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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2947467 No.2947467 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ have so much dislike for engineers? You do realize you are using a computer that was designed by an engineer right?

>> No.2947470

I'm also using a toilet that was cleaned by a toilet lady.

>> No.2947486

The toilet would still exist without the cleaning lady, it would just be dirty without her. Your computer would not exist if an engineer had not designed it.

>> No.2947519

i dislike cows, but i love the cheese they make


>> No.2947527

Cows don't make cheese silly, people do.

>> No.2947529

/sci/ is homophobic.

>> No.2947539
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>pic related

engineers didn't design computers silly, mathematicians like von neumann and turing did

>> No.2947544

I wouldn't say we dislike engineers so much as we have a friendly rivalry...

>> No.2947549

I said designed not invented. Just because the parts to build something exist doesn't mean that you already have it.

>> No.2947562

This thread is going nowhere its time to resort to shitty scientist/engineering jokes that are only funny to one side.

Three hungry cannibals --- who were a chemist, a physicist and an engineer --- found a human thigh bone.

* The chemist licked it, and put it in water to try to dissolve it.
* The physicist tried to break it open to get at the marrow.
* The engineer took it, hit the other two over the head, and ate them.

>> No.2947564

mfw engine ears

>> No.2947570

so according to that engineers are best fit for survival.

>> No.2947582

I know engineers and scientist rely on each other to do their work and there has been a rivalry of sorts but on this board I notice engineers being referred to as stupid.

>> No.2947594

They figure out how to get shit done without being stuck in a mental box based on scientific discipline.

>> No.2947618


It's the difference between theory and application. People think the pinnacle of science is in the theoretical side of things whereas engineers are in the applied side of things.

>> No.2947641

A math and engineering convention was being held. On the train to the convention, there were both math majors and engineering majors. Each of the math majors had his/her own train ticket. But the Engineers had only ONE ticket for all of them. The math majors started laughing and snickering. The engineers ignored the laughter.

Then, one of the engineers said, "Here comes the conductor". All of the engineers piled into the bathroom. The math majors were puzzled. The conductor came aboard and collected tickets from all the math majors. He went to the bathroom, knocked on the door, and said, "Tickets Please". An engineer stuck their only ticket under the door. The conductor took the ticket and left. A few minutes later, the engineers emerged from the bathroom. The math majors felt really stupid.

On the way back from the convention, the group of math majors had ONE ticket for their group. They started snickering at the engineers, who had NO tickets amongst them.

When the engineer lookout shouted, "Conductor coming!", all the engineers again piled into a bathroom. All of the math majors went into another bathroom. Then, before the conductor came on board, one of the engineers left the bathroom, knocked on the other bathroom, and said, "Ticket please."

I'm waiting for a math or science guy to fire back. I love these jokes.

>> No.2947645


>> No.2947669

>I wouldn't say we dislike engineers so much as we have a friendly rivalry...

It's called jealousy.

I'd bet my ass that none of the losers that post engineer-hate and gay porn here even have one degree.

>> No.2947672

Except engineers (especially in graduate academia) deal with an awful lot of theory.

>> No.2947689

so cheese isn't made by cows (even though they make milk), but computers are designed by engineers (even though the standard architecture was designed by a mathematician).

very selective arguing.

the reason /sci/ despises engineers is their very poor grasp of logical reasoning.

>> No.2947705

We aren't as smart or mature as we like to think we are.

>> No.2947719


Why are engineers stupid? My brother studied EE and I can tell you it's far from easy and alot of math.

>> No.2947723

> he believes that analogy is correct
stay delusional

>> No.2947734


you forgott the main difference, while the engineers were in the bathroom, they jacked each other off, the mathfags didnt

>> No.2947739

Mathfags don't go to the bathroom at school. They go at home.

>> No.2947746

So the mathfag is a repulsive neckbeard

>> No.2947755
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>> No.2947786


so engineers are spineless assholes?

I thought it's easier to survive in a pack rather than alone.

>> No.2947792
File: 87 KB, 700x541, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face, not online, and see what happens.

>> No.2947795



>> No.2947801

>survive in a pack
Wrong pack. That example had 3, not one. Cannibals are not the "pack" in that example.

>> No.2947814

This question is easy to answer.

Engineers often think they have a top notch understanding of theory and brag about it.

>> No.2947820

>Why does /sci/ have so much dislike for engineers?

Because most /sci/ people who have an opinion one way or the other are undergrads and don't understand that at the pinnacle of both fields of study the overlap is huge.

>> No.2947835
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>Mfw I'm an engineer and I'm gay.

The /sci/ threads really make me laugh.

>> No.2947837

I don't hate engineers, but this is a good example of how they can be frustrating. The ideas behind computers were worked out by theoreticians long before anyone actually made a computer.

Average, relatively stupid people's understanding of scientific disciplines mostly stop with engineers. Engineers get paid pretty well, and use limited understanding of fully developed techniques to solve problems. Better engineers can solve slightly more novel versions of the problems. They get paid pretty well.

If you tell an average person that you are a computational theorist or a pure mathematician or something like that, they don't understand what that even means. If you explain it to them, they understand even less and get mad at you for basically implying that you are smarter than everyone else.

I once tried to explain the difference to my dad's dumb blond wife (not my mom) by saying that engineers were problem solvers and theoreticians were people who designed the tools used to solve the problems. She still didn't get it...

>> No.2947857

Those who can, teach. Those who can’t, become engineers.

Engineers are the faggots who usually back pseudoscientists. Why? Because engineers have more of a practical understanding than a true one.

>> No.2947868

Engineers also create any tool they need to solve a problem. That's how you know /sci/ is a bunch of high schoolers/undergraduates.

And if we're talking same degree level (say bachelor chemist vs bachelor engineer) can you say LAWL button pusher? That's all your average undergraduate scientist is, the bitch of an engineer.

And if we're talking PhD engineer vs PhD scientist? Guess what they both do a whole shitload of science AND engineering, both solving problems and both engineering whatever they need to find answers.

>> No.2947873

Butthurt engineer detected.

>> No.2947879

>true understanding

>> No.2947882

Butthurt future lab monkey detected.

>> No.2947898

> yfw I have a PhD and am a University professor.
Those who can, teach.

>> No.2947902

yfw you think I believe anything on 4chan. Cya I'm gonna go to lab.

>> No.2947925

At the end of the day it's us chemists who get laid.

>> No.2947935
File: 199 KB, 466x333, dbdhbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your brother is a fucking idiot. EE is fucking easy, it's just that he is dumb as fuck

>pic related, it's him or maybe you

>> No.2947946
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>he thinks people care he has a PhD

>mfw every monkey has a PhD these days

>> No.2947949

potential to get laid
medicine > biomedical > bio > chem > phys > math >>> CS
anyone who actually is in college or has been lately should be able te verify

>> No.2947962

even women can make a phd these days

>> No.2947999

Sure, in psychology while desperately trying to be relevant.

>> No.2948013
File: 34 KB, 640x427, PhD in Math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Ph.D. in what?

>> No.2948061

The reason why /sci/ hates on engineers is because there was a mass trolling thing going on one day where they bagged out engineers, and then the plague spread.
Truth is, Engineers are needed just as much as mathematicians and scientists.
Georg Simon Ohm was a mathamatician and has become one of the core figures of electrical engineering.
Speaking of electrical engineering, that requires A LOT of mathematics and your understanding of it has to be fucking good. As does mechanics and robotics.

>> No.2948098

im am actually trying to get into chem engineering so i can get into renewable energy/ alternative fuels.

Is this a bad idea?

>> No.2948131



>> No.2948137


>> No.2948145


stick with plain old chemistry: you might cause some explosions while you're at it

>>2947949 it's called playing doctor for a reason ;-), however those hippy biologists are to busy catching butterflies to get laid, so please just skip those in the sequence. What makes chemists the hottest exact scientists like stated ealier.

>> No.2948153

right on the money!

Don't do it. Alternative fuels (read ethanol) have a significantly less fuel density than gasoline. That is for ethanol from any source.

If you are talking about shit like fuel cells, thats a different story. Go for it. But if you want to try for ethanol and other dumb shit, forget it. Go into Chem. eng. for something else.

ethanol is going the way of the dodo; fuel cells are the way of the future

>> No.2948157

Engineers spend their nights buttplugging themselves while doing the rusty trombone with buttbuddies

>> No.2948172


It's not understanding math that they do, it's understanding symbol manipulation.

>> No.2948173

yea i know ethanol is a money pit. I was thinking more along the lines of fuel cells and other technologies.

>> No.2948174


> chemistry
> exact science


>> No.2948189

if he does chemistry he would be stuck with a whole bunch of diseased pre-med students.

>> No.2948196


I see you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.2948200

Scientists are mad because they dont make money and never get laid

Engineers on the other hand make big bank and have sex whenever they want

>> No.2948209


My girlfriend studies engineering, so...

>> No.2948211


> implying he hasn't.

I have never seen an engineer perform a rigorous proof for anything. You don't know what math is, that's the problem.

>> No.2948214

> implying a fifth of engineers aren't transferred math majors who realised 100% employment rate is much better than 60%

>> No.2948218


>my girlfriend

You see, only because your retarded bitch is too stupid to understand something doenst mean the rest is also too stupid

>> No.2948219


> math majors
> 60% employment rate

[citation needed]

>> No.2948221

Just because you haven't witnessed it in any of your courses doesn't mean it has never happened. At the graduate level, some branches of engineering are very proof oriented.

>> No.2948222

>"the discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of people."

>grubbing around in a lab all day and shouting at people about religion

>> No.2948224


you did just cite it

>> No.2948230


Here we go.

>> No.2948233 [DELETED] 


>> No.2948241


> implying you are a source

Where i live, tehre's only a bunch of mathematicians without work.

>> No.2948240


>> No.2948243


your mom is a source of stupid children

>> No.2948248
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"Scientists investigate that which already is; engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

>> No.2948256


Oh, so you don't have any arguments/evidence then?

Good to let me know i'm wasting my time with you.

>> No.2948259

>arguing with retards on 4chan

>> No.2948260

it's ok to just let the thread die, guys.

>> No.2948264



> What is the Unemployment rate of Mathematicians?

> Given the job environment today, Mathematicians can consider themselves quite lucky, as only 1.2% are currently unemployed.

u jelly?

Get out, faggot.

>> No.2948266


>> No.2948274


Y are you addressing me?
I am not the one you were talking to.
I am just some random troll insulting random idiots.

>> No.2948286


Oh, ok then.

Isn't this the wrong board for you?

>> No.2948289


explain please

>> No.2948293


Trolls and people randomly insulting people usually meet up on >>>/b/

>> No.2948302

>yfw when you realize a PhD in clinical psychology is more competitive than med school

>> No.2948310


>implying /sci/ is a serious board

>> No.2948323
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It actually is sometimes, but not on weekends/holidays.

>> No.2948357

Without engineers, the mathematicians and scientists would be dicking around with their astrolabes and pondering theoreticals, getting little if anything done.
"Say, it seems that, within certain constructs and situations, a slight alteration to the initial conditions results in vast differences as time goes on! How fascinating!"
"Yes, yes, but how can that benefit anyone?"

Without the mathematicians and scientists Engineers would sit around and think of creative ways to do the exact same shit they already do, likely wasting everyone's time and money.
"How can we make a better boat?"
"I dunno"
"is there anything we haven't tried?"
"more wood?"

>> No.2948363

As said before, nobody really hates engineers. It's just a forced meme the newfags picked up sometime around last summer.

>> No.2948400
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Engineers are applied scientists. There shouldn't be any hatred, just a kind of awe and deference to superior beings

>> No.2948434

New meme? The rift between pure science and engineering has been going for 2 centuries, one side being mean spirited to the other.

>> No.2948449

>>Without the mathematicians and scientists Engineers would sit around and think of creative ways to do the exact same shit they already do, likely wasting everyone's time and money.

this would still work you know, there's a lot more we can do with the amount of technology we currently have that hasn't been done yet

but yeah, development would start to slow, especially at the cutting edges, and eventually would stagnate

>> No.2948452

are you serious? nobody actually does this outside of /sci/ and maybe your high school's physics club while watching Big Bang Theory or something. it's at most a joke in the real world.

>> No.2948719

u just jellly, stop pretending

>> No.2948769
File: 483 KB, 1024x768, umadscifags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>development would start to slow, especially at the cutting edges, and eventually would stagnate

>Implying engineers haven't been at the forefront of pretty much every advancement in technology and science since forever

Sorry to break it to you buddy, but science is about studying what's already happened and then writing boring papers about it so a bunch of bearded old farts can peer review it. Engineering is invention and innovation, pushing the boundaries and then letting some lab rats fight over the data

>> No.2948778

any more pics like that?