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File: 15 KB, 700x322, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2970069 No.2970069 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think humans will look like in the next million years?

>> No.2970076
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1303687719628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will all be part dog, part Brave New World Deltas. And we will all work in Nike factories making shoes for one another.

>picture related

>> No.2970078

Does anybody clench their teeth to sleep?

>> No.2970081

>million years

you fucking wish we'll last that long

>> No.2970086

pretend I posted a picture of a gay furry with six huge tits and three dicks and huge muscles

>> No.2970091
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A man can dream...

>> No.2970112

The same.

>> No.2970115

who knows, once we start ge-ing humans the sky is the limit

>> No.2970120

Human society will start to break down after peak oil. Eventually, human civilization will go into the shitter, thus rendering more advanced evolution impossible.

>> No.2970127


which humans?

Also if we're still "humans" then we'd still look like humans.

Do you mean what will humans evolve into?

It depends upon evolutionary pressures group isolation ect ect.
assuming humans remain technologically advanced and decide not to genetically modify ourselves then eventually we'd reach a tipping point in our evolution where evolutionary change is driven primarily by selection for sexual/mate attraction and the need to reproduce.

>> No.2970130


>doesn't understand evolution

>> No.2970133

Nope, we'll just reevaluate the way we organize societies and infrastructure the whole world in as little as 25-50 years

>> No.2970144


Nein. Peak oil will just force us to switch to Thorium generators for grid electric (until/unless fusion happens) and start a hydrogen economy. Moore's law with run out, and then we'll get to the next stage of computing (quantum, optic, using graphene and other unique materials other than silicon, organic chemical-based computers) and then boom, hard AI. We're already progressing towards self-updating hard drives, so one day soon we really will reach Singularity. Within our lifetimes? Not likely, but in our kids or in the very least grandkids' lifetimes. We're in the birth pangs of a better world. We just need all the Baby Boomers and their parents to die and keep pushing the limits of hardware and hoping we'll reach a paradigm shift before we kill ourselves fighting over superstitions, tribal appelations, or the last chunk of coal.

>> No.2970159

>hydrogen economy
Right now we waste more energy converting hydrogen into a usable fuel than the fuel produces. If anything our main source of power will be nuclear, solar, geothermal, wind, tidal, ect... and will will use Li air batteries to power everything.

>> No.2970165
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pic related

>> No.2970166

I got to say the older people are so much more paranoid and stupid than the younger people today

It's strange really

>> No.2970172

Vehicles can go electric (albeit with less horsepower), but what about ships and aircraft? Will new transportation technology be available in time before the global economy becomes crippled?

>> No.2970178

Not necessarily paranoid, just more cautious.

>> No.2970185


Li air is just as practical as current fuels in terms of energy to weight ratios. it is fucking air after all.

>> No.2970188
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>> No.2970189
File: 98 KB, 540x700, Sexy Transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2970201


>> No.2970211
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Hopefully we'll become like saiyans because motherfucking energy beam attacks

>> No.2970215

>implying we won't derive pleasure from direct neural stimulation
It's way easier to insert an electrode into the brain and electronically simulate orgasms than build some elaborate fucking machine.

>> No.2970217


it depends on which older generation we're talking about.


they were fucktared then and they're fucktarded now.

Their parents were smart though.

Of course the youth the today seems to be running neck and neck for idiocy against the baby boomers.

I'm sorry I'm a round youth everyday and intelligence isn't something they posses.

>> No.2970222

Probably about the same, maybe with slightly darker skin.

>> No.2970230

No one ever talk about the dark truth of trans humanism, only the super rich can afford it.

>> No.2970235

but don't forget they are still youthful and have many years to become smarter while the baby boomers are just fucked

>> No.2970238

There will be no humans in a million years, we will have been replaced by something else.

>> No.2970249
File: 167 KB, 470x478, techpriest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or edit out the need for orgasms completly....

>> No.2970251


The greatest generation went through some rough shit with the depression and the war, whereas, for the most part, boomers had things very easy. Honestly, while another depression would suck, it would encourage action and character building.

>> No.2970262


If we get to a post scarcity society, everyone will be rich. Think about it: automation of everything not requiring special intellectual training/independent thought/creativity, and you lower the price of everything. I mean construction, janitorial, agricultural products, raw material, etc. Fusion/cheap solar: lower the cost of electricity, and everything you use it to make/maintain/work. Add food/consumer goods/pharmaceutical replicators (upgrades of modern 3D printers) and massive automated vertical farming in every major city,and we're effectively post scarcity. Tax the rich to pay for the poor's transhuman upgrades, and we're there baby!

>> No.2970258

things have to get worse before they get better

>> No.2970267
File: 3 KB, 89x126, 356363632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just stop using money and everyone automatically no longer has to worry about that anymore and just focus on improving the world/humanity

>> No.2970270
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>> No.2970290
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stop staring at me

>> No.2970302
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1285395598115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im sorry, I was just taken aback by such a large blanket statement about money.

Believe me, my staring at you is a sign of respect.

>> No.2970310
File: 6 KB, 293x315, 1298430430232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.2970315

Anyway, humans aren't going to evolve anymore. Lrn to evolve.

>> No.2970317
File: 19 KB, 298x292, 1287824408464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or edit out the need for orgasms completly....

>> No.2970316
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>> No.2970318
File: 53 KB, 300x562, 1297141832534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-fine...It's...it's not l-like I l-loved you...or anything...

>> No.2970326


I am out of expressions.

I will continue to wait for a gazelle-like statement about economics which I can pounce on. I only hunt the meatiest statements.

>> No.2970332
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I like you

>> No.2970336
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>> No.2970341
File: 34 KB, 604x425, meinthemiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correlate atsern

>> No.2970345
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1302995558152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw we're already well past peak oil.

>> No.2970347

according to my vertebrates professor we will look taller, although I don't know if he was thinking of artificial or natural selection

>> No.2970353
File: 49 KB, 460x689, Asgard3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like greys

>> No.2970359

What prerequisites evolution? Do you know how natural selection works? Or read On the Origin of Species?
I'm not disagreeing with evolution, just that humans arn't going to evolve any more.

>> No.2970363

Do you live in the west?

if yes, you are probably taller than a very large % of the world (for some reason)...

Do you live outside the west?

if yes.....u mad

>> No.2970365

It's cool guys, I got this. I made a virus that kills anyone without a freak third arm coming out of them. Darwin would be proud.

>> No.2970366

loli / shota cyborgs

>> No.2970370

If you're saying that humans won't evolve into something different I disagree but if not then okay, I understand what you are saying.

>> No.2970375

What do you mean evolve into something different?

>> No.2970379

over generations, human DNA changes and slowly becomes a new species, just like the way our species came to being

>> No.2970380

That only works with certain sized and closed populations

>> No.2970382

That depends, will some humans be split off from the rest long enough for speciation to occur?

Otherwise, unlikely, as long as we're all connected as we are, then any mutations have to penetrate the entire population.

>> No.2970384

zyzz does roids

>> No.2970389

'human' is neither here nor there....there is no point at which a primate says WHAM, I'm no longer Australopithecus, STARTING NOW...it happens gradually, and if you pick two points of the same line of descent that are far enough apart, the two wont be able to breed, so they have different names.

Its like the color blue slowly turning into the color green. Look at any point, and you will have a single color.

>> No.2970392


WHAM, I'm no longer Homo sapien, STARTING NOW.

>> No.2970399
File: 23 KB, 411x411, 1266897514984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970403

Wut? There is no such restriction.

I don't think it will happen that humans slowly evolve into another species, however, because genetic engineering will alter us into something different long before that point.

Even if the successors of man are different inside, I think we'll pretty much keep our general appearance intact while doing away with blemishes, ageing, scarring and hereditary diseases. Futurists always underestimate the impact of aesthetics. People don't want to be hulking monstrosities or shrivelled little green creatures. What advantage requires that for its procurement?

>> No.2970405

i thought were were evolving into human/fish creatures. ITS ALL PROPOGANDA!!?!?

>> No.2970408

>non-human courting rituals will hinder mating attempts
>infertility due to chromosome discrepancies
>cannot appeal to common sense
>forever alone

>> No.2970449

look at
and again, learn evolution

Anyway, people are talking about GE, and that doesn't really count as evolution

>> No.2970474

I looked at that post and it did not disprove anything I said and furthermore contained nothing I didn't already know. Dawkins discusses that issue of defining species boundaries at some length in the Ancestor's Tale. In spite of the inability to draw a line when you examine only one instant of time, over a span of time one species can clearly become another. If this were not so we would be the same species as Turbot.

Thanks for the smugness though.

>Anyway, people are talking about GE, and that doesn't really count as evolution

Why not? It's not evolution *by natural selection* but that's not the only form of evolution that exists, just perhaps the most important one.

>> No.2970482

If we survive that long, we'll probably be big headed cold blooded lizard like motherfuckers, because of how hot the world will get.
Either that or space jellyfish.

>> No.2970483

You were saying that population numbers and that population's relation to others have nothing to do with evolution, thats why I was being an asshole
I'm fine with debating if GE is evolution, so this is just my opinion at my point, but since its a completely different set of mechanics it seams like it would be different

>> No.2970494

I sorta slaughtered that grammar sorry
anyway, evolution implies that the trait is passed down from your parents, but GE would bypass that, I think that makes it something else entirely

>> No.2970505

GE does count as evolution. So does artificial intelligence. It arose because of the preceding events which are governed by universal laws. An extension of Darwinian evo but true nonetheless. AI could reproduce and make changes to itself and offspring.

With GE around the corner in this century and next who knows if the changes will eventually qualify as a new species? In a million years, the only humans around will be those who spread across the universe or failed to evolve on earth. IMO humans are nearing extinction. There is a tech war brewing and the conflicting niches will tear us a new one.

>> No.2970509

Ok i'm done good night

>> No.2970518


>You were saying that population numbers and that population's relation to others have nothing to do with evolution

I never said that, I said that evolution does not *require* specific situations with respect to population size &c. Nice straw man there.

>evolution implies that the trait is passed down from your parents

So no novel mutation has ever played a role in evolution? A new mutation is by definition something that was not generated by the ordinary process of reproduction.

>> No.2970520

like me. all of them.

>> No.2970519
File: 55 KB, 603x341, 1303258282481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It arose because of the preceding events which are governed by universal laws.

False dichotomy.

Everything arises as a result of universal law.