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File: 82 KB, 600x449, massivetornado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2959117 No.2959117 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2959120
File: 32 KB, 255x254, zhakarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank Christ, it was a Red state!

>> No.2959127

I'll remember to return the favor when the next earthquake hits California.

>> No.2959129

I was there when that one ripped through tuscaloosa. It was only a few hundred feet away from where we were.

>> No.2959145


>> No.2959148
File: 3 KB, 116x126, 1296190647315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reportedly 58 people have died thus far

>> No.2959166


>Your face when California is practically a swing state we elected Reagen and Arnold as governor

>> No.2959178

From CNN today
Where did you get 58?

-- Tuscaloosa: At least 15 people were killed when a mile-wide tornado struck the city Wednesday afternoon, Mayor Walter Maddox said. He described a surreal scene as the twister plowed through: "There were parts of the city I literally didn't recognize," he told CNN's Eliot Spitzer. "We have hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed, and hundreds more damaged. Dozens of roads are unpassable," Maddox told reporters. Janet Teer, the command center coordinator for DCH Regional Medical Center, said the hospital took a direct hit from a funnel cloud, but did not suffer structural damage, though windows were blown out. Many people had been brought to the hospital, some with severe injuries, including broken limbs, some "walking wounded," and multiple fatalities.

>> No.2959190

Stoop to his level, that will show him.

>> No.2959201

apparently one town was obliterated so terribly that it's completely impassable even on foot. and i guess in one county they were asking for mobile morgues and mass burial assistance because so many people were killed. it's really messed up, but the conditions just fell into place today.

>> No.2959241

This is the worst tornado season in years.


>> No.2959299


Im sorry, when was the last time california voted republican?

also, are you trying to imply that there is a relationship between national politics and the Governor?

also, are you trying to imply that, similar to the presidential races, that state governor races are always "stacked" with an equal dem and republican candidate?

california almost never has any more than 1 single person running in each category who even meets the bar of legal mental competancy.

literally, your only OPTION is to vote for the SINGLE candidate who isnt either retarded or utterly insane
that is the reason why (despite what you said about governor) we have had democratic senators and shitloads of dem. congressman elected over and fucking over and over again.

literally no one else has ever even met the minimum requirement to even get "attention" by the media (or funding).

It would be like being given the option of Arnold.... or a wandering homeless person with schizophrenia.... that is basically the option for all things... mayors, judges, attorney general, senator, congressman, governor etc.

>> No.2959316

Bustamante was a retard?

>> No.2959730

C'mon /sci/, political stances aside. We're all human here. I think liberals are fuckin stupid for trying to "help" mother nature. Nature doesn't give two shits if humans exist or not. It clearly has shown that it does not give a fuck.

>> No.2959766

Most people could not find Alabama on a map, sorry. Alabama's most famous person is redneck Natalee Holloway.

>> No.2959775

time to watch Twister.

seriously though. Do we have videos?

>> No.2959778

Nope. If you're dumb enough to live in Alabama, deal with the consequences.