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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2971705 No.2971705 [Reply] [Original]

How will /sci/ raise their children.
>inb4 I won't have children
>inb4 "putting inb4 in the first post is a newfag behavior"

>> No.2971728

Like a mad Chinese woman.

>> No.2971735
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Teaching them math, physics and biology myself (beside school).
Make religion classes optional for him/her.
I will tell my kid I'm an atheist, and that he/she can believe whatever he/she likes. But underline that everything you believe should be based on facts.

Let him/her play with LEGO and LEGO Technics, and other technical toys.
Barbie-dolls make wussy girls.

Watch "Cosmos" with him/her at the age of 10.
Not allow him/her to watch new-age shit like the Teletubbies.

Let him/her play video games like i do/did.

If all do this, there will soon be a master generation emerging.

>> No.2971760

Teach them to read at a very early age and provide them with a steady supply of books in as many subjects and genres.
Get them involved in music at a very early age and provide them with many different instruments to choose from.

>> No.2971777

Throw them in Siberia for a few years to teach them survival skills, hand them over to the Gurkhas for battle skills. Sciences and technology (we'll see what they like; to each his own), none of that public school bull shit. Off to college they go (I'll sit in the back for a few months to make sure the teachers don't start fucking up). World history. American history (assuming they will live in America). I don't know much beyond that though. It needs refinement. Kids aren't allowed to drink alcohol under 21 in US, right?

>> No.2971793

I raise my kids to have a tyrranical and demonic desire to torture, cause greif and murder as many religionisticals as possible.

With this common enemy we bond stronger than anything else. Children must know who the enemy of the world is. And they need to have murderous desires that keeps their senses fresh.

>> No.2971785

That Anon's idea with the toys. I would've loved to have genuine Lego's and construction sets. I had to make due with a bare bones workshop, rocks, thievery, and landfills.

>> No.2971796
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going to download a million rosetta stone packs.
instead of sending kid to daycare I will make him/her do rosetta stone all day for candy or whatever.

kid will know 5 different languages very well by the time they are 10.

>> No.2971797

Books and power tools. Those things my kids will have plenty of.

>> No.2971803

Better than my father did, i.e. I will actually give shit about my kids ... ever.

>> No.2971816
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>> No.2971823


inb4 9 fingered kid

>> No.2971827

Don't take no shit off fools. Judge a person by what's in 'em, not how they look. An' you do the right thing. Be one of the good guys. 'Cause there's way too many of the bad.

>> No.2971837

Might help but generally when learning languages you need a kid to get face to face speaking time with someone who speaks the language, so far as I know. Webcams all around the world?

>> No.2971862

>Barbie-dolls make wussy girls.

My childhood Barbie rape and dismemberment dungeon says otherwise.

>> No.2971898 [DELETED] 

AWESOME! You got the schematics?

Captcha: nauki onaeloc
(nauki Russian for sciences; new science comes into being; Fuck Yes)

>> No.2971949

I know a girl in an MD/PhD program, she does molecular genetics and fertility research. Her dream is to harvest eggs en-masse, induce meiosis, fertilize them, then screen them all and save only the very BEST embryos. I intend to have kids that way.

I own my own business, fuck daycare, I'll stay home with them if I have to while they're young. I speak German and French, whoever I marry will need to speak another language fluently... the kids will be spoken to in our languages, but they'll have to figure out English to learn what mommy and daddy are saying. No baby talk, it's bad for linguistic development.

>> No.2971955

They have their secret "dad" language, their secret "mom" language, and English.
When they catch either myself or my wife in a grammatical error or table etiquette error, they get some kind of reward once they have enough (1 point=candy, 10=toy, something like that)
If they can do the basic math behind it (acceleration, specific impulse, etc.), I'll buy and help them build a model rocket to launch themselves.
Chemistry sets all the time, a real microscope and their own mini biology lab. Identification of insect, fungi, plant, bacteria, etc. species in their lab means rewards. The kids are taught how to fence starting at age 9. If they show interest, I'll hire a coach or send them to more advanced classes. SCUBA certification, pilot's lessons are also standard fare. They'll be taught to shoot a .22 at age 6, graduate to full firearms by age 12.
Dad will play Vidya with them. Starting at age 12, small amounts of wine or beer with dinner are okay. We'll work up to 16 when wine and beer are allowed without much restriction with dinner only. Their first time getting drunk/ high on weed will be with dad... so they know what's up.
Best jesuit or augustinian school I can find for them. For HS, they're being shipped off to the same private boarding school I attended. College is their choice, but it's paid for. Any boy of mine will be a fraternity legacy, if he chooses to join.
No babysitters when it's at all practical. The kids get dragged to the opera, symphony, conferences, dinners, or whatever events we attend... they have to learn how to mix with adults sometime. Also, pets. The kids get a dog and whatever reptiles I think they can properly keep. No cats, I'm allergic.

>> No.2971968

Traditional Australian upbringing. Lock them in the basement for a lifetime of rape.

>> No.2971976
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>> No.2972034


That is hot.

>> No.2972036

Oh yeah, they have a year of HS in the foreign country of their choice. If they speak the language, they'll be hooked up to stay with friends in said country and attend a year of HS there.

Also, once they turn 16 and whenever they're home... their asses are going to be my driving bitch. Just like dad did, the boy drives my friends and myself to the bar whenever he's available. We bought your ass the car, and you'll damn well earn it by driving my drunken ass around town.

Whenever myself or my wife have to travel, the kids are coming too. I've been around the world on mom's business trips and it's more educational than even a great school's curriculum. They also get the sex talk in a frank, honest manner. Any girl's gyno is informed that her BC is paid for and I'll never know if she accepted it or not... she'll take it. I'll bribe the gyno to talk her into it. Any boy is given a box of condoms under his door. A fresh box is left in his room every month, no questions asked.

>> No.2972038


That shit is fucking awesome.

you better let your kid watch

>> No.2972041

>I know a girl in an MD/PhD program, she does molecular genetics and fertility research. Her dream is to harvest eggs en-masse, induce meiosis, fertilize them, then screen them all and save only the very BEST embryos

What's her name and where does she live?

>> No.2972044
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>> No.2972055
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code: blow up new baby tech

>> No.2972058

The kids also get a 21st birthday party on mom and dad's dime. Just like my parents did, they're getting a huge toga party at a nice hotel with a fountain of sangria, open bar, and shuttle bus service. I'm going to embarrass the shit out of them with baby pictures on the wall and forced painful shots-- like a prairie fire (tequila and tobasco).

Hopefully, the money and property will be there to buy them a small rental complex or building to manage when they finally leave college/grad school. That way, they always have a place to live and a steady source of extra income. A stock portfolio will be there waiting when they hit 17, it'll be theirs to manage after that. No cashing out until college graduation, they must learn to manage money in the market.

>> No.2972062

in b4 social psychology proves all forms of parenting that aren't abusive equally insignificant in shaping someone's personality and future

>> No.2972065

all of you seem like shitty parents

>> No.2972075

Yeeeah, that's not happening. All that I'll say is that it's a very prestigious med school and her mother is a HUGE name in the fields of reproductive immunology and fertility. The doctor that did in-vitro to make me actually worked under her for a while. Her research now (the mother's) is more focused on growing organs outside the body.

>> No.2972083

I won't have children.


>> No.2972086
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I think Kate Beaton pretty much summed it all up.

>> No.2972133

you can still have children, you cunt.

>> No.2972140

johns hopkins.

>> No.2972143


Let me rephrase: I don't WANT children.

>> No.2972150

I've given this a lot of thought, actually. I would try to be supportive of whatever my kids show interest in. So long as they're happy and actually doing something to challenge themselves or contributing to society in some way, I don't really care what exactly they end up doing.

That said, I would share my interests with my child, and generally try to encourage critical thinking and an enjoyment of puzzles and challenges from an early age. Particularly, I would try to do something like the hikes that Feynman's dad took him on when he was a kid. It seems like an all-around great idea. I can teach the kid about various aspects of nature: biology, including a little bit of basic entomology and orinthology, geology (though my own knowledge of that is somewhat limited), and astronomy at night. All the while I would be spending a lot of quality time with him/her and also getting good exercise. I'd teach a lot of the stuff in a socratic way, by starting with questions and trying to get them to generate hypotheses to explain observed phenomena, and guide them in experimentally or observationally determining if their hypothesis is right or wrong.

In addition, I'd let them do whatever they wanted as far as sports/clubs/etc. go, but, barring danger to themselves or others, I wouldn't let them quit them early. I always tried to do that when I was a kid, but my dad always made me finish my commitments, and I really believe that that's the reason I have a reasonable amount of perseverance today.

>> No.2972266

The fact that you give it thought means you'll likely be pretty good at it. A lot of parents can't plan beyond the "ooh, a baby!" phase.

More bullshit from me. I fully intend to send any kid that shows an interest in the military to learn from his/her "uncles" (my frat brothers). I know a shitload of officers and I fully intend to keep a "Gurney Hallack" kind of influence around at times. Strategy games, target practice, unarmed combatives practice, fencing, debate at the table... any daughter I have will be positively TERRIFYING to any potential suitor. Isn't that the point of being a parent? You're supposed to raise and help mold an impressive human being.

"Boy, I want to tell you something. I know it's prom night and you're excited but you need to know this." I say while sitting in the study with four of my friends. "See these guys here, they're her 'uncles'. They were all special forces and have about 200 kills between them. Most of those kills didn't even know it was coming. They love my daughter as much as I do and will do anything to protect her. Enjoy your prom night."

>> No.2972335


Also, I'm watching cosmos with my children, because when is watched it all for the first time last summer, I was actually angry that my parents had never made me watch it as a child. Such elegant explanations of science.

I only speak one other language reasonably well (German), so it'd be nice if my spouse were to speak another language (or also German) better than I do. We'd only speak that language at home to force the child to learn it.

I'd also want them to learn to play an instrument or sing, if they're into it. My first year and a half in college I was a music ed major, and got about a third of the way through the degree, so unless they want to play a string instrument, I can handle the basics with them. Their butts are also getting dragged to the symphony. Period. Their aunt will drag them to the theater and do various literature things with them (she works for a publishing house in New York).

I also want to do something to encourage a love of math (since their peers and a few shit-tier teachers will be working eight times as hard to make them hate it). Anyone have any ideas for that?

>> No.2972345

I want to have one boy. He will get pretty much whatever he wants, it's important that he doesn't feel that he has low social status because he doesn't have the latest things. When he starts going out underage drinking I will give him a bottle of vodka every time. I will advise him that he who brings the boose will be a hero among the girls and that he shouldn't drink too much himself, thus he'll remain on top of the situation. I will insist that he wears clothes that project a higher social status than his peers and that his teachers will appreciate. He'll get plenty of mental stimulation from an early age, reading, doing math, going sailing, travelling and so on. He also has to practise at least one sport of his choosing. So, he will do well in school and be the popular rich kid. He'll get girls who want help with homework and he'll get the golddiggers. I'll teach him not to allow them to take advantage of him, but rather use his position as leverage so that he can take advantage of them.He'll also get the smart girls. I'll allow him to have parties in our home and he can invite a lot of friends. If he wants to go to college he'll get a nice appartment near the college so that he can bring girls at his pleasure, host parties and easliy go to others parties. I don't demand he will finish his studies and I'll always allow him to change if his apirations change. I will also expect him to have a summer job when he's old enough and depending on what he studies a part time job in college (not demanded if engineer but if psychology or other non-time consuming field) so that he learns what working is and to teach him the joy or spending your own money. As he gets older, at an early age, in preparation for college, I'll introduce him to more chores in order to make him capable of running a household and being independent.

>> No.2972356


TL DR; I will spoil him and strive to make him intelligent and give him high social status among his peers. I will also expect him to manage himself at an early age.

>> No.2972386

If kids know that math can be applied to something better than worksheets... it becomes more relevant if not fun. Model rocketry taught me that math has uses at an early age. A proper chemistry set also helps as far as teaching molar masses and balancing equations. However, there is the risk that you'll get purple iodine gas accidents like happened to my dad one time.

>> No.2972398

Probably a combination of fruity touchy feely faggotry and harsh cold reality, basically tell them to harbor high ideals and how to apply them to a grimdark world.

So for instance I would make my kid study math from a young age but I would also make it socialise and introduce them to sports so they don't turn into an ass pie like me. I get the impression many people here will sacrifice everything to turn their kids into soulless machines even though ironically they will be better at science and math if they devote at least some time to socialising and persist through their lives.

>> No.2972400


I can tell you from experience that the girls who ACTUALLY want help with their homework have no romantic interest in you and aren't likely to go to great lengths to get that help. Of course, if they want to meet you at home to work on homework, you're in.

>> No.2972449


Wow, yeah! Model rocketry would be a fantastic idea. Thanks!

The chemistry set goes without question. I'm studying chemistry and hopefully will be able to land a good research position. Part of the reason I want to make sure to have a strong relationship with my child is that I know that I'll almost certainly be moving the family around a lot due to availability of academic jobs.

But yeah, hopefully I would prevent more dangerous accidents by simply being present if they were allowed access to more hazardous reagents (or ones that would be dangerous in combination). Obviously, chemistry sets would also be an age 12+ thing, or as soon as I am absolutely certain that they will not be mixing random chemicals around the house and killing themselves. If I see a green gas floating up from the basement, someone is in some serious shit.

>> No.2972471

Homeschooled until middle school.
No TV in the house, download everything for free.
Work them through all the old video game consoles, no jumping right into the PS5 and whatever.
Bilingual household.
Tons of reading material, bi weekly trips to the library.
Going to force them to play outside most of the time.

That right there should take care of most of the issues I see with today's kids. It's essentially how I was raised, but with no TV rather than limited to 1 hour a day.

>> No.2972512

Hell yes. My dad did the rocketry thing with me. He had a whiteboard and dry erase markers and I had to figure out the math before we'd launch. I actually learned algebra LONG before my peers. I was never great at math, but by the time I had to learn physics... I was unstoppable.

I think you can apply the rigorous instruction and life preparation of a "tiger mother" without the harsh, hands-off, and cold demeanor. Simply yelling at kids to do better is lazy. Getting involved, making it a mutual process, and making it fun seems a FAR better approach. If a child knows that his/her parents love him/her and will always stand behind them, it makes for a far more compassionate human being than a "tiger mother"'s nagging and berating.

>> No.2972556

The kids must learn "the canon"
Star Wars, original trilogy first, prequels if they want
Star Trek, The Simpsons, the Twilight Zone, etc.

Bedtime stories from Shakespeare, Dante, Boccaccio, Homer, Ovid, etc. A full library filled with whatever the hell they want to read. Special emphasis on Dune, The Mote in God's Eye, Rendezvous with Rama, etc.

That clear, amber-colored liquid is also Daddy's special drink and you are never to touch it until I say it's okay. If you help daddy make the beer, you can have a taste.

>> No.2972566


Fucking this! I am actually expecting a girl in August, I just graduated with a BS in Genetics, and I can say that this is exactly how I will do it.


>> No.2972583

Teletubbies made my daughters geniuses.

>> No.2972646

Well, the point is I'll teach him not allow others to take advantage of him, he won't do others homework for nothing. If that means getting blown or getting money or something else then that's good. But he won't be the guy who gets taken advantage of, if he don't want to do your girls homework he'll tell you he's going to Rome in the weekend so he'll need to go home and pack.

>> No.2972647

I would implant electrodes in two places. The first is the pleasure center, the second is the pain center.

I'd never get caught for child abuse because there would never be any bruises!!!

>> No.2972650

i would raise my children on the fourth doctor and douglas adams

>> No.2972662

>master nerd generation
your kids will suffer and turn for the worse in their puberty

>> No.2972672

I don't think you, or anyone here knows how language acquisition works.

>> No.2972685


You people are inflicting your failure in life on your kids.

>> No.2972722


I'd like to congratulate Anon, this is the approach my partner and I (Biochemist and Mathematician) have taken with both of our children and we have rarely had any reason to doubt that decision.

We have two intellegent, articulate and socially capable kids.

(Haha, in the latter they've far outdone me already)

I watch them grow with increasing admiration, knowing that whatever they end up doing with their lives they'll have the tools to allow them to make decisions based on their own understanding, rather than relying on popular culture to do it for them.

>> No.2972736

Fucking language acquisition, how does it work? Seriously, how the hell does it work? I'm an evolutionary biologist by training, not a linguist. I know 3 languages but I learned my 2nd language around 12 and my 3rd starting at 14.

Please enlighten us, oh great linguistic development expert.

>> No.2972741

And on your left, you will see a typical /sci/fag

>> No.2972773

I don't want kids because my parents decided I was an adult at age 8 and that I should be their parent. I have no clue about families or what they do.

>> No.2972848
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You can't force your children to be bilingual, things don't work that way. Propping a kid in front of rosetta stone will amount to the kid hating rosetta stone and the language.

Regardless of what you want your child to learn, the most likely outcome is that it will learn the dominant language of its environment. You want your kid to speak Italian but you only speak English? It probably won't happen, unless you get that kid an Italian nanny or some shit.

Also, the whole one parent one language deal (I'll speak English to him, and you speak French to him) shit is only found in upper middle class homes. That is not how bilingual language acquisition occurs normally throughout the world.

Unless you or your partner are fluent in some other language, or you send your kid off to some intense immersion school (and even then...), learn to live with your uncultured American child.

I'm too lazy to dig up references as well.

>> No.2972873

Good thing I speak German fluently and French respectably well. Hooray for upper middle class

I agree that sitting kids in front of Rosetta Stone would be a disaster. You must be proficient in the language to pass it onto children via immersion.

>> No.2972896

teaching them maths and some basic biology before they get to primary school. in our country they teach you fuck all to no maths until your in high school, the education system is a fucking joke, calling it an education system would be misleading.

other than that I would raise them with a descent level of critical thinking skills

>> No.2972904

Teach them to read when they are very young, make it a fun bonding experience. Give them books to read on their own. Fun books so that they enjoy it. Get them a bunch of books their reading level about history and science.

Just make sure they don't have bad associations with reading, have a good supply of enjoyable books, and encourage them without beating them up the head with books. Show them learning can be enjoyable and fun. My mother taught me basic stuff about ancient world history, astronomy, American history, basic medical knowledge, art history, and mythology before I even got into elementary school. My parents both encouraged my voracious love of reading all throughout my childhood and adolescence. I'm eternally grateful to them for that.

Punishment and yelling will only make children averse to reading and learning. It'll just be a chore, something to appease you and make you leave them alone.

>> No.2972982

>Barbie-dolls make wussy girls.

Nope. I would play war games with my barbies. I would divide them up into two armies, and they would either fight over dwindling resources or reenact my childish interpretation of the Vietnam war. Those long summer afternoons of war crimes, espionage, betrayal, and sparkly little dresses with matching plastic shoes.... Ah, childhood.

>> No.2973048


Oh, and make sure you have a diverse selection of books, so that they can get a wider range of general knowledge and to(hopefully) help them find a subject that 'speaks' to them.
My parents had a room filled with just books, every wall with a full bookshelf. Old medical textbooks, art history books, mythology from around the globe, engineering, etiquette books, music theory, astronomy, biology, theology, physics... They have fucking everything. And fiction, too. Tons and tons of poetry, ancient and Elizabethan plays, and classical literature... Even if I loved my parent's early star trek novels the best.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that instilling a love of learning is more important than just pounding knowledge into a child's brain. If you make the pursuit of knowledge fun for them, they'll teach themselves. Make sure you do this before they get into school, or they'll most likely be ruined forever.

>> No.2973140

No baby talk, messes with their language development.
Don't talk down to them or be condescending. Talk to them as if they were an adult, make the level of maturity you expect clear.
Gently correct them for baby talk, grammatical errors, or mispronunciations. Don't go on and on about it, make them feel stupid, or punish them... Just correct them and move on.
Try to discourage slang and swearing, it makes people sound stupid and vulgar.

>> No.2973172
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>No baby talk, messes with their language development.

>> No.2973211

just so you know...Rosetta stone is shit tier language learning material.
without any other materials you won't be able to guess jack about grammar rules.

>> No.2973221


I meant past a certain age. Even then it's unavoidable and natural, but to a point.
I remember my cousin calling milk 'moo moo' at age 5, and nobody encouraging her to say 'milk' instead. Just seemed wrong to me.
Then again, my parents are grammar nazis, so I could be full of shit here.

>> No.2973423

I'm not financially fit to even be considering children at this time in my life. Furthermore, I'm not so sure that I will choose to bring a child into existence.

I had a terrible childhood. Because of that, it brings a tiny tear to my eye to read all of these wonderful posts with people really thinking about how they'd raise their child. Just giving the thought shows care and devotion. Some of these techniques are really great ways to spend time with children. I can tell you what happens to understimulated children by experience. I read slow, I write slow, and I think slow. My capacity is limited; I have to take twice as long to study, write term papers, and generate thoughtful ideas. I also have very apparent post-traumatic stress disorder which came directly from extremely poor parenting. The way I am makes things frustrating. But still, even with all of these setbacks I recently wrote a term paper over the brain bases of schizophrenia that has been entered into my department's scientific writing contest. I'm 29 now. It took me way too long to get to this point. My parents discouraged me going to college. They never hounded me about doing my homework when I was a kid. Education wasn't important to them. Take what you want from this, it's just how things turned out for me.

>> No.2973509

>poke them with a hot iron every time they make a sound
>tie a ball and chain around the neck
>they are to be fed one semi-dead rat per day
>they are to be beaten on the hour every hour
>they must not leave the house until the age of 40

>> No.2973544

That sounds physically and financially draining.

>> No.2973624


Indeed. I also question the feasibility of this as a business plan.

>> No.2973820

I hold a bachelor in cognitive semantics, didactics and pedagogy and a candidate degree in interactive media (computergames). My girl and I are expecting twins soon. She is a gourmet chef and has a humanist educational background. This is what we have planned for our children.

>Rousseau is the basis for our parenting. The children will play in the forest, climb trees, and when they fall down they will experience reality. This is how humans learn.

>Children's intellect expands to break the natural boundaries they experience in reality. Don't be an obstacle. Be a helper. We will teach the children whatever they wish to learn, and never shield the child from the reality and truth.

>The children will be raised with a natural scientific 'spirituality'. The poetry of the expanding universe is considered holy in our small family, and we pay respect to researchers and not to priests. ( here guys, you can easily pirate this album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty33v7UYYbw )

>Children are natural existentialist philosophers, anarchists and scientists. We will allow our children to indulge in these urges. When your children get existential depressions, check this out: ( http://mygiftedlife.org/articles/55-gifted-adults/89-dabrowskis-theory-and-existential-depression-in
-gifted-children-and-adults )

Thats the top of the iceberg for you guys :) Happy parenting

>> No.2973860

Correct on the "no-babytalk". Babytalk is the worst fad in parenting ever.

>> No.2973917
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>mfw I'm gay and not gonna have kids

But if I was in charge of a kid, I'd just let the kid be a kid. A child's creativity and imagination is a wonderful thing, and I wouldn't want to deprive them of it.

.........Also, if the child asked me a question (like, "How does that work?"), I'd ask them to tell me what they think the answer is, first.

>> No.2973938

>No baby talk, messes with their language development.

Oh dear, since when did /sci/ become a bunch of linguists? Tell me, where on earth did you get that idea from? It only applies if you continue to speak to a toddler in 'baby-talk'. As a baby, baby-talk actually gages their attention, and they are more able to learn the language. Haven't you ever heard of learning to walk before you run?

>> No.2973975

See >>2973221

>> No.2973985

It depresses me that people on /sci/ would raise their kids so well yet aren't ever likely to have kids in the first place :(

>> No.2974038

Thank you, dear sir, for drawing my attention to that post; I failed to notice it beforehand.

>> No.2974081

No matter how good your intentions, it all depends on your nature. it doesn't matter if you do all the stuff in this thread, if you're a silent, introverted sort of fellow chances are your kid will be like this and they won't be outgoing, curious and willing to try new things.

this is why i would never have kids, im a pleasant guy but a pretty unskilled, pathetic one. my kid would just be like this. :( i dont want to restrict the poor poor little person.

not that any of this matters because the opportunity will never present itself

>> No.2974120

Tiger father
Hooooh hah

What you didn't finish your algebra????
....here let me teach you

>> No.2974124

someone mentioned a socratic dialogue. fuck. thats brilliant!
the good old fashioned american father son bonding adventure, we'll sit out in the wilderness, i'll make some general wondering and invite his curiosity as he puts forward an intuitive explanation. at which point ill carry that forward delicately pulling it apart to reveal the truth. it'll teach him critical thinking skills and hopefully I'll have created a polymath.

>> No.2974130
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>your child is a punk and wants to major in art history

>> No.2974140

My ability as a father would take inspiration for the first few levels of heavy rain (before the kid gets run over)

playin with them in the garden. fuck yeah, i want this so bad!

>> No.2974145

You going to call out "Jason!" a billion times wherever you go?

>> No.2974162

okay probably just the garden bit where everything's perfect


in reality i'd probably just replicate everything my own dad did, minus the religion. if he wants to convert later on thats fine but the household will at least be secular/agnostic

>> No.2974213

I would raise my children to become normal people, which means discouraging activities and behavior that would cause them to grow up into becoming failures like you guys.

>> No.2975192


>> No.2975203
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>get them to watch bill nye the science guy + the magic school bus when they're like 3 years old
>they are ingrained with a deep passion for the sciences

>make sure to be somewhat strict on them, but extremely supportive of unique ventures or projects their crazy little minds might come up with

>they graduate from college with a prestigious degree

and i won't have to push them one bit.

>> No.2975250

Threaten my kid to be tough, act tough and be determined at succeeding in life by pointing a glock at him whenever he fucks up.

He will be so traumatized by it, and if he's unfazed I'll fire a warning shot.

One day he will learn to hate the gun, and decides to take it from me and shoot me.

And my last dying words will be.

Son I am proud of you.

He will learn not to take shit from anyone, take direction in his own life as well as responsibility and discipline.

>> No.2976385
File: 7 KB, 222x192, 1301442621479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says my name a dozen times