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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2970558 No.2970558 [Reply] [Original]

God says, if you wish, you can become God; we could trade places, I have the power.

Would you accept?
What would be the pros and cons?

>> No.2970560

>Do fucking anything

>Know everything

I don't want to be haunted about what I know
>Do anything
>Occasionally wipe memory of things I don't want

Oh well

>> No.2970562
File: 23 KB, 500x333, owlfaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and then I'd fuck the shit out of Emma Watson.

>> No.2970574

I would accept his proposal and say fuck it all to divine intervention. Make the most intelligent beings that believe in my existence look like fanatics who have an imaginary saviour and then randomly cause their world to end.

Proceed to judge them individually on how much they believed in me and if they didn't send them to eternal damnation.

>> No.2970573

If God's offering to trade places with some chucklefuck human he must be pretty desperate to get away from being God. That would make me wonder why.

>> No.2970575

I dunno, I don't think God would take pleasure in anything, or pain...he'd be like some sort of neutral force that isn't happy or sad, bored or excited...just in equilibrium all the time, but outside time

but the thing is he could restrict himself, turn into a jesus dude and just have fun on earth lol--but deep down inside he would know it's all irrelevant and he was interacting with retarded ants (aka humans)

>> No.2970577


Know everything
Can do everything
Live forever

Being alone (?) isn't really a con. Knowing too much isn't much of a con. Knowing people die isn't a con. Seeing people die really a con.
Also not science.

>> No.2970578

That doesn't sound like the bible's angry jelous god who gives contracting orders on how to live.

>> No.2970579
File: 31 KB, 400x222, leoben_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all religions define God as defined undefinability.

>your question an are assumptions are invalid.

>> No.2970582


what's there to know though? who cares? you made all that shit up lol

what's there to do? you aren't a human anymore, you have no limitations, you dont seek pleasure or comfort...you aren't excited by surprises--nothing surprises you

nothing scares you, you know the future--there is no future, you are outside time

there's nothing to do--literally--and you do it all the time

>> No.2970583


>implying religions have precedence over God

>> No.2970586

>Be thrown in a mental institute for thinking I switched places with an imaginary being.

>> No.2970589

Making shit up is a pro.
I don't think not ever being thrilled is a con.
Not have to do anything is pretty cool too.

Saging cause I don't want to bump.

>> No.2970597

But then I wouldn't exist!

>> No.2970602
File: 220 KB, 984x1500, waefwerwerfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if only you knew how philosophically true that answer really is.

>> No.2970603

Of course I would accept. If I don't like it I have the power to change it back.

>> No.2970608

Being god you would be indistinguishable from god.

>> No.2970610

I would throw a ball so fast that I couldn't catch it and implode because I just disproved omnipotence.

>> No.2970612

>implying god didn't create the laws of logic

>> No.2970613


There are no cons. If you don't want to know everything make yourself forget something. If you want to be a normal human, make yourself human for a few years with a timer set to change you back to god. Can someone try and come up with an actual con so I can tell them why they are wrong?

>> No.2970622

fucking nut-job.

>> No.2970626


this /sci/ everyone is a philosopher here, don't expect any simple answers.

>> No.2970628


Are you people really this insecure about your beliefs. Of course we're all atheists its a hypothetical question for fun. Maybe in a trillion years humans will be indistinguishable from gods.

>> No.2970734

Anything, everything and nothing.

Same as pros. Also, not the same as pros.

>> No.2970778

I've read enough mythologies to consider all deities as purely fictional characters. When you say "god," all that comes to mind is fictitious character. What are you really trying to tell me? What do you mean by 'god'?

Also: Religion =/= theism

>> No.2970783


How about you are given the option to become omnipotent.

>> No.2970786


I would like that, but don't see such a thing as remotely plausible. There is too much randomness for something like that...

>> No.2970790

It wouldn't matter whether or not you accepted because nothing would happen when you "trade places."

God possesses all his qualities in superlative degree. If you became God then the god that you became would be no different than God.

>> No.2970792


>> No.2970795

Similarly, if God became you, then his superlativeness would be gone and furthermore the material structure of your self absolutely characterizes who you are, so if God took on that material being, there would be no difference from who you are.

In short, although the offer sounds dramatic, it's a matter of indifference. Literally nothing would change either way.

>> No.2970801

see [insert irrelevant post here]

>> No.2970826

Depends, something like the author of the universe

>> No.2970827

With great power comes great responsibility. Being god is suffering. I easily admit i wouldnt be able to carry that weight.

>> No.2970833
File: 37 KB, 274x280, lolololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all atheists would love being god
because deep down they all suffer from the god complex
fucking atheists, worse than christfags :|

>> No.2970839

There is no 'God' to make this proposal.
I wouldn't want to babble to myself, striving to become something nonexistant.

>> No.2970843

>implying you exist

>> No.2970846
File: 29 KB, 300x300, the-dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But are you a theist, free of any religious affiliation?

>> No.2970851

I think he meant deism =/= religion.

>> No.2970853

>implying that even if I don't, I'm still making >implications, unlike God who, at most, makes rainbows, and even that via water-light breakage proxy.

also, if God would exist, he would stop allowing recaptcha to become ever more retarded.
Fucking double word with slight offsets

>> No.2970855

>God wont fulfill my pathetic demands so he cant exist
Could you bitch harder

>> No.2970858

>Implying he isnt the only thing that exist

>> No.2970859

I don't have to, it's all the evidence I need :3c

u mad?

>> No.2970861

Why would i be mad at your butt frustration. I find you belief amusing.

>> No.2970881

the question is legitimate

>> No.2970903
File: 20 KB, 316x457, Pyhakolmio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you atheists, so eager to usurp God's authority. Enjoy your hubris.

>> No.2970906

yes and i would spend the rest of my days having sex with 15-16 year olds to miley cyrus's party in the usa

>> No.2970938

Yes, it's my only chance at becoming omnipotent

>> No.2970955

Pros: God's not in charge anymore.
Cons: You don't exist anymore.

>> No.2970962
File: 40 KB, 340x320, 1279875903053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No, because I do not desire omnipotence. To know, do and be everything...what else is there to accomplish? Where do I grow from there? What new experience do I seek out to further better myself? Truly, I feel sorry for you for wishing to make such an exchange. To be cursed with everything and not having the ability to grow further must be so horrible for you. I would offer you the limits of humanity freely if only to give you something to overcome, some new challenge to meet head-on...but never would I wish for the curse of omnipotence. To be 'perfect' is something I would wish on nobody, for once someone achieves that, they have nowhere to go but back down, much like this deal you are attempting to make with me."

>> No.2970985


I would terminate niggers, every religious person and anyone left with under 120 IQ. Then I would stop being a god and live in a better world.

>> No.2971002

Only sun, yields desert.