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2947078 No.2947078 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think this time travel machine can work?


>> No.2947089

no. without even clicking the link i am certain.
i already logicaly proved time travel to be impossible. (paradox problems, go back in time and stop your past self using the time machine, then how did you stop yourself? etc)

>> No.2947104

> i already logicaly proved time travel to be impossible.

So time travel to the future is... impossible?
Damn, and me thinking everybody was travelling to the future at a rate of 1 second per second. Fuck, it seems I might be the only one.

>> No.2947111

Possible? Maybe. Survivable? Not as likely.

>> No.2947112

ha, good one.
no, i mean that going any faster or slower than 1 second per second is impossible.
and technically, you are travelling from the present to the present. you arn't actually ever in the future.

>> No.2947109

Perhaps time travel creates two timelines so the paradoxes don't conflict eachother? I don't think you can rule it out completely

>> No.2947143

Chronoton cascade reacting time-traveling silly-strings.

>> No.2947148

>going any faster or slower than 1 second per second is impossible
Special relativity would like a word with you.

>> No.2947167

>laugh causing gravity and causing space time distortion similar to a rotating black hole
the fuck am i reading

>> No.2947169

You're talking about relative observations, not time-travel.

>> No.2947175

Locally you're always going at 1 second per second.

>> No.2947181

Hey guys Imagine a square circle or a circle with internal angles of 180°.

can you do it?

NO! This proves that language can form impossible concepts. It proves that language and logic in no way has to relate to real life however real life observes logic. However we can not make logical predictions about things we have not observed in nature.

prove mathematically that time travel is impossible or GTFO!

>> No.2947187

You're going at 1 sec per sec locally when timetravelling as well, what's your point?

>> No.2947188

>people say time travel into future is impossible
>mfw they are fucking retarded and have never opened a physics textbook and realised that as they approach the speed of light they are travelling into the future

>> No.2947192

That exactly.

>> No.2947195 [DELETED] 

Insert singularity in the middle.

Other geometries achieved.

>> No.2947205

Insert singularity in the middle.

Other geometries achieved.

>> No.2947229


You're so far behind the fucking curve it pains me to read your drivel.

>>i already logically proved time travel to be impossible
>>i already watched some paradoxes in a cartoon but it's my own logic
>>im a hipster faggot that dun liek jeesus because i see the world correctly unlike the billions of other people on the planet

>> No.2947240
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>> No.2947244

Relativity still has the seconds of the observer, and the observed, both of which are progressing. Besides, if you're traveling so fast that one year passes on earth for every second that passes for you, you still have the little problem of stopping to deal with.

>> No.2947254

no religion on the planet has more than 50% of the populace as members. and all religions are different.
this means that the vast majority of the people on the planet MUST be WRONG about religion.
so a small minority is correct.
It just so happens that the atheists are correct and all of the religions have it wrong.
but only a small percentage of the human race are intelligent enough to figure this out.

Billions of people on the planet ARE wrong, deal with it.

>> No.2947280


A says The sky is made of stone.
B says The sky is made of glass
C says The sky is made of wood.
No majority agrees on one material so more then 50% MUST be WRONG.
so a minority is right. It's just that C is right.

Now please prove that thing with "no time travel possible" by using logic without using language flaws.

>> No.2947289

the majority IS wrong in that case, but none of them are right.

in the case of religion, atheists have it correct.

nothing else to say on the timetravel thing. might be possible if this guy is right, i guess. >>2947109

unlikely though, i think we'd have met peopel from the future by now if it were possible.

>> No.2947290

Except for the A-sky-ists that tell you the sky is made of gasses and space.

>> No.2947300

okay, you didnt get my point i guess.

Just because the majority is wrong does not imply that someone, a minority, is right. There could be another possibility nobody has thought of, so nobody would be right.

As for atheists, we are of the opinion that there is no rational basis for the believe in a skywizard. and about this we are right. Saying "there is no god" is as baseless though.

>> No.2947305

Depends. A lot of God-definitions are logically contradictory. So they just CAN'T exist, it's not a question of evidence and suspending judgment.

>> No.2947311

Watch the fucking video, please!

In it you will see that timetravel only works after the machine started to run, you cant go in the past but, theoretically, send messages in the past.

>> No.2947314

well for ALL of us to be wrong, the correct religion would have to be one which doesnt currently exist...
lol, i find this amusing. everyone is doing it wrong, nobody is living teh correct way, but there IS a god.

...maybe it could be one of the old gods like ra, people WERE doing it right long ago in the past, but now all true believers have died, and their descendants adopted different beliefs.
and we all go to hell...or whatever ra's version of hell is.

at least all the fucking christfags would still go to hell as well...ggod, i'd love to see the looks on their fucking faces when they meet Ra at the pearly gates, and are informed they are hellbound.

>> No.2947315


I think a deistic god is most probable. I don't see anything illogical about the Christian god per se, but I also don't think the almighty creator of the universe would be such a sloppy housekeeper.

>> No.2947319

I would tentatively agree with that, but you still assume that
A: logic is basically an immutable law of nature/reality,
B: our logical system is correct and
C: There cannot be another reality set for which our logic is invalid.

Those are quite big assumptions. But you are kinda right, even granting these points, they still provide no basis for faith.

>> No.2947323

It doesn't even work to begin with.

Did they build it last week? Have they sent messages back to last week?

This is why television shouldn't be used to educate.

>> No.2947328
File: 38 KB, 604x483, epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but paradoxes.
so the information would be from a different timeline, and so useless to us, except by massive coincidence...which isnt anymore helpful than making up bullshit prophecies about our own timeline from here, and them presuming them to be true.

ah yes, the whole "can an omniscient god find the omnipotence to change his future mind?" or something like that, same paradox as the time travel thing mentioned above.
also, god cant be benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent, becase this

...INB4 epicurus_onwed_by_/b/tard.jpg

>> No.2947331

still less probable than one not existing at all.
occams razor favours atheism.

>> No.2947332

You never really took a good look at the universe, have you?

It's VERY sloppy, about as sloppy as the floor in front of the chair a NEET sits on while surfing for porn.

>> No.2947333


you are a fucking faggot, please gtfo my board before i report you to the mods

>> No.2947334

the thread was formed around this video which implies the timetravelling rules of the machine in the video as a basis of this conversation. Saying we must have met some timetravellers by now or otherwise there is no timetrevelling is wrong

>> No.2947336

Only complete fucking idiots think that there are any God definitions that are logically contradictory.

Congratulations, you're a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.2947337


Your "paradox" is simple and Epicurus is a faggot.

Evil can exist under God's benevolent will.
Easily explainable by the idea that God has a plan for Evil too.

>> No.2947339



Oh wait. That button is useless. It's not like EK has been banned 293842 times and still comes back.

>> No.2947343
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>> No.2947347
File: 18 KB, 319x243, u-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody is upset.

>> No.2947353
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>believes in god

>> No.2947358


Depends on how you define God.

>> No.2947360
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>> No.2947363

Saying "time travel" is possible in any way without evidence is wrong.

Wrong as in: "You fucked a chicken? Dude, you are sooo wrong."

>> No.2947409

Uhm, care to elaborate?

Thats not how science works. He has a hypothesis, a model and falsifiable predictions. Let him test those and see what happens. Science learns by failure and only by failure.

>> No.2947427

>Let him test those and see what happens.

Then come back after.