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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2956705 No.2956705 [Reply] [Original]


1.Your qualifications/what you're studying.

2.Your favorite musical act.

>> No.2956715

Math, economics.

Don't have one, I am not a faggot.

>> No.2956720

Math, History, Philosophy, Physics

Breaking Benjamin

>> No.2956724

1. EE 3rd year
2. seriously?

>> No.2956725
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>1. Phd in maths
>2. $300k starting

>> No.2956726

autists spotted

>> No.2956734

BA, social science
indie rock


>> No.2956739

mathematical finance, civil engineering (no homo)


>> No.2956743

only faggots would have a "favorite musical act"
i listen to the best music from every age, when I feel in the mood for it, I don't go out and find every song by one artist or some shit like that.

>> No.2956749

So basically, you're not interested in music because you're an emotionless homework robot.

>> No.2956750
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1. Mathematics, starting grad school in fall

2. Elend

>> No.2956758

PhD in Mathematics

I love loads of left field techno, indie and foreign music and I'm in a band called Caribou.

>> No.2956761
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So in other words, you're too embarrassed to say which is your favourite so you've become a music generalist to ensure everybody likes you!

>> No.2956766

I'm sure he's just a 'fun guy' who likes everything but country and rap.

>> No.2956780

No, I'm pretty sure like all of us, he's just trying to achieve a "sophistication through indiscriminateness"

>> No.2956783

I'm intelligent, I listen to Intelligent Dance Music. I don't dance though cause that's gay.

>> No.2956829

military engineering

miles davis probably

>> No.2956855

Comp Sci/Electrical Engineering

late 90's emocore/punk/hipster garbage

>> No.2956973

1. Mining Engineering

2. The Beatles

>> No.2956986

>the Beatles

you're trolling right? are you like 10 years old?

>> No.2956992
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>military engineering

sure, but that's not as respectable as my unicorn-fairy-magicarp engineering degree.

>> No.2956995

neuroscience/psych undergrad

pink floyd? no real preference tho, they just stand the test of time to me.

polite sage for little to no science

>> No.2956996

1. math
2. electronic music, metal

>> No.2957000

1. Pharmacology
2. Minimal Techno (don't have a favourite DJ as I like the vast majority of them)

>> No.2957001
File: 38 KB, 457x594, Joanna Newsom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physics and joanna newsom.

come at me, bro.

>> No.2957010

Mechatronic Engineering
I have many favourites.

>> No.2957014


Fingerplay. Guy Buttery being my favourite artist.

Polite sage for soft science stereotyping.

>> No.2957018
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>> No.2957030

1. PhD in Women's Studies from MIT

2. Justin Bieber.

>> No.2957033


does she have downs? seriously, though.

>> No.2957034


Empire! Empire! (I was a lonely estate)

>> No.2957035


Any melodic and electronic. Big plus if it uses piano.

>> No.2957043

He could just get an implant.

>> No.2957041

Haha you like Fingerplay and Guy Buttery you fuckin faggot

>> No.2957060

she grew up in isolation so her brain never developed.

>> No.2957061

Pure Math, undergrad
Tossup between Fastball and Switchfoot

>> No.2957070
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1st year physics degree

I like prog verging on industrial
but if I had to pick one song it would be the Moonlight Sonata

(and no I don't care how much of a classhole than makes me sound)

>> No.2957074

fuck off faggot.

>> No.2957081
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B.A. (lol) in chemistry. Medical student in US currently


>> No.2957082


'fraid not. i think her parents were kinda eccentric and she went to a waldorf school so her unbringing was admittedly not typical but if that is the reason she grew up to become such a unique and brilliant flower of a human being then i for one am thankful.

>> No.2957085
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BA Computer Science


>> No.2957086

no it makes you sound like an entry-level tryhard

>> No.2957091



>> No.2957099


> Greatest band of all time

> Must be trolling

>> No.2957102

Are you sure there isn't something wrong with her? Of course there is she deff throwed way the fuck off but the voice is shit so whats her deal. I kno ppl wouldnt pay money to see someone with that voice unless there was somethin else goin on

>> No.2957104
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I can live with that

>> No.2957110


Cynic, Gordian Knot, King Crimson, Aghora, Rachmaninoff, Bach, Cryptopsy, Atheist

Superior study and music taste

>> No.2957116
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>> No.2957129


ho ho, very good.

i shall play along with your trolling antics just enough to inform you that her voice is far from bad.

she hits her notes and she knows what she is doing; her singing voice and her intonation are simply unusual and, sadly, most people will always be afraid of what they don't understand.

>> No.2957183

love the playing,
but datvoice.jpg
it sounds like a angry 4 year old is having a tantrum in my ear

>> No.2957190

None in particular, it all sounds like this though:

>> No.2957203

1) bachelor's in engineering & management
getting my master's in mechanical engineering
also possibly getting my master's of business administration.

2) between the buried and me

>> No.2957206

only suckers favor a handful of acts
we cultivate our eclectic musical style

>> No.2957213

MS MechE/three conference papers

Grandaddy, The Magic Numbers, and a little band called Earlimart

>> No.2957212

LLB (Hons)

Currently undertaking a LLM.

Pink Floyd

>> No.2957216

Marine Biology

Ludovico Einaudi

>> No.2957228

lol at people lying about their studies, most of /sci/ are in high school yet they all claim to be doing degrees.

>> No.2957229

1. BS Mechanical Engineering

2. Right now I'd have to go with the Black Keys, although this changes almost daily as I explore new music.

>> No.2957230


haha, ill admit thats not the best rendition of that song but i maintain that the album version is one of the greatest ever written.

honestly, give her second album, Ys, a listen. It's more mature, lyrical, and poetic than her first and theres even more harp action in there. if your anything like me you will love Ys for its uniqueness and its elegance and in listening to it her voice will slowly grow on you; until one day you decide to go back and give milk eyed mender another listen and it and it will blow your face off with the sheer force of its powerful, child-like wonder.

>> No.2957235

usually the liars say they are doing a PhD in physics

>> No.2957241

Math/Comp Sci


>> No.2957252



>> No.2957253



>> No.2957257

Cannibal Corpse

>> No.2957282

Computing + Psychology

>> No.2957281

qualifications: statistics, info science, comp sci / studying: sociology

2. the birthday massacre, portishead

>> No.2957315

chem engg, met engg, geology (not gay i swear)

amity affliction, parkway, day to remember, enter shikari, etc (not a fat long haired cunt i swear)

also a bit of aussie hip hop (not a bogan i swear)

>> No.2957323

>Psychology and biology

>likes all types of music.

>> No.2957333

1. Math
2. Miku!

>> No.2957338

1. Classical Composition and Conducting.

2. Opeth.

>> No.2957345

Psychology, Computer Science


>> No.2957347

1. Mathematics
2. Uhhh, sometimes rap, but I'm not a wigger or anything.

>> No.2957349

1. Mathematics
1. Pink Floyd.

>> No.2957354


Wiz Khalifa

>> No.2957357

2. mostly techno/electro/trance, mostly.

>> No.2957362

1. Neurosciences

2. 50 cent/G UNIT

>> No.2957457

Booka Shade currently

>> No.2957795
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1. MatSE

2. Black Moth Super Rainbow

>> No.2957806

2. Muse (in concert = amazing), God is an Astronaut

>> No.2957859
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1. astrophysics
2. brown noise

>> No.2958024


All these people into muse/metal/prog have personality defects and should just off themselves.

>> No.2958055


Classical. Specifically, Evgeny Kissin, Weissenberg and Yundi Li. If I'm not listening to classical, then jazz infusions(like Nujabes).

>> No.2958108
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1: Studying IO Chem, BA in Biochem this time next year, med school after that.

2: Gogol Bordello

>> No.2958146

recommendation: this mix featuring a ton of really old electronic music