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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2961847 No.2961847 [Reply] [Original]

To all of you who are having trouble with the following problem: 6÷2(1+2)

Here is the answer.
Yes. It equals 9. Deal with it.

This is why:
Order of Operations states that when there is both multiplication and division present, you must work from left to right. Apparently, our math teachers have failed to do their job. For more information about PEMDAS, visit this link:

Now then, I will solve the problem for you.
Here is our original: 6÷2(1+2)
Order of operations states we perform whatever operation is within the parenthesis first, which in this case, is 1+2.

Now we have 6÷2(3)

Here is where many go wrong. They seem to want to multiply 2 by 3, which leaves you with 6÷6=1. BUT, since there is multiplication AND division present, we work from left to right. If it makes it any easier, think of the problem like this: 6÷2•3

Now, we divide 6 by 2, giving us 3. Here is our problem now:


Now that we all know how it works, let us never speak of this again. Any troll who persists and continues to ask about this problem can kindly go swallow a fork.

>> No.2961867
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Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.2961876
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bumping for sticky. 'Bout time

>> No.2961905

Nobody has trouble with it except for retards on facebook and trolls.

>> No.2961970

this and
using inline division (÷) should be punishable by death

>> No.2962024

>we work from left to right

Why ?
I can do whatever I want, since if you have a doubt you can just go and check the previous line of calculation.
If you are to write down ambigious expressions it is your fault that you get 2 kinds of answers.

>> No.2962161

Depends on the country you learned maths.

Britfags learn that division takes priority

>> No.2962181

I define the answer to be 42
why? Because I fucking say so and I am boss
and there's no fucking thing you can do about it

>> No.2962884


it makes it so it's clear what the original writer meant so dumbfucks like you can't use the 'DERP I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT AND GET A DIFF ANSWER'.

>> No.2962934

Here's where you went wrong op.

You assumed that:
Rather than:
You should not assume this.

>> No.2962942

You're all wrong.

It's 288.

>> No.2962952

>Long ago, in an equation far... far away...

>> No.2962961

Here's where you went wrong

You assumed that:
Rather than:
You should not assume this.

>> No.2962975

Always do parenthesis first

It is not (6/2)x(1+2)

>> No.2962983


Protip: There's no place for implied parenthesis outside of calculator programming.

<span class="math">÷2 = *2^{-1}[/spoiler]

>> No.2962974

You should assume neither.

>> No.2962988

>It is not (6/2)x(1+2)
Why not?

>> No.2962995

Right, so follow the order of operations.


Even though the "x" isn't there, it's implied. From left to right now (because M and D have equal priority, hey that rhymes).

6/2 = 3
3(1+2) = 9

>> No.2962996


>> No.2962998

hi thar. the 2 isn't in the paranthesis.

also for the OP, you can do it right to left or up or down, it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.2963006

6/2 is definitely 2.
Keep doing math, and keep the faith alive.

>> No.2963010


2•1 = 2
2•2 = 4




Deal with it.

>> No.2963030

If someone hands you an equation with implied order of operation, they're either inept or trolling, and you correct or ignore them as needed.

End of fucking story.

>> No.2963034

Example 1.

-- (1+2) = (6÷2)(1+2)

Example 2.

--------- = 6÷(2(1+2))

Your use of the order of operations still assumes that the question is in the form of my first example. When you can easily apply the order of operations to both.

The question is ambiguous because it does not tell you which form it is in.

>> No.2963046

deal with it faggots!

>> No.2963044

Just an example of how the linear method of writing formulae is flawed.

>> No.2963072

>6/2 is definitely 2.

Not sure if trolling or very stupid

>> No.2963081

no, you assume nothing when doing it as per 1). if you do 2) you assume a non-existent paranthesis.
1) does not require paranthesis between the 6 and 2 because the order of doing linear equations works as though it was there.
6/2*4/9 is just that, and is not in any way ambiguous unless you can't read linear.

>> No.2963082

Anyone else realize that this is the entire reason latex exists?

Perpetuating this shit just makes you stupid.

>> No.2963084

Fuck this shit, everyone asking this is a highschooler who saw the facebook quiz and wants to answer it.

>> No.2963126


--------- = 6/2(1+2)

No assumed parentheses there.

>> No.2963140

you fucking wrote the linear in your post. bad troll or completely retarded you are padawan.

>> No.2963156

I assume you're talking about this post

Where I wrote
--------- = 6÷(2(1+2))

You're saying I put non-existent parentheses there correct?

I only did that to clarify how people are reading the different form of writing an ambiguous question.

In >>2963126
I returned to writing the equation in its original, ambiguous form.

>> No.2963159

1/2x is not x/2.
>Why not?
>ur not following pedmas.
>im op and im a faggot
Because its an algebraic agreement.
(just read any math book)

answer could be both 1 and 9. And its not a math problem. Its just a conception one.

>> No.2963174

It honestly doesn't matter what order this is done in, the answer will be 9.

>> No.2963184



x/y = 1

>> No.2963198

ok utterly retarded it is.

yes there is. else it would be 6/(2(1+2))
writing 6/2(1+2) in linear can mean ONE thing and one thing only. 6 divided by 2 times 3. anything else you feel like doing is assuming non-existent paranthesis, as in >>2963126
those are not and will never be equal.

>> No.2963216
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This thread is now about making Polish Notation the standard.

>> No.2963218

Give me mathematical proof, not assertions.

6 divided by 2 times 3.

Is that:
6 divided by 2, times 3
6, divided by 2 times 3

>those are and will never be equal
Because your willpower makes it so?

>> No.2963221

So what is 6\3*2 ?

>> No.2963255

there is no mathematical proof for reading linear left to right, just as there is none for reading text left to right.
I bet you can find a written ISO standard if you feel you need to.

standard linear equations always go left to right, and in normal order or operation. if you want to create your own way of interpreting standard linear equations feel free.
for the rest of the world it doesn't make the equation any more ambiguous though.

>> No.2963260

Its called an axiom.

Its the basic reason math exists in the first place.

>> No.2963266 [DELETED] 
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Can someone give me a hand? I know both of them are parallel but i cant find the distance between them :/

>> No.2963309

Try something for me will you?
Write 6/2(1+2) in a non linear format.
Like this:

Tell me why you do it as you do.

>> No.2963381

Hi Joe, It's over 9000!

>> No.2963422

This thread is why I don't fucking understand postfix expressions aren't taught in school

>> No.2965308

>postfix expressions

What's that?

>> No.2965313
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>> No.2965319

Or you just rewrite division as multiplication.

6÷2(1+2) = 6*(1/2)*(3) = 3*3 = 9
= 6*1.5 = 9

It's just trolling, really.

>> No.2965342

Or you just rewrite division as multiplication.

6÷2(1+2) = 6*(1/2)*(3)^(-1) = 6*6^(-1) = 1

It's just trolling, really.