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2965004 No.2965004 [Reply] [Original]

In that Voyager episode "Threshold", what reason did they give for not using Warp 10 to get home? It led to mutations (evolution lol) - but they cured that. Why couldn't they just zip home then inject everyone with the cure well and truly before it began to matter?

>> No.2965008

Because status quo. Voyager is a terrible show, btw. Trek is generally low tier, but Voyager/Enterprise are truly scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.2965006

>Star Trek
>plot holes

>> No.2965017


>> No.2965022
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>Implying people talk about television on /tv/

>> No.2965044

So it wasn't explained? They didn't even come up with some technobabble?

>> No.2965058

voyager was shit
they completely wasted a potentially awsome setting
they somehow turned the borg, the fucking borg, into complete pussies
plus all the other stupid, deeply stupid shit janeway had her mentally deficient crew do

>> No.2965064

Doesn't matter, the episode was retconned later on in the series.

>> No.2965066
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I agree that Voyager was shit. Boring characters, more bad episodes per season than the earlier three Trek's and nonsensical crap like in the OP (is it just me or do non of the Star Trek writers know what evolution is? Remember that Next Gen episode where a virus made them all 'de-evolve'?) but lets be honest - the Borg were always shit.

No character to them, hardly incorporated into Next Gen save for a couple of episodes, shitty movies. Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians and Dominions were the master Star Trek antagonist race

Also the Kazon felt like Klingons on easy mode.

Anyway to answer the OP, the didn't really address it. The device screwed up and rather than tinkering with it to get the greatest piece of technology ever discovered working, they just sort of went "lol, oh well" and went back to aimlessly wandering the Delta quad.

>> No.2965072

Because Event Horizon. There's no scientific cure for supernatural mutations.

>> No.2965077

Don't spoil too much, but how was it retconned?

>> No.2965078

That episode was one of Voyagers worst episodes. Even the writers say they couldn't have fucked it up worse.

>> No.2965085

Voyager had too many goofy comic relief characters and the worst captain ever.

>> No.2965087

TOS: Spock/McCoy relationship, Chekov
TNG: Worf, Data, lots of Picard episodes
DS9: Quark, Garak, Worf

Star Trek has always had lighthearted moments, Voyager (at least the first 3 seasons. Haven't seen beyond those) had the fewest. Personally I thought the characters were just flat out boring.

>> No.2965096

Honestly, I enjoy Star Trek, but I can see people not liking it. The blend of serious and silly just doesn't appeal to some people. But anyone who says the TNG/Motion Picture theme song isn't one of the best theme songs ever is probably a retarded.

>> No.2965103


In a later episode, Tom Paris says something to the effect of, "I've never navigated at transwarp speeds before."

>> No.2965106

Perhaps another plothole.

>> No.2965108

>Star Trek has always had lighthearted moments, Voyager (at least the first 3 seasons. Haven't seen beyond those) had the fewest.
I totally disagree. All Star Trek shows may have had "lighthearted" moments and failed attempts at humor, but Voyager had the most characters that served as *nothing* but comic relief, namely penis-nosed Neelix and that holographic doctor.

>> No.2965109

>Implying Threshold isn't a pretty decent episode and you faggots aren't just hating on it because everyone else does

>> No.2965112
File: 25 KB, 252x257, Yawning Homeless Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never upload your mind into a positronic brain and live forever

>> No.2965115

>bawww stop hurting my hypersensitive fanboy pooper

>> No.2965117

sounds like just more shitty writing

>> No.2965122

Why do people watch television when it's just all pre-written/stages nonsense?

>> No.2965127

>holographic doctor
just thinking about the "holograms are people too!" episodes piss me off

they had a legion of doctors mining a fucking asteroid, quite posssibly the least energy efficient and practical method of scraping small rocks off a larger rock ever concieved

>> No.2965147

All holosuite episodes = filler. Even the better holosuite episodes were still mediocre.

>> No.2965148

star trek is a character driven franchise, and Voyager had terrible characters. furry chef, klingon cunt, black vulcan, etc., very shallow and generally just annoying. the worst sin was removing it to a different universe (effectively) and giving them a clear overarching goal that they could never be allowed to actually attain.

i wish they had actually ended it with the 'year of hell' (a single season where more than half the cast dies over time, and is replaced, showing the ships new role as a generational ship). instead we got time travel retardation.

no, i'll upload it into a silicon one, not much more relatively powerful than the one i'm typing this message on. 'positronic' is a nonsense word anyway.

>> No.2965154

>black vulcan

You mean Not Spock? Yeah, he was pretty boring.

>> No.2965186

hey, positrons exist yo

>> No.2965198


Spock, McCoy, Worf, Worf, Worf, Garak.. Data Quark Worf Data?

Comic relief? Negroid are you serious?

Fuck that. Yes, some of the characters seem funny. But they are funny in that their behaviors are caricatures, and extremes. That doesnt make them "comic relief"

Get real Negroid.

I dont know a lot about writing but something I really liked about all the characters in TNG was that they were simple. They weren stupid, or weird, or did things that didnt make sense. But they had a very straight forward character. For instance:

Picard is moral, and diplomatic. He is very admirable.
Riker is a ladies man who is also very direct.
Data is a curious non-human studying human beings.
Worf believes in honor etc etc etc

They didnt need to be complicated, they just needed to be straight forward?

How would you describe any of the characters in TNG? Nothing. Who gives a shit about Ensign Wang? I dont. Fuck him. I hope he never gets laid. I hope they all die in space. Captain Janeway was like "captain does bullshit and risks everyones life"

It wasnt that there were too many "comic relief" unless you think shitty characters are comedic.

>> No.2965206

No, I think that comedic characters are shitty, and that Voyager had too many of them. I agree with your view on the rest of the cast.

>> No.2965207


Im going to keep going because Star Trek the next generation was a great show.

In Star Trek TNG, it was like, every episode was a vessel in which an ethical question was posed. By having consistent enemies tensions and long term plots naturally grew. Each character like wise was a vessel in which a perspective on the matter was shown. Thats part of why the characters didnt need to be complicated. If you wanted someone to show empathy, you just made counselor Troi open her stupid-hole. You can do this with all the characters.

Thats what made it good. I get the feeling screenwriters today have a different vision they think "Oh this character needs to be deep, so Ill make him do many confusing things"

No, thats not how it works. When you are telling a story you need thing to be understandable as fast as possible. A good TV show isnt about one complicated thing. Its about a large collection of simple things, that demonstrate some kind of conflict normal people can understand.

Voyager had none of this. Instead of demonstrating moral problems, or human problems, it depicted scientific problems. How many times did they say nano probes in voyager? Like, every solution was from nano probes. Every problem was another elaborate and bullshit scientific mystery.

Shit brothers, I could just keep ranting all night.

>> No.2965208
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>Ensign Wang

BWAHAHAHAHA, are you serious? That's hilarious o_O

>> No.2965210


His name was Ensign Kim, but the actors real name was Wang.

I actually used to run a JTV channel that played star trek all day every day for 4 months. I was getting about 2000 viewers a day before they shut me down.

Anyway, I had to manage the stream of star trek and make sure it was always working. I practically watched Star Trek for 4 months straight. It ruined my brain.

>> No.2965211
File: 107 KB, 360x360, Not a single fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, shut up. TNG was far better than Voyager, I agree, but your reasoning is fucking stupid. Sometimes complex can be good. In Voyager's case it just wasn't.

DS9 had more character development than Voyager and it was a great show too. Now if you're going to be a faggot go and do it in a science thread.

>> No.2965214

Paramount shut you down or could you just not pay the bills?

>> No.2965216

Who names their kid Wang? THE FUCK??????? I bet he likes it ^_^

>> No.2965219


In my opinion, DS9 was kind of bullshit too. But just bullshit because it wasnt really star trek.


Yeah paramount did. I started the channel around a time when I had surgery and ended up stuck in bed for a month. Its been 2 years since they shut me down. Im kind of proud, because, I still get emails occasionally from people who watched my channel. We had a really strong community that I will never forget.


Someone who is chinese? ?????


>> No.2965221

>Wasn't really Trek
>Somehow makes it a bad show

That's just pedantic. Plenty of shows aren't Trek. Who cares what title is slapped on it, it was a pretty decent show for a soft sci-fi.

>> No.2965226


It didnt really have the feel of star trek. It felt like an enormous organization in war. Right, lots things are good that are not trek. My bad for shitty wording.

In that regard, its bullshit that it was called Star Trek, and it didnt really feel like star trek. Also it was bullshit in that, it was kind of over the top, and purely action.

But I dont want to criticize it too much. It wasnt that bad.

>> No.2965247
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Deal with it nerds.

>> No.2965256
File: 11 KB, 292x223, q-star-trek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all at least agree that this motherfucker was a great character?

>> No.2965277


Because it was gilligan's island in space, and if they ever got home, the series would be over. And that would have made the fans happy.

>> No.2965306

Gilligan's Island: Bro tier
Star Trek: Shut in tier

>> No.2965315

He was usually just a diabolus ex machina.

>> No.2965321

How so? If I'm understanding TV Tropes right, a Diabolus ex Machina is a character that shows up to aggravate a plot?

Doesn't seem to apply to TNG since all the episodes are self contained. He shows up, he makes the problem, and they fix it. So do all the anomalies and Romulans and other alien races that the show presents. He is the plot for that episode.

>> No.2965330

>Alien race that has consistently proven themselves to be untrustworthy shows up
>Better give them the benefit of the doubt. Shields down, open hailing frequencies
>Q shows up. "I'm here to grant you any wish you want Picard"

Seriously Picard? Could have wished the Borg away. Stupid, bald, poetry reading pansy. Fuck him.

>> No.2965345
File: 21 KB, 320x240, batman holding a marshmallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Motion Picture

I had to check YouTube to make sure you weren't trolling. Those look fucking hideous.

>> No.2965374

I met Q in real life once. He was hung over and hadn't shaved in like a week.

By the way, enterprise was a good show, i regret that i only realized that after watching the whole thing in boredom last year. When it was airing i thought it was terrible, but only because i thought the idea was stupid and the one episode i saw kind of sucked. Overall it was great.

>> No.2965396

I thought even Trekkies hated that one.

>> No.2965398

it was a special kind of dilithum they used to go warp 10. They said in the episode that they didn't know how to come back into normal space at a specific point of their choice.

>> No.2965403

Deal with your opinion? Sure.

>> No.2965431
