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2964054 No.2964054 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that teachers seemingly overlap exams with other classes, on purpose? It's pure insanity having to focus on 6+ varied curriculum at once.
pic somewhat related.

>> No.2964079

Because they want as many students to fail as possible in order to stave off any potential competition within their fields.

>> No.2964092
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>> No.2964097
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>> No.2964139
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this shit happens all the time, regardless of the classes you're taking in college. it's quite funny

>> No.2964168

Because certain days are better to give exams on than others, so multiple teachers will decide to give exams on those days and will frequently overlap.

>> No.2964257
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>> No.2964285

Because school is designed to teach you how to be subservient and accepting of instructions. Part of the requirements of a good slave is not breaking down under heavy load.