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2965729 No.2965729 [Reply] [Original]

Is ADD a real disorder?

>> No.2965740

It's in the DSM-IV, will almost certainly be in the DSM-5, and has "Disorder" in the name. What constitutes a "real disorder" to you?

>> No.2965739
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>questioning a chronic developmental disorder's existence while simply ignoring the fact of the nearly decades of research surrounding it

>> No.2965743

Yeah, it's called being a carefree kid, oblivious to the draconian and heartless expectations of the adult world.

>> No.2965747

Probably, also over diagnosed

>> No.2965749

The diagnosis of the "disorder" is the lack of children's ability to sit down 8 hours a day and be quiet and pay constant attention to a retarded droning teacher. You think that's natural? ADD might, MIGHT be a disorder in a very small percentage of people (perhaps 0.5%) but it is absurdly over diagnosed.

>> No.2965756

ADD is a fag disease. Whiney losers who need an excuse for being a fuckup, so they think their failure is a real medical condition but it's not. In the old days, ADD people were called stupid. Just plain stupid.

>> No.2965757

I was just diagnosed with ADD proving to me that it is not real.

>> No.2965760

>Attention deficit


One of these is a real disorder and the other isn't

>> No.2965765

Add was less prevelant when teachers could hit kids

>> No.2965785

No it wasn't, it was just suppressed and then people went crazy/got depressed later in life

>> No.2965800

> implying the rate of depression and other mental illnesses hasn't gone up dramatically since that time

>> No.2965801

And that's the truth. Once upon a time, teachers had no tolerence for children acting stupid. And they were disciplined so they stopped and got smart. The word "smart" also means a sharp, stinging pain. And that's how they got smart.

>> No.2965802

I have been diagnosed as an adult so it isn't just for rowdy kids. In fact, I was a daydreamer.

>> No.2965849

>It's in the DSM-IV, will almost certainly be in the DSM-5, and has "Disorder" in the name. What constitutes a "real disorder" to you?

Almost always what I read in a book - regardless of personal belief and experience.

>The diagnosis of the "disorder" is the lack of children's ability to sit down 8 hours a day and be quiet and pay constant attention to a retarded droning teacher.

You are either going to hate the next four to eight years of you life undertaking schooling or are unable to correctly recall the schooling you received and what it entailed.

Being able to pay attention for six to eight hours may not be a pleasant concept to you, but it is certainly a skill requisite to most forms of learning.

>> No.2965853

Same thing with Ass Burgers.

>> No.2965911

guess what else is in the DSM
Selective mutism
Romantic Jealousy Syndrome
and we can't forget sexual orientation disturbance

>> No.2965917

>Implying those rate weren't taken from people who were hit at school


>> No.2965925

arithmetic disorder
Phase of life problem
caffeine addiction
spelling disorder
sibling rivalry

The number of supposed "mental illnesses" has increased from around 50 to 500 over the past few decades.

The whole thing is a complete farce so that more people get diagnosed with "mental illnesses" and drug companies can sell more drugs to treat sufferers of these "illnesses".
Psychology is a joke.

>> No.2965951

Ive never known what ADD is

Do humans have a certain range of attention span, and people who have the lowest amount of attention get diagnosed with ADD?

Or is it a specific event/mutation that CAUSES a lack of attention, and this specific event diagnoses ADD.

In other words, is ADD anyone with a low attention span, or people with a specific brain abnormality WITH a low attention span.

>> No.2965953
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Neuroimaging studies show that ADHD patients as a group exhibit marked <span class="math">hypo[/spoiler]activation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC, it's part of the front most portion if the cortex lining the medial wall, where the two hemispheres oppose each other). The ACC functions as sort of a monitor system, exerting inhibitory control over other parts of the cortex. These findings are supplemented by by structural studies showing micro-scale abnormalities in this area.

Additionally, fMRI studies show <span class="math">hyper[/spoiler]activation in the ventral striatum (part of the basal ganglia and involved in dopamine signaling of 'reward', to simplify it a bit). The ventral stiatum is interconnected with the ACC, and it (probably) is this pathway which does not develop properly in children with ADD and ADHD. This leads to less control being exerted over reward signaling parts of the brain, leading to impulsiveness coupled with, as the name would suggest, attentional deficits.

This last symptom is also (probably) caused by abnormalities in nuclei in the cerebellum involved in attentional relocation. The pathology of this is less well understood at this time.

So, yes, ADD is a real disorder in the sense that as a group these patients deviate from the norm in certain aspects of brain function and structure, resulting in deviant behavior. It should be noted however that the disorder has a large co-morbidity with other disorders such as dyslexia and conduct disorder, which indicates a similar pathogenic process might form the basis of these disorders. That does not mean these aren't real disorders, it only indicates the labeling might be off. That is why it is difficult to diagnose, and why it is (lets face it) over diagnosed.

>> No.2965972

So it's scientifically PROVEN that they're naturally stupider?

>> No.2965973

>ADD and ADHD get an abundance of "reward" signals from their brain

goddamn, you make it sound awesome to have ADD/ADHD.

Although, if one can build a resistance to the effects of these "rewards" it would make your later life unfulfiling.

This might explain why I was always so happy and content as a kid, and gradually became more and more bored or unhappy as I got older.

>> No.2965976

You really don't know anything.

>> No.2965979

no, ADHD has no bearing on intelligence according to his post, it just seems like their brains release more dopamine or release it more frequently for simple tasks, thus creating unearned or frequent rewards.

They're spoiled by their own minds.

>> No.2965998

You don't prove anything in science, you falsify.
I already hinted at it a bit, but the 'reward' part was simplified. Dopamine does not signal for reward per-sé, and people with ADHD or ADD don't show increased tonic (baseline) dopamine function. They just respond more strongly to the immediacy of a reward rather than considering long term alternatives.

>> No.2966002
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My life is awful. I'd love some legal and medically safe and appropriate drugs to help me enjoy it more. I can afford it, too. How do I get diagnosed with "always sad, angry or bored", so I can get some?

>> No.2966016

But we all agree ADD children listen to dubstep.

>> No.2966032

i thought add was lack of attention to activities that did not induce dopamine relsease and overabundance in dopamine release in activites that did catch the patient attention. sort of like how they can't sit still in class (adhd) or fall asleep and daydream in class (add), but when introduced into a activity they find highly stimulating they can stay concentrated for extended periods of time, longer than a normal person.

sort of like how a hunter hunting a pray must stay concentrated on the chase for extended periods of time and thus people who did have that concentration were more successful as hunters but were lethargic when it came to other activities.

>> No.2966037


+1 confirm

>> No.2966089

-1, deny.

I'm diagnosed ADHD (MRI, not just a psychologist), and I fucking hate Wubstep.

I prefer classical or orchestral music with deep, moving melodies, or anything that tells a story through song.

I believe music should be harmonius, not discordant.

>> No.2966638
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ADHD is a real disorder, but it is both overdiagnosed AND overmedicated. Folks who get an appropriate dose have measurably better attentiveness, as in they perform normally on attention tests. When overmedicated, a child acts "better" in the classroom (i.e. drugged into a stupor so they don't misbehave) but still does badly on attention tests. The trick is to find the sweet spot in the dosage, and it can vary by up to 100 fold between different people!

>> No.2966640

I used to have ADD

Then I manned the fuck up and stopped having ADD