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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 500x608, provingatheistswrongwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2962403 No.2962403 [Reply] [Original]

Was an Atheist until I read this. God proved with science.

>> No.2962411

Same. I read it 2 days ago, got converted and baptized at my local church yesterday. I also joined the local Teens4Christ group.


>> No.2962409

Eat a fat dick.

>> No.2962417

you posted an unrelated thread.

why do people spam threads about god here?
this is /sci/ - Science & Math
not /re/ - Religion & Mythology

>> No.2962414


What did I do? You couldn't have read the picture that fast.

>> No.2962423

its an old picture, we don't need to read it to know its the whole 'water isn't renewable' fallacy picture.

>> No.2962427

>Proof of god
>Pick one
>Implying you are not a troll
1/10 for getting me to post this.
Basically everything in that is wrong.

>> No.2962429

Well I mean, the water cycle and all.

>> No.2962432

I lol'd.

>> No.2962435


1) There is no /re/. I checked, twice.
2) I'm not spamming. This is completely and utterly related to science. How is it not?

>> No.2962441

Good one, troll. 0.1/10 cuz it made me lol.

>> No.2962445

you all posting in a trool thread

>> No.2962449

Prove me wrong.

>> No.2962450

Religion=/= science
It's the opposite
This doesn't belong here.
Try posting this on /b/ that is the proper board for this

>> No.2962452

>jpg with text
>God proved
>didn't click

>> No.2962457

the board has been plagued by [3X3 = 9 or 1?] threads for the past couple of hours and you decide to have a rant on this particular thread?

>> No.2962459


It's proving a religion with science. Once more, prove me wrong if the picture is inaccurate.

>> No.2962466

check the fallacy listed in >>2962423

>> No.2962469

There haven't always been 6 billion people on earth.
The water cycle "recycles" the same water.

>> No.2962472


Tripfag doesn't show any proof, sorry.

>> No.2962474

Also with this logic the earth would be much younger when you factor in all the animals that drink water (hint its every one of them...)

>> No.2962477


How can you be sure?

>> No.2962483

I'm rantting on all of them. Atleast this 3*3=1 plague is not so bad than the 288=2.
Trolling used to be funny. Todays it's just posting same shit over and over again 24/7.
I don't really get how this is funny to the person/persons doing this.
World is just full of retads.

Besides i'm one of those persons that tend to see the good in people.
He asked and i kinda answered.
He is a troll and i know it but i like to give him one more chance.

>> No.2962484

What is the water cycle?

>> No.2962493

Where's Proving Athiests Wrong with Science #2?

>> No.2962488


Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2962487


>> No.2962490



>> No.2962502

we are all drinking recycled dinosaur piss /thread.

>> No.2962505

How are you certain there weren't 6 billion people in the past? Lots of people die and then more are born. Cycle of life.

>> No.2962506

Dear, whoever you are.

Please kill yourself. This is /sci/. Go make your own IB and don't spam ours with religious dildos.


>> No.2962519
File: 52 KB, 407x584, and then theres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying There wasn't more water before than now
>Implying the water cycle doesn't exist
>Implying there weren't less people before on the planet

5/10, you made me respond

>> No.2962535

The ignorance in this thread is astounding. I thought /sci/ was better than this.

>> No.2962536
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1278023602469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2962546

Sci is part of 4chan like every other board.

Quit and get a life.

You will die one day and it will be over.

>> No.2962547


scared of truth

>> No.2962558
File: 86 KB, 388x296, Brotroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent parody. You should submit it to Conservapedia.

>> No.2962592


Just like everyone in this thread.

>> No.2962753
File: 15 KB, 1000x500, 1000px-Population_curve.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this OP

>> No.2962775


It gives no citations or source.

>> No.2962778

>mfw exponential data should be plotted with a log-scaled axis

>> No.2962793


not if you emphasize the area under the curve...

>> No.2962813


What's the face? Moron.

>> No.2963143

Bump. Still awaiting proof.

>> No.2963158

Enjoy your b&

>> No.2963164

thats fucking hilarious.

>> No.2963171

uh, what does it matter, it's not like the logic in OP's post is worthy of explanation.

>> No.2963188
File: 2 KB, 205x140, shitface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're drinking the piss of creatures long dead

>> No.2963210

Implying water vanishes from existence when people drink it.