotted your brain.

>> No.2973843


I actually did once but they weren't of much help, I'll try again.


So, are you gonna share how you got your hands on it?

>> No.2973849


Heh I once railed a godly line of dimethocaine, about 3/4 length of a forearm. An hour later I looked like I had micropenis and started pissing what essentially looked like sinus drip, and holy fuck did my prostate hurt, all the while I'm tweaking my ass off freaking the fuck out. I'm not sure if the prostate issue was related but this is the risk of abusing research chems.

Handle with care, gentlemen.

>> No.2973856

Say you have narcolepsy or buy it online.

>> No.2973865

it won't last ;)

>> No.2973869

Thing is I never took adderall or anything like that. I just woke up one morning and it was like that, and then a few months later it seemed to get worse.

Just posting this cause it seems somewhat related though.

>> No.2973879


I'd personally recommend you start taking Omega 3. Krill oil is best but stinkiest, fish is in between, then flax is weakest but no taste/smell. There's no reason any of you all shouldn't be taking this anyway.

>> No.2973937


Buying it online without prescription is illegal I think..
Also, narcolepsy is a bit heavy isn't it? Isn't there some less serious reason?

>> No.2973943

Yup I have started taking an Omega supplement with Omega 3,6, and 9. Hopefully that will help along with a multivitamin. Thanks

>> No.2973981


Buying prescriptions online is far from impossible. Scheduled substances are significantly more difficult but RxOnly substances are easy. It will be sent via USPS which if it's a small package, won't be checked and even if it is, all that happens is Customs seizes the package then sends a letter notifying you of this. Your money will have been wasted but there is no penalty for this unless you're a repeat offender or ordering a fuckton of pills in which you'll be charged with intent to sell, but this would require ordering over a kilogram of supplies. The odds are strongly in your favor, >95% chance you'll get your package. It all depends on the country and size. Canadian and European packages are never checked. Packages from Pakistan, Yemen, etc always are. Just use your head. Also check steroid websites. They generally have hormones and nootropics.

>> No.2974018


You should make sure your particular fish oil has EPA and DHA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid), It's a specific Omega 3 I believe. A high quality supplement will have roughly 400-500 mg of each per dose (not necessarily per pill).

>> No.2974060

>My thoughts slowed down and there was less "noise" in my head.

Holy fuck, I'm taking adderall (15 mg 1-2 times per day since its not the XR stuff) and that's exactly how I felt before taking it. Its not like "voices" though, not that kind of noise, but like scraps of knowledge or ideas that just kind of float around but fade away if I try to focus on them specifically. You know what I mean?

>> No.2974100

I have the same thing, don't take any drugs or anything though.
Just random background thought I think, probably normal.

>> No.2974175

These describe my brain in the last few years pretty well. However, britfag so I got nothing.

>> No.2974176


Well I don't live in the US though so I don't know how much I can get in trouble.. I doubt that it will just be seized, wouldn't they contact you too for buying something illegal? Well not illegal but in an illegal way nonetheless. Thanks anyway, you're awesome.

>> No.2975090

this has been a good thread, thanks sci

>> No.2975526

/sci/ is pro adderall? who'd a thought

>> No.2975529
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>Viral marketing.

>> No.2975538

no dependence or site effects with adderal, just that you get used to it

>> No.2975547
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>viral marketing something that everyone knows about and has objectively very good results
i'm just sharing my results with it. starting to wear off after 12 hours though. i guess the half life is around 10h.

>> No.2975611

that's baller. time to hit up a psych and get some

>> No.2975627

>Buying prescriptions online is far from impossible.

like where? it's hard to find a legit place

>> No.2975646

uhhhhhh i know it's easy to buy drugs that aren't 'abuseable' drugs. i suppose it's probably dependant on what schedule it is.

>> No.2975670

ya but where? you actually know legit places for ritalin or modifanil?

>> No.2975704

no of course not everyone is careful as shit not to spill those. you probably wont even find anything about it on 420chan, you probably have to go 1-2 internet secrecy tiers lower.

>> No.2975809

Ex-meth user and Ritalin taker in my childhood years. Smoked meth on and off for a few years. Virtually any form of amphetamine is highly addictive and you continually damage your neurotransmitters for dopamine. My lasting effects is that I'm usually irritable and I have a hard time experiencing pleasure and happiness due to these receptors being flooded with dopamine.
Drugs are bad.

>> No.2975826

I want to troll you but i'd feel bad. Lots of people can use stimulants to get shit done and not get addicted though. It just feels like shit when you go off and you feel like your motivation and iq drop

>> No.2977666


Drugfag from yesterday here. Just find specific chem names, like the obscure ones and run them through Google, then run sites selling shit through safeorscam.org. Also read Drug Source Review.

Ex is easy. Scheduled substances are substantially harder, this includes adderal.

>> No.2977674


Rx not Ex. Damn phone autotext.

>> No.2979204
