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File: 109 KB, 714x1216, manet.fifre-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2965974 No.2965974 [Reply] [Original]

What's the evolutionary explanation to baldness?
I know you can be more objective than google.

>> No.2965991

Once you're past your prime breeding age, there's no evolutionary pressure around to keep you working properly. So you just kind of fall into disrepair as all sorts of long running processes and traits in your body take over that were otherwise weeded out as being unfit.

>> No.2966010

Is it not just entropy?

>> No.2966120

It's genetic.

On my mother's side, the men are bald, on my father's side they still have hair and no balding over the age of 60.

therefore, it has nothing to do with evolution

>> No.2966140

>it's genetic
>therefore, it has nothing to do with evolution

oh wow am i actually reading this? on sci?

please, leave now before i punch my eye sockets

>> No.2966155

it is everything to do with evolution if it's passed on genetically. the only reason its not been weeded out by now is because its not detrimental to survival of all other genes.

>> No.2966157

FFS, not every little thing that happens to an organism during it's lifespan has to do with some evolutionary advantage!

>> No.2966160

in other words. girls still sleep with bald men. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

>> No.2966166

He didn't imply it to be advantageous.

>> No.2966169

So, what? This whole question has to do with the fact that you're losing your hair and you're worried that you wont get any pussy anymore because of it? Are you even hearing yourself say this shit? Don't you think it's pretty fucking pathetic to even be THINKING this kind of worthless shit, let alone posting it ANYwhere on the internet? Don't you have ANYthing more important in your life, anything else that gives it meaning other than whether or not your dick is getting wet? Is this REALLY how you feel? Don't you think there's something seriously wrong with that? FFS, check yourself, dude.

>> No.2966183

Rage Against the Straw Man.

>> No.2966187

hay athists

why r u the easiest religon to troll?

and if EVILution real how come spiders are perfect?

>> No.2966188

okay first of all, i'm not OP. i didn't ask this question in the first place

second, i was joking when i said about girls sleeping with bald men. not lying, but joking.

also, this is true: >>2966155

I'm not worried about going bald. I don't know when but I will. Possibly when 30 or when I'm 60

>> No.2966193

>it's genetic
>it has nothing to do with evolution

Retard of the day award goes to you, sir. Congrats.

>> No.2966194


>> No.2966207

Baldness is a side effect of testosterone, which has obvious evolutionary benifits

>> No.2966228
File: 28 KB, 499x376, super-retard.JPG1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll harder! You weren't even trying.

>> No.2966233

>What's the evolutionary explanation to baldness

It doesn't stop you from procreating, so it's a trait that gets passed on.

Yes, that's all there is to it.

Even degenerative congenital diseases like Huntington's cholera share the same explanation.

>> No.2966247


same goes for hairy backs, acne, bad teeth, etc