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2948988 No.2948988 [Reply] [Original]

why dont we feel the earth spinning? is it because of gravity or because we are spinning at the same speed? or is it both?

>> No.2949001


>> No.2949004

You spin with the earth. You only "feel" things when you accelerate. As you spin with the earth, you're moving at a constant speed always and so it doesn't "feel" like anything. Think about driving in a car. You only feel it's motion when it is speeding up or slowing down. If you're on a highway going at the same constant speed, you don't feel like you're moving do you?

>> No.2949005

>because we are spinning at the same speed

earth's momentum = our momentum

>> No.2949010

Because of gravity, we are attached to the earth, so we are spinning at the same speed...

>> No.2949012

the centripetal accelration that keeps you oriented normal to earth's surface is extremely small.

>> No.2949013

>implying that there are other forces acting on us besides gravity

gravity pulls us in; all feeling is based off that. gravity from other sources is negligible and undetectable to the human senses, and therefore our own rotation around our earth isn't noticed because nothing else could allow us to feel our relative position shift.

>> No.2949018

>because we are spinning at the same speed

earth's momentum = our momentum

Also, our sensors aren't that great.What we feel is skin compression on our nerves, blood pressure differences in the skin pushing/pulling from nerves area etc etc. That's not bad, but that's limited.

>> No.2949022

WRONG. It has nothing to do with that. We don't feel the rotation because its a constant rotation, not because it's small compared to gravity.

>> No.2949025

k thanks guys :)

>> No.2949031

Totally wrong.

We have our own inertia and it is independant from any source of gravity

>> No.2949041

>implying rotation isn't acceleration

>> No.2949051

It is a centripetal acceleration, which is applied by gravity, but you can also increase your angular velocity and thus have a tangential acceleration. This is the acceleration I'm talking about. We do not have a tangential acceleration because the earth is not speeding up or slowing down its revolution (alright it is but only a very very tiny unnoticeable bit). Thus you are stupid for not know that.

>> No.2949066

Guess why rocket launching sites are so close to the equator. Correct, centrifugal acceleration saves fuel.
(inb4 someone telling me there's no centrifugal force ..... I'm tired of posting my image)

>> No.2949079

And you've never done the calculation. There are many fictitious forces in an accelerated frame, and only a few of them depend on <span class="math">\dot\omega[/spoiler].

>> No.2949081


So it's lined with the solar system, moron.

>> No.2949075

You can measure it, but not feel it. If we assume the earth is a perfect sphere with constant density, you would weight less on the axis of rotation than equator because of centriputal acceleration.

>> No.2949083

the chilean earthquake move the axis of the earth.
if this movement was bigger enough, would we feel it?

>> No.2949084

Yeah, shooting rockets from the north pole would make them fly way out of our solar system, they would leave the Milky Way in a matter of seconds, hahaha

>> No.2949088

I accept myself to be TOLD.

>> No.2949097

Rockets will have to travel more, yes. Why waste fuel?
Also, better meteorological conditions.

>> No.2949101

mfw you call josef a moron. Besides the equator is tilted with respect to the earth's orbital plane. Thus if you orbit at the equator, you're not lined up with the solar system.

>> No.2949113

>>2949101 mfw you call josef a moron
... because I've got a +3 insultment shield!

>> No.2949116

What does that have to do with what I said? I claimed there was no acceleration in our rotation. Obviously I meant tangential acceleration, and that poster decided to be smartass and claim rotation does have acceleration. But of course he was referring to the centripetal acceleration from gravity, not the tangential one I was referring to.

>> No.2949117

That's only because equatorians are cheap workers. And the weather there is nice. And weeds comes cheaply.
This centriputal bullshit is only there to cover scientist's free vacations.

>> No.2949119
File: 47 KB, 512x512, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949123

there's no centifugal force

>> No.2949138
File: 36 KB, 512x512, trolltrolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949146


3 - 2 - 1 and SAGE!

>> No.2949154

but i wanted the picture :(