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File: 56 KB, 410x377, communist-party_of-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2955679 No.2955679 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Canadafags, I have a question.

why the balls don't we vote for the Commu nist Party of Canada?

Can you imagine how well a first world country, with tons of natural resources, would do with a comm unist government? It would be revolutionary. It just sucks they didn't get a majority of seats in the house of commons... I'm not surprised. Com munism is misunderstood, and has a bad reputation.

>> No.2955696

you want USA to come home and beat you again then lock you in the basement until you've learned your lesson?

do you really want that?

>> No.2955718


After a few years or communism, our military would be much more powerful than america's.

>> No.2955728

Like this poster has just shown, Canada cannot take any meaningful step to that type of governmental or social system as they'd be whipped hard by the US.

>> No.2955725

^^ of*

>> No.2955733


yeah okay..

300mil ppl in the USA
34mil ppl in canada

USA would sit on you.

>> No.2955752


Good point, but not everyone US is in the military. With a communist Canada, serving the army would be mandatory. (for around 5 years)

Plus, why would US fight us. We wouldn't attack them. We'd just stop exporting our resources and become pretty much self sufficient. That's no reason to start a war.

>> No.2955761

>Plus, why would US fight us.
McCarthyism never died. In fact, it flared up recently due to a mulatto President being elected and tea party/birther types freaking the fuck out.

>> No.2955764

>>Implying they need a reason to start a war

>> No.2955779


Yeah... freaking McCarthyism is ruining my plans.

>> No.2955785

> Canada goes communist
> US goes to war with Canada
Am I the only one that would turncoat so fucking hard if this actually happened?

>> No.2955790
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>> No.2955798

Take a look at the polls OP. We might never get a Commie government, but the Social Democrats are rising fast.

>> No.2955799
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>> No.2955804


And are you Canadian or American?

>> No.2955805

The term "first world" originated during the red scare, and defined wealthy, capitalist nations as the first world. Communists were second world, and those not involved in the cold war were the third world. If Canada becomes Communist, it's technically no longer a first world country.
Grammar nazi-ing aside, Communism, fuck yeah! However, my votes on France for moving toward marxism first. The left party of its two-party system is the French Socialist Party, i.e. they're taken seriously there.

>> No.2955813

>Good point, but not everyone US is in the military. With a communist Canada, serving the army would be mandatory. (for around 5 years)
I thought communism was all about freedom (freedom from having to work etc)?

>> No.2955811


>> No.2955814



>> No.2955823
File: 18 KB, 499x298, cascadianfalg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious communist Cascadia
What say you, /sci/

>> No.2955825


>Communism is misunderstood

Maybe, but that doesn't mean it works out for a country whose claim to fame is "selling natural resources to capitalist countries to pretend like you have a stable economy."

>> No.2955829


lol omg anonymous would love this party.

>> No.2955834

welfare, free food, and no private land is all bullshit.

that type of communism will never work.

a resource and science based economy is what you want.

>> No.2955836

The term "first world" originated during the red scare, and defined wealthy, capitalist nations as the first world. Communists were second world, and those not involved in the cold war were the third world. If Canada becomes Communist, it's technically no longer a first world country.
Grammar nazi-ing aside, Communism, fuck yeah! However, my money is on France for moving toward marxism first. The left party of its two-party system is the French Socialist Party, i.e. they're taken seriously there.

>> No.2955849

lol pirate party, yes, anonymous would like the goal of the party actually, I think.
Protecting every Canadian's right to privacy.


Everyone is equal in Communism, but not necessarily free to do anything they want. The government controls most living conditions.

>> No.2955855
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>a resource and science based economy is what you want.

>> No.2955856

Because men are not robots, greed and jealousy keep communism from working. Theoretically, it may be Utopian. In reality, I doubt it would work.

>> No.2955859

I'm already expatriating as soon as I'm within my power to do so, so no, you're not alone. Do governments generally require citizenship for scientists to qualify for grants?

>> No.2955861

lol pirate party, yes, anonymous would like the goal of the party actually, I think.
Protecting every Canadian's right to privacy.


Everyone is equal in Communism, but not necessarily free to do anything they want. The government controls most living conditions.

>> No.2955874

anything can work. its just a matter of setting up incentives properly.

the only difference between capitalism and communism is incentives.

unfourtunelty both of them are extremely sub-optimal solutions, but with computer modeling and neuroscience you could set up a system of incentives that would be better at everything.

>> No.2955877


Hey man, If I was running a communist country, the only jobs I would let people choose from would be science, academic, and research jobs.

People would eventually just build robots to do all the other crap.

Dumb people can go to the military, if knowledge isn;t their thing

>> No.2955896


What if a guy takes pleasure from menial labor? What if a janitor actually enjoys being a janitor more than being a nuclear physicist? What right does the government have to deny an innocent person happiness?

>> No.2955913


Every right.

There will be virtual simulation video games for every job possible. If someone likes being a janitor rather than the given jobs he can play the video game in his free time at the military.

Actually. Screw him. He disrespects science. He dies.

I'm creating the Academic Fascist Party of Canada.

>> No.2955914

I just spent four years getting an engineering degree so I could make a high wage. If somebody fucks with that I will rape heir face.

>> No.2955939

>Hey man, If I was running a communist country, the only jobs I would let people choose from would be science, academic, and research jobs.

Who will provide the essential products and services, such as food, water, transport, and maintenance?

>> No.2955943

Canadian here, war with USA aside,

Even if they could solve the incentive problem and create the new socialist man (USSR couldn't, even after killing 70M+ people), they still can't plan an economy in a remotely efficient way. Prices contain information about the relation between the relative availability of a product and how badly people want it. In the absence of this information which comes about as a result of people exchanging, it becomes impossible to know what to produce and how.

Also the USSR had a tremendous amount of natural resources available and ultimately couldn't provide their average citizen with the material wealth available to even a lower class American.

>> No.2955957


And the government has every right to deny a basic human desire because...?

>> No.2955972

OP, it's not balls, but retardation we're lacking.

>> No.2955977

You're an idiot, OP.

>> No.2955986

Oh god, a communist Canada would be even worse than when Reagen led America.

>> No.2955989

A canada thread on /sci/

Nothing I love better than seeing Canada get talked about.

Countrymen I am proud.jpg

Also, fuck the communist party. They have like ten members, and I'm friends with a descendent of a founder. NDP is pretty lite, but its the best choice since they are rising fast.

>> No.2956001

Vote Harper.
That is all.

>> No.2956007
File: 14 KB, 320x277, pol compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resource based economy ftw

Inb4 Stockholm syndrome hurr durr

>> No.2956017


>resource based economy
>not a complete utopian bullshit scenario

In a resource based economy, he who maintains the robots is de facto king. Designers don't even get that much say, it's the guys who fix the fuckers.

>> No.2956063

>anybody who criticizes me is a neocon poor-hating redneck with stockholm syndrome
>I don't know a fucking thing about basic, commonly agreed upon economic principles
>I get my political views from independent film makers whose qualifications are summed up in the phrase "wicked marimba skills, thin goatee"

look at my opinion!!1 isn't it sooooo radical? Venus project 4 lyfe

>> No.2956069
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>In a resource based economy, he who maintains the robots is de facto king. Designers don't even get that much say, it's the guys who fix the fuckers.
Not quite the case if you design the robots to be easily maintainable via other robots that are also able to easily maintain their own kind that are occasionally broken.
A small (< 100) libertarian technocratic-democratic hybrid government with two year terms for each member would be the best 'owners' for the robots and automation in my opinion.

>> No.2956089


Technocracy and democracy are completely at odds with each other; you're just spouting words almost at random. Can't have a government where the experts dictate how the country works when you have a government where the people dictate how the country works. Unless you think you can make democracy not function as a popularity contest (here's a hint: you can't, especially with a micronation's worth of people where everybody knows each other and thus all democratic decisions will have multiple motives)

>> No.2956126

Yeah bro, I thought communism was for the working class? What happens to those people who don't have jobs when robots are doing everything? You're going to pay them to all be engineers? lol

Good luck with your commie country in the backyard of America.

>> No.2956138

Canadian countryman here.

Vote ndp and get cheap internet.

Vote Liberal and get weed.

Communism doesn't work.
Nothing to extremes work.
Mixed socialism, mixed everything is the best possible option.

Now I'd like to remind america that we have a population thats smaller then the state of california but we're the second biggest country in the world and we still get as much done as any other first world nation.

Thats fucking impressive.

Also we fucking love america and america love us.
We'd sooner go to war with quebec.

>> No.2956140
File: 146 KB, 496x384, 1289126668239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Government members are elected via selection from prize winners, inventors, people who have been recognized for their excellence in their field. There can be ten people as candidates for a Minister of Health, where a Minister is chosen by normal citizens in the nation who have experience or expertise relating to the field. So people like doctors, medical students, physicians would be voting. As for individual laws, a similar thing happens, where the government has 50% of the vote deciding if a law passes or not where the people that the law affects or is related to in their field have the other 50%.

I am unaware of any similar governmental system to this so I call it technocratic democracy. A nice beld between anti-corruption and letting the country be run like a popularity contest.

>> No.2956145
File: 1.24 MB, 1263x927, 1288063309655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>derp hurr durr communism
The key is to get all robots to replace menial human labour, then phase out the traditional monetary system for something like Manna's 1,000 a week non-stacking resource credits where the price of goods is dictated by the amount of materials, time, and energy used. Effectively everyone goes on a reaaaaaaally good welfare, to basically be 'economically free.'

>> No.2956231


So, the criteria isn't based on ability, it's based on the perception of ability. Sounds to me like you could use some basic psych courses.

>> No.2956244
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Gotta experiment sometime. Might as well do it when its practically impossible to fuck up.

>> No.2956257


How exactly is experimenting with a society who literally has an army of robots exactly practically impossible to fuck up? Sounds to me like you haven't thought this through very well at all.

>> No.2956273
File: 136 KB, 450x380, 1261794888751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The robots and automation are initially set up to automate all the essentials of human life as well as loads of bells and whistles, phones, iPods and gadgets and so forth. With that being standalone and able to allocate resources quickly and efficiently to each factory or something that needs to create products, the government doesn't have much to do other than to enact new laws which are half-decided by the people, or allow extra resources for projects such as research experiments or directing the construction of new infrastructure.
A fair bit harder to fuck up than our current systems.

>> No.2956303

So basically, there the balance between skilled and unskilled labor isn't reflected in costs
good idea

>> No.2956319

>C word
This some new auto word ban that I missed?

Also, because c--ism is retarded. It doesn't work.

>> No.2956329

Have you ever met a Communist Party of Canada member? They're all 20 year old douchebags who begin every sentence with, "Well, as a political science major, I think that..." as if their two years of introductory international studies courses mean they know dick all about the world. That's a bit of a generalization, of course... occasionally they're 40 year old douchebags who think they're 20 year old douchebags.

>> No.2956341

> We'd sooner go to war with quebec.
No way... did you see the Habs game tonight? <3 Montreal right now.