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2971759 No.2971759 [Reply] [Original]

yo sci how do i make a computer virus

>> No.2972674

HOw ar computor virus formd

>> No.2972680


>> No.2972694

Well you see, when a mommy virus and daddy virus love each other very much...

>> No.2972707



>> No.2972714

I will actually answer the question

1) 90% of computer viruses are actually just partially rewritten versions of existing computer virii (or their algorithms)...

most people who "write" them are just "script kiddies" (which in this context means someone who has no genuine understanding of complicated algorithms or computer science, and has learned all of their skills by hands on use, and so misses crucial basic fundamental information)

2) to actually WRITE a computer virus, from scratch, is a very rare occurrence.

in fact, I recently read an article that pointed out that it is economically disadvantageous to write your own virus.

you write a virus. you spend lots of time researching it, testing it, and you are finally done. you have now spent at least a few weeks, possible months on this.

you disseminate it.

it does some damage. but in 2011, it wont get far before the AV companies find a fix.

now all your work is down the drain.

much better to just keep doing "simple" rewrites of existing virus code. it takes you a day or 2. you disseminate it.. it doesnt get very far because its soo similar to the existing virus and gets caught.

but you can do this 40x before you could do the other way even 1 time.

>> No.2972742


>> No.2972746


I should point out, that it is the "original" hack or virus that actually makes headlines.

thats because they take longer to find fixes for, and so are capable of spreading for longer periods.

but they usually get knocked in the ass pretty severely by the AV or recompile of servers or other fixes.

here is another example that exemplifies the kind of strategy I am talking about. Do you remember that computer virus that infected those Iranian power plants several months back?

you know, the one that they thought was written by a government run team (they think it was Israelis)?

it was custom. one-off. They REALLY wanted it to work and go far before it was caught.

so they used 3 zero-day exploits (which means "bugs" in the software that can be exploited, but which no one knows about, hence the "zero day" term)

zero day exploits are like money. literally. They are extremely valuable.

by using 3 of them in one virus package, the authors were basically saying:

"we wanted to absolutely maximize the possibility that this virus spread as far as possible before anyone was even aware of it"

furthermore, the virus itself was ~0.50 megabytes.

that is fucking ginormous. Seriously its about 10x than most virii.

finally, it infected a large variety of very abnormal systems... it didnt just infect Windows or Unix computers... it infected Cisco controllers that control pressure sensors and valves on pipelines... it takes some serious know how to pull this off.

as a weaponized virus, it was extremely effective... it was the first example of such a virus. A targeted, specifically designed computer virus, meant to inflict maximum damage on a specific target.

>> No.2972750

Get out of here you piece of shit deist.

>> No.2972757

Go on...

>> No.2972762


>> No.2972768


but here is the kicker... because the virus was so unique, and because it did so much damage, it was vigourously targeted by people trying to destroy it.

and when they shut it down, they really took it off line and it will never infect those systems again, in any shape or form..

instead of a "quick fix" that identifies the "tail end" of the code, they really looked at its core algorithms and used those as markers for future AV.

so all of that work, done by many extremely talented (possibly Ph.D. computer science) individuals over the course of months, and those 3 exploits...

are down the drain.

that is the thinking of someone who is trying to make a botnet or extort money from someone.

obviously, in this case the goal was to essentially create a computer virus "missile" that they didnt care about once it did its job (you dont care about a missle after it explodes do you?).

still... my point is valid. Spending lots of time and effort to create an extremely powerful virus is a bad way to make money or prestige or power.

its a great way to prove how smart and talented you are, but not a great way to build a 1,000,000 node botnet.

you want something that does no damage whatsoever, that goes completely undetected and that is simple enough, that you can quickly and easily fix it if you need to.

if its super complicated, then when it eventually DOES get detected, you will have a very hard time finding a way to rewrite it to make it work again.

>> No.2972775
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>> No.2972791

Jealous that you're too much of a pussy to dismiss things that don't have any evidence for their existence so you have to say that everything that isn't provable must be acknowledged to maybe exist, and are also under the delusion that there's some sort of intelligent design in our universe because I'm too scientifically illiterate to understand why there isn't?

>> No.2972807
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>> No.2972810

Thanks for taking the time for posting all that. Interesting stuff.

Of course, writing a new virus that gets past anti-virus software would be difficult. But it is easy to just write an effective 'malicious script'... provided the target computer doesn't have an anti-virus. There are tutorials all over the interwebs. My personal favourite is Amnesia.

>> No.2972816
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